//------------------------------// // One day at miss ladybug's cafe (Scooby doo) // Story: Cinematic Adventures: The Deleted scenes // by Tim Ribbert //------------------------------// One Week Before "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” “Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” One morning, as the sun shone over the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart took a lovely stroll across the streets. The little princess sat comfortable in her little stroller, while the two parents pushed together. Many of the kingdom’s inhabitants were out shopping along the markets, a few fillies and colts played together along the fields, and all the while the birds were humming a merry tune on this beautiful day of days. “Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” Flurry Heart exclaimed. “Scooby-Dooby-Doo! Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” The parents smiled as Flurry Heart laughed her head off, repeating the same three words during a previous adventure. Although it got repetitive after a while, nevertheless they couldn’t deny how cute she was acting. “Boy honey, she hasn’t stopped talking in over a week!” Shining Armor muttered. “What did you think she was going to do?” Cadence said, sweetly. “Kids grow up fast, she’s bound to talk eventually.” “I know that. But still, you’d think Flurry would at least calm it down a bit. Give herself a chance to breathe.” “Giver her some time, dear. She’ll grow out of it eventually.” In the meantime, Flurry Heart hugged a small plush toy resembling a certain Great Dane, with a matching collar which he gave to her as a gift. Eventually, as Princess Cadence suspected, a cute yawn escapes little Flurry Heart all the while Cadence smiles and plants a warm kiss on the cheek. “Sweetie,” She said, in a gentle voice. “How would you like to go and visit Auntie Twilight today?” Flurry Heart squealed excitedly, waving her hoofs around. If there’s one thing to know about Flurry, she loves seeing her Auntie. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Cadence giggled. “I didn’t even know Twilight would be in the Crystal Empire right now,” Shining Armor said, surprised. “She sent me a letter yesterday informing me she wanted some feedback for work on her next book with her friends.” “Well, you know I did enjoy the last book with the ‘Wizard of Oz’. But how come I wasn’t told of this sooner; I am her brother.” “The message came only last night; you were fast asleep snoring like an elephant.” “Oh… Right.” Cadence giggled at her husband’s remark, somethings he never knows what he did during his sleep. But nevertheless, she kissed her husband on the cheek, which Shining Armor returns a kiss with no hesitation. “Come honey, let’s get home,” Cadence said. “Twilight and the others should be here by now.” Shining Armor nods in agreement, as they stroll back to their home in the Crystal Castle. The Crystal Castle Inside the castle, Twilight Sparkle, along with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Spike were waiting inside for Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart. In the meantime, they were discussing plans for their next book. “Alright girls,” Twilight announced, peering through her notes. “Our next book’s theme will center on our adventures with Mystery Inc.” “Makes sense to me,” Fluttershy replied, quietly. “Well duh, it’s the only other adventure we’ve had,” Rainbow Dash added. “Until we get world on what worlds there is to find or what dangers we’ll encounter, we may as well get this story out of the way.” “To think it’s only been a few months since our last book,” Applejack said. “Oh absolutely,” Rarity nodded. “It is rather odd to even consider preparing another book merely months after the first got published.” “Well then again, A.K. Yearling usually spends months after writing of her adventures as Daring Do,” Rainbow Dash points out. “I wouldn’t call it a stretch.” “But did you see how many ponies loved the last book we did!” Pinkie said, happily. “Hundreds of ponies! Thousands even! Like a Baker’s Dozen!” “That means thirteen would’ve read it, Pinkie,” Twilight corrected. “But that’s besides the point, Twilight! Don’t you girls think it would be an injustice to all those anxious fans waiting to see our latest adventure in a new book? Do you? Do you? Huh, huh, huh?” “Okay, okay, darling, calm down,” Rarity spoke up. “When you put it that way it does make sense. But I highly doubt ponies would just crash through the door for a new copy.” Just then, the doors open wide revealing Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Princess Flurry Heart. Twilight beams as she runs toward them, lifting Flurry Heart up and swung her around as the little filly giggled. “Oh hello, Flurry!” She said, in baby talk. Twilight proceeds to tickle Flurry’s belly with one hoof, making the little princess laugh loudly. While Twilight played with her ticklish niece, Cadence approaches the Princess of Friendship. “So, Twilight,” Cadence smiled. “We’ve heard you and the others are working on a new book.” “That’s right, we’re doing an adventure inspired by the trip Flurry and the rest of us went to.” Flurry giggled happily, clapping her hoofs together as if she remembered the trip like it was only yesterday. “Well, knowing you it’s going to be wonderful,” Cadence said, sweetly. Just then, Shining Armor steps forward and pats his sister on the shoulder. “And here’s the general ‘Flurry’s Speaking’ report,” He said, dusting himself a bit. “In the past few months, she’s learned words like ‘Potato’, ‘Mango’, and ‘My co-writer took $10 from me without my consent’.” Twilight Sparkle was quite confused, especially hearing Flurry said 'My co-writer took $10 without… My…' YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?! Sorry, I forgot my lunch today and I rarely carry change! “SCOOBY-DOOBY-DOO!” Flurry Heart exclaimed. Shining Armor and Cadence turn back to Flurry, who hugged her Scooby plush toy. The two parents couldn’t help but chuckle when that statement came up. “Yes… Even that,” Shining Armor muttered. Just then, it dawned on Shining Armor that there was something very important he needed to bring up. “Hey Twily, just out of curiosity, where did you get that plush and collar?” Twilight began to blush the moment her brother asked that question, a question so big she could feel the sweat pour down her face. “Well… I… Uh…” She stuttered, searching for words. “Well, I… I-I-I-I-I don’t think I should tell that story. It’s kind of scary, Flurry will have nightmares!” “Aww, come on, Twilight,” Cadence jokingly cooed, giggling. “I think we’d love to hear that story>” “Ooh! Ooh! Me too, me too!” Pinkie said, excitedly. Pinkie practically pulls the girls and Spike together, dragging them toward Twilight. The princess soon felt a nudge and looks down, as Flurry pushed her aunt’s left foreleg with her cute little hoofs. There was no mistaking that she ‘did’ want to hear the story. “Ya might as well tell us, Twi,” Applejack replied. “Ain’t no talkin’ outta this one.” “Oh, all right, if you insist,” Twilight caved. “Gather round, every pony! I’ll tell you a tale chilling and scary, the terrible story where Scooby and I barely escaped with our lives. Submitted for the approval of, well… My family and friends… I call this story…” ONE DAY AT MISS LADYBUG’S CAFÉ "SCOOBY!!!" "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE RORRY" SCOOBY-DOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? WE GOT SOME WORK TO DO NOW! SCOOBY-DOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED SOME HELP FROM YOU NOW! Wait… Why are we singing? I don’t know, why were ‘you’ singing? … You are so MEAN, you know that? Mmm-hmm… SCOOBY-DOOBY-DOO!!! <> *Clears throat* Anyway, our adventure begins on the spookiest island you have ever heard of, a terrible place called… Well, ‘Spooky Island’. Okay, it’s not the most original name, but it does the job at delivering the spooks. Anyhow, Twilight Sparkle , along with Scooby Doo, the girls (Who were in human bodies along with Twilight), and Mystery Inc. were invited by Mondevarious to solve a mystery. For Mondevarious believed someone put a curse on all the college students, making them act weird… Let’s be real, you already know this story, so I won’t go through all the details. The real story here concerns just a girl and a dog. It began with Twilight having another panic attack, while keeping Flurry Heart close to her. “How could I have left him?” Twilight asked herself, sweating heavily. “Spike is never going to forgive me leaving him behind. Ooh, I know what he’s gonna say, ‘Twilight, you are the worst friend I ever have. I never want to talk to you, I don’t want to look at you, I don’t even want to…’ MMF!” Having heard enough, Rainbow Dash put a hand over Twilight Sparkle’s mouth before she could continue. “Twilight, calm down!” Rainbow Dash spoke, slowly removing her hand. “I’m sure Spike isn’t going to be mad at you" “Yeah, you’re right, you’re absolutely right,” Twilight nodded, taking deep breaths. “Thanks Rainbow, you’re the best!” “I know!” Rainbow Dash smiled. “I’m awesome!” Just then, Pinkie Pie bolts toward Twilight Sparkle at incredible speed. Her face brimmed with worry. “TWILIGHT!!!” She shouted, at the top of her lungs. “WE GOT AN EMERGENCY!!!” Whoa, calm down Pinkie, calm down!” Twilight said, trying to get some space. “What happened?” “We were about to be escorted to the hotel and Shaggy attacked by that squid looking thing!” Pinkie points toward Shaggy, where he indeed have a squid latched onto his head. The rest of the girls tried to pry it off. “Like dude, help!” Shaggy said, panicking. “What did I ever do to y… ZOINKS!!!” The squid, with two tentacles, pinched his bottom sending him leaping in the air nearly hurling the other ponies aside. “Oh please, Mr. Squid,” Fluttershy begged. “Won’t you let him go?” “How the hay is it so difficult to get a squid off some pony’s head?” Applejack asked. She tried to pull the squid off Shaggy’s head, but the squid was stubborn and remained latched around the skinny man. Twilight sighed, as she turned toward Pinkie Pie, who shrugged. “Ok, let’s go help him,” She said, annoyed. Twilight walks over toward Scooby Doo, gently handing Flurry Heart over to him. “Scooby, could you look after Flurry while I help Shaggy?” “Rokay, rure!” Scooby nodded. The Great Dane grabbed Flurry Heart, placing her on his back for safety. Twilight walks over and attempts to help Shaggy. Scooby walked around the deck, as Flurry giggled and enjoyed the free ride. That’s when they noticed a man in a Tiki Costume, with an advertisement which read, ‘Hey folks, want a wonderful meal? Try our special right on our menu’. Scooby licked his lips at the mention of meal, imagining how delicious this special must be. “Yummy!” Scooby walks toward the man, patting his back to get his attention. “Rexcuse re!” The man turns around and screamed loudly, frightening Scooby Doo and Flurry Heart, who covered her eyes in fear. Hearing that, Twilight rushed toward the man. “BACK AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!!!” Twilight shouted, turning to Scooby. “Are you two all right? Did he hurt you?” Whimpering, Scooby Doo uncovered his eyes and saw Twilight, much to his relief. “Reah, ranks Rilight,” He said happily. “Well, I’m just glad you’re both okay, right Flurry,” Twilight turned, eyes wide. “Flurry?” But no reply, in fact when she looked, Flurry wasn’t on Scooby’s back and Scooby was just as nervous when he looked up. Understandably so, the began to search for her, worried for her well-being. “Flurry?” Twilight called out. “Flurry Heart, where are you?” “Rurry?” Scooby called out. He searched a couple of baskets, till he turns and spotted something quite alarming. He pats Twilight’s back for attention. “Uh… Rilight…” “What is it, Scooby?” Twilight turns around, but as did her face turned from worry to utter horror. Flurry Heart, under a rusty bucket to hide, unknowingly crawling into a creepy looking café. Without hesitating, the two immediately chased after her. “Flurry, come back here!!!” Twilight yelled. “Rease rome back!” Scooby begged. But it was no use, Flurry Heart pushed against the doors and ended up inside the café. Scooby Doo and Twilight Sparkle followed suite, looking inside the cafe. It was a rotted structure, the hallways were filthy and dark, and the windows were cracked, showing very little light. Scooby quivered in fear, as Twilight knelt down to his level. “Scooby, I know you’re scared,” She said, gently. “But the sooner we find Flurry, we’re getting out of here. Okay?” Scooby tried to put on a brave face, although it looked forced than intentional. Nevertheless, he tried if only for Flurry Heart. “Rokay!” Twilight pats him on the head, which Scooby enjoyed very much. The two continue their search for Flurry Heart, crossing the floor which creaked so much they feared it would break. It also felt very cold, like someone turned the thermostat to zero. They both shuddered at everything they saw in this café. “Ris race is reepy!” Scooby shuddered. “I know what you mean,” Twilight nodded, wrapping herself in her arms. “This place is colder than a fridge.” Just then, a female voice spoke through some speakers atop the celing. “Welcome guests to the Ladybug Café. Once belonging to Miss Lamlock, her café was the most popular eatery in the 1960s and most famous for its ladybug habitat. Everyday, she would care for them and invite paying customers to see them. Miss Lamlock always wanted a ladybug for a daughter, so one day she decided to do some experiments. She succeeded, but tragically her subject turned against her and murdered her and her customers. Some say, if you listen close, you can still hear the creature creeping around today… Lurking… Waiting for its next meal.” Twilight’s eyes began to twitch fearfully, as every-pony knows she absolutely hates Ladybugs. Scooby Doo noticed the fear on Twilight’s face, taking deep breaths as her chest pumped. “Rou rokay?” He asked. “Sorry Scooby, let’s just say… I have a phobia of Ladybugs!” Twilight squeaks, as she walked. “I mean, the way they fly, the creepy spots, and not to mention when they land on your nose and…” SQUISH! Twilight paused, wide eyed as she slowly looked down. That’s when she noticed her boot landed on something gooey. “What the—” Twilight knelt down to closely examine the goo, as Scooby bent down for a quick sniff. “Rhat ris it?” He asked. “I have no idea, but from the looks of it, this sure looks fascinating and… Ewww!” “Rross!” Suddenly, a soft growl was head as they both faced each other. “Scooby, did you do that?” Twilight asked, curiously. “Ruh-uh!” Scooby shook his head. “Rhat rasn’t re!” Scooby turned then pointed at something at the back. “Rikes! Ra radygug ronster!” Twilight’s eyes widen as she slowly turns her head. Sure enough, it was a Ladybug Monster. Standing ten feet tall, with its lanky black body, its wings covered in goo, and its head the ugliest any person (Or dog) has ever seen. The monster roared loudly, which made Scooby and Twilight scream. “LADYBUG MOOOOONNNNNSSSSTTTTTTTEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" Twilight screamed, at the top of her lungs. "RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Scooby screamed. The two got up, running as fast as they could while the monster took chase. The creature’s mouth drooled with goo, hungry for its next meal. Determined, the beast spat a corrosive gunk toward her targets. Fortunately, Twilight quickly conjured a barrier to block the gunk, as it dropped onto the floor, and made a small hole due to the acidity. “Rhen rould rhey do rat?” Scooby asked, dodging another spit. “You want to stop and ask the scary monster?!” Twilight asked, sarcastically. Soon, they reached a pair of large doors, immediately bursting inside and shut the doors behind them. “Quick Scooby, we need to barricade the doors.” Twilight and Scooby pick up various furniture and other objects, stacking them against the door. They did this for a minute, before they could finally catch their breath. “Rink rhat rill rold?” Scooby asked, waving his paw like a fan. “Hopefully long enough to find Flurry and get out of here,” Twilight answered. She sat down on another chair for a minute when she heard a squeak. It startled her so much she leapt from the chair. “What was that?” Curious, Twilight checked under her seat and saw a certain frightened baby alicorn with her hooves covering her eyes, shuddering. “FLURRY!!!” Twilight’s heart pumped with joy, picking up her niece and wrapping her in a warm hug. “Oh, thank goodness your safe… Don’t you ever run away from me again young lady… Oh, but I’m thankful that you’re safe.” Scooby smiled, looking in awe as he found it quite cute. Reminding him of a bunch of puppies in a basket together. “Row rhat’s rhat I rall raby-ritting, ree-hee-hee-hee-hee!” Scooby joked, with a giggle. However, this was short-lived when they heard a banging noise. Scooby yelped and hid behind the girls, whimpering in fear. “Ris rhere a ray rout?” Twilight Sparkle looked around, finding no other doors or even windows. “Unfortunately, no… We have to stop it, before…” WHAM!!! Before she could finish, the Ladybug Monster burst through the doors, completely knocking over the barricade, and stalked across the room. “Ri-ri-ri-ri-ri forgot rhey ro rhat,” Scooby shivered, fearfully. “Yeah… So, did I…” Twilight admitted, embarrassed. But knowing their lives was at stake, mostly concerned for Flurry Heart, Twilight Sparkle put her brave face on as she hands Flurry Heart to Scooby. “Scooby take Flurry Heart outside. I’ll distract the MOOOOOOOOOONNNN!” Twilight was interrupted when the monster grabbed her and slammed her into a wall. “Ow… Want to play rough?!” Twilight growled, angrily. “Okay, have a taste of your own medicine!” Twilight cast a beam of magic from her hand, which struck the monster knocking it toward the ground. The creature screeched angrily, spitting the acid gunk from its mouth toward Twilight. Fortunately, her magic barrier protected from taking damage from the acid… But that didn’t stop the monster, as she raked the barrier multiple times. Eventually, cracks began to form as the barrier was weakening. “Roh no!” Scooby said, worried. Suddenly, he bumps into a nearby shelf and noticed a jar of red chili peppers. An idea forms, not his usual ‘eating’ ideas, but a brilliant idea. Before the monster could destroy Twilight’s barrier, Scooby ran toward the monster and shoved the chili peppers into its mouth. Twilight look at Scooby in confusion. “Scooby, what did you—” Before Twilight could ask, the monster began to glow a bright red, as steam emerged from its mouth. "RAAAAAAKKKKEEEE ROOOVVVVVVEEERRR!!!!" Scooby yelled. Quickly, Twilight conjured another barrier to protect themselves as the monster screeched with pain and rage until… BOOM!!! The Ladybug Monster explodes, its green gunk spreading everywhere, the explosion leaving a tiny hole leading outside the café. Scooby Doo and Twilight Sparkle gave out a sigh of relief, as Shaggy and Fluttershy appeared after hearing the explosion. When they went in, they were quite surprised by the sight. “Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped. “Scooby! Twilight!” Shaggy called out, worried. “Like, are you two all right? What happened here? “To answer those questions, one… Yes, we’re fine,” Twilight answered. “And two, me and Scooby were searching for Flurry when we were attacked by…” “Rhe Rwilight Reater,” Scooby said. “The Ladybug Monster…” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Did you say, ‘The Twilight Eater’?” “No, I said Ladybug Monster, just like you.” But before she could ask further, Mr. Mondevarious appeared on the scene. He seemed both worried and shocked at the same time. “My goodness!” He said, assessing the situation. “What happened here?” “Actually, Mondervarious, I was about to ask you something,” Twilight demanded, looking him in the eyes. “Why did that monster attack me and Scooby?” “What monster?” She pointed at the monster, or at least what’s left of it, as Mondevarious looks at it before turning back to the others. “Oh… That,” Mondevarious said, nervously. “That was supposed to be an animatronic, a very advanced model to interact with the guests… Give them some spooks, if you will.” “Then, why did it attack our friends?” Fluttershy asked. “Like, maybe somebody sabotaged the animatronic to stop us from solving this mystery,” Shaggy suggested, which everyone nodded in agreement. “Quite possible, Mr. Rogers,” Mondevarious said. Just then, Scooby pats him on the show to get his attention. “Rhere ras this ran rearing a Rikki rostume, rho scared re and Rurry,” Scooby added, much to Mondevarious’ surprise. “Really?” He asked, twirling his fingers. “Well, I’ll deal with him later.” He then pulls out some coupons, handing them Twilight and Scooby. “As a token of apologies, I’ve like to give these to you. Free coupons for one custom plushie and collar, just for tonight. Who knows? You might have some use for them later. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must attend to some business.” Mondevarious left to continue with his work, as Twilight and Scooby stared at each other as they walked outside with the others. “Well, that was eventful,” Twilight sighed. “Rour relling re,” Scooby agreed, then he got an idea. “Rey Rwilight, Ri rave romething rou right rike.” “Really? What is it?” Scooby began to whisper in Twilight’s ear, telling her his idea in secret. She smiled, as she faced the sleeping Flurry Heart, the poor dear having too much excitement for today. Twilight picks up Flurry Heart, rocking her to make sure she stays asleep. “You know something, Scooby Doo? I think she would love that!” The two laughed together, for now they had a very special surprise for little Flurry. <> 2 Minutes Later… Inside a disclosed area, Mondevarious held the guy in the Tikki costume by his neck. His expression was pure rage, for he didn’t like the news he just heard. “What were you playing at?” He asked, pressing the man’s neck tightly. “Like dude… You told me you wanted the pure ones!” He gasped, choking. “I thought I’d trap ‘em in the café… Seemed like a good idea at the time!” Mondevarious hurled the man over the table, landing on impact painfully. “I warned you to get rid of that experiment! Thanks to you, our cover was almost blown! Before I met you lot, I figured I could conquer the world by creating my own genetic army. Sadly, the first attempt was unsuccessful, they were pretty uncontrollable. “Now, you listen to me, tell your kind to get that foal, including the dog. With the power of the alicorn in my grasp, I’ll conquer this world once and for all… And nobody will stop me!” “Yes sir,” The man said. The costumed figure ran to tell his brothers of their master’s world domination plans as he looked on, his eyes glowing a sinister green color. <> “And that’s how it happened,” Twilight said, finishing the story. After hearing Twilight’s tale, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, and Spike were freaked out, while Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Cadence, and Flurry Heart found it enjoyable. “Well sis…” Shining muttered. “… That was eventful.” “Did it scare you?” Twilight asked, cheekily. Shining’s face turned red when she asked that question. “What?! No, of course not!” “Come on, you were sweating through the whole story,” Rainbow Dash teased. “Sweatin’ like a hog on a summer day, I may add,” Applejack added. “Okay, fine! It scared me,” Shining admitted. “Don’t rub it in.” “I just feel bad for that poor ladybug,” Fluttershy said, sympathetically. “Even if it tried to kill them?” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow. “’Even’ when she tried to kill them.” “Although, that does raise some very important life questions,” Pinkie Pie pondered. “Why do that song-and-dance with Cadence if you’re terrified of ladybugs?” Cadence merely chuckled, as she found that question most amusing. “Funny you should ask, Pinkie,” Cadence replied. “We sing that song, so the ladybugs won’t get us. A protection song, you may say.” To demonstrate, Twilight and Cadence proceed to sing the song. “Sunshine, sunshine, Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two began to laugh, as Flurry Heart giggled and laughed from watching the very funny dance. “Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” She exclaimed, laughing again. Just then, Twilight had an idea pop in her head. “That’s it! I know what to call the story now,” Twilight said, happily. “I think we’ll call…”