Our Responsibility

by ultspideyfan

Deceptive Little Spider

If one were to look at the trio above them, they would notice Spider-Mane seemed to fall back a little. For Trixie and Venom, they didn't seem to notice. Peter had agreed to this whole team thing, but the way he was acting was off.

"How am I going to follow my lead with my friends on my back? If Trixie found out who I'm up against she would flip!" Peter's Spider-Sense kicks in. The danger was coming from his right.

"My Spider-Sense kicked in. Follow me!" Peter begins leading his friends to the source.

"If they are the ones from before then I'll have to play dumb. Can't let them get too involved with this."

A group of stallions, all wearing purple and grey jumpsuits with vests, were busily loading crates into a van. Peter knew who these ponies worked for, and sadly, so did Eddie.

"Woah these guys work for Fisk!" Eddie says.

"Who's Fisk?" Venom asked out loud. Trixie gives Peter a look, but he gave no indication that he knew who Fisk was.

"Fisk is the biggest crime boss since Tombstone! He gets away with a lot of illegal business," Eddie then forces his head out of Venom's side, "what are you doing picking fights with Fisk?" He asks Peter.

"That's who they work for? I had no idea. I just sensed danger and tried stopping it."

"Mhm." Eddie says as he goes back into the symbiote. He didn't buy any of what Peter was saying.

"Then what are they doing that gives us the right to stop em?" Trixie asks.

"That's what we're here to find out." Peter says before hopping into action. Trixie and Venom follow after him.

The stallions were all easily dispatched of and left in a web ball. Peter begins looking into one of the crates. Nothing, but metal pieces. This puzzles him. He picks one of the pieces up. After thorough examinations he turns to his friends.

"Hey Trixie; what does this look like to you?" Trixie stares at the piece, her brow furrowed under the helmet.

"Looks like a battery of some sorts."

"What would Fisk need a battery for?" Venom asks.

Peter looks over the battery one more time. No name of the maker. He looks at the crate. He moves the crate around looking for a brand name and there it was.

Osborne Industries.