Whelp, Stuff Just Happened.

by My Sister Tia

The Dramatic Stuff

One day, young Twilight Sparkle was bored. She decided to go to the plaza, or town hall. She saw the princess of the sun, and immediately wanted to study hard.

Then, she was instantly sent to the moon. Nightmare Moon was enraged at this. She sent her into a magical prison hold. Twilight was even more bored. But then she saw some microscopic books, and started reading. She learned the magical spell of getting a cutie mark without earning one! She then used this magical spell to do just that, but she had earned it, by using such a powerful magical spell!

Discord then captures her, and accidentally brings Nightmare Moon along. The former princess recognises him, and turns back into Princess Luna. Twilight Sparkle is surprised that this is truly a second princess. She hears the story, and believes every word of it. Then, Discord shows her his collection of wings, and asks her to choose a pair. She chooses a small, orange set. Then, Discord puts them way out of her reach, and frustrated, she just starts to pout.

Princess Luna shows her some of the future, showing an orange earth pony named Scootaloo. Twilight feels bad, and tells Discord to let the future pony have the wings. He said fine, but that the pony would still never be able to fly. So then, Twilight pouts more, and Discord says fine. She then gets her wings back onto her back.

When she tries to fly, she can't. So, she used a spell. It makes it so that the wings are alicorn size. She then flies along, happily.