The Batpony

by Atlas INC

The Hunter

Ventura and Amethyst are walking through a small path in the woods while Sapphire sleeps on Ventura’s back not wanting to wake her. The birds chirp and cheer all around them up in the trees just about to begin the day. Ventura wandered off in his own thoughts, could they make it back in time for hearts and hooves day? This question plagued his brain, he had been planning something for that day besides the main event. It was something more personal, he had been planning that day for months now, why did he leave to help a bat pony he had just only met? He didn’t know why and asked himself “should I have done this?”
“Hey, so about hearts and hooves day” starts Amethyst “do you think we’re going to make it back in time?”
“I honestly don’t know, I hope so but still, I don’t know.” Answers Ventura.
“This forest is pretty cool, I don’t know why I don’t go on trips anymore”
Ventura could tell she was trying to have a conversation with him. She had a certain tone in her voice that she only had when trying to start a conversation. He gave in and said “I think that’s why I live out here, it’s beautiful.”
“After this I think I might go on another trip, maybe to Canterlot.” Amethyst replies.
“Could I tag along with you on the trip”
“Sure, it would be good to have company.”
Behind them Sapphire yawns and wakes up. She awkwardly gets up off of Ventura and onto her own four hooves. Sapphire just stays behind the two and walks with them. They continue walking until they get out of the forest. Once out they escape they take a break. Ventura pulls some snacks out for him and Amethyst while Sapphire searches her own food stash. Randomly, a griffin appears out of the forest. He’s wearing a small coat and has a bandage on his neck. He looks to the other Amethyst and Ventura. “You know that’s a bat pony, right?” Says the griffin.
“Yeah, so?” Ventura responds.
“I’ve been tracking her this entire day and I got a contract to fill, so give her over.”
“What? No! Why would we do that?”
“Because you don’t want to be killed by me”
Sapphire walks to the front of the group, then bites him in the leg. “Run!” She shouts.
They rush away from the griffin “I remember now! That’s why me and my family were flying away, we were being kidnapped by a bunch of other creatures!” Sapphire explains.
The griffin, after recovering from the bite, barrels towards the three friends. Amethyst quickly casts a freeze spell, freezing the pursuer for a moment. The griffin quickly recovers and continues giving chase. The griffin is about to catch Sapphire when Ventura bucks his hind legs, bashing their adversary away. While the griffin is down they hide in a large bush. He later gets up and passes by, they were safe for now. “Who in the fuck was that?!” Shrieks Amethyst.
“I think he was working with those bad creatures I was talking about before.” States Sapphire.
“He mentioned something about a contract, maybe to fill the contract he has to catch a certain number of bat ponies.” Mentions Ventura.
The rest of the day the three friends are in constant fear of him catching them again. At the end it goes similar to last night Ventura and Amethyst go in the tent while Sapphire stands guard. Inside the tent the other two share a short conversation. “That was crazy” utters Ventura.
“Yeah if it wasn’t for that buck of yours we’d be dead right now.” Responds Amethyst.
“About our talk earlier,” begins Amethyst “I’d really like it if you joined me on the trip I think it would be fun to do that.”
“Well I’m sure we’re gonna fun into him again” Ventura declares.
“Yeah, well goodnight.” Says Amethyst while yawning.
“Goodnight to you too” replies Ventura.
With every new friend comes a new villain to balance the world.