To Belong

by Freglz

A Part Made Whole

She was beautiful.
She always was, and still is, but on that midsummer’s afternoon, the sky blue and cloudless, flower petals drifting through the air around us like downy dove feathers caught in a breeze, in the shade of the family orchard… she was something else.  Something flawless. Something beyond what mere words could describe. Perfect in every way.
It was at the grove of the intertwined apple and pear trees.  I knew it had to be there the second either of us hinted at the vague interest of spending our lives together — it was where Ma and Pa made their vows, after all.  And I’d been waiting for so long to see her there that I was on the brink of crying when the mayor started officiating. And what could I do but cry when Rainbow said her vows, and I said mine?  What could anypony do?
Oaths were made, and so was the offer of a kiss, and when I took her up on it, there were cheers.  But I could barely hear them. I checked with Rainbow afterwards and she said she could barely hear them either.  It was like the whole world had melted away for those few precious moments and we were walking on clouds again, lying on a little, fluffy bed of white as the sun drifted by and noon turned to dusk.
The serenity passed, though, and when we broke from each other’s spell, what welcomed us was just as lovely; a large gathering of friends and family, all of them smiling and clapping, whistling in a few cases.  Twilight was there, taking a break for her royal duties for the day to wish us well, and so was Pinkie, her husband, their kid, and Fluttershy and Discord, the latter of whom was in sniffles, and to whom Rarity generously loaned her handkerchief.  He would’ve given it back if it hadn’t flown away afterwards.
There was also a large swathe of the extended Apple clan present, coming from every corner of Equestria, and even some from beyond.  I was especially surprised to see a griffon or two bear the family name, but time had passed since I’d found myself thrust into this hero business, and love often finds us in interesting places.  Just take a look at Rainbow and I.
As for me?  I was just happy for the massive turnout.
Granny was there, naturally, along with Big Mac and Apple Bloom in the front row, but between them, separating the matriarch from the little ones, sat two far newer faces: Windy and Bow.  Granny had her hoof over Windy’s, and Apple Bloom hugged Bow’s close to her heart. And all of them were beaming with such pride that you could’ve sworn they glowed.
And I was happy for it.
I was elated for it.
I was ready for it.
Family is who you choose, not just who you’re related to.  I’d made my choice, and that didn’t mean I loved my old one any less, even the dearly departed, who I still regret not saying a proper farewell to.
But time marches on, and we can only march with it — that’s something tragedy has taught me.  And as I marched down the aisle, Rainbow nuzzling against me and I against her, forelegs linked, it was as if I were gliding, soaring on wings that weren’t mine.
Everything would be alright, I reckoned.
The past was over, and I was keen to see what would happen next.
And for all the years that followed, I’ve never been disappointed.