Thomas, Twilight, and the Magic Railway

by The Blue EM2

Friendship is Magic

Lady and Thomas roared down the track, their cylinders going double time as they tried to flee from Diesel 10. Sunset, on Thomas' footplate, was frantically shovelling coal into the firebox as they flew along. Sombra, the considerably more experienced driver, was having a noticably easier time at the controls of Lady, but her small bunker made it tough going.

Diesel 10 roared in behind them, his twin Maybach engines growling furiously. Storm King stuck his head out of the cab window. "Now I'll get you, Sombra!" he roared. "I shall have my revenge! You took Tempest's life, and I shall take yours!"

Sombra looked back, able to see clearly behind as Lady lacked a rear cab wall. "No you won't!" he exclaimed. "Because the magic you refuse to believe in will get the better of you!"

"Enough talking!" Diesel 10 snapped. "I think the claw wants a little snack, right Pinchy?"

Diesel 10's claw came swinging down.

"GET BACK!" Thomas shouted. Lady lurched forward as Thomas moved out of the way of the claw.

Sunset wiped her brow. "I'm seriously hoping I'm getting danger pay for this!"

"I'm seriously hoping we don't die!" Thomas retorted. "I do not intend to go to the scraphead today!"

Sombra checked the line ahead. All lights green, the way was clear. "Come on Lady," he whispered. "It's all or nothing."

They roared under another bridge and into a tunnel. Gordon flew out the other portal as Diesel 10 entered after them.

"What was that?" Gordon asked.

"A Class 42 breaking the speed limit, that's what!" Rainbow Dash replied. "I need to phone this in!"

Onwards our heroes sped, Diesel 10 gaining on them constantly, but Thomas and Lady refused to give an inch. Diesel 10's claw lunged at them over and over again, but consistently failed to find its mark.

"How can I not keep up?" Diesel 10 panted. "Two dock shunters versus a Western Hydraulic? It should be an easy win!"

"Magic coal, remember," Storm King said.

Seconds later, they came to the viaduct. The viaduct, which was on the verge of total structural failure. Sombra's face was grim. "Well, this is it," he said. "Lady, if this is the end, I want you to know I don't regret a single moment."

"Neither do I, sir," Lady replied.

"Come on, Lady!" Thomas called. "Little engines can do big things!"

The viaduct groaned like a wounded animal as Lady crossed the central span. The supports and retaining wall gave way and collapsed as she cleared the centre. She puffed furiously as she made it over, seconds before the keystone collapsed.

Sunset looked out of the cab. "I don't like this!" she exclaimed.

"Look forward, and never mind the view!" Thomas shouted. "We can do this!"

Sunset looked up, bit her tongue, and focused on driving. She opened Thomas' regulator, and they roared forward and over the chasm that was growing bigger with every second. They were on solid ground, then on track suspended in the air, which twisted and growled as they crossed, lurched down and up again, and then-

They were over. And in good time too, as the entire central span had gone.

"Well done Thomas! Well done Sunset!" Sombra called, and blew Lady's whistle as loud and as hard as he could.

Thomas whistled in response as he cheered. "We did it!

Diesel 10 was not so lucky. He roared onto the broken section, which now had nothing to support it. The track broke under his weight, and he plummeted into the abyss... landing on a conveniently placed barge in the process.

Storm King stepped out of the cab and shook his fist furiously. "YOU HAD ONE JOB, YOU STUPID ENGINE!" he shouted. "AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT! ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS FOLLOW THE DARN TRAIN!"

Diesel 10 sighed. "Perhaps magic really does exist," he sighed. "But I must say it is quite pleasant weather for a canal cruise."

The friends reunited at Crovan's Gate station, where Juniper and Autumn were waiting for them. "I see that Diesel 10 is gone!" Juniper said. "Good riddance, he was enough trouble as it was."

"Will you soon get your magic back?" Thomas asked. "There was a riddle, wasn't there? Stoking something?"

"Yes," Lady replied. "But what most people don't know is that is only part of the riddle. The entire riddle reads 'Stoke up the magic that lies beneath the mountain and the Lady will Smile. Then watch the swirls that spin so well in the Sunset Sky'."

It was at this moment that Autumn had a brilliant idea. "I think I've figured it out!" she exclaimed.

"Figured out what?" Sunset asked, confused.

"The clue! The magic lies beneath Culdee Fell, and the Lady has already smiled. We need to do this in the sunset sky, which is about now, so there really is no time to waste!"

"Let's go!" Thomas exclaimed, and the humans headed for the neighbouring Culdee Fell Railway.

"Have a nice time up at the hotel!" Patrick called, as he started his descent. "I don't really understand why you wanted to come up here of all places today, but I suppose you can do what you want."

"Possibly best not to question," Sugarcoat added.

Autumn dashed over to the old well, and made the last connection. "The source of the Gold Dust is under this well, which is currently blocked up. Here, Juniper, help we get this manhole cover off!"

Juniper sprinted over, as did Sunset and Sombra, and they tugged and tugged at the cover with all their might. When it seemed as if all was for naught, the cover suddenly popped off, and a torrent of Gold Dust roared into the sky, lighting up the evening sky like a fireworks display.

"Gold dust!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Gold dust!" Sombra added. "The Non-Faceless Vehicles of the world are saved!"

"Gold dust!" Juniper said in turn. Autumn, on the other hand, did a jig on the spot as the magic danced through the sky and into the air.

Down at Crovan's Gate, Thomas and Lady watched the spectacle with wonder. "Lady," Thomas said, "you're a Really Useful Engine. You're welcome on my branch line whenever you want to visit."

"I couldn't have done it without the help of you or Sunset," Lady replied. "Helping each other brings to light the magic in all of us.

When the others came down the hill, it was time to say goodbye. "I know I didn't know you very long," Juniper said to Sunset, "but I'll miss you. Here's hoping no giant movie monsters rampage through the local theatre."

"That sounds like it would make a great 21 minute short," Sunset joked. "See you around, Juniper."

"Juniper!" Autumn called. "I was wondering, could you keep an eye on the Magic Railway for me? I think I'll be needed back at Ruddington-"

'Cause Rainbows won't light up the sky,
unless you let it rain, and candle won't just-"

"Sorry, that's my ringtone," Autumn replied. She quickly answered her mobile. "Yes? Sir Toppham Hatt? You're back? Yes, everything's fine right now? Oh, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Goodbye, sir!"

She turned to face Sombra and Sunset. "See you in Ruddington!" she called, as both she and Juniper sparkled out.

Sunset turned to him. "Dad, sorry for thinking you were some sort of crazy person-"

"It's OK," Sombra replied. "I shouldn't have closed my heart to you. But you and I now have a very important job, one that the fate of the entire world depends on."

"And that is?"

"We are now Lady's crew. I won't be able to operate her all the time, so I was wondering if you wanted to become her driver."

Sunset grinned wider than the Cheshire Cat. "Yes, yes, and yes again!" she exclaimed.

"Let us remember our Shining Time together," Sombra smiled gently, in that warm, gentle way he did.

And so, everything returned to normal on the Island of Sodor, and across the world. Engines, coaches, and trucks globally regained their ability to communicate, which was a bit of a shock for some, especially when your Black 5 suddenly starts discussing Shakespeare with you! The Great Central Railway continues to go from strength to strength, with Autumn and Juniper keeping a watchful eye on everything.

Diesel 10 and Storm King were never seen again, and I would say that's a good thing. The last thing anybody wants is them around.

Which brings us to one last thing. As they headed home, Twilight spoke to Thomas, the sun setting in the distance. "So, what happened whilst Sunset was driving you?" she asked.

Thomas laughed. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he smiled, as he steamed happily into the distance.