//------------------------------// // Questions // Story: Pinkie Pie for President // by Dreadnought //------------------------------// The assembly room inside town hall lay deserted. No fires burned in the hearth nor did steam flow through the radiator pipes. The only warmth came from the late winter sun that poured through the windows. The room was silent save for the muffled cheers of the gathered masses outside. The room was cold and lifeless, yet somehow still felt inviting at the same time. Suddenly a bright magenta flash filled the room. It quickly dissipated to reveal two ponies. The one to the left stood resolute as the magical aura faded around her horn. The other, wide-eyed and pale, tettered for a moment. “Next time yah want tah teleport, give me a warnin’,” admonished Applejack. Twilight blinked and turned to her friend. “I’m sorry. I wanted to beat Pinkie in here. I’ve got a lot of questions and I need answers.” “Ah think Ah’m gonna be sick!” Applejack leaned on a chair for support and buried her face deep into her stetson. The cheering briefly grew louder as a chilled wind swept throughout. As abruptly as it started, the wind stopped at the sound of a shutting door. Hooves pounding on the wooden floors echoed down the hall, indicating something was bouncing towards the assembly room. A moment later pink pony skipped into the room. “Pinkie Pie!” cried Twilight. “Pinkie….” groaned Applejack before she again hid her face in her hat. “Twilight! Applejack!” greeted Pinkie. “Pinkie, what’s going on!” demanded Twilight. Hitting the apex, Pinkie lightly floated to the floor and considered the question. “Weren’t you two in the crowd when I made the announcement?” “Yes.” “Oh, I thought it was obvious. Maybe my speeches need work.” Twilight wouldn’t be denied. “What’s ‘The United States’? Where is it? What is ‘President’? Why are you running for that office?” “Oh, I’d love to answer your questions, but I have a meeting with my campaign manager right now and I pinkie promised to be there. Stop by Sugarcube Corner tomorrow. Okay, bye.” With that, Pinkie hurried through the back door of the assembly room and down the street towards the aforementioned business. “Well,” Twilight huffed, “that didn’t answer any of my questions. What do you think, Applejack?” She turned to her friend. A green-tinted Applejack looked up, with bits of saliva hanging from the corners of her mouth. “Ah think Ah need a new hat.”