Truth or Dare

by Zontan

Truth or Dare

The party was winding down. It hadn’t been a large or extravagant gathering, just a chance for close friends to get together, eat some food, and have some fun. The large dining table was strewn with discarded plates and empty cups, nopony quite willing to get up from the post-dinner haze to clean up just yet.

The conversation had hit a momentary lull, ponies content with full bellies and glasses of wine. It was into this lull that Rainbow spoke. “Y’know what we should do?” she announced. “Truth or dare.”

Rarity was the first to look up from her drink—she had been claiming it as her third for most of the night, despite the evidence to the contrary. “Don’t you think we’re a little old for that?”

Rainbow scoffed. “Course not. C’mon, it’ll be fun!” She looked around at the others gathered in the hall. Fluttershy was draped over the edge of her chair, head pillowed in her hooves on the table, eyes closed. Applejack was similarly out of it, hooves on her full belly and hat placed over her face. Pinkie Pie was still eating, because there was still food on the table, but had looked up at Rainbow’s suggestion. She was looking at Twilight, who was considering the glass held in her magic.

“I don’t know,” Twilight finally said. “I’ve never played truth or dare before. It wasn’t really a thing at Celestia’s school. We were too focused on our studies.”

Rainbow Dash gasped and waved a hoof theatrically. “Never? Well, now we have to play. C’mon, I’ll start. Ask me truth or dare. Go on.”

Twilight hesitated, but then gave a slight shrug of why not? “Truth or dare?”

“Dare!” Rainbow responded immediately, watching expectantly.

Twilight blinked. “Uh. Hold on.” She frowned in thought, as Rainbow tapped a hoof impatiently. “How about… I dare you to read a whole book. That isn’t Daring Do. All the way to the end.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened in horror, before she quickly replaced it with annoyance. “Oh, c’mon! That’s the lamest dare ever!”

Twilight hmphed. “I understand the rules to allow any dare I want, don’t they? And that’s what I picked.”

Rainbow groaned and collapsed to her chair, defeated. “Ugh, fine. I’ll read a book. But I can’t do it in the middle of the game. And I will get you back for this.”

Twilight giggled. “I believe you have to pick someone who isn’t me,” she pointed out. “That’s how the game works.”

“For someone who’s never played before, you certainly seem to be well versed on the rules,” Rarity cut in, her voice dry.

Twilight flushed. “I, uh, just read it in a book once. I like books. That’s all.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “Riiiight.” Then she turned. “Rarity! Truth or dare?”

Rarity hmmed. “Truth, I think.”

Rainbow considered for only a moment. “What’s the most underhoofed thing you ever did? And trying to steal from that dragon doesn’t count.”

Rarity huffed. “I would never!” she protested. “The very idea!” But she didn’t meet Rainbow’s eyes when she said it.

Rainbow crossed her legs, triumphant. “I don’t need Egghead to point out that lying is definitely against the rules.”

Rarity held out for only a moment. Then, she sighed. “Very well.” She took a moment to compose herself before she began. “When I was first establishing my shop in Canterlot, it was imperative that the opening be a success. Just being successful in Ponyville wasn’t enough to be noticed. As such, having the newest Princess as the centerpiece of my opening was only one of the strategies I employed.” She nodded to Twilight. “But it wouldn’t have mattered if no one had shown up to see you wearing the new line. So I… made sure they did. A few bribes here and there, some promises for exclusives, that kind of thing. Most of it wasn’t too bad. But about two weeks before the opening, I learned that there was another event the same weekend. A museum display of crown jewels from Saddle Arabia. I couldn’t have that hogging my spotlight.”

Twilight leaned forward. “Oh, no… what did you do?” she asked, half horrified and half terribly intrigued.

“Nothing permanent,” Rarity insisted hastily. “I snuck in and vandalized the display a few nights beforehand. They had to delay the opening a week while they got it sorted out. And I got a dozen press contacts whose conflicts miraculously cleared up at the last minute. No one ever suspected me.”

Rainbow Dash burst out laughing. “Oh man, that is awesome!”

Twilight frowned. “Rarity, that was a crime. You trespassed, at the very least, and probably some other stuff too.”

Rarity smiled, and fluttered her eyelashes at Twilight. “Oh? Are you going to have to arrest me, my Princess?”

Twilight blushed. “Well, uh… I suppose I don’t really have any proof, and if nopony was hurt, I guess it’s… fine.”

Rarity brought a hoof to her forehead, dramatically wiping away imaginary sweat from her brow. “Free to continue my life of crime, thank Celestia.” She smirked. “Applejack! Truth or dare?”

Applejack tipped her hat up with one hoof. “‘M not playing. Pick somepony else.”

Rarity pouted. “Oh, come now, that’s no fun. I’ve already admitted my crimes to a Princess, how bad could yours be?”

Applejack glared for a moment, then sighed theatrically. “Fine. Truth, then.”

Rarity hmmed. “What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told?”

Applejack hmphed. “I ain’t never told you this story? The time I got caught up in a lie so big, it nearly lost us the whole farm?” she asked, looking around to see a series of shaking heads. “Alright, I suppose y’all might as well know. It all started when Big Mac and I were getting some blight spray from Filthy Rich…”

By the end of the story, Rainbow Dash was practically in tears, Pinkie Pie was all giggles, and even Twilight and Rarity were trying very hard to cover their smiles. Applejack took a final look around, and concluded, “And now y’all know why honesty’s so important to me.”

“I can’t believe I’ve never heard this story before,” Rarity murmured, snickering.

“I can’t believe Granny bought it!” Rainbow added. “Apple blight in ponies! Hah!”

Applejack pushed her hat down to cover her eyes. “Well, I don’t much like tellin’ it, the hospital didn’t want it to be too public neither, and Granny Smith made it darned clear to Filthy Rich he should forget the whole thing if he knew what was good for him. Story didn’t get too far, ‘specially since nopony believed it.”

“Well, I’m glad you told us,” Twilight said. “It’s a part of what made you who you are, and even if it’s a bit embarrassing, that’s special.”

“Now, don’t go makin’ it out to be more than it is,” Applejack muttered, but her smile betrayed that she liked the interpretation. She glanced to Fluttershy, still asleep on the table, and then added, “Guess that means Pinkie’s the only one left. Truth or dare?”

Pinkie tilted her head, thinking for a moment. “Well, you all keep picking truth, so I guess I’ll say dare.”

“Truth is safer,” Applejack remarked confidently, before rubbing her chin with one hoof. “Can’t say I have a dare for you ready, though.” She glanced across the table. “Any ideas?”

“Just think of something she wouldn’t normally do,” Twilight suggested, “And dare her to do that.”

Applejack blinked. “This is Pinkie Pie we’re talking about. I don’t think there’s anything she wouldn’t normally do. ‘Cept maybe make somepony cry, and that just seems mean.”

Rainbow grinned. “Do it! The most un-Pinkie thing ever.”

Applejack opened her mouth to object, paused, and then her own smirk grew. “Pinkie, I dare you to make Rainbow cry.”

Pinkie’s face fell. “Do I have to?” she pleaded.

Rainbow raised a hoof, “Hey, I didn’t mean—” she began, and then paused, crossing her arms and picking a different tack. “You aren’t supposed to give impossible dares, Applejack.”

Applejack chuckled. “I’d say you asked for it, Rainbow. And I don’t think it’s so impossible.” She waved a hoof at Pinkie. “Go on, then.”

Pinkie turned to Rainbow. “This is going to hurt me as much as it hurts you.” She took a deep breath, and before Rainbow could reply, she launched into it. “Nopony really likes you. You’re abrasive, arrogant, and rude. Ponies tolerate you solely because you’re occasionally useful, and because they’re generally too nice to say anything about it. You ended up as part of our group because you were hotheaded enough to challenge Nightmare Moon with no plan, and we were too nice to let you go alone and get yourself killed. Since then, you’ve made Fluttershy cry with your pranks—despite professing to care for her and knowing how she was bullied as a filly. You nearly killed Applejack over a stupid race that nopony cares about, you forced us to endanger our lives and others just to teach you a lesson about your ego, and you became a Wonderbolt purely out of nepotism from multiple princesses. You nearly killed the pet you were trying to save from a natural process because you couldn’t deal with not having your own way, and you caused massive property damage on multiple occasions, but didn’t get into any trouble over it because you’re an Element. In short, you don’t deserve anything you have, and your impression of how awesome you are makes everypony you meet want to slap you.”

There was a moment of horrified silence from the room. Then Rainbow sniffed, hastily wiping a hoof across her face, and Pinkie broke.

In an instant, she was across the table and had Rainbow wrapped up in a hug, and she was bawling so hard it made it impossible to tell if any further sobs came from Rainbow. “I’m sorry!” she announced. “I didn’t mean any of it, it’s not true, please don’t hate me.”

“Holy horseapples,” Applejack whispered.

“Oh my,” Rarity agreed. “That was… something.”

“Pinkie?” a bleary voice asked, as Fluttershy stirred, looking at the two crying mares in confusion. “What happened? Is everything alright?”

Pinkie was too busy blubbering apologies to Rainbow Dash to answer, and Applejack sank down into her seat. Twilight was the one who spoke up. “We, uh… we were just playing truth or dare, and it got a little out of hoof,” she admitted. “Everything’s fine. We’re done now, anyway.”

Rarity and Applejack were quick to nod agreement.

“No!” Rainbow pulled her head out from Pinkie’s embrace, her face flushed and her eyes red. “It’s fine. We don’t have to stop. I didn’t mean to ruin the game for everypony.”

“Rainbow, you’re upset—” Twilight began.

“Yeah, sure I’m upset!” Rainbow interrupted her. “But I still haven’t gotten Twilight back, or AJ, and Fluttershy hasn’t had a turn or anything.” She took a breath, and continued, quietly, “Look, I know I’m not the easiest pony to get along with, and sometimes I’m afraid everything Pinkie said is true. But it’s not, right?” She looked around, to various murmurs of agreement. “I know I’ve fucked up a bunch, and you guys stuck with me anyway. That’s what you should get out of this, not that Pinkie said some mean stuff and everypony got sad. This was my suggestion and I don’t want it to end like this and have you all think it’s a bad game and never play it again.”

“Are you sure, Dash?” Rarity murmured, her gaze full of concern.

“Yeah I’m sure. Applejack’s right, I did kinda ask for it.” She looked down and ruffled one hoof through Pinkie’s mane. “Not mad, see? Apology accepted. Just part of the game.”

Pinkie sniffed, nodding into Rainbow’s chest, but didn’t let go.

Sheepishly, Rainbow muttered, “Pinkie, it’s your turn to ask somepony.”

Pinkie said something, muffled by Rainbow’s fur.


“I said, Fluttershy, truth or dare,” Pinkie mumbled, turning her head just enough to not be talking directly into Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy looked around, her gaze still sleepy and confused, but soon it landed on Rainbow’s determined face and she murmured, “Truth.”

“What’s the nicest thing you can think of about Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie immediately asked through her tears, before burying her muzzle in Rainbow’s fluff again.

“Um, that’s not…” Rainbow muttered, a flush spreading over her cheeks. “I mean…”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, that’s hard,” she said softly. “There’s just so much. I’ve always looked up to her confidence. When we were little, I thought she was so brave for being able to stand up to bullies and do things without being afraid all the time. I wanted to be just like her, but I didn’t know how.” She paused for a beat, beaming at Rainbow’s embarrassment. “Now, though, I know there’s a lot more to her. She loves her friends deeply, even if she doesn’t always show it. She’s eager to stick up for ponies that need help, and when she decides to do something, she always gives it her all. She’s a gifted flyer, but she never uses her talent or success to bring others down. She encourages everypony around her to be better, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.”

Rainbow was blushing now, awkwardly rubbing her hoof against her foreleg in embarrassment. “Wow. Uh, thanks, Fluttershy. I never… I didn’t know that.”

Fluttershy nodded, her smile lighting up her whole face. “You’re one of my best friends in the whole world, Rainbow,” she said. “We all love you for who you are.”

Rainbow laughed, a note of real cheer creeping back into her voice. “Well… I love you all too. But, uh… maybe that’s enough about me for a bit? I feel like I kinda hijacked the whole game.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Alright. Rarity, truth or dare?”


Fluttershy hmmed softly, before asking, “Have you ever used fur in any of your creations?”

“Yes,” Rarity replied, her voice level and her gaze unreadable.

Twilight gasped. “What? When? Why?”

Rarity smiled enigmatically. “I do believe that is three more questions. Twilight, truth or dare?”

“Wait, that’s not how it…” Twilight protested, before letting out a soft growl of frustration. “Ugh, fine, I guess you did technically answer the question. Truth.”

Rarity smiled and pounced. “Describe the naughtiest dream you’ve ever had. In detail.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh no. Does it have to be that?”

If anything, that only made Rarity more eager. “Yes. That’s my question.”

Twilight sank into her chair, silent for a long moment. “This never leaves this room, alright?” She paused long enough to scan the room and get nods from everypony present. “Alright. Okay. So, let me just start by saying I didn’t have a lot of strong male role models growing up.”

She took a long, slow breath. “When I was a teenager, I had a… recurring dream. I’d be in my room, alone in the house, reading. Except I could never remember what I was reading, because I’d always get distracted by… urges. I think on some level that told me it was a dream, because when I’m awake, that would never be enough to distract me from a good book. Sometimes I’d try to ignore it, but usually I just… y’know, helped myself.” She faltered, her cheeks burning. “I’ve never told anypony about these dreams,” she muttered.

“It’s alright, darling,” Rarity assured her. “We’ve all had them, I’m sure.”

Twilight bit her lip, realizing that Rarity had offered her an out, but stopping there would be against the rules. She hadn’t gotten to the important part yet. “There’s more,” she added meekly, ears flattening against her head.

Looking intently at the table, and definitely not at any of the other mares present, she continued, her voice barely above a whisper. “It was never enough to be satisfying. So… well, sooner or later…” she gulped. “Shiny would show up.”

There was a smattering of gasps from the table, and a voice that was distinctly Rainbow’s exclaiming, “No way!”

Twilight nodded. “He was my hero when we were little. He was sweet, gentle, protective... everything a little sister could want. And when I got older… well, I guess I noticed he was a stallion too. And so he’d come to me in my dreams and… help.”

There was a moment of silence, before Rainbow Dash broke it in the most crude way imaginable. “Just to be clear—because Rarity did ask for detail—by ‘help’ you mean ‘fucked you silly,’ right?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity gasped, aghast. “That is no way to speak to Twilight.” She paused for a beat, before turning back to Twilight and adding, “But practically speaking, I did ask for detail.”

Twilight put her head against the table. “Yes, alright? I’ve had dreams about having sex with my brother. Tell nopony. Especially not Shiny, I would die of shame.”

Rarity passed one hoof across her muzzle. “My lips are sealed.” She shot a glare at Rainbow, who hastily nodded and made the same motion.

“It ain’t as weird as you’re making it out to be,” Applejack jumped in.

Rarity spun, sensing gossip. “Oh? Care to share, Applejack?”

“No I don’t, thank you very much. I’m just sayin’, young fillies have fantasies, when they’re still figuring out their bodies, and that’s perfectly normal. Like you said, you didn’t have much in the way of stallions in your life, ‘sides your brother. So long as you never went and slept with him for real, it’s harmless.”

Twilight shook her head. “No! Never! I never even told him about them. He’d think I was weird.

“Everypony’s weird!” Pinkie spoke up, still comfortably snuggling with Rainbow, but no longer quite buried in her. “That’s what makes ponies special.”

Twilight smiled softly, daring to look up. “So… you don’t think I’m a crazy pervert?”

“Of course not!” Rarity insisted. “We would never judge you, especially for something as silly as childhood dreams.”

Twilight relaxed, relief washing over her face. After a moment, she actually started to laugh. “I guess I should have known. Honestly, it feels kind of nice to have told somepony, instead of just being secretly ashamed of them.” She smiled at Rainbow Dash. “Thanks for making us keep playing, Rainbow.”

Rainbow gave her a grin and a salute. “Just doing my duty for parties everywhere,” she announced, which got a giggle from Pinkie, the pink mare nuzzling into Rainbow’s side.

Twilight smiled. “Applejack. Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Applejack responded immediately, shooting a sorrowful look at Pinkie. Dares were dangerous.

Twilight tapped one hoof on the table, but she was quickly ready with a question. “What’s something you want to tell me, but normally never would?”

Applejack frowned. “That’s a tricky one. If I had something to tell you, I think I’d just say it.”

“Surely you don’t say everything you’ve ever wanted to say,” Twilight noted.

“Well, yeah, but the other stuff ain’t important, right? Like, if I happened to like the way your mane looked one day, or if you said something that annoyed me. Little thoughts, that don’t stay long.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “You, of all ponies, paid enough attention to Twilight’s mane to notice it looked nice? I’m not sure I believe that.”

Applejack huffed in frustration. “Just ‘cause I don’t spend all day styling it don’t mean I ain’t observant enough to notice when she does it.”

“Wait,” Twilight said. “What did I say that annoyed you?”

“I don’t even remember,” Applejack waved a hoof dismissively. “You made some remark that implied unicorns were superior to earth ponies, I think. You didn’t mean nothin’ by it, and you probably didn’t even realize you did it. Not worth gettin’ worked up about.”

Twilight brought a hoof to her mouth. “Oh! I’m sorry, Applejack. I don’t think—I would never mean—”

“I know, Twilight,” Applejack interrupted. “Like I said, it ain’t a big deal.”

“Yes,” Rarity added. “Slip of the tongue, nothing to worry about. Can we go back to Twilight’s mane?”

“What about my mane?”

“Now hold up, just ‘cause I ain’t bothered by it don’t mean you can dismiss it, Rarity—”

“I wasn’t dismissing it, I just didn’t know you even realized Twilight styled her mane—”

“Girls.” Fluttershy spoke up. “Is this really something worth getting upset over?”

There was a pause, as everypony took a moment to reassess.

“Suppose not,” Applejack muttered. “Sorry for snapping, Rarity.”

“Oh, it’s fine, darling. My apologies, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Good. I think that’s a fine answer, isn’t it?”

Twilight and Applejack both nodded, before the latter turned to the yellow pegasus. “Fluttershy, truth or dare?”

“Oh. Truth, I think.”

Applejack took a glance around the room, and then with a sly smile asked, “Fuck, marry, kill, among the five of us.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Oh dear.” She frowned and slowly looked around at each of them. “Do I have to pick for all of you, or just one each?”

“Just one each is fine.”

Fluttershy nodded, a frown covering her features as she thought. Soon, she was muttering to herself.

“Come on, don’t leave us in suspense,” Rainbow called.

Fluttershy jumped, flushing. “Well, um… I don’t think I could kill any of you. You’re all my friends.”

“Come back to it, then,” Rarity suggested. “Who would you fuck?” She fluttered her eyelashes suggestively.

Fluttershy turned beet red. “I, um, oh dear.” She swallowed. “Well, I think… Rarity probably has the most experience…”

Rarity’s expression grew smug, but the expression was short-lived as Rainbow scoffed. “Rarity’s too picky,” she said. “I’ve had way more stallions than her.”

Rarity turned a stormy gaze on Rainbow. “Just because I have taste does not mean I lack experience,” she huffed. “There are other factors one should consider than merely the size of their package.”

“Hey!” Rainbow protested. “They gotta know how to use it, too, I’m not that easy!”

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy interrupted.

“What?” Rarity and Rainbow exclaimed in unison.

“I’d…” It took her a moment to get the word out. “Fuck Pinkie. It… wouldn’t be a competition with her, and I wouldn’t be way out of my league, and she’s the least likely to get… emotionally invested.” Fluttershy took a breath, before seeming to remember that Pinkie was in the room. “If that’s not too much to assume.”

Pinkie giggled. “Nope! I think it’s just right! You’re all my friends, and sleeping together wouldn’t change that at all!” She smiled at Fluttershy. “Thanks for saying so!”

Rainbow was the first to recover. “Well, I guess you’d marry me then, huh?”

Fluttershy shook her head almost immediately. “I don’t think I could,” she said shyly. “We’ve known each other so long… you’re practically my big sister, even if you are younger than me.”

“Oh,” Rainbow said. “I guess that makes sense.”

Fluttershy nodded, before saying softly, “I think… I think I’d marry Twilight.” She turned to the alicorn, saying softly, “Applejack and Rarity are both sort of married to their work. Even with you being a princess, I think you’d make more time for me. And… well, you’re the princess of Friendship. I think that’s what I’d want in a mate.”

Twilight was blushing heavily by this point, but she ducked her head in acknowledgement. “Well… thank you, Fluttershy. That means a lot.”

Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity exchanged a glance. “Guess that leaves one of us t’ be killed,” Applejack drawled. “Don’t worry about it too much, we won’t take it the wrong way.”

Fluttershy shrank down. “Do I have to?”

Rarity nodded. “That is how the game works, I’m afraid.”

Fluttershy let out a long breath. “Well… I don’t think I can kill Rainbow, for the same reason I can’t marry her. I…” she closed her eyes and covered her face with her wings, as if she couldn’t bear to see the reaction. “I would kill Rarity. Just because… well, your parents are still around to take care of Sweetie Belle. So she’d be alright. I… don’t know if Applebloom could handle losing you, Applejack.” She opened her eyes again, shimmering with tears. “I’m sorry, Rarity! I didn’t want to!”

Rarity actually smiled. “Think nothing of it, darling. I think it’s actually very sweet that you were more worried about our sisters.”

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”

There was a lull, before Twilight prompted, “It’s your turn to ask somepony else, Fluttershy.”

“Oh! Right!” Fluttershy considered. “Pinkie. Truth or dare?”


“If you could turn into any animal, what would it be?” Fluttershy asked after a moment.

Pinkie hmmed. “Just for a little while, or permanently?”

Fluttershy considered. “Let’s say permanently.”

Pinkie blinked. “Oh. I don’t know if I would like that. Not being able to talk to my friends would suck!” She considered, and then her face lit up. “Does it have to be a non-pony animal? Because I think I’d love being a seapony. That was fun!”

Fluttershy giggled. “No, it can’t be a pony or anything that can talk.”

Pinkie’s face scrunched up in thought, and she rested her chin on one hoof. “I think I’d be a puppy, then. At least I could still get invited to parties, and play with everypony all the time! And if I really needed to say something, I could always tell you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled. “That does sound like fun.”

Pinkie smiled back, before nudging Rainbow. “Dashie! Truth or dare?”

“Dare, of course,” Rainbow replied, her face betraying no fear.

“Ooh, what’s something fun…” Pinkie considered. “How about…” she scanned the room for a moment, before her eyes lit up as she spotted an idea. “I dare you to eat that entire pie… with your hooves and wings tied behind your back.” She gestured to a cherry pie sitting ignored on the table, only a single slice removed.

Rainbow took a look at the pie and groaned. “Aw, man,” she muttered, before hopping up onto the table. “Fine. A dare’s a dare.”

Pinkie grinned. “Twilight?”

Twilight tilted her head, then nodded as comprehension dawned. Her horn lit up, and a rope materialized above Rainbow Dash. She pulled the pegasus’s forelegs up in her magic, eliciting a yelp from Rainbow, and in a moment had bent them behind her back and tied them, and her wings, in place.

Abruptly, Rainbow found herself dropped back onto the table, which suddenly looked a lot more crowded with her chin resting on it. “You couldn’t have put me next to the pie, could you?” she muttered, before pushing herself forward with her hind legs, nudging plates and platters aside with her nose. There was a clatter as she knocked a bottle over, and she sucked in a startled gasp as chilled wine splashed across her side.

She ignored the laughter that was beginning to surround her, her sole focus on the goal set for her: the pie. It was harder than she had expected to move with only two legs and no wings to steady her, but she made it. Awkwardly, she lifted her head up to take the first bite of pie, and got her muzzle covered in whipped cream for her trouble. Another titter broke out from the audience, but Rainbow found it difficult to tell Rarity off with her face full of pie.

At least this pie was significantly better crafted than the horrid apology pie she’d made for Pinkie. Rather than think about that, she pushed forward and took giant, messy bites of the pie, gulping them down as fast as possible so she didn’t have to taste them for long. She soon closed her eyes as whipped cream and cherry filling got everywhere, just using her nose to seek out new pieces.

Before long, she was sticking her tongue out to clean the pie tin, and opened her eyes to find it empty and the table around her a mess. Her face was covered in cherry syrup and whipped cream, and one hoof was covered in frosting where it had landed in a platter of cupcakes. But the challenge had been conquered. “There!” she exclaimed. “Done. Let me up.”

Twilight lit her horn once more, and the rope vanished. Rainbow carefully stood up, spreading her wings and wrinkling her nose at the wine stain across her feathers. “Ugh. I need a shower.”

Pinkie giggled and clapped her hooves. “That was awesome!” she cheered. “You finally ate one of my pies!”

Rainbow turned and stuck her tongue out. “Only because it was a challenge.”

Pinkie grinned. “Still counts.”

Rainbow shook her head, and then wheeled on Twilight. “Twilight! It’s finally time for the horseshoe to be on the other hoof. Truth or dare? Choose wisely.”

Twilight smiled. “Well, I suppose it’s only fair I let you give me a dare.”

Rainbow’s smirk grew predatory. “I was hoping you’d say that. I have the perfect dare for you.” She pulled herself up, the effect she was going for completely ruined by the pie filling all over her muzzle. “I dare you to kiss the pony here that you like the most… and the one that you like the least. Don’t tell us which is which.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “W-what? But I don’t—” She took a breath. “I don’t have a favorite! Or a least favorite! And I don’t… I don’t know if I can kiss—” she gulped, looking around, and her face turned bright red.

Rainbow’s expression grew smug. “Told you I’d get you back,” she boasted. “Just pretend we’re Shining.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped, and her face got even redder. “I—you—Rainbow Dash!” She spread her wings, and her horn sparked, her face stormy.

“Oh, now you’ve gone and done it,” Applejack muttered.

Rainbow took a hesitant step back, laughing sheepishly. “Uh, hey, it was just a joke—”

Twilight beat her wings once, shooting forward. Rainbow tried to back away, but her steps were hesitant, and Twilight was faster. Before she knew it, the alicorn had closed the distance, and Twilight’s lips were on hers.

It was Rainbow’s turn to blush, letting out a muffled squeak as Twilight kissed her. It was an angry, forceful thing, and she had to brace herself against the table to keep from being knocked over. Before she had time to recover or even fully process it, it was over, and Twilight was hovering in front of her, her glare warring with her blush for control of her face.

“That’s one,” she said imperiously. “I’ll let you guess which.”

Rainbow shrank down, wanting to shoot back a witty retort, but instead frozen in awe of the furious beauty of the alicorn in front of her. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out, and some part of her mind demanded that she throw herself down and beg forgiveness.

And then Twilight turned away, and the spell was over.

“My goodness,” Rarity murmured. “That was spicy, Twilight. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

Twilight ducked her head, and she was suddenly the embarrassed, nerdy bookworm they had all come to expect again. “Neither did I,” she muttered.

Rarity smiled. “It was refreshing, darling. Who are you giving your second kiss to?”

Twilight paused, taking another look around. Applejack was studiously avoiding her gaze, and Fluttershy had shrunk down into her seat again, peering carefully through her wing feathers, a blush on her cheeks. Pinkie was bouncing excitedly in her seat, and Rainbow Dash was still standing on the table, stunned.

Rarity, on the other hand, was gazing intently at her. When their eyes met, the alabaster unicorn bit her lip, her eyes briefly looking away before returning to Twilight’s face. Her look was sultry, challenging, and just a little bit pouty.

Twilight held her gaze as she dropped down next to Rarity, folding her wings. She didn’t say anything as she approached, but she’d answered the question anyway. Rarity tilted her head up and closed her eyes.

Their lips met. This kiss was tender, sensual, and lasted several moments longer than the first. Both of their eyes were closed, all their focus on the sensations of the other.

When they finally parted, Rarity was the first to open her eyes. “Sweet Celestia,” she whispered. “When did you learn how to kiss?”

Twilight smiled at her, and leaned in again. After a moment of agonizing silence, she murmured, “I do believe that is another question.”

Rarity blinked, and then she laughed. And once she started, she couldn’t stop.