//------------------------------// // Ponnyville // Story: Just smile! // by Slick Dash //------------------------------// How could she do this to me? After so long, so much time spent together, so much time supposedly in love! My hooves feel heavy, it feels as though lead weights are tied to each of my shins, making me drag them slowly and painfully. I'm cold, not just from the approaching winter, but cold inside as well, that kind of cold that one those who have experienced true heartbreak can know. So lonely, so cold, so miserable! I had to get out, get out of the city and find a new place, too many bad memories in Manehatton, or at least... they're bad now, every happy moment tainted by the truth. So I left my childhood home, said goodbye to my folks on the other side of the city, and left on the train with only the bare essentials. Even without my magic, the meagrely packed suit case would have been easy to carry. Not much to take with you when you give everything to somepony you love. The train finally dumps me in a Celestia forsaken town, well out of the way of any modern day comforts, not to say it isn't old fashioned. I can see from here that it has plenty of everything I'd possibly ever need, all it lacked in were the towering skyscrapers, and the massive bustling crowds of ponies. It's missing the feel of the city, which I guess is both a blessing and a curse. It can help me move on from my previous life, but it also makes me feel horribly home sick! The train moves on to some other stop I don't really care about, leaving me to cough as the steam from the engine swarms around me. When it clears I'm alone. It's the early hours of the morning, and the sun is just beginning to creep over the horizon and shower the little town in its early morning glow. Already I can see the appeal of such a place. It's quaint, each terraced cottage looks unique, and in the far distance I can see a farm with thousands of Apple trees. With a glance to my left I see the sign emblazoned on a soft, white metal sign. "Ponyville" I laugh a little to myself, what a... unique name for a town. I begin to move towards the town centre from the station, not a very long walk, and I can then check into the local motel and just sleep! As I walk however, my mind begins to wander back to those sad memories, and my attitude quickly grows dark. What a surprise! With a name like "Sombre mood" How else am I supposed to act? The town is interesting, a few of the buildings stick out comically with their bright colours now highlighted by the rising son. The beginnings of the town commuters begin to drift out and around, flicking their shop's signs to 'Open' before heading in for the working day. I notice a few glances my way, that's to be expected, judging by the size of the town, it's very likely everypony knows everypony around here. I'm a new freckle found on the face of this town, welcome, but odd. 'Geez I'm getting way to figurative these days!' I think to myself. 'Next I'll be writing some sappy poem about my heart brake fuelled travels! Then I'll be'- "Oooff!" Something large and pink collides with my chest at quite a pace. I fall backwards from the collision and blurt out an apology without the slightest thought. Only when I begin to get up does my city upbringing kick in, this pony ran into me! Why was I apologising? I open my mouth to give them the tongue lashing of a life time, but as I take a breath the pony pulls herself up to. "Oh oopsie! Clumsy me! Sorry about that Mr..." The pink mare stares at me, her facial expression frozen in a half smile. The dazzling blue of her eyes is what stopped me from yelling, so much like hers... so much like Apple Cider's! But now that I'm not yelling, I'm a little unsettled by this mare's demeanour, still she's just frozen, her face completely motionless, she didn't even blink! I move to the side and see her hind legs are actually hovering off the floor, she was completely balanced on her forehooves, and yet so still! "Uhhh..." I begin, my voice gruff and croaky after such a long trip with no need to use it. I nudge her slightly, checking she hadn't just died on her feet! My nudge sends her tipping backwards, I watched as she began to fall. Expecting her to collapse I take a step towards her to catch her, but no sooner had I made a step forwards, she bursts to life with a large gasp. The loud noise makes me jump and I back away slightly. The pony bounced up as she gasped, and it scared me how long she seemed to be able to hang in mid air with no magic or wings of any kind! "YOU'RE NEW HERE!" She squeals with excitement, finally dropping back to the floor. "Y-yeah..." I say slowly, still trying to keep my distance from this odd ball! "OMYGOSH! WHAT'S YOUR NAME? WHERE ARE YOU FROM? IS IT NICE THERE? OH SILLY ME, IT PBVIOUSLY ISN'T OR YOU WOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE, UNLESS YOUR ON VACATION THEN YOU'VE DEFINATELY CHOSEN THE BEST PLACE TO GO ON VACATION!" The pony continued to babble fast and furiously while advancing towards me like some ungodly monster from a horror story. I continue to back away, as I do I spot the motel in the distance, the only problem is it's behind this mad pony! "My name's Sombre." I say simply, then trot quickly around her making my way to my awaiting bed. "Ooooooooh!" the pony says in a fascinated tone, now catching up with me and walking besides me. "That's a funny name, well not 'haha' funny but more like 'what an odd name' kind of way." "T-thanks?" I say exasperated with the way -I was sure- I had just been insulted in. "What the hay is your name then?" I say. "Name's Pinkemeana Dianne Pie, but everypony calls me Pinkie, so you can too!" the pony seemed to be bouncing as she talked, I was getting motion sickness just from watching her. 'Gee, yeah and MY name's weird!' I think. "Nice to meat you, look I'm kind of busy so you know... see yah!" With that I run for the approaching motel 'The Sleepy Mare.' As I run I hear the pony shout. "Oh, ok, well see yah later zombie! Come see me at Sugar Cube Corner if you like!" 'Zombie?' I think incredulously to myself as I burst into the reception and shut the door behind me. 'What the hay was that all about?!' And so began my first day, of my new life in Ponyville. Little did I know, that random mare, that strange, odd, unbelievable, indescribable pony, would change everything!