//------------------------------// // Captured! // Story: The Vox v.s. The Ponies // by LunaAlpha //------------------------------// The Vox v.s. the Ponies, Captured. By: Magicpony One winter night, Princess Luna went outside like usual to go into ponies dreams. The air outside was cool and refreshing, not like the usual cold winter air. It felt like spring was coming. She cast her magic and then when the spell was completed, saw all the little dream bubbles. In one bubble she saw Pinkie Pie riding her pet, Gummy. In another she saw her niece, Cadence dancing with Flurryheart. "So adorable!" Luna thought. She was deciding which dream to go into when suddenly, everything turned black and she felt like she was falling. When she opened her eyes, she saw 2 ponies, both in black hoods and capes. She tried to use her magic to push them away but there was a black ring on her horn stopping her from using any magic and a cloth covering her mouth so she could not talk. " They must of done this when I was looking at all the dreams." Princess Luna thought. "You're going with us." One pony said. From the sounds of it, the pony was a stallion. But that didn't matter. The ponies teleported to their castle in the Everfree forest. The castle was black and had red stripes. "How did I not notice this when I lived here?" Luna thought. They brought her in and there, and waiting, was the Queen. She was wearing a black dress with red stripes, and Luna saw that her subjects uniforms were also like that. "I see that you have brought her here," said the Queen coldly. "We are the Vox, Princess Luna," she said. "Put her into the cell. We will write the ransom note and put it into her bed for her sister to see in the morning after." The soldiers pushed Luna into the nearest cell and chained her up. They put a chain on her neck, and a chain on each of her legs. Then they shut the door with a loud "bang!" and locked it. Luna could hear them talking with the queen. "Please write," [Dear Princess Celestia, we have captured your sister, Princess Luna and is holding her for ransom. If you want her back alive and well, then you have to pay 70000000 bits. Please put the bits in a bag outside the Everfree Forest by Friday. If not, then we will kill you sister. Hope you are well! From, The Vox. "I hope Tia pays the fee or rescues me." and that was her last thought before she fell asleep on the hard, cold floor. The next morning Celestia woke up at 6:00, and noticed that her sister did no lower the moon. She went to her room and found a note on the bed. She read it. Dear Princess Celestia, we have captured your sister, Princess Luna and is holding her for ransom. "Ransom? Luna!" She thought and then kept reading. If you want her back alive and well, then you have to pay 70000000 bits. Please put the bits in a bag outside the Everfree Forest by Friday. If not, then we will kill you sister. Hope you are well! From, The Vox. Celestia's immediate thoughts were: " Where is Luna? Is she o.k? 70000000 bits! I need to get her back! Get Twilight and her friends." So she wrote a letter to Twilight about Luna and the note. It read:" Dear Twilight, I hope you are o.k. This morning I saw that Luna did not lower the moon so I when to her room. There I found a not. I said that Luna was being held for ransom by ponies who call themselves ' The Vox'. The fee was 70000000 bits and that will bankrupt Equestria! Can your friends help me rescue her? Not soon after, she got a reply. "Dear Princess Celestia, we will be at Canterlot in a minute. I just need to get my friends. From, Your Faithful Student Twilight" Princess Celestia mumbled," I hope they get here soon." and went to the throne room to wait for Twilight. Meanwhile, Twilight was getting her friends. She went for Rainbow Dash first. "Hi Twilight!" Rainbow Dash yelled from a cloud. Twilight flew up to her and said:" Get the others. We are going to Canterlot. Tell them to go to the Library" "O.k." she said and quickly flew off. "Fluttershy! Meet Twilight at the Library now. " said Rainbowdash. "Ok" replied Fluttershy. Then Rainbow Dash went to Rarity's boutique, then Sugar Cube Corner for Pinkie Pie, then Sweet Apple Acres for Applejack. Rainbow Dash then flew back to Twilight's library. "Thanks for coming" said Twilight. "Look at this letter Princess Celestia sent me!" "[Dear Princess Celestia, we have captured your sister, Princess Luna and is holding her for ransom. If you want her back alive and well, then you have to pay 70000000 bits. Please put the bits in a bag outside the Everfree Forest by Friday. If not, then we will kill you sister. Hope you are well! From, The Vox." Her friends mumbled. "WHAT THE? 70000000 BITS! ARE THEY CRAZY?" shouted Rainbow Dash. "Calm down Rainbow." Applejack said. "Is Princess Luna ok?" "I'm sure she is fine." "Are you sure?" "I hate to picture Luna in that horrible place." "Who are the Vox?" "This is why we are going to Canterlot." Twilight interrupted. "Than let's go!" said Pinkie Pie and bounced off. The others followed her.