Let's write a story.

by TheMajorTechie

The adventure ends here.

So it appears that our protagonist has found themselves on the other side of the mirror portal. Discord has created a duplicate of them, setting this duplicate free to accompany our protagonist for the time being.

...And the author continues to struggle to write a cohesive story for this story.

"It's over."

The Voidtrotter cocked their head. They blinked, finding themself suddenly plunged back into their long-familiar namesake plane of existence.

"There is nothing more that this universe may afford to you, Voidtrotter," Celestia's voice echoed around them. "Unfortunately, this means that your adventure must be cut short. You yourself, however, may live on, bearing the legacy of your name's meaning. You will continue to be, and always will be, the Voidtrotter; you have my permission to explore other worlds, other realities-- anything, anywhere. You are no longer shackled to this lone plane of existence, Voidtrotter."

The Voidtrotter blinked again.

"Be free, Voidtrotter. Become yourself. Find yourself."

For the first time ever, Celestia-- that is, the one that'd been speaking to the Voidtrotter all along, emerged from the darkness, bowing her head. Her once elegant and flowing mane had long-since been reduced to shaggy tufts, and she even appeared to be sagging in some places.

"Ce...les...tia?" the Voidtrotter craned their neck for a better look at the aging Alicorn.

Celestia bowed her head to the Voidtrotter. "I am old and withered; I cannot burden myself much more with maintaining the existence of the realms you visit within this plane. That... that is why I must let you go."

The ancient Alicorn closed her eyes, lighting her horn one final time. There was no time left for the Voidtrotter to respond before they were engulfed in a blinding light.