//------------------------------// // Making a Soufflé // Story: Twilight Tries... // by Peni Parker //------------------------------// Hi there, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries! In today’s episode, I’m going to try something I’ve been meaning to try for a long time. You’ve probably already guessed that this is going to be something food related because of the fact that I’m in my kitchen right now, and you’d be correct. Today, I’m going to try…making a soufflé! And I won’t just be making any old soufflé. Nope, I’ll be making a chocolate soufflé! *SQUEE* Oooh I’m just so excited for this episode! Now I’m no stranger when it comes to cooking or baking. Spike and I have had one or two cook-offs in the past plus I’ve helped Pinkie Pie bake sweets at Sugarcube Corner a few times as well, but this will be my first time ever trying to make a soufflé. What made me want to try making a soufflé, you ask? That’s simple; I wanted a challenge. Sweet potato muffins are fun to make, but it isn’t very difficult to make them. Which is fine, of course, but after making so many of them I found that I wanted to push my skills further. I wanted to see just how good of a chef I really am, and so I decided I would try to make something more challenging. Something I’ve never tried making before. Anywhoo, when I had lunch with Pinkie the other day and mentioned all this to her, she suggested I try making a chocolate soufflé. So, here I am, about to try making a chocolate soufflé. Now if you’ll follow me over here, you’ll see that I have all sorts of ingredients, cooking utensils, and whatnot to make my soufflé. And right here is the recipe Pinkie gave me for what she calls, ‘Les Amourex Soufflé’. My French is a bit rusty so I don’t quite know what that means, but what I do know is that once I make it I’ll give it to Pinkie as a thank you for giving me the recipe for it. But enough talk, let’s get started! So the first thing I’m going to do is prep my bowl here, known as a ramekin, by lightly brushing the inside with melted butter. . Next, I’ll dust the inside with about a tablespoon of sugar, like so, then rotate it around the ramekin so that it sticks to the butter. Any excess will just be poured out. . Okay, the ramekin is prepped. Now we’ll start making the soufflé batter. As you can see, I already have some chocolate placed in this bowl here, and I’m going to place it over this pot of hot water over here. It’s noted on the recipe that the water shouldn’t be boiling or even simmering, just hot. . Looks good to me. And while that sits, we can move on to making a roux. We can do this by melting some butter in a warm pan, throwing a bit of flour in once it’s melted, and whisking the flour for about a minute. . . . Okay, it’s been a minute. From here, we reduce the heat in the pan slightly, add some cold milk, and then whisk that in as well. If we’ve done everything right, the mixture should thicken up fairly quickly. . Wow, that really did thicken up quickly. So now that our roux is nice and thick, we take a spatula and move it out of the pan into our chocolate. The recipe says you can add some additional ingredients like cayenne if you like, but since this is my first soufflé I’ll skip adding any additional ingredients this time. . . Okay, now we take the spatula and start mixing the roux and chocolate together. After a little mixing, we add an egg yolk and then mix that in as well. . . Okay, I think we’re ready for the egg yolk. . . Perfect! Now we just leave this over the hot water and move on to our meringue. To make the meringue, we start by adding two large egg whites into another mixing bowl and then throwing in just a pinch of cream of tartar. Then we start mixing, periodically adding sugar to it until we have some good peaks and the mixture looks like shaving cream. . . . Whelp, that looks like shaving cream to me. Now, we take about half of this and add it to our chocolate. Once it’s added, we’re going to stir it in with our spatula. . . Okay, now that we’ve stirred that in, we can add the rest of our egg whites and then use our spatula to fold the batter from the bottom over the top in a circular motion until the egg whites disappear. . . Boy I’ll tell ya, making a soufflé really is its own art form. . . I no longer see any white, so it looks like we’re good. Now that that’s done, we’re going to move our mixture into our ramakin. . . Aaaaand good. So now, we put our ramakin on a pan and place it in the oven for baking! The oven should be 375 degrees and we’ll leave it in there for about 12 to 15 minutes. I’m just going to do a little time skip here. It’s done! Now that it’s baked we can add some powdered sugar or cocoa for that extra little touch of flavor. I think I’m going to go with the cocoa. . . Ooh, it looks so good I’m tempted to eat it myself, but I said I was going to give this to Pinkie so that’s what I’m going to do. But I have to be quick, soufflés start to fall once they come out of the oven. So I’m going to head on over to Sugarcube Corner now and… *LOUD DOOR OPENING NOISE* GAH! . Pinkie?! What are you doing here? . . Well the soufflé was fine until you barged in here and I dropped it! . . It’s fine, it’s just…I was going to give it to you as a thank you for giving me the recipe. . . Wait, ‘Les Amourex’ means what? . . ‘The Lovers’?! It’s a romantic dessert?! . . No, no, Pinkie, i-it’s not like that, I swear! I just didn’t know it was a romantic dessert is all! . . Well of course I like you, Pinkie, just…not in that way. . . Pinkie, wait! Oh boy, I need to go clear a few things up with Pinkie. So until next time, thanks for watching everypony. Pinkie, let me explain!