//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Magic is complicated // Story: human of the everfree // by Aljazig //------------------------------// "Fairy, huh. A good name. Then from now on I will call you Fairy or Night." Said Control with a smile, floating a bit further off the ground than before. "Please call me Night in front of other creatures, it would look weird if you called me Fairy." I said hoping he would remember it. "And why would it look weird? It would just be me calling you by your last name. How would that be weird?" Said the moron floating before me, not understanding why addressing a person as a fairy while being a ghost could have problematic consequences. "OK, listen carefully, you empty headed ghost, if you called me a fairy in front of others, they could mistake it as a ghost talking to a real fairy, or even worse, they could mistake me for a fairy of death or something, since I would be talking to a ghost. Except if fairies don't exist here, but since ghosts exist I find that highly improbable." I answered, then took a breath to calm down from my rant. 'It's been a while since the last time someone annoyed me this much. If i remember correctly, the last time would be my sister, when she kept asking why she can't drive in the front passenger seat. My sister...' I was broken out of my thoughts as Zero asked me: "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" I answered and asked back, confused at the sudden inquiry. "You're crying." Answered Zero. I reached to my eyes and sure enough tears were flowing from them, one after another. 'It seems I don't yet have full control of this body's functions, if I couldn't even tell I was crying.' I thought while wiping the tears off my face. "Don't mind it Zero, everything is fine." I said with a smile. It was a fake one, but I hoped it fooled him, so he wouldn't try to find out why I was crying. And at that time, I decided I wouldn't ever let the fact I was away from my friends and family, get me down. I was going to remember them, but would never cry at the thought of them again. At least that was what I though at the time, it would be at a later time that I would completely accept I could never see them again. "Anyway, you said you could tell me about magic, right?" I asked the ghost floating beside me while still walking down the long castle corridors. "Ah, yes, magic. It is a fairly complex thing to learn, but we'll see how much you understand and go from there. So, magic on Terra is everywhere, in the air, the plants and animals. Some species are anomalies, that don't poses any magic, but most of them can draw the magic they need from the air or even from other species. Humans are currently the only known species who is incapable of that, with the exception of you and the human from 1200 years ago. Anyway, most species use their magic unconsciously, like earth pony's when they grow crops and-" He was interrupted by my cough, the type you give, when you want somebody to look at you. He took one look at my blank face and understood, then said: "Ah, right, gotta start from there. So, ponies are divided into three tribe, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns. In each tribe magic manifests differently. Unicorns can use their horns as mediums to weave spells, earth ponies normally unconsciously discharge their magic into the ground to speed up the growth of plants, but if they practice enough and they have enough magic, they should, in theory, be able to control the earth around them to a degree. The pegasi subconsciously utilize their magic to push wind under their wings and to stand on clouds. Similarly to earth ponies, if they train enough they can control wind and even discharge bolts of lightning at will." 'And I somehow survived running from these monsters for 10 minutes and even escaped!' Zero just laughed at my incredulous expression, although I think he misunderstood why I was making it, and continued with his explanation. "Anyhow, as I was saying before, most species use their magic subconsciously but can train themselves to use it in a similar manner to a unicorn. The difference is, that unicorns must first create a spell matrix sufficient for the wanted spell in their minds and then they must infuse said spell matrix with the necessary magic. On the other hand other species that train themselves to use magic, use it by willing the magic to do as they want. The problem with that method is that you have to train long and hard, so you gain the proper discipline to control the magic. The last time an inexperienced pegasus tried it, the magic went wild and the end result was a lightning bolt, that killed him on the spot." 'This is some serious shit, better listen carefully, I'm not really sure about dying in an explosion, no matter how glorious it is.' "For that reason, I think you can understand why I want to first teach you about spell matrices, right?" After I confirmed that I understood with a nod, he continued: "So, spell matrices are created to be one of three types. They can be a Continuous matrix, that has a continuous effect, like levitation, but also uses up magic the whole time it's active. The second type is called a Single matrix, it has one effect and uses the exact amount of magic necessary to do said effect. It's the easiest of the three to master and if you learn to combine single matrices you can make a Multi matrix. The last type is one of the most powerful, but it takes longer than the others to cast. It's called the Word matrix. By channeling your magic through your words while saying something, similar to a prayer, you can reinforce a normal Single matrix to be at least ten times more powerful. The trick is that your 'prayer' has to be related to the original spell. For example if you were to try casting a fire spell, while praying to a goddess of water, the magic would cancel itself out. On the other hand if you were to do the same, but pray to a fire god, the power of the spell would increase dramatically." 'So, words have power. Literally.' "But, be careful, because when you speak words layered with magic you can't lie, so the gods or whatever you are praying to, know that you are sincere with your prayers." And there goes one of the possibilities, I was an atheist in my previous life and even if I meet someone claiming to be a god in this one, I don't think I can just easily believe in them. "Now, my plan is to first focus on Single matrices so you get a better feel of your magic. We will start as soon as you are ready, but first..." He suddenly opened a door that we arrived at, leading to a room, approximately 7 x 7 meters (23 x 23 feet) big, with a queen sized bed with velvet red sheets and bed curtains. In the leftmost corner of the room was a large wardrobe made from what looked like mahogany, complete with handles made of ebony. In the other corner on my left sat a large mahogany study desk with a ebony chair that had a scarlet pillow on top. On my right I could see another door and next to it was a mirror, probably a full body mirror for the ponies. "... you need to get dressed into something better." Finished Zero, closing the door behind us.