All about that B-ASS

by WinterFang

Best seat in the House

Late one morning, Vinyl Scratch (A.K.A. DJPon3) drowsily walked into the kitchen to get some food.

"Good morning, Vinyl. You were out late." Said Octavia upon seeing the unicorn entering the room.

The disc jockey mumbled a response as she stuck her head in the fridge. Unfortunately for Octavia, she got unexpected view of Vinyl's sizable rear end. Vinyl had a habit of wearing very little clothes while at home. In this case, Vinyl was wearing only a shirt and a black thong. Octavia felt the urge to tell off her alabaster friend again, but knew that would be pointless. She instead let a small sigh and made her way to the front door.

"Well, I'm off to practice and won't be home until late." Said the cellist as she picked up her instrument.

Just before she fully opened the door, Octavia turn back to her roommate and said, "Before I forget. A package arrived for you earlier. I left it on the coffee table."

"Alright, thanks." replied the white unicorn as she ate an apple.

Octavia let out another sigh at the sight. As so as Octavia was gone, Vinyl went the living room to check out what she got. Sitting on the coffee table was a plain white box tied with a simple red ribbon. Vinyl was somewhat bummed at the simplicity of her gift. Upon closer inspection, Vinyl noticed that note was wedged under the ribbon.

Dear DJPon3. I'm big fan of yours and hope we can officially one day. In meantime, I made you a very special batch of cookies, that I hope you'll enjoy. Signed: from an adoring fan.

"That's weird. I never had a fan send me presents before, but free cookies are free cookies." Said the DJ as she set down the apple.

Vinyl opened the box to reveal about three dozen chocolate chip cookies. The DJ carried the box over the couch as she munching on one of the cookies. To Vinyl's surprise, the cookies were very delicious. The DJ plopped down on the sofa to watch her favorite television program and to fully enjoy the cookies. Unknown to the white unicorn mare, the cookies were laced with a special potion that has unique effects depending on who's ingesting it. In Vinyl's case, the potion is going straight to her ass. The growth was slow enough at first that Vinyl didn't really notice. Unfortunately for Vinyl, the DJ can't seem to stop eating the cookies. It wasn't until she had eaten basically all the cookies, that Vinyl heard something rip.

"What in Equestria?" asked the DJ.Looking down towards the source of the noise.

Vinyl was shocked see that, not only was her underwear ruined, but her rear end had grown enormous. To the disc jockey's horror, Vinyl's ass continued to expand as she watched. It soon got big enough to crush the section of sofa that Vinyl was on. The alabaster unicorn tried to get her feet only fall back on her enlarged backside. After a few more failed attempts, Vinyl finally got up and made her way to the door. Only to find that her butt was too big for the living room door frame. So she resigned herself to wait for Octavia to get home. It wasn't until the moon had made it's way into the sky, that Octavia returned home.

"I'm home." called Octavia as she closed the door.

"Octavia? Thank Celestia you're back. Listen, I've got a bit of a situation in here and I need you to go get some help" replied Vinyl

Her curiosity piqued, Octavia made her way to the living room. The gray mare was about ask what Vinyl needed help with, until she saw her answer. Vinyl's ass had swelled to an unbelievable size. It looked to be twice the size of the rest of her.

"Vinyl? What in the name of Celestia happened to your rump?" asked the cellist.

"I really don't know. One minute, I was on the couch watch my favorite show. The next minute, my butt grew into this"

"Did you do anything else? Anything out the ordinary?"

"Not really. The only other thing I did was open that gift I got the mail. Apparently, A fan of mine sent me some cookies." answered the DJ.

"How many did you have?" asked Octavia

"All of them. So, about three dozen."

Octavia stood there in disbelief. Three dozen cookies were able to all of this? Who could have done this and why? Octavia let out a small sigh before looking back to her roommate.

"The best suggestion I make right now, is to see Princess Twilight tomorrow morning. Hopefully, she has a way to fix this."

"Me too." Said Vinyl in agreement.