Our new Friends, Our new Enemies

by The Potato Guy

Chapter 44: The first tour of the war

“Shush Spike, not right now!”

A moment of peace and quiet, appreciated more than surely anypony else. This was a reprieve from the harsh reality of life that Solar had been thrust into. Just a couple of blissful minutes where nothing else mattered, and his thoughts were but quaint simplicity, with no consequential troubles ailing them.

That short time in the bathroom was all his. Any issues substantial enough to him had been left behind the door, and for once, he was at peace.

Until of course, actual life came knocking, and that knock took form of a small, most likely adolescent, purple dragon pestering Twilight Sparkle.

“Ah Solar!” Twilight exclaimed in a tone that could only be described as a level bellow ecstatic. “So I was thinking, if you’re staying with us for a whil- “

All vestures of that Pony at peace, that had only just emerged, found itself spent. Twilight was not a Pony so distasteful to Solar to force him to mentally recoil so greatly, but neither was she one to prolong any relaxation. Innocent as she might be, she was of the old world, the world Solar was seeking to overturn. For that, to no great fault of her own, this terrible blot would forever be visible to Solar.

“I’m not staying with you, Princess” He replied coldly. “I will only remain in Ponyville until tensions have cooled down, and order has been re-established.” A professional answer that Twilight could not fault, for it was fact. Where her disappointment emerged from however, was just how callously it had been delivered.

“Um…Yeah. S-sorry. That’s what I meant.” Any other Pony surely would have had their heart break at such a saddened sight. Yet Solar was not so cruel to feel delight in Twilight’s suffering. In the face of this Pony cut down so, Solar did allow himself a hint of regret, that his hoof had been forced. One day, should they all survive in the new world, emotional rectification might be required.

This probability now seemed all the more likely, as Twilight seemed unable to continue her original point. A small sigh escaping his lips, Solar felt his hoof forced again, into a far kinder direction.

“What were you saying, Twilight?” like freshly crafted silk, Solar’s words were smooth and soft. A smile, one of the likes had kindness embedded within as if its speaker was just so, was not mistaken or missed by Twilight. As had been her desire, and thus Solar’s wish, now appeared a Pony not happy and content with his life, nor a cruel and uncaring one. Here was a Pony whose faults were plenty, and his failings extreme, but one who cared enough to better himself. Twilight was now looking at Solar with pride, seeing him as a tormented soul, at least trying to escape his darkness.

“Before?” The Princess replied as if Solar’s question was one freshly born. “Oh! Right!” The miracle of her royal ascension be damned, thought Solar, even if it increasingly seemed even more of a disbelief. The was a charm to Twilight’s inaptitude. “I mean it’s nothing much. I just wanted to see if you’d like a tour around the castle, and perhaps Ponyville.” Truly, Twilight spoke well. This indeed was nothing much. An offer, one of friendship surely, but one barely worth it. For as long as this exile lasted, as much as it pained him to admit it, Solar was sure to scout out and research his new surroundings. Those were the basics of war, and acting like he needed a hoof to hold along the way, was preposterous.

“Sure. Why not?”

Why had he agreed to this so suddenly? A walk around, surely slower and in less detail than one of his own accord. Additionally, would Twilight have introduced him to all the strategical significance points of Ponyville? The answer was surely a resounding no, and yet, he had agreed. Why?

“Great!” Beamed Twilight, comfortable that she was now within an element of both simplicity and knowledge. And so the tour began, an enthusiastic Twilight Sparkle leading with a near skip in her step. Trailing her was a confused Solar Virtue, constantly asking himself what had come over him.

Was it just a lack of interest in opposing her? A yes given just because why not? No, Solar did not feel that apathetic, on the contrary, feeling interested in points of defence and using Ponyville against Celestia. If not that though, was it a joke attempted, one made just to play along? If that were so, then it surely had fell flat, now that he was following Twilight like he was just another tourist.

If not these things, Solar would lament greatly. Because if these were not the reasons, then perhaps it was that creeping feelings that had taken hold of him like a virus in wait. Friendship, as preached by Twilight, and used cruelly as by Celestia, was not a rallying cry that he would die for. But from the love Luna gave him, and thus the cause she blessed him with, now came a camaraderie he had seldom experienced. This was not a trick but a true community he was fully engrossed in, and an actual death worthy fight. Friendship was a tacky word, but if that was the word used to describe a bond of many, that fought for the many, and would live to serve a cause and the mission of a better, far more united land, then perhaps it was indeed “friendship” that had infected him. This combined with the desire to bring Twilight on board to his sect of the kinship, Solar now understood the increasing acceptance of Twilight’s many faults, and his willingness to go along with it.

“Ok so since we aren’t exactly currently situated in anyplace considered the start, I guess we will first begin wit- “Twilight paused unexpectedly, turning her head swiftly behind her. At first Solar thought this because of him, or even that this Alicorn has somehow read his mind, and listened in to his whole internal conversation. Realising this ability to be thankfully fiction, less both Luna and Celestia would have already had him locked well away, Solar then discovered the pause was not because of him.

“Later, Spike. I promise.” Twilight said in a professional sounding hurry, but not one that could so easily disguise her lack of interest in the matter. Too turning around, Solar in turn now looked down upon the short purple form of a slightly agitated and restless Dragon, still fresh within his adolescence. A sorry sight too, given the nature of his race. While Twilight had her own thoughts occupied, Solar gave a smirk at the thought that were this reptiles kin here, they surely would have disapproved of this polite passive aggressiveness.

During his days on the road, Dragon encounters had thankfully not been too common an occurrence, less his body would have certainly had many more scorching burns. Still, every fight with the creatures had been one worthy of memory and scar, and looking down at this pathetic excuse of those beasts, was only an amusing experience.

“Twilight I reall- “began the child, his voice cutting through Solar in a way more painful than any near incineration his far larger cousins had offered in battle.

But Twilight wisely declined his moans, Solar fabricating a story within his mind that even as a Pony, she saw in this Dragon, nothing but weakness and a mockery of his actual fearsome people.

“Spike!” Hissing through her teeth as if she wanted to remain discreet, Twilight was having little of the Dragon known as Spike’s persistence. Her duty, as it was now, was not just some glorified tour for a confidant of Luna’s. This was but the prelude to Solar’s redemption, and the irritancy of this stunted Dragon, smothered by a life within Pony society, was nothing in comparison. Perhaps if this Spike, acting in accordance with his species, then maybe, regardless of the imperfections vibrantly on show, this mess would never have occurred. Societal failings, it seemed, was not a curse inflicted solely upon Ponykind.

Yet to his credit, the tiny purple Dragon finally received the message. Under fire from the intensity of Twilight’s eyes, his priorities were swiftly cancelled in favour of the Princesses order of business, and then scattering off, a huffing mumble under his voice, Spike the Dragon left Twilight and Solar to their activities, an act the latter knew would haunt the child every minute until this news of his was finally delivered.

Regardless, such information did not interest Solar, but still feeling some small amount of victory in his heightened importance to Princess Twilight. Humbleness did not suit him in that moment, as finally his power and rank triumphed over the needs of even fellow friends.

“Sorry Solar.” Winced Twilight apologetically, a hint of embarrassment in her words. In truth, she needn’t had worried, for the persistence of Spike was nothing but an eye opening experience of the decadence some individuals could descend to. Still, the Princess thought too much time wasted with her powerful guest, and perfectly demonstrating her expert ability to overly worry and stress, the Princess of friendship entered a near fearful state. “I hope you’re not too upset…”

Solar turned his head quizzically towards Twilight, disbelief arising at the fact that she seemed so impacted by this non-issue.

“This isn’t some inspection or something, Princess” He began, offering a smile of sorts to convince Twilight of her unnecessary worry. “It’s always…enlightening to meet more of your friends.”

Twilight noted the use of the adjective, perhaps only making matters worse for her. Nevertheless, no more was spoken about what seemed like a curse placed upon Solar, who upon meeting a new friend of Twilight’s only experienced an encounter that was nothing less than memorable, usually not for the best of reasons.

“Uh…well, ok then?” She seemed unsure, confused even. Solar immediately put this down to the besieged mind she owned, one always so attacked with the curiosity to know more and consumed with the curse of playing that role of student. Everything was a test to her, and this inevitability in life was simply why her reaction now was just so, and why she would make more such an easily manipulated individual.

Because she did not want to fail.

So Solar mentally shrugged, accepting Twilight’s response for what it was.

“Shall we continue?” He asked, hoping to create some momentum in this tour. Fortunately, Twilight’s enthusiasm had not waned in this regard, and with a smile, albeit one less certain than before, the two continued.

Solar said very little as his host escorted him through seemingly endless rooms and corridors, all as horribly crystalline as each other. This was just a tour after all, and Solar was not yet preparing to make the place somewhere to be as besieged as Twilight’s mind was. For now, the castle would not play the role of its namesake, ensuring Solar stayed as a tourist somewhat, and not the General he would inevitably become in the approaching war.

Still, as monotonous as the activity was, the tour did manage to provide something that could be considered valuable. It was, after all, the study of a place that had become his home for now, and a base of operations for his cause. However boring some of the rooms may have been, and however inconsequential Twilight’s commentary of what friendship occurred within such a place, Solar did find some interest in the significance behind every new crystal cavern he entered. These were rooms the made Twilight the Princess she was. The one she had become after her very interestingly epic battle with the powerful Lord Tirek. The one she had grown to be as she had stepped out of Celestia’s shadow, a laborious enough task. The explanation of the tour may have been worthless, but the backstory was all, and it was enough to tell Solar that Twilight was a Pony capable of committing herself to the Night and the betterment of Equestria. She just needed an organized push, one offered discreetly through Solar’s admittedly sly plans, and a vision check on the failures of Celestia, and then this castles owner might have to tour many more Ponies around it, as a saviour and fighter for the new future.

“This chair in particular is brilliant for history pieces. Comfortable enough to relax in, but not sleep inducing! Many historical studies aren’t known for being an easy read of course!” Twilight truly had not divulged anything less than the full truth, and thus everything. Every detail. Every piece of general knowledge that could be scrapped from the building, she had told Solar. The very idea of basing the NG here now seemed upon thin ice, ground so fragile, such was the mental torture currently inflicted upon him by its chief resident.

So long and meticulously detailed were Twilight’s very unnecessary lectures, that this tour had to be nothing less than a test for Solar. Some divine training to judge whether he be worthy of his goals. If his mind could not withstand whatever Twilight threw at it, then it surely could not lead armies into battle, protect Luna and give her the future he knew she needed. To pass this test he need only keep his mouth shut, nod politely, and hasten the end of this tour.

“What is this?” He asked, a splint second before his mind cringed in anger and embarrassment at his most grave error. Still, the words were out in the open, Twilight had heard with pricked ears signalling a most excited and grateful Pony. She seemed to love the fact that Solar seemed interested enough to question further. Of course, like with her belief regarding the Princesses, she was misguided. Solar was not that invested at all, but finding himself in a large and open room, with great tree roots descending from the ceiling as if he was tunnelled under a forest, how could he not inquire further? “This your war room? Seats for your Generals, Princess?”

True enough, below the roots, was a mighty round table, as crystalline as everything seemingly was, with seven tall chairs, also made of crystal, situated around it.

“Oh, we’re here already!” Remarked the Princess, genuinely surprised at the fact that they were now in this room, in her own home. How a mind gets so carried away with commentary and talk to the point that its owner forgets where it even was, was beyond Solar. “This is the map!”

Solar raised an eyebrow, for a moment wondering if this unlikely Princess actually was ready for war, and wasn’t as nearly as innocent as she appeared.

“So it is a war room?” Of course, he asked this in no expectation of being too shocked, but curiosity, for the first real time during this tour, did influence at least this action.

“What?” Replied Twilight, now removed from her near sleep walking like state, just with her being awake and talking the entire time. “N-no not at all. This is where me and my friends gather when we are called by the map when friendship calls!”

Solar found his eyebrows still raised, something quickly noticed by Twilight. He had prepared himself to not be shocked, expecting no such reply that suggested Twilight was some strategic genius.

While, in this specific regard, he was not about to be proven wrong, shock, as it happened, would still find him.

“Oh well if you recall the creation of the castle after my little fight with Tirek…” Solar wanted to take one of those chairs around the table, for Twilight was about to begin a story. This time however, it was one worthwhile of his attention, for the story behind this map, and more importantly, its use, was nothing short of intriguing.

“And this ‘calling’…these missions…all through the power of ‘friendship’?” The words Solar now spoke, after Twilight’s long explanation, sounded as if they were of a new language, such was their unfamiliarity in their meaning.

“Of course! Don’t be such a cynic, Solar.” Twilight knew now, well enough, of Solar’s opposition and unacquaintance with friendship and harmony, at least on the surface, and knew equally well enough to wisely not peruse this discovery with too much vigour, unlike her sermons given regarding the other rooms. She wanted Solar to see the light, and knew it was with baby steps that he would do so, and overwhelming him with the complexity and power of the Elements could put him off. This formed the basis of every encounter with him.

On the contrary however, this map had proven more than a curiosity. In fact, such a power could prove invaluable in the coming war and new world. Of course its current use was wasted on insignificance and decadence, and while it indeed was complex in its working, harnessing the use and power of its abilities might prove a sort of secret weapon for the forces of the Night.

Twilight would never give up its secrets so easily of course, and even if she did, what use was it to an Earth Pony? This friendship she lived her life by was a form of magic, and it was up to the wielders of that unnatural force, within the NG, to decipher its secrets and use them. Until Solar returned to this room with Ponies qualified enough to wield it, this unused weapon would have to lie buried under the worthlessness of friendship, all while hoping Celestia hadn’t the same ideas of Solar, and got here first.

So in conclusion, Solar’s decision to form a base of operations here wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

“Would you like to know anything else, Solar? Not just about the map I mean. It is a big castle, and even I had some trouble adjusting to it initially.” Solar wanted to smile. So freely was she offering chances and benefits to him, he nearly thought her to be an either a fool or a spy for the Night. She was neither of these things though, thankfully. He needed no more moving pieces of this board than he already had, and like he decided, the possibilities of the map, possible tracking of enemy movements in real time, instantaneous communication with allied forces via cutie mark, they would wait, especially as new developments to their place.

Personal opinions be damned, said the universe. Solar’s decisions and tactics discarded by fate, forcing him to instead to face what he wanted to ignore, if only for now. The map, until now nothing much more than a crystal table, suddenly lit up with unexpected ferocity. For the briefest of moments, the table unveiled its true form, and manifested its name sake. A highly detailed, fully dimensional, interpretation of known Equestria.

Solar could not find himself anything less than impressed as this most powerful tool demonstrated its potential. As Twilight had described it, now it appeared. The nation they were in, all there, without bias or error as would be found in some hoof drawn map. Cartographers would surely be fuming at this competition, as Solar could see even the simplest of settlements as if he were a Pegasi flying high in the clouds. A pure birds eye view of the land, but in the form of some ethereal illusion, accurate it terms of detail, but clearly an image born of magic, and surely not so physical enough to touch and feel.

Yet as soon as the maps abilities had merely teased Solar’s interest, so did it quickly vanish. Twilight, too equally surprised at its roaring into action, seemed perplexed. Solar did not doubt her experience or knowledge on the matter, so judging by her current reaction, it was clear this development was not of the norm.

“Huh, that’s strange.” She remarked, approaching the map as if to inspect its machinery. But that anomaly had long come to an end, and however intriguing it was, the map was again discarded in Solar’s mind. In this large and vast room, many spaces were lonelier than any other place. Flanked by tall pillars, and made mysterious by lack of sunlight, the dark corners of the room now seemed blackened by darkness and shadow, secret areas so private to Twilight right now, but not so clandestine to Solar Virtue. On the contrary, he felt some unknown calling to the dark, as if he wanted nothing more than to shelter himself from the world.

And so, all while Twilight buried herself with attempting to figure out the mystery of the map, Solar slowly walked to a seemingly random corner of the room. Approaching the seclusion like it was a long lost friend, an odd feeling came over Solar. An urgent feeling, but not one made any less uncomfortable with the knowledge that this enticement was surely magical in nature, and yet, Solar did not find himself stopping. For a second he turned his head to check on a still busy Twilight, disregarding any suspicions that she was as untrustworthy as his enemies. For this mysterious invitation struck him as one in need of keeping contained, like he was its jealous guardian.

But nothing momentous seem to occur when he reached the darkened corner. Indeed, nothing was to be found, either physical or magical. Despite his near automation, Solar did find himself questioning what he was even doing here, and what all the fuss was. Nothing was to be found though, and nothing else seemed to happen. But the feeling remained, the one that told him to be here and that he wanted to stay. Of course Solar couldn’t well set camp here or hide as if he was a colt and this was his safe space. Twilight, in an even least worse scenario, would integrate him endlessly.

Thoughts then drifted to his recent past. His jump into the unknown, and his undertaken leap of faith into what had become his dedication and love of the Night. This secluded space, on the surface nothing but that, reminded him of these life advancements, and as almost unconsciously as he had found himself here, so now did he find himself reaching into the wall, a blind instinct that offered him no obvious reward, or even further explanation. It just happened, and then did what came next.

Materialising from thin air, not as a Pony teleporting did, and not like an object revealing itself like it was previously invisible, a small black box placed itself upon Solar’s outreached hoof. It did not drop into his grasp, nor was it snatched from the darkness. In fact, Solar could have been forgiven for thinking that it was always there, a box permanently connected to his hoof like it was a natural part of his body. Not even necessary light, and clearly metallic in feeling, adorned with physical texture in the form of artistic swirls, this antique like object was just there, held in a hoof, and instilling a feeling of utmost ownership in its holder, like he was destined to take it.

“Well by Celestia! Even I cannot say what just happened there. Maybe- “Then interjected Twilight as Solar suddenly hear her approach. Never did he flinch though. Not desire to horde this new treasure or keep it as secret as its origin was. “Oh, what do you have there, Solar?” Twilight struck Solar as a Pony who, upon dedicating her mind and curiosity to a matter, was not so easily swayed until she deemed such a thing complete in interest. So when her wonder switched from the map, to the mysterious object now in Solar’s hoof, it told of a development worthy enough to forget anything prior.

“Hmm, it’s definitely old, whatever it is, perhaps pre Luna banishment, judging from the engravings.” That much Solar could have guessed, despite his lack of knowledge in antiques. He might have verbally agreed too, were it not for a hoof, that wasn’t his, approaching the box.

“No!” He chastised sharply. Twilight instantly knew of her mistake, fearing any progress made with Solar to this point was now at risk of losing her. But this was not a criticism made by his disapproval of her actions. Again, instinct dictated his movements, and not any one he remembered learning from experience. This safety he felt with the box had led to a desire to protect, even from Royalty far his superior, at least technically.

“S-sorry. Celestia knows that I can be too hasty, at least in some matters.” A weak snort of laughter, perhaps to help defuse the situation, fell upon death ears, much to her worry. Yet again she needn’t have taken this so personally, for Solar wasn’t so much like Blank Canvas in that his greed extended to anything shiny.

“Doesn’t matter” He finally replied, as plainly and uncaringly as one could. This only saddened Twilight further, thinking Solar to again retreat into loveless isolation, not banking on any notion that his mind was fixated on his discovery, like it was family, sharing the bond of blood.

This binding to the inanimate object seemed to strike a chord, but one undiscoverable in terms of recollection. So Solar did what anypony would do in times of curiosity and gifted destiny. He opened the box, little concern given to his self or what accursed trap he had fallen into.

Alas, and thankfully, no curse fell upon the land. No bait taken to trigger destruction or pain. No key was required, nor even suggested. Only a single silver handle, centrally placed and equally adorned with beautiful decoration, was suggested to Solar’s curiosity, and lifting it, so did the box open.

Inside, the container seemed larger than it had initially portrayed itself. Deceivingly deep, Solar did not so quickly descend his hoof in, allowing himself one consolatory gaze to Twilight. He did not fear this unknown, and perhaps this was just a silent demonstration of that quality, but it did tell him that, sketched upon Twilight’s face, that this was old and dark magic she did not know, and had chosen to fear. Ironic, Solar decided, given his racial makeup, but not one worth dwelling on.

Dropping his hoof into the box, little was felt, to his initial disappointment. This was but inadequate expectation management however, for no ancient artefact was there, nor anything truly desired. Irony continued to follow him, for the surprise that then found him was all due to the simplicity and plainness of the find.

A single piece of parchment, rolled tightly.

Twilight could have been described as anything ranging from outright shocked to disturbed. Yet anything gathered here would have confused her, so if only to save himself from a fit of very annoying verbal curiosity, the reading of the parchment was done in silence.

The writing, clearly hoof written by a Pony well practiced, did not appear as timeworn as the box that protected it. In fact, while Solar could not say so accurately, it seemed rather fresh, even to the point of just having been written. Learning this was not as ground shaking as it probably should have seen, especially as an increasingly pestering Twilight had to be blocked out.

Commander Solar

The words had taken him back, but despite being the last thing predicted, Solar read on with great urgency.

Forgive me for the unforeseen demonstration. I am well aware that you may not be as versed in our ancient arts as a more traditional comrade might be.

The writing seemed both direct and familiar, written far more casually than some ancient artefact should have been.

In these troubled times, I recommend we not rely upon so easily predictable methods of surviving. This form of summoning was once used to supply our forces in places far away, incapable of connecting back with their comrades.

It now became obvious why his intrigue was with the box. Why he seemed so connected to it. This magic was to gift allies, or at least entice them with better times.

I write to you now, because time is a luxury I fear we do not have, let alone the capability to risk more audacious tactics. This letter should arrive to you, wherever you may currently be, in a place where only you will know.

So any strange feelings until now were not accidental, and very much by design. While was not angered by this fact, given the terms of the letter, knowing any magic could so easily take him like this, was somewhat concerning.

There was some more detail of the magic performed. Mentions of it being unwieldable by anypony that was not its recipient. Interesting to be sure, but as was divulged, not the point of it all.

Canterlot, as you might have heard, has be consumed by silent chaos and fear. Celestia has made her move, and her Guards are actively searching for our forces, liberties be damned. For the Ponies that are not civilian, things are only worse. Both Guard and other Day thugs attempt a constriction of our informants. Allies have gone missing, safe houses raided, and skirmishes initiated. We are learning that Celestia has chosen to slam down a heavy hoof on all those she fears through her ungovernable paranoia.

This detail was an expansion of what Twilight had told him. Canterlot and its surroundings descending into madness and war preludes. What this letter said that Twilight hadn’t, was what the reality was for the Night. It’s enemy moving in, with little regard to public opinion. Order, however cruel that word could be, was all that mattered, the future be damned. Celestia was, Solar understood, trying to cut the head off the snake before it struck again. But this snake wasn’t coiled, unknowing of their enemy approaching. The Day had simply thrust into the darkness in which the Night was so well versed in. If anything, however bad things were getting, Celestia seemed to have panicked, and was wildly and indiscriminatingly swiping all around her in blind hope that her blade found a target.

There was more of Celestia’s foolish movements and tactics, ones predictable and surely written a thousand times in any history book detailing the beginnings of a war, but then came the true blow.

Our Empress does not fare well. At all. She sees few if any Ponies, even us. Locked in her tower she remains, surely descending into ever greater despondency and grief. Her condition is concerning to us, more than it ever has been. She too hears the developments of our struggle, but consumes it all as if they were her own personal failures. I cannot say for sure, but I fear something terrible may happen, should we fail to reign in our great leader, and sooth her troubles. We cannot accept our cause splitting into anarchy and discord, as it did before, a millennium ago.

Solar’s heart sank, dramatically. Luna, as was easily the subject here, had not fared well before all this. It was not his ego talking when he thought that his assistance had delayed or softened any continued disarray. His presence with her, the comfort he offered, was not something so easily ignored or disregarded. The love that had unexpectedly formed between the Princess and her warrior was nothing less than extraordinary, but the gentle bond, something so symbiotic between the two, had been lessened with Solar’s distance from her. Without him there to comfort her, to protect her from threats both physical and mental, Luna would suffer, and as was currently being detailed, this devastation was only getting worse.

This will only get worse before it gets better. If we cannot win this at this stage, we simply must win the war itself. But I regret to tell you, blood of my blood and my new brother, our Empress will not likely last any prolonged conflict. Victory must be decisive and swift, and this is where my most pressing point now lay…

A hint of anger found Solar. Only Luna was the most pressing issue. Only she was important, for this fight was for her. He needed to win so that she may benefit more than she ever had, a gift deserving of only her. For her, Solar would break this world, and being told that something else was more pressing was nothing less than dangerous arrogance.

Celestia has been meaning to do so, and probably would have in due time. But time is of the essence, and we, the Shadow’s and our NG, have had to force her hoof, yet I do not weep for any servant of the Day, regardless of their incapacitation within a hospital.

An interesting move, to, as was obvious, murder the injured as they lay in some hospital bed. The letter did not say if they were Guard or cult member however.

Now Celestia truly wishes to move in a secure a dominion to make her base from. A small number of Guards, no less than four I have heard, are making their way to Ponyville. Right now. You now understand why I have had to rely on such instantaneous communication with you.

Solar had read the words correctly, however much he wished to not have. However, many double takes a single Pony could manage, and whatever prayer could be spoken, nothing could alter reality. So suddenly, and with zero preparation made, Ponyville would now be invaded, even if those invaders were few in number. The enemy was coming now, and only now was he told.

I do not doubt your capability to rid yourself of these parasites, but I implore you, do not make so much noise. We need no more fights in open streets. Dispose of our enemies quietly, I advise you Commander. Let those evil puppet masters that wish to send these Guards so freely to their deaths learn that they cannot survive in a realm of shadow. Should they wish to enter our shaded world, then let them watch as no soul re-emerge from that darkness.

Solar could only curse the lack of time he had, the audacity in this news only being delivered now. Alas, in times of war, things, by definition were not meant to be easy. He could become frustrated at his new challenge, but that would solve little. The letter spoke truthfully when it recommended the silent elimination of any intruders. Their heads could and would be sent back to the masterminds behind this infiltration into lands of the Night, those being that vile cult, the Children of the Solstice. As they learned that the Night could not be beaten in the shadows, frustration would find them instead, and the hot headed leader of the Children, so consumed by bloodlust and fury, as was clearly evident during the battle in Canterlot, their violent and wild hoof would be forced, allowing the good Ponies of Equestria to see them for what they were. Tyrants, terrorists and an enemy to all they held dear.

Innocents would surely perish in that moment, as the forces of the Day struck hard and loudly, a true chapter in a war, but the Night would be easily accepted as defenders of the nation, and Luna may be saved sooner with a quick and clear defeat of the degenerates.

Rest assured we are fighting our noble cause back in Canterlot and across Equestria, but if Celestia wants to play at war, we must show her what meaning of that word means. A war means victory or defeat, and we need to ensure Celestia learns the latter well and truthfully, hopefully as her subjects pass judgment upon her.

We trust in you Commander. May you shadow be cast long over the land.


The context of the letter now found perfect sense, and the words used appropriate. Dark Blossom, still fighting the good fight back in Canterlot with the rest of the NG, had acted decisively and with her initiative, however short her timing may have been. Solar could only be proud at the calibre of his allies, and how much he agreed with her tactics and methods.

“Solar? Hello? What are you even reading?” Finishing the letter, which in hindsight was some inanimate messenger warning him of the impeding danger, only now did Twilight’s pleas cut in.

“A warning” he replied simply, considering Twilight little in these moments of strategy and consequence.

“A warning about what?” She implored, her tone approaching concern. “Please tell me Solar? If I can help in anyway- “But alas, she could not. War, regardless of her prior experience in fighting, was not her field of expertise. In addition, the slaughtering of what seemed to her as a few Guards visiting Ponyville, would be deplorable and unexplainable to her. She was to believe a fragile system between Day and Night, and her job was to maintain balance, but acting, unknowingly, in accordance with Solar’s wishes. After the enemies had been dealt with, then perhaps she could be told of some agitators attempting trouble, or some a bunch of terrorists trying to re-enact the bombing of Canterlot. Then she would wish to align with Solar more.

Until then though, blood need be spilt, and their masters shown that it would take more than some bullying of provincial towns to win this nation. Celestia and her lackeys would see their pawns returned, in a red stained sack, as Ponyville’s defenders triumphantly cried out ‘NO’ to them, and challenged them to the battle for Equestria, and not via cowardly attacks on their own people.

“Stay here Twilight, and do not leave your castle. For the good of the realm, please do not interfere, and permit me to defend it.” A rhetorical demand, for the Princess would not stand between he and Luna. This urgency at least seemed to be understood, as Twilight just stood there, increasing panic on her face for sure, but any further interjections or attempts at stopping him, not to be found.

“P-please Solar, whatever you have just read, just be careful.” Her words were sincere and noticeably caring, a testament to her honest wish for peace. This had to warrant a hint of respect from Solar who, while not reciprocating the gesture with any equal emotion or care, did understand her desires to be in the right place, and capable of one day understand why Solar was about to do what going to do.

Still clutching the letter in hoof, Solar made his exit in great haste, readying himself not necessarily for the small scale skirmish between the Guards and the overwhelming numbers of the Night and their Disciple allies, but for the reactions of this slaughter. Ponyville was evidently a target, in one way or another, and as his legs carried him speedily through endless hallways and doors, passing little Spike the Dragon, a scroll in eager need of delivery within his claws, Solar left Twilight’s castle, leaving behind the previously empty and still box, now once again with contents, an interest simply too irresistible by a worried Twilight.