//------------------------------// // Don’t Mess With Family // Story: Don't Mess With Family // by Somber Concerto //------------------------------// As soon as the clock hit 3, the high-pitched school bell rang, which was immediately followed by the stampede of hooves clamoring over each other. After hardly a minute, all but two fillies remained in the now silent schoolhouse; The pink pony with the purple mane, and the yellow, red-haired apple farmer. “You know Applebloom, just because you ‘helped me’, doesn't mean you have to talk to me in school!” “But, but I… I thought we were friends now.” The normally out-going filly stumbled on her words, confused on why the stuck-up pony had reverted to her old ways. “Friends with a penniless hobo like you?! Please, just go to outer space where you and the rest of your family belong!” Those last words triggered Applebloom, and she could practically feel herself glowing bright red with anger. “Don’t you DARE say anything bad about my family!” “What are you going to do, cry? Go run on home to your mommy, oh that's right, you don’t have one! What did you do, scare her to death with your hideous face? Hahaha!” Applebloom ran home, choking back tears. She didn’t want to cry, she wouldn't cry, not if it meant proving that jerk right! Somehow she managed to hold back her tears. Noone was gonna say that about her mother, especially such a spoiled brat as Diamond Tiara. She was going to honor her mother, no matter what the cost! “Hey, Applebloom! Come here for a second, I got something exciting to tell you about!” Her big sister's words snapped her out of her thoughts, and back to the present. “Yeah? What is it AJ?” “We've decided to build a new silo for apple storage, where runnin' outta room in the old one. Where laying the foundation tomorrow, you wanna help?” “Of course I would!” Suddenly, a sinister plan of revenge popped into Applebloom's mind.”Where exactly is this here silo gonna be built?” Applebloom crept through the darkness, slowly making her way to Barnyard Bargains, Diamond Tiara's father’s store. Connected to it, was a large house, that could easily be mistaken for a mansion. She finally found it, using only the dim light of the moon, and stars. She found the window she was looking for, luckily, it was left open. She hoisted herself up into the dark room, careful not to wake the sleeping pony in the bed. She found this considerably more of a difficult task while wearing rubber gloves and socks, as they were extraordinarily slippery. Along with the gloves she was also wearing a hairnet to prevent leaving any forensic evidence behind. That winny filly has her own deluxe adjustable queen-size canopy bed! Yet she's always complaining that the bed is old and uncomfortable! That ungrateful jerk really has what's coming to her! She thought to herself. The room smelled sweet of floral perfume, and the wallpaper, as hard as it was to make out, was very detailed and intricate, it was golden vines wrapping around each other, adorned with red, white, and pink roses. She opened her saddlebag, and found four long ropes, and an apple. She approached the sleeping filly with caution, not wanting to wake her- yet. She gently removed the three silk sheets from atop her victim, and in one swift motion, shoved the apple in its mouth, and bound all four of its limbs together. She thrashed about wildly, and Applebloom saw the unmistakable look of fear in her eyes. Applebloom removed one last item from her bag: a large burlap sack, designed to carry hundreds of pounds of apples at a time. She shoved Diamond in it with a loud “SNAP”. She stopped squirming suddenly, and Applebloom begin to hear muffled sobbing. It was too late to turn back now anyway, Diamond had already seen the face of her killer. Applebloom carried her top a secluded part of the orchard, where no one would hear her scream. She removed a knife from her saddlebag. While she didn't intend to use it, she had it just in case. Applebloom removed a now shaking, crying, terrified filly from the bag, and laid her on her back. She removed the rope from Diamonds left fore-hoof, and re-tied it to a tree. She repeated this for the other three hooves. She removed the apple from her mouth, and Diamond began to scream and plead. “What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Please don’t hurt me! Let me down! I just wanna go home!" “I’m a might sorry, but I don’t think that's gonna happen. You see Diamond, you gotta learn that you can laugh at me, you can torment my friends, but you just don’t mess with family!” “Wha..what are you going to do to me?!” “Shut up!” “Please just leave me alone!” “I said, SHUT UP!" And with that, Applebloom lunged at Diamond and buried the knife all the way to the hilt into Diamonds right back hoof. She screamed in agony, but only for a second, fearing what Applebloom might do if she continued. Applebloom, no matter how much she hated Diamond, still did not want to inflict any more violence, she didn't want to see the blood. Applebloom knew that there where many spells you could create using lilies, probably more than any other plant, or ingredient. But none more deadly than the one she was about to create. She would have made the concoction beforehoof, but the book she had borrowed from Zecora said that the fresher it is, the faster and more effectively it works. She laid out all her materials and began to mix them together one by one. A pinch of salt, a drop of applesauce, a teaspoon of maple syrup, 5 orange pine needles, a tablespoon of water, and the single petal of a lily. She stirred it together with a stick. The final ingredients: a drop of the killer's blood, and a drop of the victim's blood. She removed the knife gently from Diamond, she once again shrieked. She held it over the vial until a single drop fell. Her turn. She decided to make a small, shallow incision on her shoulder, a place that she concluded would be easy to hide with her mane. She wiped the knife down with water, to avoid getting infected, she wanted to keep the cut she was about to make a secret, and if got infected, it would warrant a lot of explaining to her sister. Only a knife could make such a clean, intentional cut like that, especially on her shoulder, which was why it was so important that Applejack didn't see it. Her brother and grandmother wouldn't have been as insightful. She cringed at the sharp blade of the knife. It stang, but she continued onward with her work. Applebloom stirred the mixture with the knife, adding blood to it. The potion turned blood red in color and emitted a scent reminiscent of wet dog. Applebloom ignored it. Diamond had been quiet, and still this whole time, other than those two short screams, but Applebloom could hear her breathing, louder, faster. She began to worry Diamond would faint before she had the chance to sip the potion. “Calm down, I ain't gonna hurt ya.” “Your not?” “No, it won't hurt a bit.” This was a lie, but Diamond bought it. Her breathing slowed, it was still more rapid than it should be, though not enough to qualify as hyperventilation. “Here, drink this.” Diamond was scared but more scared of what might happen if she didn’t comply. “Okay.” She replied, her voice began to tremble. Applebloom held the vial up to the lips of the now remorseful pony that lie before her. Diamond drank it all in one sip. “Ewe! Gross! That tastes like pencil shavings!” The poison begins to work its magic almost immediately. Diamond felt a sudden sharp pain wash over her stomach. It burned. It felt like something was eating her from the inside. Diamond screamed. She cried. She thrashed so much that she almost broke the ropes that held her. She threw up, but it was too late. The poison had already done its job. She was dead within minutes, and Applebloom enjoyed every second of it, smiling with a grin wider than one should think to even be possible. When she was sure Diamond was truly and completely dead, Applebloom untied the ropes and carried Diamond and all of her tools to the spot where Applejack had said the new silo was to be built. She dug a hole with a shovel she had borrowed from the barn, careful not to get any dirt on herself. She then buried the body and tools used in the murder of her former classmate. When she got back to the house, she made sure to be quiet. She snuck into the bathroom and washed and dried her hooves to get any dirt or blood off them. Then she cleaned out the cut and placed a small bandage over it. Just more precautions. As she made her way up the stairs to her bedroom, she could still hear the deafening shrieks of the now-deceased Diamond Tiara. And she loved it. She crawled into bed for a peaceful night's sleep, pleased with her accomplishments. She woke up the next morning cheerful as ever and made her way downstairs for breakfast just as if nothing had ever happened.