Tales of the Canterlot High Duelists

by Brony-wan-kenobi

Test by Arrogant Flames Part 2

Applejack stood on top of the roof, her long hair blowing in the wind as she slid her deck into its slot. In the distance she could hear the sounds of cars and buses going about with their business while the crowd of students below became fewer. A good thing for the southern duelist seeing that she wanted to keep her new deck a secret for as long as possible. It was, after all, supposed to help her keep up with those Crystal Prep students. Off on the side lines were Hunter and Moondancer. Moondancer had a look on her face that screamed ‘this is a bad idea’. As for Hunter, he was eyeing Chaser with mistrust.

“Applejack, you don’t have to do this,” said Hunter in a cautious whisper as he approached her, never once taking his eyes off his brother. Applejack looked at the jerk as well, who was putting his own deck in its slot as well while still appearing as arrogant as ever.

“Oh, Ah know,” said Applejack before pausing to crack her neck loudly, causing Hunter to wince at the sound. “But after what he’s been sayin’ it was either this or pounding him flatter than granny’s flapjacks. An’ not just about my kin, but ta Rainbow an all mah other friends he’s been bothering. So might as well hit him in his pride.”

“Actually, I mean…” began Hunter but his words trailed off before looking down. Applejack knew what was going on inside her friend’s head. Back when he was taking the entrance exam to get into Crystal Prep, Hunter and Chaser had dueled. For Hunter, it was a chance to do the same thing she was doing right now. Having had to deal with his brother for years, that had been his chance to humiliate him. To see him utterly defeated while Hunter got to go to the school Chaser believed he belonged at. Only it didn’t work out the way he had hoped. While Hunter had dominated the duel, the whole thing had been a set up to see if Chaser really was a cheater and was called off shortly after they had gotten the proof they needed.

AJ knew that that day still bothered Hunter like nothing else. He had told her that there were times when he felt angry that he wasn’t the one who had broken his brother. That he wasn’t really responsible for his brother for Chaser’s drinking and robbing a store in order to get more of the drink he craved. And he wondered if feeling like that made him a bad person. Right now, Hunter probably wanted to duel Chaser himself and hopefully finish this thing between them once and for all. Something which Applejack believed he could. His favorite deck, Shaddolls, would more than likely hamper all of Chaser’s moves.

Instead of finishing his sentence, Hunter shook his head as if trying to clear those sorts of thoughts out of his head. Applejack opened her mouth to say something but stopped when he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. Two cads which he held up for Applejack to see.

“I promised you when we first met I would give you these cards when I believed you were skilled enough with that deck,” he said as he reached out for her hand. Once he had it, Hunter gently placed the cards in her open palm. “To be honest, I’ve thought you’ve been ready for these for a while. I just figured that you’d feel better if I gave them to you if you beat me.”

Applejack blinked as she looked down at them. The two cards she had been training hard to get since she had first met Hunter were right there, in her hand. She looked back up, unsure of what to say only to see him giving her a half smile before quickly patting her on the arm. Sort of a ‘go get him champ’ gesture that coach would give one of their athletes before a big game as reassurance. Then, without so much as another word, Hunter walked away from the field with his hands in his pockets.

“If you’re done talking done talking to the retard,” shouted Chaser as he held up his duel disk, activating it in the process. “Then let’s get this over with. This isn’t the way I was hoping to see you on your hands and knees, but it’ll do for now.” In response, Applejack let out a growl as she slid her gifts into her extra deck tray. Once it closed, she held up her duel disk with a look of determination in her eyes.

“Just keep that there duel disk where everybody can see it,” warned Applejack before jerking her head towards Hunter and Moondancer. Her two friends were already on it, keeping their eyes locked to make sure his auto-shuffler was working as it should. Chaser frowned as he held it up so all could see his cards moving about in their slot.

-Applejack’s Life points: 8000-
-Star Chaser’s Life points: 8000-

Turn 1: Star Chaser

“I’ll make the first move then,” said Chaser as he drew (hand: 6). For a moment he looked at his hand and grinned wickedly. “Well, looks like this will be a quick duel. I’ll start out by summoning ‘Black Metal Dragon’ in attack mode!”

Appearing on Chaser’s side of the field was a long, thin dragon that looked more machine than dragon. Its almost black chrome-like body shined brightly in the sun while its tail was covered in long spikes, three of them on every segment. (600/600)

“But this monster is only the opening act! Because now I banish it to bring out something far more useful: ‘Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon’!” As Chaser slipped the card off his duel disk, the small dragon was dragged into a void before something far lager landed on the field.

It towered over the two of them, casting a long shadow that Applejack found herself trapped in. Looking up, the farmer girl could see thin red lines across the dragon’s metallic black form as well as red gems in its wings. Dear lord its wings! They were more like three blades fused together to create claws due to its lack of arms! (2800/2400)

“Impressed yet?” asked Chaser in a mocking tone. “Not surprised. Your tiny brain hasn’t seen anything yet! I now tribute my normal Red-Eyes in my hand order to special summon the ‘Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon’ in my hand!” (2400/2000)

From above their heads appeared another dragon which landed on the field in front of Chaser, the holograms giving the impression of the roof shaking as it did so. Applejack had seen the original Red-Eyes plenty of times before and while this version of it looked similar there were some key differences. It was thicker, more muscular than its original as well as having a more V shaped head.

“Next I will use the effect of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to special summon one dragon from my graveyard: ‘Red-Eyes Black Dragon’!” (2400/2000)

Applejack fought hard to keep taking a step back as she looked at the three large monsters staring down at her. It was a little daunting to see them all in person. And something told her that this fella wasn’t done just yet.

“Now, allow me to show you something truly amazing,” continued Chaser. “With my two level 7 dragons I am able to build the Overlay Network!” Appearing on his side of the field was a dark vortex with thousands of twinkling red lights, sucking in both Alternative and the original Red-Eyes Dragons.

“Twin Red-Eyes combining their legendary might! Coated with steel and burning with blazing power unlike ever before to serve me! Xyz summon Rank 7: ‘Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon’!”

What stepped out of the vortex was another monster that looked more machine than dragon. It had the form of a dragon, but its scales looked like they had been plated with black metal once again with exhaust pipes spewing flames out of its wings. Its front claws were larger than normal, like giant shovels ready to impale her and its tail had so many spikes on it that Applejack easily lost count. (2800/2400)

“With both of these monsters on the field, I’ll place one card face down before ending my turn.”

Turn 2: Applejack

“Then I draw,” announced Applejack. (Hand: 6) “Alright, first Ah’ll set this here card before summoning ‘Predaplant Spinodionaea’!” (1800/0)

As Applejack set the card on her tray the ground before her began to crack before a monster twice her size exploded out. Spinodionaea looked very much like a dinosaur with a wicked, thin jaw and six pure red eyes that glowed brightly. Its skin was green and its back looked like it was carrying the mouth of a Venus flytrap.

“Now that this big fella is on the field, Ah can activate his effect by placing one Predator Counter on one of your monsters. Ah choose Darkness Metal!” Smiling as she said this, Applejack watched as her monster began to hack several times before spitting a purple seed shaped like an alligator’s head. The seed flew across the flied, latching itself onto Chaser’s dragon.

Suddenly, Chaser pointed at Applejack with a smile she liked less than the ones before. “Sorry dirt-for-brains, but it looks like playing with the big boys is going to leave you burnt. See, My Flare Dragon has this wonderful effect: As long as he has at least one material on him you get burned for 500 life points whenever you use a card effect!” As he said this, smoke and fire began to pour out of the exhaust pipes of his dragon.

The smoke moved across the field towards Applejack causing her to cough violently for a moment before yelping in pain as ashes hit her exposed skin.

-Applejack’s Life points: 7500-

“Crud,” coughed Applejack as she tried her best to clear out her lungs. The taste was still in her mouth, like she had spent a day on the streets Manehatten and Las Pegasus. Not something a country girl like her would enjoy. What was worse was that Xyz dragon’s effect. Every time she used an effect it would cost it, making it so that it literally hurt to play the game. And that was just it effect with material on! Who knew what it could do by detaching them.

Still, that wouldn’t stop her. Not by a long shot. “From mah hand, Ah activate the spell card ‘Polymerization’ ta fuse the Predaplant Spinodionaea on mah field with the Predaplant Cordyceps in mah hand. Together they’ll bring out ‘Predaplant Chimerafflesia’!”

“Ah, Predaplants,” sighed Chaser, lowering his head while placing two finger on his forehead. “I remember asking my parents to buy them for me when they first came out. Thought they might have potential. Of course they didn’t. Besides, why have a bunch of useless plants when I can have fire breathing dragons. Speaking of which…” More smoke came from Flare Dragon, flowing towards Applejack causing her to cough even more.

-Applejack’s Life points: 7000-

She coughed even more this time, yet stood firm as a vortex appeared above her.

“The fearsome blooms unite the sting of the scorpion and the bite of snake. Together, their fangs breed a new flower. Fusion summon ‘Predaplant Chimerafflesia’!” (2500/2000)

From the vortex a light shot down hard and hit the ground. From that spot vines began to grow, thick vines that looked like they could hold a fully-grown adult. A red bloom began to grow with red petals that had white marks on them and in its center was another mouth just like her Darlingtonia Cobra’s. Branch like vine began to grow out of its sides, two of them ending with the mouths of a Venus flytrap making them look almost like arms.

“Now that Chimerafflesia is on the field, ah can activate its effect,” said Applejack as she raised an arm to cover her mouth. “See, if there is a monster on your side of the field with a lower level than its own mah monster can banish it. An’ thanks to my Predator Counter, that there dragon becomes a level 1. So say goodbye.”

“Fine, but remember you’re only hurting yourself by doing this,” mocked Chaser as his Darkness Dragon vanished from the field. As he slid the card into his pocket, Flare Metal dragon began to release more smoke and burning ash. Even though she was ready for it, Applejack still coughed horribly as she lost more life points.

-Applejack’s Life points: 6500-

“Now ah attack!” declared Applejack as she pointed at Flare Metal. “Predaplant Chimerafflesia, destroy Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!”

Chaser smirked as Applejack’s monster began to grow while its vine like arms extended towards his dragon. “I’m going to guess you’re using your monsters effect to weaken my monster and strengthening yours. If not, you’re only proving how completely stupid you are Applejugs! Well, you might take down my monster but to do that you have to use a card effect!”

As the Venus flytrap like hands bit into the sides of Flare Metal both duelists could see energy flowing out of the dragon, through the vines, and into Chimerafflesia. But as its attack rose to 3500 and Flare Metal’s attack decreased to 1800, more black smoke began to pour out from the dragon right up until it was destroyed.

-Applejack’s Life points: 6000-
-Star Chaser’s Life points: 6300-

“Pathetic!” shouted Chaser as a savage smile crossed his face, his eyes glistening with sadistic glee as his trap flipped face up. “I activate my trap card: Red-Eyes Spirit! This card allows me to target one Red-Eyes monster in my graveyard and special summon it! So my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon returns!”

Beams of ruby red light began to shine out of the face up trap card until it became a flash of light that nearly blinded AJ. When it faded, Flare Metal was back minus its material.

“I end mah turn,” said Applejack as she looked across the field. So far things hadn’t worked out as well as she had hoped. She had been willing to lose all those life points if it meant clearing his field and leaving that smug jerk with nothing. Seems he had a back-up plan.

Turn 3: Star Chaser

“I draw then,” said Chaser with a grin, slowly drawing his card which jerked slightly as he did so. (Hand: 2) He then looked up at Applejack. “I was right about you. You are nothing more than some inbred country hick. All that work and getting one half-way descent monster on the field was all you could manage. I bet you’re even thinking that I won’t dare attack you due to its effect. Well, time to show you how wrong you really are!” Chaser then held up the card he had drawn, “I play the spell card: ‘Red-Eyes Insight’! By sending one Red-Eyes monster from either my hand or deck, I can add any Red-Eyes spell or trap card to my hand! So I’ll send my Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact to the grave in order to add Red-Eyes Fusion to my hand!” Applejack’s eyes widened as Chaser pulled out the two cards from his deck; sending one to the grave and the other to his hand. She knew about that card from Hunter and what kind of advantage it gave Chaser.

“I see by that look on your face you know how screwed you are,” mocked Chaser as he played the spell card. “Seems you do have a few brain cells after all. Good for you. At the small cost of not being able to normal or special summon any other monster this turn: I send Summoned Skull and the original Red-Eyes Black Dragon to the grave in order to fusion summon this little beauty.”

With a cold smile, Chaser’s deck began to glow bright red as the cards were ejected while another portal opened up in the sky.

“The cruelty of the demon combines with the might of the dragon! Their powers combine force all to bow in its presence! Fusion Summon ‘Archfiend Black Skull Dragon’!” (3200/2500)

Red lightning began to strike the ground behind Chaser, revealing his monster. From what Applejack could see, it was standing in the courtyard behind him so only its upper body was visible. Red sinews of flesh were exposed and bound tightly while bits of black dragon scales came together to form the skeleton over it. Flames were shooting out around its long neck as it hung over the roof to look at Applejack.

“This is the difference between us,” yelled Chaser. “A stupid blonde who clings to her weeds could never compare to my blazing glory! I’ll make sure to burn it into your mind. Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, attack!”

Applejack watched as the flames around Archfiend Black Skull began to turn from orange to black as its mouth opened, wondering what Chaser was thinking. When his dragon attacked her plant it would lose 1000 of its attack points while hers would go up by that same amount. Meaning he would lose his monster! However, much to her confusion, when the black flames came pouring out of the dragons mouth the power behind the attack did not decrease. Nor did the strength of her own monster increase. In horror Applejack witnessed her Chimerafflesia burned before her ever eyes, withering about until it was dust in the wind

-Applejack’s Life points: 5300-

“I suppose you’re wondering why that ugly weed of yours didn’t save you,” said Chaser as he leaned forwards a bit, a grin still on his face. “Well, that because my monster has an effect worth having. See, when he attacks, your cards and effects can’t activate until the end of the battle step making them, like you, worthless. And as an added bonus, after the battle step I can send one normal Red-Eyes monster in my graveyard and burn you for the same amount of damage. So I’ll send Red-Eyes Black Dragon back to my deck to deal 2400 points of damage!”

Too stunned by this to move, Applejack watched as another torrent of flames came towards at such a force that it knocked her on her back, rolling backwards for a moment or two. When the flames subsided, Applejack was panting hard while on her hands and knees.

-Applejack’s Life points: 2900-

“Isn’t this a lovely sight,” said Chaser as he ran a hand threw his hair, a disgusting look in his eyes. “The dumb blonde on her hands and knees. Perhaps I can see you like this again after I take your place for the Cup. But first, I think it’s best to end this waste of my time! Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, END HER!”

The mechanical dragon opened its mouth, red lighting dancing around its jaw before it fired a beam directly at Applejack as she quickly stood up right before the beam struck.

“HAHAHA! It’s over! Did you really think you…” Chaser’s vile words trailed off as he noticed something in the blast.

A creature had appeared on Applejack’s side of the field, deflecting the blast with its body while AJ herself held up her arms to brace herself. It was a small, green insect like creature with a large pincer and trumpet flowers growing out of back. Eventually, it exploded leaving Applejack unharmed as well as a purple mist hanging where the monster once stood.

“W-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?” roared Chaser.

“That was mah little friend ‘Predaplant Sarraceniant’,” explained Applejack. “This fella here is mighty useful. When Ah get attacked directly; he comes ta mah rescue by being summoned ta the field in defense mode. But that ain’t all he does. The poison he leaves behind, well it goes straight ta the monster that destroyed him!”

Chaser watched in horror as the purple mist crossed the field like an angry ghost, entering his Xyz monster. The two watched as Flare Metal began to melt away as it was eaten away from within before finally exploding.

“Lastly, ah get one Predaplant card added ta mah hand. So ah add mah Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra.”

“NO!” screamed Chaser as he stomped his foot like a child over and over again. “NO, NO, NO! That should have ended this duel! I should have won! There was no way you had that card in your hand! You had to have cheated! That’s the only thing that makes sense! I’m the only one who-” Chaser’s eyes widened for a moment, causing him to stop in mid-sentence. He then turned his head, as if unable to look at AJ or any of the other duelists there. “It doesn’t matter. All I have to do is draw my Inferno Fire Blast card and with my Archfiend’s name being changed to Red-Eyes Black Dragon you’ll take 3200 points of direct damage and lose like you’re supposed to!”

Applejack glared at Chaser, her free hand gripped tightly into a fist. Glancing over to Hunter, she saw that he was looking at Chaser. Rather he was looking at the arm holding the duel disk. The spot where his hand had jerked slightly before this turn. Hunter then closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

“Applejack, I think we should-”

“Ah’m gonna finish this match,” said Applejack, interrupting Hunter.

As the teen looked at her in surprise, AJ turned her attention to Chaser with a meaningful stare. There was not a doubt in her mind right now that Chaser was cheating right now. He might not have the same trick that allowed him to move his cards around like he used to, but that didn’t mean he didn’t learn a new one. That frustrated the heck out of Applejack! She had worked with her new deck, dueling against Hunter and losing time after time in an effort to get better. She had put in the effort to get good. Yet Chaser…Despite whatever skill he had, despite having some really good card, he wanted to take the easy route. He wanted to cheat in order to be the best.

That just made her want to defeat him even more! She wanted to beat this dishonest snake in the grass with her own hard work. To see this prideful buffoon taken down again.

“Got anything else?” asked Applejack. Chaser looked at the remaining card in his hand with malice before suddenly putting it face down on his field.

“Go ahead hillbilly,” he sneered. “But don’t think your weeds will save you for long! All you’re going is wasting my time! I will win this match and then be on the road to reclaiming everything that was wrongfully taken away from me!”

“Ah doubt anything ya ever had was yours in the first place,” said AJ as she shook her head. “Nothin’ ya earned honestly.”

“Who cares?” snarled Chaser. “Shit like working hard or doing shit honestly, who really cares about that? All anyone cares about is having it all! Being famous and rich gives you whatever you want. To do whatever you want. Thing is, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to stand out from the thousands that think they deserve it. A star has to look good, act, sing, be a super athlete, and so on. Are you so stupid that you believe anyone out there can really do all that shit? What I have done is no different than using auto-tuning on my voice. So I’ll do whatever it takes so I stand out from the crowd so I can keep that life. If you were even half as smart as I am, you’d do the same thing.”

Turn 4: Applejack

“That’s where you’re wrong,” replied Applejack as she drew a card. (Hand: 3). “Anything worth havin’ is something that ya work for with your own hands. Something that ya can share with the people who are important ta ya.”

Chaser rolled his eyes. “Spare me Applejugs. Just finish your move so I can win with!”

“Fine by me,” said AJ. “Since Predaplant Chimerafflesia was destroyed last turn, ah get ta add one Polymerization spell or Fusion spell ta mah hand from mah deck during mah standby phase.” Applejack smiled as she did so, adding more recourses to her hand. “Now Ah summon mah Lonefire Blossom in attack mode!” (500/1400)

Yellow vines sprouted out from the ground, twisting around each other until they collided and created an orb with a string coming out of it.

“Now Ah activate its effect allowing me to special summon any plant monster from mah deck. So ah choose Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio in attack mode!” (1200/800)

At Applejack’s command, the string on her flower’s orb lit like a fuse until it exploded revealing a blackish scorpion. One that lacked any eyes in which to see with and its pincer claws were composed of vines. The green pattern on its back looked like a stem as well as having four leaves on the back end of its stinger tail.

“Now ah activate my monster’s special ability. All Ah got ta do is discard one card from mah hand and then Ah can special summon any other Predaplant monster to the field. So Ah discard my Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra to special summon to the field Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra!” (1000/1500)

As Applejack discarded her card the ground began to crack again, this time revealing two stems with black budded petals with a red dot on each side. As the vines began to lower themselves to the ground the blooms began to rustle while their red spots began to glow red. The petals then hissed, opening up to show that in each of its center was a rounded mouth with row upon row of tiny fangs.

“Thanks to this here fella, Ah get another Polymerization added ta mah hand,” said Applejack with a grin.

“Grr, these things really are weeds,” grumbled Chaser as he looked at them with disgust. “They just keep sprouting. I guess you’re going to summon that piece of crap fusion monster again, right?”

“Nope,” replied AJ, getting a look of confusion from Chaser. “Ah got something a little different in mind.” Applejack smiled as she slid her Polymerization spell card into the slot, ready to try out her newest monster.

“Plants of scorpion an’ snake bloom together. Ridin’ through the air, the mighty dragon with an unending appetite. Fusion summon: Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!” (2800/2000)

All of the duelist watched as, from out of the fusion portal, emerged a very thin purple dragon. Across its body were orbs of yellow and red with yellow horns on either side of its head that looked like they were made to ram into its foe.

“No,” seethed Chaser as he took a step back. “That’s not fair! How do you have such a rare monster?!”

“When this here monster is summoned, he gains the attack of one of your special summoned monsters until the end of the turn,” said Applejack, ignoring his question as her dragon’s shoulders opened up making them look like the jaws of a snake.

Particles of energy began to race across the field from Archfiend Dragon and into the mouths of Starving Venom, causing his attack to rise all the way to 6000.

“But that ain’t all Ah’m doin’, no sir. Now Ah activate mah facedown: ‘Ivy Shackles’!”

The ground began to crack once again as vines shot out of the ground and began to wrap themselves around Archfiend Dragon. Chaser’s monster tried to rip them out, but they just kept coming. Soon they were boring into its skin and turning him a light shade of green.

Applejack watched as Chaser’s eyes widened in fear at this. It was clear to her that he knew where this was going. After all, this trap of hers wasn’t at all rare, just old. “No, no you don’t!” he yelled as he jammed his finger onto his duel disk. “I activate my own trap card: ‘Return of the Red-Eyes’! Once per turn, if I control a Red-Eyes monster then I can summon one normal monster from my graveyard. So I bring back the original Red-Eyes Black Dragon in defense mode.”

“Well shoot,” said Applejack with a sigh, seeing Red-Eyes Black Dragon appearing on the field before being wrapped in vines as well. She had hoped to end this duel now, but it looks like she would be spending more time in the ‘charming’ company of Star Chaser. “Well then, Ah play ‘Fragrance Storm’. This here card lets me destroy one plant monster on the field an’ then draw a card. Then, if that monster happens to be another plant, ah get ta reveal it an’ draw again. An I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon.” As the named monster exploded into thousands of petals, giving off a wonderful scent as it did so, AJ drew her card…and frowned. It wasn’t a plant.

“Oh well, can’t win them all,” said Applejack with a shrug. “Still, Ah can activate the effect of the Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra sleepin’ in mah graveyard. See, this here monster ain’t no lazy daisy. By removing one other Predaplant monster from the grave he can shave 500 attack points off your monster all lickity split. So Ah’ll do that now by removin’ Predaplant Spinodionaea. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, destroy Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!” Starving Venom whipped around at its master’s command, its tail extending as it became another snake-like jaw that opened up wide. It grew large enough to clamp onto the upper torso of Archfiend before swallowing him whole.

-Chaser’s Life points: 3000-

“Ah place one card face down an end mah turn,” announced Applejack as she slid her card into the tray. “Take your best shot!”

Turn 5: Star Chaser

“You can’t handle my best,” growled Chaser as he drew, his hand once more fidgeting a bit as he did so. (Hand: 1) “Now I will show you your place at my feet! I play the spell card ‘Dragon’s Mirror’! With this card I can perform a fusion summon using cards in my graveyard in order to bring out a dragon type fusion monster! So I remove my normal Red-Eyes Black Dragon and my Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact to summon ‘Meteor Black Comet Dragon’!” (3500/2000)

Appearing on Chaser’s side of the field was a mirror the size of the school which contained the standard fusion vortex storm inside of it.

“Dark dragon of crimson eyes, fiery dragon that fell from the heavens, come together to show burn away those in your wrath. Fusion summon: Meteor Black Comet Dragon!”

When the chant ended, the mirror shattered into thousands of tiny pieces as a dragon larger than life flew out, taking position above Chaser. Its scales were black and cracked, flames escaping out of them and licking the tips of its many horns.

“Now to taste the pain you deserve for thinking you had even a snowball’s chance in hell at defeating me!” screamed Chaser. “When this monster is fusion summoned, I can send one normal monster in my deck to the graveyard to deal damage equal to half of that monster’s attack points. So I choose Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon to deal 1200 point of damage!”

From the beating wings of Meteor Black Comet Dragon came a volley of fireballs towards AJ. The farmer girl, on instinct, reached to press the button to activate her trap but managed to stop herself.

-Applejack’s Life points: 1600-

“It’s a pity I can’t activate my trap card again,” said Chaser. “I would have loved the chance to watch you helplessly burn in front of me. Oh well, guess I’ll have to be content watching my dragon rip into your life points.” Chaser than grinned sadistically. “I am of course aware that your hungry dragon has another effect, one that lets him destroy all special summoned monsters I control. I bet you thought you might have the tiniest of chances of beating me if I lost my dragon. But when my dragon leaves the field, he allows me to special summon a Red-Eyes monster from my grave! During my attack phase! There is no way you can win! Meteor Black Comet Dragon, burn that useless monster out of my sight!” Meteor Black Comet Dragon launched itself towards Starving Venom, its taloned feet ready to pounce on it like a bird of prey. Yet…

“Ah activate mah face down!” declared Applejack as she pressed a button on her duel disk. Chains appeared from every direction, binding the massive dragon and pulling it back to Chaser’s side of the field. Meteor Black Comet Dragon tried to struggle out of its bounds while the flames seeping out of its scales began to die down, but in the end gave in.

“What…But how and…” stammered Chaser as he watched the scene before him.

“Mah trap card: ‘Fiendish Chain’,” explained Applejack. “Stop your monster from attackin’ as well as using any of them effect ya love so much.”

“But why…” Chaser words trailed off as he looked up at his monster again. He looked like he was having trouble comprehending the situation he was in.

“It was all about timing,” said Hunter from the sidelines, causing the two duelists to look over at him. Next to him Moondancer nodded, seeing the same thing as her boyfriend.

“Applejack waited to see if you were going to summon anything else,” she explained. “I myself am unsure if that dragon counts as a Red-Eyes monster since, while part of the Red-Eyes family, it doesn’t have that name. There also could have been text on your trap card that could have allowed you to activate it anyways. Once you explained everything and began the attack, Applejack felt the time was right.”

“LIKE THAT MATTERS!” screamed Chaser, veins appearing in his neck as he did so. He then pointed at Meteor Black Comet Dragon with a shaking hand. “Do any of you retards believe that she has anything in that useless deck of hers that can take down one of my best monsters? Answer: NO! Just make your move you-”

-Turn 6: Applejack-

“Ah draw,” announced Applejack, interrupting Chaser from launching out more insults. (Hand: 1) Calmly she looked at what she had drawn…and smiled. “Ah summon Predaplant Chylamydosundew in attack mode!” (600/200)

The ground before Applejack cracked once again to reveal a green lizard with a fan around its neck and six glowing red eyes, three on each side. There were also ‘stems’ that were growing out of the neck fan and ending with red orbs.

“When this little critter here is on the field Ah can perform a fusion summon with it without needin’ the spell card! So now Ah fuse Predaplant Chylamydosundew with Starving Venom Fusion Dragon ta bring out mah best card!” Applejack’s grin grew wider as Chaser took a step back, clearly knowing or at least suspecting what was about to happen.

“Endless hunger draw ya closer ta the battle. Now let greed fill ya with something new! Fusion summon Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon!” (3300/2500)

Starving Venom and Predaplant Chylamydosundew were gone, replaced with a dragon whose main body was scaly white with arms and legs of purple. It flew on wings made of purple energy that seemed to be constantly being expelled from its back.

“No,” whispered Chaser as he took a step back, shaking his head as he did so. Applejack watched as he kept his gaze on her dragon even when he fell on his rump. The jerk’s body seemed to be trembling.

“Ah see ya know what this card does,” said Applejack as she closed her eyes. “That once per turn Ah can reduce the attack of one of your monsters right down ta zero. Which Ah’m gonna do now.”

Meteor Black Comet Dragon let out a roar as its attack points began to drop, leaving it with nothing. As it did so, the energy from Greedy Venom’s wings began to reform into something like a grid with a purple energy sphere in the middle of the openings.

“There’s no way,” stammered Chaser. “I had that card once. It was useless! You have to be cheating right now! There’s no way you COULD BEAT ME WITHOUT-”

Applejack opened her eyes which began to glow bright green with power. She then pointed at Chaser’s dragon with such force that it silenced him. “Finish this.”

With those words, the energy spheres from Greedy Venom’s wings fired beams of energy running all over the place. Some missed completely while others bore holes into the target’s body. When it ended, Meteor Black Comet Dragon fell onto the ground in between the two duelists where it then reached out a claw towards Chaser in a motion that looked like it was asking for help. However, the dragon received none as if vanished from the field.

-Star Chaser’s Life points: 0-

Winner Applejack!

As all of the holograms vanished, returning the roof to normal, Applejack picked up her fusion monster from her duel disk. As she held onto it, she felt a certain odd sense of power coming from it that was…odd. To say the least. Still, all in all, it was a good duel for her. Not only had she been able to use her new deck better than ever before, but she had also used her new monsters to great effect. She felt confident that when the time came to duel Crystal Prep, she would have no regrets.

“NO!” came a scream that brought Applejack back to the moment. Pocketing her card, she looked up to see Chaser was back on his feet. In his hand was the Meteor Black Comet Dragon card. “I didn’t lose; this deck lost! These stupid cards…even with all the insurances I gave STILL LOST!”

Chaser then flung the card in his hand against the ground as hard as he could, surprising all of the others witnessing it. Before they could say or do anything, Chaser pulled out his deck and proceeded to toss them onto the ground as well with a look of savage hatred. As he did that, cards also flew out of the sleeves in his coat proving that he was cheating. Not that it surprised anyone there. Cards scattered about the roof, some lucky ones being carried in the wind while others sadly got to experience Chaser’s boots grinding into them. “I don’t lose! You lost! You all lost! I deserve better than the likes of you pathetic cards!”

Applejack stood there, blinking in shock at this behavior. Not even Apple Bloom acted this childish when she lost a duel. It was just so…unreal. As she watched it, her mid went back to the story Hunter had told her. The one where he refused to believe that his loss was anything of his own doing. How he blamed Hunter for his lifelong ban and even going to jail. Even after all of this, he seemed unwilling or even unable to accept that this loss was his own. It might have been sad, had she not known the jerk.

It was then that her attention was drawn to something else. In the wind, a card blew near her face in the wind. The farmer girl caught it easily to see that it was the monster she had destroyed to finish the duel: Meteor Black Comet Dragon. The rare card was undamaged from this prideful huff before her. Looking around, she saw that Hunter and Moondancer were collecting what few cards were being spared Chaser’s rage thanks to the wind. Nodding she pocketed the card before walking towards the exit.

“Where do you think you’re going, you dumb blonde?” yelled Chaser. While Applejack did not turn around, she was sure he was foaming at the mouth right now while spit flew with every word he uttered. All three of them just continued to ignore him. “Or you retard? Huh? Can’t say anything? Too afraid because you know you only got lucky? Well I’ll be back to challenge you both someday once I find a better deck! Then…Then everything will be right. I’ll take my place as the best where I belong!”

“He never stops, does he?” asked Moondancer when they all reached the door, ignoring as Chaser as he continued to rant and scream his head off.

“No,” replied Hunter as he opened the door for the girls. At the same time, they all heard a loud crash. Briefly they looked and saw that Chaser, in his rage, had taken his own duel disk and thrown it to the floor. With sparks still flying from the device, Chaser began to stomp on it while screaming his head off. “And I’m just…done dealing with it.” With that said, all three of them left the roof.


Three days later found Applejack walking down the halls of the local hospital. Few people were moving through the halls, those that were there were being pushed in wheelchairs by the nurses. The sterile smell of ammonia filled her nose, making her wish that she was back at the farm or even back at school. However, it was something she just had to deal with as she made her way to Rainbow’s room.

There was no door there, just an opening that lead into a nice living area for her friend. Rainbow was laid out on top of a bed dressed in a hospital gown. Her head rested upon a pillow as she held up her smartphone which was making a lot of noise. So much in fact that Applejack was surprised there wasn’t a dozen or so nurses and doctors in here telling her to keep it down. Rainbow noticed AJ almost as soon as she entered the room, pausing whatever app or video she was watching and setting the phone down.

“Howdy Rainbow,” said Applejack. “Heard their lettin’ ya out tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait,” replied Rainbow as she sat up. “They said they want to run one or two more tests and keep me over night just to be on the safe side. But come on! They already pumped my stomach and all that other stuff! I’m ready to get back out there and tear up the field!”

AJ shook her head as she sat down on the bed. “Ya do know how lucky ya are,” she said while giving her friend a meaningful look. “Ah heard that if Principal Celestia hadn’t called that ambulance when she did an’ the doctors actin’ all quick like ya might not even be here.” The farm girl watched as Rainbow winced slightly at that, causing herself to look away for a moment.

None of the girls had taken well to how close Rainbow had been to death’s door. Fluttershy had been a crying fit the first night and Sunset had tried breaking in just to spend the night reading Rainbow her favorite books. Everybody else had helped Pinkie Pie with a get well soon party, doing their best to keep hope alive for as long as they could. Yet now that she thought about it, it must have been even more scary for Rainbow. As tough as she acted at times, Applejack knew it was mostly a front she put up. She had to have been terrified by all of this, wanting to get away from a place of the sick and where she might have-

“Uh, so…” AJ said suddenly, breaking away from darker thoughts as she turned to look at her friend. “What were ya watching there? One of them duel videos? Tortoise racing?”

“Better,” said Rainbow, her features brightening instantly. As she picked up her phone she gestured to AJ to come closer so the two of them could watch. After sliding down the bed side, Applejack was surprised to see a video news app was on. And it wasn’t some sports game or draft announcement. At least, not from what Applejack could see as Rainbow replayed the video.

“Breaking news,” said the anchorwoman as the app played. “Earlier today a student at Canterlot High was caught putting trace amounts of rat poison into a fellow student’s water bottle. We now go live to the scene.” There was a flash cut away before another woman appeared on the screen. She stood in front of the school where dozens of students were now standing in the courtyard or just sticking their heads out the windows. Several police cars were parked at the driveway with their lights still flashing.

“I’m here live at Canterlot High,” said this new woman named News Update. “For the last three days terror has gripped the student body as five students have been rushed to the hospital where it has been revealed that they were, in fact, poisoned. Many of whom have been the top student athletes and two are still in critical condition. Up until now, officials within the school had struggled to figure out if this was simply an accident or a malicious act. That was until this morning when a student named Flash Sentry spotted a fellow student entering the girl’s locker room where he was caught red handed in the act.”

At that moment, the doors to the school were burst open. News Update signaled the cameraman to get this, both moving towards the walkway as fast as they could. There, two police officers struggled to keep hold of Star Chaser who was doing everything in his power to get free. He leapt into the air only to be brought back down thanks to the might of the officers. He pulled and tussled about like a bronking bull, screaming his head off as he did while those who detained him did their best to read him his rights. Applejack had heard about this happening but had not seen it since she had been on the opposite side of the school.

“Here comes the best part,” whispered Rainbow with glee.

“YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” screamed Chaser, looking like a panicked animal being led to a cage. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM? HUH?! IT’S THAT BITCH CELESTIA! SHE SET ME UP!”

“Remember; you have the right to remain silent!” shouted one of the officers. “I suggest you start now.” But Chaser refused, he just kept screaming his head off as he blamed everyone under the sun except for himself. Applejack even heard her own insult name being mentioned as she watched him getting closer to the police car.
Then, in a shocking moment, one of his jerking legs connected with one of the officers knocking him down. Seeing his chance Chaser then tried to tackle his way out, but the other officer was not startled by this. In a flash, he had grabbed his taser and used it on Chaser to bring him to the ground.

“I could watch this all day,” said Rainbow with a grin.


Elsewhere, Hunter stood in front of the place that had once been his home as the sun began to sink in the horizon. Only it had changed significantly since he had last seen it. The mounds of trash and vile order were no longer there, the lawn having recently cleared out and cut. Dark, lightless windows showed no signs of the television light that had once constantly played. Only darkness could be seen with no signs of movement from within. Not that he expected anything given the fact that there was a ‘For Sale’ sign that had been planted not too long ago. There were no signs of his parents. Not even a hint of where they had gone.

Hunter had known this before coming here. He just had to see it for himself in the hopes of getting some closure. Yet even that had been denied to him. All that was there was a sort of emptiness as words from a song he had once heard passed through his lips.

“Daddy don’t you love me, then why do you hit me?” he sang softly. “And momma don’t you love me, then why do you hurt me? Well I’ve tried to make you proud but for crying out loud. Just give me the chance to hide away. Exhaustion takes over. Will this someday be over?”

Hunter stopped when he heard footsteps approaching him. Turning he saw it was Moondancer walking towards him. Upon seeing her, Hunter wanted to say something. Maybe apologize for his horrible singing since he couldn’t carry a tune to save his life. Just something to say. But the words just wouldn’t come out now. As he stood there, he could tell that Moondancer was doing the same thing. He knew her well enough to tell when she was fishing for the right words to say. All she could do was stand there.

Then, after a minute or two of silence, Moondancer reached out to take his hand and together they walked away from the place that had once been Hunter’s home. Neither of them said a word as they walked hand and hand with each other. In that moment, nothing needed to be said.