//------------------------------// // Hillbuddy Music // Story: The Little Curiosities // by Comma Typer //------------------------------// … and I will never stray far from home, With you I roam. The palomino Earth pony opens her eye, having finished a famous Dirk Thistleweed song on a high note, sitting in the ranch’s golden wheat field. “So… what do ya’ think?” Dirk Thistleweed is speechless, mouth opening and closing in a way that would make a goldfish proud. His horse, singing his songs like she’d been singing all her life. To think, too, that to call her his horse does not sit well with him too.… The country singer finally finds words to say: “Wha… h-how? Sadie, how’d you do… that?” Sadie’s smile glimmers in the sunrise. “Well, bein’ a free-willin’ freewheeler travelin’ to the other side got my noodle bakin’. I saw one of them artists just like you: bluegrass and all, but they’re a pony! Asked one of them ponies to teach me how to play the guitar an’ banjo. Next thing I knew, I’m right there playin’ yer’ greatest hits in the magic horse world!” Dirk could only blink. His ears fall flat at it as his lips tremble. “Ah, Sadie! And to think, all this time seein’ you grow and bein’ a mighty close friend on the ranch through my whole career… why, Ma’s was right to gift me you. “You’ve truly grown up now. She would’ve been proud if she were here, and we’d—“ “Dirk? Are you crying?” The violet stallion looks up. The nascent sunlight tints his appearance with gold: that slick purple hair turned into a slicker mane. His wide eyes glitter with water in the sun’s rays. “To do it… on my birthday of all days, Sadie… I’d never thought about you having such a beautiful singin’ voice! To hear my own horse sing like an angel! And to learn guitar on top of that!” Sadie chuckles. “Know what? I’ve been meanin’ to tell you….” He chuckles back, seeing Sadie’s head rock to the side with blushes. “Tell me what?” She makes a snort. “That I always thought you were just making noises that sounded beautiful. I didn’t… no, I couldn’t comprehend it was singing. Though, now that I can and do know what it is... I’d say I can get used to this singin’ an’ guitarin’ thing.” A lump comes up Dirk’s throat. “Yup, there it is. And… well, it did all start out with makin’ all the melodies come together nicely and jus’ seein’ others smile. The fame and concerts was a blessing, but... I’ve never had anyone sing back to me like that, back in the old days when it was just me, Ma’, Pa’… and you.” He is not surprised at his own snort as he wipes a tear away. “’Till now, that is.” She snorts: he could hear her voice. Ever since the Change, she surprised him and herself with discoveries in her newly sapient life. Teaching her what thinking and truly deciding for herself meant, all while she taught him all the horsey stuff. Each day, he just couldn’t shake off how sweet of a person she is; an innocent soul, like a yearling seeing the world anew. “Hey, I’ve got a great idea!” Sadie looks away from the rising sun. “Going to a concert with you?” “Who cares about concerts now?” Dirk says with a shrug of his hooves. “I’ve got my kin’s next o’ kin comin’ for Sunday dinner as usual. I’m sure we’d be better off serenadin’ before familiar faces.” “As in a duet? Like, just the two of us?!” Her hoofnails get bitten in anticipation. “I… I don’t know what to say!’” “Well, you were Ma’s birthday gift to me. Guess it’s ‘bout time I turn the favor your way.” By sunset, a wagon of ponies comes along, carrying cousins and other relatives from across the state. The scent of fresh corn fills the little ranch. The sun sets golden across the blond wheat fields. Open lays the door as it always is for family. “Heya’, Thistles!” shouts an uncle as he steps down from the wagon. “Smells just like Ma’s like every time! Whatcha’ got whipped up?” He enters and turns to the dining room, his familial entourage accompanying him. Those eyes ignore the long table of food. They skip ahead to Dirk Thistleweed and his former horse Sadie holding guitar and banjo, both ponies sitting down on a pair of wooden stools. “Some good food and some good music, like every time,” Dirk replies. He then gestures to Sadie: no patting like she is “just” his horse. The gesture means great respect: an acknowledgment of her as his equal, just like him and all the other former humans. “This time, it’ll be with my trusty ol’ Sadie. It’s her first time singin’ in public, so it’ll be quite the treat.” Sadie blushes at those familiar faces. Names and experiences run across her brain, all ending in joy over being at their level now. She clears her throat and waves at them. “Howdy, y’all. Thanks for coming along, and I hope you’ll love our music… and the food too which we both made together. “What I’m sayin’ is: enjoy!” With that, the visitors get to the table and pile their plates with plentiful food. All the while, hooves strum guitar and banjo strings, soothing all ears with familiar melodies and nostalgic songs from decades and even a century ago. As cousins gorge on their many corn dishes, they do not notice Dirk and Sadie’s silent tears of joy at their voices blending in perfect harmony. On that day, a friendship is born anew.