//------------------------------// // Chapter one: Coffee and Rumps // Story: The Maid of Chaos // by Foal Star //------------------------------// Dustershy was quite nervous about leaving Celestia's room going over in her mind on how to keep ponies from knowing she was once Discord. She couldn't allow rumors to spread about how the great lord of chaos has been reduced to a simple maid? She would never be able to show her face in public again if this got out! The mare stood there quivering like a leaf unsure of what to do and hoping she could just stay in Celestia's chambers all day. "Oh come on, there's no reason to be shy," Celestia responded in a reassuring tone as she noticed that Dustershy was quite reluctant to leave the room. Dustershy's face grew a beat red as she slowly realized that Celestia's enchantments were making her act all nervous just like Fluttershy! The maid stomped a hoof on the ground in anger and snapped. "I'm assuming you made me act like Fluttershy too!" "Well, of course, I did. I think her nervous disposition suits you well." Celestia snickered, seeing how cute Discord was acting. The young mare got so angry and held her breath until her face turned a deep blue as she wanted to scream and shout at Celestia, but she let it out in a meek. "Eep!" Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at her new maid being cute despite not trying to be and continued, "Come on, stop being so adorable we have some cooking to do." The maid was still feeling nervous and didn't want to leave Celestia's chambers, but something compelled her to leave, and she slowly walked out into the halls of the palace. The maid lowered her head down as she slowly trotted through the halls, still being embarrassed about the new body and the embarrassing maid's uniform she had to wear. Dustershy continued to walk through the castle halls casually unable to stop the swinging of her rump which swayed from side to side on its own. The mare squeaked hearing guards and other castle staff snickering behind her back . It was quite humiliating for the former of lord of chaos and the meek maid wanted to show them she was not concerned with what they thought of her. The maid flipped her head up high and with a "hmmph!" She strolled off and did her best to ignore the rude castle staff and instead thought of ways to get back at them when she had a better idea of the extent of how much of her chaos magic she could use. The maid simply continued to follow the princess of the sun through the castle, being more subconscious of her swinging rump, and they slowly entered that palace's kitchen. "I got these after seeing some pictures. Twilight showed me of Spike in his adorable apron. Come on you should try one on. "Celestia commented as she got out some pink aprons with hearts embroidered in the middle of the fabric. "Seriously? they look like something Cadance pooped out after her wedding. "Dustershy muttered, but subconsciously she went about and tied the pink apron around her midriff anyways as if her hooves were moving by themselves. Celestia just smirked, watching Dustershy struggle without magic and lit her own horn to tie the tie strings around the maid's back. "Thank you, princess, how can I ever repay you?" Dustershy grumbled sarcastically kind of hoping she could've just dropped the apron, and Celestia would somehow forget about it. "You can start by making the eggs; Luna likes her scrambled." The princess of the sun chirped as she got out a bunch of cooking supplies and gave Dustershy a carton of eggs. The two got to work as Celestia prepped the batter, mixing flour, sugar, and water for the pancakes while Dustershy went about and cooked up some perfect scrambled eggs on the stove and prepped the toast in a toaster. Celesta used her magic to pick up the carton and groaned, seeing all the eggs were gone. "Oh dear, are we out of eggs?" The princess was soon startled by a strange "ba bawk!" sound. Celestia was quite astonished and turned to see that Dustershy had laid some eggs out of her butt. "Oops seems my chaos magic works if it's required for my duties." Dustershy snickered hoofing them over to Celestia, who cautiously took the eggs with her magic. After using some spells to inspect the eggs of any enchantments, she mumbled under her breath, "well, I don't think he can do much as a maid as long as it doesn't violate the contract I wrote." Celestia then broke them and mixed the eggs into the batter. She then went about pouring the batter onto a pan and went about cooking the pancakes. Dustershy then set the dining table by throwing placing plates, utensils, and cups on it like frisbees, and all the dishes seemed to set up correctly for two princesses. She even went about taking a pot of coffee and a porcelain teapot and placed them in the middle of the table. The maid squeaked in surprise as her ears shot up, and the toast popped out of them as well and landed on the plates. Celestia watched looking over her shoulder with a smile seeing how cute and practical Dustershy was using her chaos magic and complimented the maid. "There you go, that's how you should use your chaos magic all the time." "Only in your dreams, princess sun butt now is moon butt is coming down, or should I go get her?" Dustershy replied in a snarky tone, not letting Celestia pester her without a fight. "Who is calling me moon butt?" Luna yawned as she slowly walked into the kitchen the princess was quite tired with bags under her eyes and her she had to squint at Dustershy looking her over with a tired look trying to figure out who this maid was and mumbled, "I don't remember having this maid be in our services?" Celestia smirked as she saw an opportunity to embarrass Discord a little more and raised a hoof. "Dustershy? Where are your manners, please present your adorable self to princess Luna properly." The maid didn't want to and tried to resist. Still, her body seemed to move on its own again, and she slowly performed a curtsey pulling her dress out and bowed her head and grumbled, "My name is Dustershy. I was once Discord before Celestia had me sign a contract that turned me into a maid." Luna was first surprised, shaking her head, making sure she was awake, then the princess looked over Dustershy and saw that light brown coat looked similar to Discord's and those odd yellow eyes despite her irises being a dull dark brown. However, the maid's demeanor had the princess instantly recognize the lord of chaos as the maid. When this realization came to Luna, she burst out into laughter and exclaimed, "oh, dear sister! You took up Discord's offer to clean up literally!" The princess of the night came over and hugged Dustershy, wrapping the maid in her wings, who squeaked at the sudden gesture as Luna cooed, "nevertheless, I welcome you to the castle staff." Dustershy stood there, blushing both being embarrassed and secretly of liking the hug. Celestia coughed trying to get her sister's attention and whispered, "um...Luna, you're doing it again." "I always give our new staff members hugs. What's wrong with that?" Luna scoffed at her older sister, and as she broke away from her hug, she slowly walked her way to the table to sit down as Celestia served Luna fresh plate pancakes and poured her sister a cup of tea. The princess then slowly and methodically began to eat as she looked quite exhausted. "Rough night?" Celestia asked in a concerned one as she was worried about last night's events with Discord's vines taking them hostage "A lot of nightmares due to what happened with our disappearance, but nothing I can't handle." Luna yawned out, trying to act as if she's okay and continued to eat her meal. The princess of the night continued to gorge on her food without pause as Dustershy continued taking out her empty dishes and went about replacing them with another as Luna seemed tired and needed the nourishment. "So how about after you eat I escort you to bed?" Dustershy asked in a worried tone being a bit concerned about Luna's well being for some odd reason. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm not a helpless foal. I'll be fine," Luna responded with a blush on her face feeling a bit patronized. "Oh, but I insist! It's apart of my duties to attend to the needs of both princesses." Dustershy cooed in a sweet tone making her eyelashes flutter, trying to act overly innocent. Despite having a feeling that Discord had other intentions other than helping her, Luna still pondered the idea as she didn't want to be alone right now...as being kidnapped by those vines and reliving some nightmares regarding the return of Nightmare Moon. She shivered still being scared of herself and what she's capable of doing turning evil again and continued to chew on her pancakes and mumbled under her breath. "I guess it doesn't sound like a bad idea…" Celestia could see her sister was feeling anxious and scared as she came overand hugged Luna wrapping her hooves around her sister's torso, and nuzzled the back of her sister's neck. "Go on; you should get some sleep." Luna nuzzled back under her sister's chin, and she let her hold it for a few moments before whispering in a more relaxed tone, "Okay, sis." The mare slowly got up as she heard her stomach gurgle and groaned, "Ugh sis? what did you put in those pancakes I feel so bloated?" Celestia looked Luna over and saw that her sister's rump looked a little more rounded out and simply scoffed, "Oh, your rump is fine, I'm sure you're just feeling exhausted." "You sure? I feel as if my butt grew bigger, I swear!" The princess of the night cried out, turning around to look at her rump seeing it did look more plump bulging outward with her tail poofed out over her butt. Luna shook it about making both Dustershy and Celestia both blushed seeing Luna's backside was quite thick and plump with it bouncing about. Luna saw their surprised expressions, and she was now quite angry and snapped, "it is bigger! I know my rump, dear sister, and mine is nowhere as fat as yours!" "Oh, Luna, you're overreacting. It's only a little thicker than usual, now go on and get some rest." Celestia responded trying to calm Luna down and she then turned to Dustershy. "Can you be a dear, and escort my adorable sister to her chambers?" The princess of the night was still feeling a bit embarrassed but allowed Dustershy to escort Luna down the hall. They continued onward as the guards standing about blushed and turned away as the princess of the night came by. Luna looked behind her again to see her rump was looking bigger and bulbous than usual, still unsure if Celestia was pulling a prank and wondered if she enchanted those pancakes or maybe she should hit the royal gym more? Dustershy was trying to hold back laughter behind a hoof as she was the one who secretly spiked the princess's breakfast with chaos magic. The walk was quite long and embarrassing for Luna, who just felt as if everypony's gaze was on her butt and being more self-conscious about her weight along with the lack of sleep, making the princess want to get to her room even sooner. It didn't take long until they came to Luna's bedroom, and Dustershy went about helping the tired alicorn climb into bed and pulled the covers over the princess of the night. Luna looked over Dustershy, seeing how cute the mare was in that maid's outfit. Being quite exhausted and not wanting to be alone at the moment she seemed to be unaware of her fascination with this new maid she gave Dustershy a warm smile and whispered, "wow you are adorable...I...I don't know why, but I would love to snuggle with you before I go to sleep." "As you..c..command." Distershy squealed despite not wanting to at all! But it was if like before her body moved on its own as she climbed into bed. Luna's was quite surprised who did no expect Discord to head such a command. The princess shrugged and hugged the maid close to her chest, wrapping her hooves and wings around the little pony's body and cooed softly. "Oh, your so soft and fluffy, and your mane smells like hot chocolate." "W...well, I do like chocolate…" Dustershy squeaked out with her face turning a beat red feeling quite uncomfortable being snuggled like a doll. "Oh, look at you being all adorable and squirmy. Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Luna asked as she held the maid closer, feeling so safe and secure with another pony trying to forget the nightmares she saw the previous night. "Yes...yes, of course, princess!" Dustershy squeaked out, trying to say no, but for some reason, she was compelled to say yes! Luna squealed out nuzzled into the maid, rubbing her nose into the mare's mane and allowing the aroma of hot chocolate to wharf up through her nostrils. The mare slowly went to sleep as Dustershy went limp in her hooves and looked up at the ceiling decorated in stars and moons. She waited until she could hear Luna snoring and slowly got out of the bed and growled, "alright, my turn, if you want to cuddle something much, why not your sister." She first took out a long white body pillow with Celestia printed on it, showing her in a seductive pose with her light rainbow colored tail trailing around her rump and crotch area. Dustershy then shoved the long pillow through Luna's hooves then stood over the princess with a smirk on her face seeing the princess of the night snuggle it and rubbing the pillow with her hooves. "Hmm, I think I can have a little more fun!" Dustershy laughed out loud as she wanted to see what else she can do with her chaos magic in this body. She first took the blanket from Luna's body, balled it up, and threw it aside as she took out some yellow striped socks and slowly slid them over each of the mare's hooves. The mischievous maid then took out a sleeper that looked like Celestia with her sister's cutie mark printed on each side of the rump area with a zipper running down the middle of it. Dustershy went about slipping Luna in it and zipping it up around the princess's body and putting the hood of the sleeper's hood over her sister's head. It looked like Celestia with the purple eyes and a long light rainbow mane coming out from it. The maid finished her prank by taking out a blanket with Celestia. It was bright pink with the princess hugging a sun as she placed it over Luna's body. Discord took a camera out and snapped a few pictures of Luna snuggling the body pillow and snickered out loud. "There all snuggled up little miss sun butt sweet dreams." She then looked around the room and wondered what else she could do before leaving. The mare gasped seeing Luna's journal on the princess's desk she slowly trotted over and turned a page and began to read it. Dustershy gasped as she how much Luna admires a few of her night guards and plans to court some and giggled thinking off all the fun ways she can try to set Luna up with her lovers and snickered, "Hehe...I wonder if any of her suitors like big butts." He then took out a scroll and wrote down the names of some of the night guards and whispered under her breath, "I can have fun with this later." " Now, I'm going to go polish your stupid thrones." Dustershy chirped with a smile on her face seeing her chaos magic can still be used in all kinds of mischievous ways as she skipped out of Luna's room. A few minutes of skipping through the halls of Canterlot palace, Dustershy found herself polishing the thrones of both Celestia and Luna. She had no idea that her shaking rump was being watched by the guards standing at attention in the grand hall. turned around with a glare at the guards and snapped. "Can you stop staring at my rump!?" One guard chuckled, seeing Dustershy being cuter and responded in a mocking tone. "Like we have to listen to you, Discord, or should I say Dustershy." "Oh, look her getting all flustered. It's so cute!" Another guard jeered out loud. "Seriously, though, that outfit looks great on you. Maybe shake your rump some more." "Do I hear guards making fun of the maids again?" Celestia responded in a condescending tone as she came around the corner with a cocked eyebrow. "What no!" The guards all shouted, and their eyes went wide-eyed, and some started to shake nervously as they knew the princess had a tendency to embarrass them in front of the maids if they act out. "Dustershy, I'll allow you to dress these guards into some new uniforms to teach them a lesson in common decency," Celestia responded with a smirk on her face feeling like embarrassing her guards a little will teach them a lesson in respect. Discord snickered as her horn lit up, and all the armor of the guards had on instantly morphed into french style black dresses with poofy bubble sleeves, with frilly white aprons tied around their bellies while their helmets turned into big white bows in their manes. The armor on their legs turned into white socks that came over their knee caps with black shoes on each leg. The princess snickered, watching her guards shuffle about in their maid uniforms with their faces growing a bright pink and continued, "Very nice Dustershy now if they give you any more trouble you can do even more to them if you wish." "There's no need. We learned our lesson!" The guards all snapped in unison with a nervous quiver hinted in their response. "Good, now Dustershy can you be a dear and stay by my side while I hold court?" Celestia asked in a more lively tone wanting to secretly see what else Discord can do to entertain her while she endured a dreary day of talking and paperwork. "Of course princess Celestia." Dustershy chirped out as she stood next to the princess with a coy smile watching the guards doing their best to remain at attention in their new uniforms. All the while Celestia was drinking a cup of coffee he made earlier without realizing it the alicorn's cutie mark turned into three sun-shaped balloons with strings attached to them looking like balloons and her mane poofed out in a giant frazzled mess. The alicorn began bouncing up and down in excitement as she saw Mayor Mare enter her court. The mayor looking at the guards wearing maid uniforms with an odd look as she made her way to the thrones and looked upon the princess of the sun with her frazzled mane. The princess's oddly shaped cutie mark and her overly cheerful expression chirp out excitedly, "oh hello, my name is Celestia, how are you doing!" "Pr...princess Celestia! Why are your guards dressed as maid! And why do you look like Pinkie Pie?!" The mayor shouted in a worried tone seeing how odd Celestia was acting. "I don't know, but I'm feeling more excited than usual, please tell me what you need!?" The princess exclaimed, bouncing up and down on her throne. "Uh...y...yes, I'm here to discuss the number of bits the damages to Ponyville." The mayor stammered, still unsure of what to do, considering the princess was not acting normal. "Oh, that's all? I already allocated funds! Here's a list of everything you need and a check for the bits!" Celestia exclaimed, taking the paperwork and hoofing them over to the mayor. The mayor herself turned to the maid with her eyebrows raised and trying to see if the maid knew what was going on with Celestia. Dustershy simply waved a hoof and casually responded, "She just had her coffee, it might be a while before the caffeine settles down in her system." "Are you sure!? I've had dealings with the princess before, and she's never behaved or looked like this before. It's as she's infected with Pinkie Pie's personality." Celestia sipped her coffee as her mane started to turn a bright pink and scoffed, "please! Pinkie Pie doesn't live here!? Besides, she should be setting up a super-duper party last night." "She is a matter of fact, and she even asked if you would like to attend?" The mayor responded curtly, now just wanting to wrap this up and leave. "Well, you can put my sister and me on the guest list. Also, be sure there's lots of yummy cake!" Celestia exclaimed while slurping down the rest of her coffee. "P...princess! Your coat! It's turning pink!" Mayor Mare shouted in a concerned manner as Celestia herself looked over a new light pink coat and shrugged, seeming not even to be worried and responded with a simple, "Eh, it'll go back to white eventually." "Princess, stop drinking that coffee; it's clearly enchanted!" Mayor Mare shouted, rushing over to snatch the cup away from the princess. "It's not enchanted here taste it yourself!" Dustershy simply took a disposable cup coffee with a cover on it and slipped the cup into Mayor Mare's mouth. The mare gulped it down like a foal to a bottle of formula as her mane poofed and became stripped with rainbow colors, not unlike that of a clown as a big red rubber nose grew over her muzzle. "Oh! No! This coffee is amazing if it's enchanted. It's only been graced with the power of vigor!" mayor mare shouted out loud. The mayor then took out a list from her mane and read it over. "Oh, so many things we need to do for "Twilight saves Equestria from Discord party!" "Oh, if you need more things, why not take a thousand bits out of my account for it! I want this to be the most super-duper party ever!" Celestia proclaimed, throwing her hooves in the air, spouting confetti from literally nowhere. "Yeah, we need a roller coaster, a circus tent! Party games! I'll have every apple pony in Equestria make cider!" Mayor Mare proclaimed as she began riding around on a unicycle and juggling bowling pins at the same time. "Oh, yes! Don't forget cotton candy, bonbons! Ice cream ! And of course funnel cake!" Celestia squealed out, drinking more coffee and now chewing down on a pink frosted cake that seemed to have materialized from thin air. "Oh! We should hire a band or two find the best singers in Equestria!" Mayor Mare continued as she began to now threw flaming torches in the air. Dustershy laughed, stepping back, watching the two plan out this rather significant and expensive party and acting insanely over the top. "Oh, this is going to be more fun than I originally thought." "Oh, I gotta go pee! Go take that list and go buy whatever you want this party shall be planned at any expense!" Princess Celestia shouted in a hurried but still cheerful tone as she bounced off to the bathroom, still munching on her cake as leaving a rather large mess. "I'll get on it right away, princess!" Mayor Mare exclaimed in her overexcited tone as she rolled off on her unicycle squeaking along while juggling roaring chainsaws by the still quite embarrassed guards in their cute maid outfits. As the princess went to use the bathroom and Mayor Mare rode off to plan the party, Dustershy decided to go to the kitchen, wanting to start getting things cleaned up. However, she saw it was quite a disaster with dishes piled on high, the stove had batter all over it, not including the table filled with crumbs and all sorts of stains. The castle was a mess with cake crumbs and pink icing staining the throne she just polished, not including the coffee stains. "It'll take me forever to clean everything by myself!" Dustershy whined she then turned to the guards in maid uniforms, and an idea slowly came into her mind. She took out a pot of tea with a few cups on a silver tray and seductively walked towards them. They all gazed at the maid blushing and feeling attracted to her despite knowing she was once Discord. The mare took the teapot and poured each guard a cup and lifted one to the first pegasus. "Here, you look thirsty." "Wh-n-no! I'm good I do-" before he could continue, Dustershy placed the teacup in his mouth and made him sip it. He moaned, having never tasted something so good. The other guards all seemed to be surprised as well as she went about placing the cup under their lips and having them each have their cup of tea. Dustershy smirked as she watched as the guards drank down every drop. They groaned as their bodies morphed their muscles, turning into fat and having it all going down to their rumps, bloating them up a bit. The rest of their bodies slimmed out, as their cutie marks turned to brooms, mops and feather dusters. Their faces became more round, and their eyelashes grew out along with their manes. They seemed to have this odd gleam in their eyes as they looked up with fake smiles printed on their faces with their uniforms now perfectly draped over their transformed bodies. Dustershy stood in front of them and slammed a hoof down as she proclaimed. "Now, I'm head maid Dustershy, and you will do as I say...but if you happen object to any of my orders let me know." "Yes, mam!" the maids all exclaimed in a robotic tone in unison. "Good now, the kitchen needs to be cleaned; this floor also needs to be swept and mopped. I'll be checking, and if I see even a speck of dust, you'll be scrubbing all the toilets in the palace, am I clear?" "Yes, madam Dustershy." the maids all replied again in their almost robotic tone. The maid smirked, loving the sound of "madam Dustershy" continued to order them. "Good, you shall refer to me as "madam Dustershy" for now on...if thats okay with you?" "Yes, madam Dustershy." The maids all responded again in their robotic tone, and Dustershy got angry, wanting to get these new maids to work and snapped, "Now stop standing around and get to work....please if you want to?" The maids all headed off to do their duties as Dustershy sat back on her chair, sipping a cup of hot cocoa. "This is more like it! I wouldn't mind being a head maid a little longer."