The journey begins

by Thenewbluebrony

The end

Aqua's pov
The Clearing

"So Blue what do you want me to do first?" asked Aqua as he moved to the center of the clearing that Vito and his friends made by using the trees from the area to build the new dam.

"First I want you to try to get off the ground by flapping your wings at a steady pace," answered Bluebolt as he move to the side of Aqua, to watch his technique as Aqua started to flap his wings, Bluebolt saw that he was flapping with his wings flat not making a cup to push the air then going flat, even with Aqua's large wings Aqua was having trouble getting to a 0.1 wing power level, but that was just Bluebolt guessing what Aqua's wing power was he could not know until he had some equipment.

"How was that Bluebolt what do you think?" asked the excited young alicorn with thestral wings. Bluebolt could see that Aqua was very excited, but he knew aqua would not be ready in the amount of time he had first guessed, so he had to tell aqua the truth.

"Aqua I must say this and I mean this in the nicest way your wings are weak, you will need to build up your wings up a good amount before we can get you off the ground," Bluebolt answered as he told Aqua, "The first thing you need to learn is proper form when flapping your wings, you are making your wings to tense when you bring them down," He explained as he did a demonstration on how to move his wings when they go down. "But it is not all your fault you have the biggest wings i have ever seen on someone that was not fully grown."

"Oh I think I get what you mean, my wings are not strong due to me having not used them right? Any tips on how I can get my wings stronger?" He asked and as he did this Peppermint came over.

"That is smart and very mature Aqua, instead of whining because you can't start flying right now, you looked for ways to learn and train," She said as she wrapped A foreleg around him to hug, and as she did this Bluebolt joined in.

"Thank you Peppermint you two are great," He said.

"The first thing could try is using your wings to carry stuff, another thing is stretching your wings three times a day," said Bluebolt as he demonstrated the two methods.

"Ok so I need to do some wing stretches and hold my wings out flat for long periods of time," Aqua said as he copied the movements he was shown by Blue.

So after Aqua learned these techniques, he started out by doing them for thirty minutes a day for the first week. After the first week Blue had tested his wing power, by getting a tool that measures a pony's wing power. Wing power is measured by the amount of wind they can generate by flying past or flapping their wings near the tool to create a breeze, that will move the propeller on top of the tool that then prints out a report of the wing power.

One week later

"Ok Aqua I want to see you try to fly now, so we can decide the best way to test your wing power," said Blue, and as soon as he had finished the sentence, Aqua started to use the wing movements he was shown by Blue, to try to get off the ground, and much to Blue's surprise Aqua was able to stay off the ground for a good minute. "Wow Aqua now I am going to place the tool so take a rest." Aqua nodded and landed panting.

"What do you think Blue?" asked Aqua as he started to catch his breath.

"I think you have dove very well, now just do it one more time so we can get a reading" Answered Blue after he set the tool down, and so after a few minutes Aqua had started to fly again, and the propeller spins a few times,and prints out the results that Blue grabs.

"Well you have improved a good amount for only training for a week you have a 0.5 and your first 'flight'," Blue said after he read the results, and moved over to pat Aqua on the back for his improvement.

"Wow and that was with me only training for a little bit each day," Aqua said as he went to lay down to catch his breath after his first time getting off the ground.