Prolonging The Magic

by Closer-To-The-Sun

Ch. 1 Good Company

Chapter 1: Good Company

"Nope," Big Mac said at last to his sister.

"Come on, Big Mac, ya been workin' nonstop for the longest time, an ah think goin' to Pinkie Pie's party might do some good for ya," Applejack protested, trying to get him to see her way as they sat together at the dinner table.

"Parties just aren't mah thing, Applejack," the red stallion stated, "Besides, I still have some work to d-"

"Ah, hush up!" Applejack interrupted her older bother, "It's the evenin' and you can let the work wait 'till mornin'! Applebloom and ah are going and it won't feel right if ya just stay here alone tonight. So yer goin', got it?" her face got very close to her brother's as she glared at him. Big Mac knew better than to refuse now.

"E-Eeyup," he nervously replied.

"Alrighty then. Also, leave yer harness at home, yer not going to be workin', ya know."

Moments later, the Apple siblings were walking over to Sugarcube Corner to attend what Pinkie Pie was calling 'Pinkie Pie's Super Duper Amazing Night Party With Lots of Sweets And Partying". Applebloom was dashing back and forth, running up a ways on the path and then jumped up and down while waiting anxiously for her siblings. She was eager to meet up with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo at the party since the Cutie Mark Crusaders rarely got to stay up so late.

When the Apple siblings finally arrived, the party was already in full swing. Pinkie Pie did not spare any expense as usual. Balloons and streamers were placed around the room with tables holding sweets and beverages for the hungry partiers. Music was also playing through the speakers, the new album that Vinyl Scratch had released a few weeks before. Applebloom found the other two members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and quickly disappeared into the crowd to meet up with them. As Big Mac turned his head to look toward Applejack, he noticed that she had also bolted off to meet with her friends, whom he saw laughing and enjoying themselves.

Now alone, Big Mac slowly trotted to a table with some refreshments. He examined the sweets that Pinkie Pie prepared, and although he was a bit hungry from the day's labor, he didn't want do eat anything with that much sugar since it probably wouldn't be that good on his stomach. He raised his head from the table and looked around. He really did feel out of place at the party. It wasn't that he didn't want to be social, it was just that he really wasn't sure how to. He was a work pony that worked hard on the farm with his family and a few others, and he didn't get many chances to go out and meet anypony new. A little crestfallen, and wanting to try to escape the bizarre and thumping music, he moved on out to the back porch where he sat down and felt the night air on his body. Big Mac shivered a bit, as he wasn't used to air hitting his neck where his harness was normally located. In fact, he felt down right naked without it. He closed his eyes to take a few deep breaths of the cool night air. He was so oblivious that he didn't hear the trotting of a purple mare nearby until he heard her voice.

"Oh, hey there Big Mac!" called the voice.

"Hm?" Big Mac opened his eyes to see Twilight Sparkle sitting nearby, "Oh, well, howdy there Miss Sparkle."

"Why are you all alone out here? The party is inside, though I can understand that Pinkie's parties can wear anypony out," Twilight laughed a little making Big Mac chuckle a bit as well.

"Well, parties really aren't mah kind of thing," he replied.

Twilight nodded, "I completely understand. I'm more of a pony who likes to spend the night curled up with a good book than at a party with a lot of ponies I don't know that well. I mean, I love hanging out with the girls a lot, but they can easily wear me out, especially Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie! And Pinkie is certainly wearing me out tonight, which is why I came out here to cool off a bit and gaze up at the stars. They say that tonight was going to be a very clear night that you can see Canis Major and Orion." She looked up as she was talking in hopes of spotting them quickly before she stopped for a second and started talking again, "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't ramble on like that. I sometimes don't know when to stop, sorry!"

Big Mac just looked at the purple pony and smiled, "It's quite fine, Miss Sparkle," Oddly enough for Big Mac, he was following everything that Twilight was saying. He didn't completely understand all of what she was talking about, but he was listening intently to her and fully enjoying her company as well.

"Well, how about I ask you something then to get you talking?" Twilight asked, "How are the apples coming this time of year?"

"Well, they are coming in quite fine. Should be a good season, I reckon. Hope to have the first batch done next week," Big Mac said with a bit of pride in his voice. He wasn't used to talking to anypony other than his family about anything, but he felt really comfortable talking to Twilight Sparkle. He really enjoyed her company.

"That's great to hear, what are the different types of apples that are coming in?" she asked looking up at him eager to know.

Big Mac was surprised she took an interest, "Well, we got gala, red delicious, golden delicious, granny smith, and some honeycrisp, I believe they'll be very nice when they finish comin' in."

"Those sound very delicious! Do you think I could have some when they come in?" Twilight asked in a tone that sounded like she was about to give a cute begging face.

Big Mac heard the tone of her voice and knew that she was going to give him puppy-dog eyes if he took to long, to which he agreed with a smile, "Eeyup, I'd be happy to bring some by for ya."

Twilight happily jumped up from her seated position, "Oh thank you, Big Mac!" She gave him a quick hug. The hug caught Big Mac off guard, causing him to blush considerably. "Oh, heh heh, sorry about that, Big Mac, I got a little excited and all," she apologized as she ceased the hug and put all four of her hooves on the ground, giving a nervous laugh.

"I-It's quite alright, Miss Sparkle." Big Mac said, still a bit flustered from the surprise hug from Twilight, but keeping his calm appearance and gave a warm smile toward her.

After a bit of silence, the two heard a familiar voice call out, "Hey Big Mac, Twi! What are you two ponies doin' out here? The party's over!" Applejack slowly trotted outside with an exhausted Applebloom slouched over on her back fast asleep. "Ya ready to go, Big Mac? It seems Applebloom is."

Big Mac nodded to his sister and then turned to Twilight, "Thank ya, Miss Sparkle, for keeping me company for the evening."

Twilight smiled, and even blushed a bit, "Well, heh, it was my pleasure. And I look forward to those apples!"