Alicorns and Creatures

by Alvaxerox

The truth of Trevelyan Part 1

Twilight, Spike, Garble and Ember were relaxing in the lava, Garble was still in shock that Twilight is an alien. Twilight flexed to impress Spike and Garble. Ember approves Twilight's physique.
"What do you think boys, too hot for ya?" Twilight said.

Both Spike and Garble were blushing as their chests felt like their were going to return erupt. Although Ember was impressed with Twilight's muscles. "Not bad Twilight girl. I bet you've been working out." She said.

"Yep. During my time with the Red Guardians, I've been working out my physique so I can use my superpowers more effectively." Twilight said.

"Uh... I have to ask... How are you not burning? I mean, you don't have scales, you have fur..." Garble asked while his face was still red. "How?"

"I just come up with an immunity spell that allows me to resist intensive cold, and molten lava. But it doesn't last too long. So I'm gonna make this moment count." Twilight said.

"Funny thing though..." Ember said. "You look a lot like that girl Spike brought the other day."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but yeah, you look like pony girl Spike had with her years ago." Garble said.

"Everyone told me about this world's Twilight Sparkle and what happened to her. I didn't know I look like her. I mean... I'm only human." Twilight said.

"You know... Smarts isn't my greatest suit. But I think Earth could be like Equestria. A parrael universe. You said your human right?" Ember asked.

"Yeah." Twilight said.

"Maybe your Earth is another version of Equestria. But instead of ponies, dragons and other creatures, it's humans." Ember said.

"Trippy." Spike said.

"So alien, how did you crash in the pony place?" Garble asked.

"By some guy name Trevelyan. And believe me or not... When I fought him here, he looked like... A dragon." Twilight said.

Ember and Garble's eyes widened... "Trevelyan?" Ember asked.

"Yeah. You heard of him?" Twilight asked.

"What color was he? What did he look like?" Garble asked.

"He was a black and red dragon with a bulky body and dark purple hair. He disguised himself back on Earth." Twilight said.

"The legends... Their true." Garble said.

"Legends, what legends?" Spike asked.

"There's something about that Trevelyan guy you do not know much about. What happened to him that made you come to Equestria?" Ember asked again.

"He betrayed and slaughtered all the Red Guardians and I fell into a ship that sent him to an unknown destination via hyper sleep mode, that destination happened to be Equestria." Twilight explained.

"There's something I need you show you that I found when my grandfather was lord of the dragons." Ember said. "But first, we're making you something radical to wear. I had my young friend Smolder to your outfit to our tailor dragon."

Twilight, Spike, Garble and Ember got out of the lava and Twilight went to the tailor dragon. Her outfit went from a winter theme to an apocalyptic Red Guardian. It was red plaid outfit with a bit of white tears that make it look like she's a beast. She puts it one. And the tailor also gave her a brand now hairstyle. Having way too long hair was not good. So she got a new trim style. Ember came in to check on her. And Twilight came out looking like a new woman. "So what do you think?"

"Now you look like a dragon, pony and a red guardian molded in one." Ember said. "Now come. I have to show you and Spike something. It's about Trevelyan."


Ember and Garble flew in the direction they want Twilight and Spike to follow. Twilight carried Spike as she flew as well. "I wonder where they're taking us?" Twilight asked Spike.

"I don't that know babe. We'll have to wait and see." Spike said.

"Good. We're here." Garble said. The 3 of them landed as Spike got off Twilight's grip.

"Where did you take us?" Spike asked.

"There." Ember pointed at the direction and Twilight and Spike's eyes widened and their jaws dropped in awe at what they saw... A city in ruins.

"What is this place?" Twilight asked.

"A city where dragons lived in peace and harmony 100 years ago. I discovered this place months ago. Garble, Smolder and I are the only ones that know about this place. I plan to show my dad after I am crowned Lord of the Dragons." Ember said. "This is the ancient city of Doragon. The home of the monster called... Trevelyan."

"What?!" Both Twilight and Spike said.

To be continued...