//------------------------------// // How it goes // Story: Talons and Teeth // by Arkinstone //------------------------------// Here we are. This is it. Our legend begins! Before we continue onto greatness, I will explain how things work around here. Every single thing you do and choose effects the story, no action is insignificant. It is our ultimate goal to become a legend, a being who will be hailed throughout the ages! But how we are hailed is up to you. First, we must create our being! a creature that can strike our name into the history books. 1. What is our name? Something powerful! Something that truly screams our destiny! No ordinary name like Scales or Coal will do. Rizeth. A Queenly name for a Queenly dragoness. Freya. It reminds you of a goddess, but from where? Mistavi. A name that rolls off the tongue. Hygara. Not as smooth to say, but has a power behind it. None of these names do us justice! (Your choice) 2. A perfect name needs a perfect body, a form that will serve us well. Sadly perfect isn't real so we will make do. But we shall at least be rarer than the common whelps slithering in the Dragonlands! Fire - A quadruped with large lungs and blood-red scales. Horns curl around our ears and end in sharp points facing the way we look. Muscular and with high firepower, this aggressive type has the power to back it up, though maneuverability is poor. Pfft, who needs agility when you can just blast away all your problems! ((Base of + 10 Infamy, this type does not have the best reputation for some reason....)) Ice - A quadruped with narrow and pale blue scales. Horns that look like icicles and trail down the neck. Slim and speedy, this dragon was born to be flying in narrow spaces and diving in freezing waters, and with a lethal icy blast, none dares to challenge it in its home turf. Though speedy and agile, when it comes to tests of brute strength, this type does not have the muscle to back it up though they can do damage with their whip-like tail. ((Base of +5 Infamy. Whenever these elusive dragons are spotted, they are always silent and intimidating, true masters of the cold shoulder)) Earth - A two-legged dragon with massive wings instead of arms and emerald green scales. Horns that could better be described as dull nubs poking out. This dragon can outrace any living creature with its massive wing size but is far too fragile and lightweight to do large amounts of damage to a stronger enemy as long as they stay away from the iron-like club on its tail ((Base of +10 Honour. Being attuned to the earth and having an affinity for manipulating plant life, these dragons have the respect of Earth Ponies)) Shadow - A quadruped with narrow wings and dark scales. Horns that curve down towards the ear before coming back up. This dragon specializes in subtlety, the ability to blend into the night along with a toxic gas breath and a scorpion-like tail makes it a deadly foe, but when caught outside of their comfort zone without any of their many weapons, these dragons are fragile and have thinner scales than usual. ((No Base Infamy of Honour. These dragons have no reputation because they have never been seen, or those who have...well, they never got the chance to tell the story. 3. Now that our type has been chosen, we need to choose our size! Small. The size of an average pony. Faster but not as strong as we could be. Smallish. The size of Princess Celestia. A bit stronger than small. Medium. Almost as tall as Discord. Stronger then smallish, but more noticeable too. Big. Bigger than Discord. Very noticeable but very strong. Immune to average attacks HOLY SH-. Big as a house. There are few places that can hide you, but on the bright side, little can harm you either. 4. Now that we are a suitable size. We have the option of a special familiar. Familiars are rare and can help you in certain situations, just don't expect them to do everything for you. Because familiars have special magic that is tied to you, they will always be able to find where you are and know your intentions, they are far smarter than the average animals and they share your lifespan. Pheonix - A handsome bird that nets you +5 Honour! With a strong affinity to fire, this bird is the portable fireplace you always wished you had, also handy when you need to burn some evidence and you need a lookout. This bird can never die of old age, but be careful, this bird can still die if you are too reckless, especially if it comes into contact with water. It can burn enemies with ease and protect you well. Bat - A fluffy friend who makes the perfect spy +2 Infamy. This little one can find anything in pitch darkness and has perfect ears for eavesdropping. But your little biter has a high sensitivity to light, so unless you have time to specially train your little friend, I would suggest only using his talents at night. But thanks to being a familiar, it can learn a bit easier. Its sharp teeth can leave annoying bites, and its small and quick size makes it near impossible to catch Fox - A clever predator who can slink in and out of any establishment without being spotted +5 Infamy. This little carnivore is ideal for spy work and perfect for intimidation with those sharp teeth. Unfortunately, not many towns welcome foxes, seeing as they eat meat and all, so suspicion rises wherever you go. A true predator, handy in a fight. Tamarin Monkey - A cute thing that immediately gains the trust of animal loves +2 Honour. With little hands and thick red fur, this creature can grab items easily AND stay warm wherever you go. A sweet companion, but be warned, not the best at defending themselves or anyone else. And our form is complete! When children thousands of years in the future think of our greatness, this is what they will see. Let our legend begin!