The Batpony

by Atlas INC

For Amethyst

Ventura woke up in the middle of the night. He dazedly wandered out of the tent and out to Sapphire. Sapphire gave him a confused look but just assumed that it would be best to leave him alone. He looked over to his saddle bag which he’d left outside of the tent. He reached over and shuffled through it. He eventually pulls out a dark blue notebook, a black pen, and a map of Equestria. He carefully copied the map into the notebook making sure to pay attention to the different cities spread throughout Equestria. He flips to another page and looks at a small list of places. He then looks up to Sapphire and asks “Do you think bringing someone on a trip of Equestria would be romantic?”
“Well I don’t know, I haven’t really been anywhere than my home in the mountains.” Sapphire answers.
Ventura returns to scribbling in the notebook. Drawing large broad lines from one city to another and mumbling to himself while he does. She glares down at the notebook wondering, what could that pony be doing? He continues making periodic checks to the map. He looks back up to Sapphire and inquires another question “What places do you think we should visit in the Crystal Empire?”
“That I do know, I think you should go in the summer and visit the main castle, you’ll be able to participate in the crystal heart ceremony” Sapphire responds “what do you mean by places we should visit?”
“Oh shit, well uh, I’m planning a trip for my parents, that’s what.”
“Why are you planning a trip for your parents?”
“Um, did I say parents I meant friends!”
“So who are these friends?”
“Oh Fuck, These friends are um, fine, I’m planning a trip for me and Amethyst, happy?”
He says with a pale blush arriving on his face. He puts away his notebook and pen but keeps the map out with him. “I think I understand why you asked me if I thought a trip around Equestria was beautiful.” Sapphire states.
“Your in love with her.” Sapphire blankly retorts to her own statement.
“Alright I am, please don’t tell her I want to surprise her with this trip” Ventura replies.
“Your lucky I’m a civilized bat, otherwise I’d be trying to tell her right now.”
“I am lucky your civilized, because you would’ve already killed me”
“Well I think it’s time for me to turn in for the day”
“Well good morning” Ventura says while waving bye to Sapphire. Amethyst comes out soon after Sapphire goes in. Amethyst lies back down onto the grass and falls asleep again. Ventura sighs and gets down low right next to Amethyst. “It’s morning Amethyst” he quietly says to her.
“But I don’t want to wake up.” Amethyst replies while half asleep.
“But there’s snacks” Ventura whispers in an enticing tone.
“Huh? What? Snacks! Where!?” Amethyst shouts as she gets up.
“Here they are” Ventura says to his newly awakened friend while tossing his saddle bag full of snacks to her. She quickly opens up the package of breakfast cookies and devours them whole. “Thanks” she says.
“Your welcome.” He answers.
After a refreshing night of sleep and conversation the group is ready to continue moving towards Sapphire’s home.