Super Pony Roomies

by TheManehattanite

And Carry a Big Torch (5)


“So how does his fork work?” Spike asked.

“Spike!” Twilight scolded.

“What? Don’t act like it’s not bugging you too.”

“You could at least ask politely!”

“No, it’s cool,” Crystal smiled. “If you want to come to Attilan the house of science’ll be happy to explain all about brands.”

Spike squinted. “You mean shirts and shoes and stuff?”

“Man, I wish.”

“Sorry?” Twilight’s smile had become slightly confused. “House of…? But you said your people struggle with magic? Oh, do you mean Everfree think?”

Crystal blinked. “Do I?”

“So you’re going to Atta...Apa…?” Spike’s eyes crossed as he wrestled with the various names he’d had to memorise in the past couple hours. “Aladdin…Crystal’s place?”

“You mean we’d be going, yes. Oh, if, uh, if that would be alright?” Twilight shared grins with Crystal. “It sounds amazing!”

“I’ll do my best to make sure you’re as disappointed as I am,” the Unknown chuckled. “Are you not coming, Spike?”

“I kinda promised I’d help Princess Shuri get settled in Ponyville!” the dragon beamed.

“Promised who?” Twilight smirked.

“Please?” Spike clasped his paws together, keeping the puppy dog eyes and bended knees in reserve from long, long experience. “An extra coat of polish on every floor, not just the library rooms! Keeping the lab equipment in shape while you’re away! Your pick for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a whole week when you get back!”

“Ah, rookie mistake.”

They turned to see Johnnycake Storm leaning in the doorway back to the ballroom. “See, if you really wanna seal the deal you should be a pain in the tail most of the time. That way big sis caves at the first chance of a break. Makes haggling so easy it should be illegal.”

“Thank you so much,” Twilight muttered as Spike assumed a contemplative expression.

“Anything for princess and country!” Johnny beamed. His face softened into a more sincere and, almost impossibly, sheepish smile as he turned to Crystal. “Could I borrow you for a sec?”

“Just a sec?” Crystal asked with a raised eyebrow, but she couldn’t keep the snicker out of her voice. “Was wondering when you’d make your move.”

“Well, had to foalsit Namor and Magnate at the same time,” Johnny grinned, trying to get some of the usual swagger back.

“Not Grim Skies? Was something in that wine?”

“Ugh, you’re right!” Johnny shook his head. “Man, I should’ve planned this. That ice sculpture was amateur hour!”

“Oh, so that was you.” Crystal smirked, making him feel like he should either be melting or imploding. “I dunno, seemed about your speed to me.”

“I’ll see you next week,” Twilight sighed, though she couldn’t keep a smile for Crystal off her face.

“You will?” Johnny blinked, looking between them as Spike climbed onto Twilight’s back. “Oh! You guys’re friends now? Awesome!”

“Glad you approve,” Crystal said, mimicking his doorway pose against a nearby column.

“Hey, you’re happy, I’m happy. We can all grab a nosh sometime! We can write it up for Princess Celestia, she loves that kinda stuff.”

“What kinda stuff?”

Her eyes flashed and seemed to take most of his oxygen with it. They’d always been…playful but it was dawning on him that the Crystal of today would be more experienced than the bright-eyed fellow teen he remembered.

Yeah. Experienced.

“Uh, what kinda stuff would you be into…?” She laughed as he squeezed his eyes shut in self-disbelief.

“Ouch,” Spike winced as Twilight began the spiral staircase back down towards the party and blessed salvation.


Applejack waved, taking a break from watching Mr. Fantastic amaze everyone with his stretchy disco moves. “Everything alright up there? You girls were gone for a bit an’ then Sousaphone showed up with this face like a beaver what just stashed some incriminatin’ evidence in another’s dam.”

“…specific,” Twilight said as she blinked. She tried not to die of embarrassment as Shining and some of the castle guards started a dance duel with the Dora Malaje. Then realised something. “Wait, Sue’s a business pony, she knows all the math jokes! Did she just set us up?!”

Spike shrugged, watching Rarity trying to tidy up/completely redesign a maid’s uniform. “Probably.”

“Probably,” AJ agreed. “Hey, was Rainbow with ya? Ain’t like her to miss out on a Five Feather Death Punch cover!”

“No, sorry, I was with Crystal,” Twilight said. “She’s so cool!”

“A great Unknown, ya might say?” the farmgirl grinned.

Spike grimaced, hopping off Twilight’s back and heading for the buffet. “I’m outta here.”

“That was a good one and you know it!” Twilight called after him before turning back to Applejack. “Yeah, she knows all this stuff, you know? And she told me all these things about how to be a princess and yourself at the same time, just like Cadence, but it meant something, you know?”

“So when’s the honeymoon?”

“A week from now,” Twilight smirked back defiantly.

“Nice, she seems like good people!” AJ finished a pull of punch. “Want any company? I got next to no idea what I’m doin’ here, may as well play third wheel.”

“I’ve been there,” Twilight agreed with a demonstrative flap of her wings. “And sure, if you want! Attilan sounds fascinating and I totally forgot to shut Spike down just now because I have the flu or something…”

Applejack smirked wryly. “Yeah, don’t need Pinkie-Sense to guess where his compass is pointin’.”

Spike was giving Shuri an overdone bow as Rarity introduced him as only she could. Shuri, for her part, was wondering why, since she and the dragon had already exchanged ‘adults, huh?’ pleasantries while the negotiations had been underway.

“No problem if you want to stay home too,” Twilight pointed out. “Helping out on the farm did wonders for me, and Princess Shuri is way more affable than I was at her age.”

“She did offer to give us an upgrade,” Applejack said.

Twilight blinked at the fact the zebra was still alive.

And apologised when her brother coughed,” Applejack clarified pointedly with a raised hoof. “But nah, won’t say it ain’t temptin’, but this is to get us all outta our ruts. Stayin’ put’d be too easy. ‘Sides, you wanna be there for what Rarity’s gonna do the poor filly?”

“We call it plausible deniability in the princess racket,” Twilight chuckled. “Have you talked to Crystal yet? Like, talk talked? She’s so cool!”

“You’d know from princesses,” Applejack said and winked.

They both blinked as Princess Celestia performed a seamless Grand Jeté over the entire dance floor’s heads, morphing a chandelier into a kaleidoscopic disco ball. The room erupted into startled cheers as Luna tried to hide behind her mane and die.

“Man, where is Dash?” Applejack complained. “She’s gonna spend all night carpin’ she missed that!”

“…we need to keep her and Crystal away from each other,” Twilight realised from another, distant, terrified plane of existence.

“Huh?” Applejack looked up to the landing where the Unknown and the Horseshoe Torch were trying to recover from the awe of Celestia having game. “You mean her an’ Johnny…?”

Twilight held up a wing, two feathers crossed, and nodded rapidly.

“…saints alive, we’ve gotta get off this mountain.”


“You girls talking about Dashie?” They looked up as a worried Pinkie Pie bounced over.

“Everythin' okay, sugar cube?”

“I don’t know! I mean, my Pinkie-Sense might be going off or it might be the faux gras, but that sassy silver lady came back a few seconds ago.”

“Yeah?” Twilight asked carefully. Pinkie was bouncing in place and she was convinced the poor girl’s eyes were wider than normal.

“And Dashie didn’t.”


“Sorry, what were you saying?” Johnny asked, trying to see past the afterimage of the princess’ glistening shoes and billowing mane forever burned into his mind’s eye.

“No idea,” Crystal said sensibly. “Start over?”

“Yes please.” Johnny instantly assumed a more casual stance against the balcony, one that let his chest fur poke just the right way out of his shirt collar without giving the impression of a Stalliongrad landlord. “So! Come here often?”

“For work, mostly! My ex and I used to get up to some stuff, though. He’d tell me Canterlot can be a great party town if you know where to look.”

“Did I say that?”

Mischievous eye twinkle. “A filly remembers these things.”

“You…are a lot more than a filly.” Great Pony in the sky, he sounded like he was having trouble swallowing and that made him sound creepy and he needed to get himself under control before he turned the place into a volcano! “I mean, last time we worked together. You were absolutely the boss! It was, I dunno, inspiring. I guess.”

“You guess.”

Had Crystal always enjoyed messing with him so much? Then again, part of the fun back in high school had been when she’d use her naivety to make him walk into a conversational wall, like he’d use ‘Gee Whiz Dr. Rivers!’ to set Reed up. It wasn’t just that she was somehow better at it than him now, and maybe always had been. Every creature in the business could do banter, and he had Pete for the sort that actually counted. What he needed now was a way to tell her…everything.

Without sounding like a dork.

“Can you blame me for being a little overwhelmed? After what you did to Terrax?”

“I’m sure you’d get that creative if you had control over all four elements!” Crystal grinned. “Have I mentioned how much I love the way you took down Fin Fang Foom?”

Johnny casually admired a set of ornamental swords with the air of a connoisseur. “Oh, you heard about that?”

“Yeah. From you.”

“Um.” Johnny froze halfway through running a hoof along the edge of a blade. Which turned out to be the right move because it made her laugh.

“No, I mean it! I wish I’d been there. Probably have freaked out and been too busy trying to save you, but it sounds like you’ve seriously expanded your repertoire.”

“What, this little ol’ thing?” Johnny held out a hoof, conjuring a lick of flame.

“You do your best with what you have.” Crystal reached out, and he felt something run through his entire system as the flame began to lean towards her pad, heeding her own call.

“Been a while since we did this.”

“Well who else are you gonna do it with, Firelord?”

They both snickered, making the band of flame between them rise and fall like a sound graph. She pulled away from him suddenly, spinning on one hoof so the band spun around her as it elongated. Like she was pulling all the light towards her.

Never to be outdone, Johnny released that flame to let Crystal weave it around herself like a boa and conjured two small fireballs in each hoof. The Unknown raised a brow as he casually juggled them, then let them roll up and down his shoulders before sending them down his back, curving his tail so the momentum sent them arcing across the gap between them to land on the burning halo around her shoulders.

It would have been a perfect display of physics if they weren’t breaking most of its laws.

Crystal laughed as she found herself the centre of a little solar system. Johnny was about to try a one liner when he noticed the subtle signs in her face that meant she was concentrating. It was a delight to be relearning her body language like this.

He blinked, stupefied as his rolling fireballs suddenly jolted into the air, bounced by darting shapes. It took a few seconds of the movement replaying for him to realise what they were. Crystal, a look of gorgeous satisfaction on her face, had created fully detailed, small scale flame constructs of dolphins.

Just to show off she even made the tableau play in reverse. “Come on Johnny, mouth off or I’m going to worry.”

“Give a colt a minute, wouldja?” He couldn’t stop grinning. Maybe it was the light of the flames but was Crystal blushing? “You always did like dolphins.”

“Shut up, they’re cute.”


Johnny flamed on, channelling his epidermis to form a fin and a dolphin mask. He’d have gone for a full tail, but he was still having trouble forming epidermal constructs behind himself. Crystal laughed, which was all that mattered. Man, she didn’t even loose her own construct. Not so much as a flicker!

Mist formed over her shoulders, rolling and seething into a small floating fleet of ice dolphins. “Is this your elaborate way of asking me out for sea food?”

“Hey, you’re the one who brought dolphins into it.” Johnny tried to admire the little marvels without getting too close and melting them. “You said you finally cracked the whole two at a time thing, but it’s cool to see it live! Guess all those pottery classes with Armilla payed off, huh?”

“Man, I should really look her up too,” Crystal sighed. “Also probably snuff these before the humidity does something horrible to the princesses’ drapes. Bad enough Lockjaw pulled up half their garden. By the way, you suck for not telling me Princess Luna’s real.”

“She needs to be seen to be believed.” Johnny dissolved the dolphin gear so he could waggle his glowing eyebrows just right. “Like me!”

“Mmm-hmm.” Crystal raised her hoof and flicked it side to side under his nose. An ice construct rolled into existence between them, an invisible hoof impishly wiping away frost to let the mirror surface beneath reveal the flame moustache she’d given him. “You’re even more connected than I remember. You know Twilight Sparkle, right?”

“We’ve teamed up a couple times, yeah. She’s--”

“Dating your roommate, yeah, you’ve both said. Does she know how mean you are about him?”

You know I’m only super mean about people I like!”

“You’ve never been that way to me,” she smiled as he rubbed the moustache away.

“Well yeah, I always had to concentrate on keeping up with you! Your timing’s even better than your finesse! You still like Kaput and Concerto movies?”

“Uh, I’ve got a soul, don’t I?!” She mock punched his 4 logo. Why did all the great ones do that? “Agh, jeez, will that mean all our Equestrian stuff’ll be too dated? I don’t want Twilight to feel like she’s on an alien planet or something.”

“Crystal, one of her favourite movies is Godzilla vs Princess Celestia,” Johnny scoffed, then saw the light of kinship in her eyes and made his tone more helpful. “She left her home reel over at our place, so she has an excuse to visit Pete. They keep talking about making costumes of the Universal monsters so they can team up on Nightmare Night.”


“Yeah, they are the one justified use of the word adorkable.”

“And what do you think I was when we started out? I was dazzled by everything.”

“Manehattan’ll do that!” Johnny felt his smile waver and put some extra glow into it. “You know you’re always welcome, right?”

“There it is.” Crystal dissolved her constructs, making his breath catch in his throat. “Johnny, if you want to ask me then just ask me.”

A beat. Crystal blinked as she realised the Torch was trying a whole new tactic: considering his words carefully.

“I do want to,” Johnny admitted eventually, “but I also don’t wanna make you feel…I dunno, obligated. It’s been so great to just talk to you again.” He ignited a mini halo around his hoof in memory of the more elaborate construct. “I was half joking before. Who else are we gonna share this with? I don’t want to shut that door!”

“Johnny, tonight is all about opening…something between our countries.” Crystal conjured a small cloud under her hooves to rise to his floating eye level. “Those talks have meant a lot to me too. Especially after so long. But I just met somepony else who understands something that’s a huge part of my life! That’s something new and I really need new.”

“I hear you,” Johnny agreed. “Attilan’s lucky to have someknown as dedicated as you.”

“It was always going to come between us,” Crystal sighed. “You didn’t have to make the choice first.”

“…you…know about that.”

“Johnny, I love you--” Crystal made a small bolt of electricity crackle in and out of existence in her pad, her equivalent of snapping fingers, as his eyes glazed over with rapidly processed emotions. “As a friend! But come on, you’re the guy. ‘Ooh, it’s gonna hurt too much, better do it first, see ya ‘round kiddo!’”

“I didn’t say see ya ‘round, did I?” Johnny asked in horror.

“No, but it’s the same kind of dudebro pucky!” Crystal grinned. “And very sweet, in your own special way. If you wanna be friends, I wanna be friends.”

“This is all about what you want,” Johnny said and was surprised by the earnestness in his voice.

Crystal snorted. She sighed and shut her eyes for a second. “I want to start something new.”

“I know,” Johnny agreed hurriedly. “Seriously, I get it! After you left to go back to your people I wound up as just the little brother and everything we’ve talked about over that radio for months, that’s been trying to be…literally anything else. I’ve even kind of got a real job lined up!”

Crystal blinked. “Skrull says what?”

“I’m surprised too! It’s just a garage job, not exactly galloping out of my bailiwick there, but they at least called me back instead of worrying they were going to get jumped by the Super Apes…”

She clasped his hooves even tighter. “Congratulations!”

“Nothing concrete yet, but point is…I’m trying.” He took the risk of squeezing hers back. “You want new, I’m trying for new. Cards on the table…all I’ve got is trying. And I’m lucky you’ll still even look at me, never mind be my friend.”

“Your family gave me back my home.” Crystal shut her eyes and nuzzled him. Johnny felt his flames spike in delighted shock, mesmerised by the light sliding off the thin protective field of her powers against his blazing epidermis. “It’s an honour to call you friend. And…”


“And I’m in talks with the Princess of Friendship, which opens up that avenue quite a bit, so.”


“So.” Crystal’s eyes glinted with the kind of determined steel he usually saw in Medusa’s. “Come by next week. You can help Twilight get used to the city and we can talk. Face to face this time.”

Johnny was smiling too much to speak and just knew he was going to say something dudebro and maybe not special like ‘righteous’ or even the dreaded ‘totes’, something that went out of style all the apocalypses ago, and ruin the moment by making her laugh not the right way.

He was saved by the distinctive cacophony of a Lockjaw teleport just down the hall.


“Are you sure everything’s alright?” Twilight tried carefully. For all the good it did.

“I told you I’m fine!” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“I-I didn’t say this was about you, exactly,” Twilight stammered.

“Then why even ask?!”

“Sugar cube, what’s wrong?” Applejack stepped between them. “C’mon, it’s us!”

“I know! I just--”

Dash felt the breath catching in her throat and flapped her wings to keep her temper molten. She was not going to cry. She was not going to give that snob the satisfaction!

She swallowed because inhaling would’ve meant her eyes watering instead of just burning. “You guys know I’ll always come back, right? When I…y’know.”

“You’re always there for us!” Pinkie assured, trying to get around the other two for a hug.

“Yeah, but y’know how sometimes I…” She looked imploringly at Twilight because if anypony had the words it had to be her. “When I’m trying to get in the zone?”

“Aww shoot, hon, we all get carried away!” The weight and relief of AJ’s hoof on her shoulder.

They will love you but I’m sorry, they will never…

“Yeah,” Dash smiled to drown it out, letting the drunkenness of shared experience flood her head. “Yeah, we do.”

“Is this about flying lessons?” Twilight blushed a little. “I know I haven’t really…you’ve been great, it’s just, that weird box and everything, and we both know I’m not Wonderbolt material and you’re like lightning up there, like the phenomenon, not the sociopath--”

“Anytime you wanna get back in the saddle, I’m down!” Dash felt relief as they drew closer, just enough of a not-group hug for her get the benefit and still feel independent. “I just know I can be a lot to handle, y’know? I don’t…you guys don’t have to be…more? Y’know?”

“We know, we know!” Pinkie bounced around them until she found an opening and went in for the hug.

But she didn’t, some small fork of lightning whispered deep inside. She just wanted everything to be alright. The looks on the other two’s faces. They didn’t either. Twilight literally just called one of the few ponies who might a sociopath.

“Somepony said somethin’ to you.” Applejack wasn’t asking a question. She looked back down the hall towards the sounds of the party. “That dye job rockin’ little--”

“She…” Dash put a foreleg around Pinkie’s shoulders, but it was really to steady herself. “I dunno. She thinks we’re alike. Sometimes when we’re in high gear I…”

She tightened her grip on Pinkie. “I love you guys. You know that, right?”

“That’s a question?” Twilight smiled, even though her voice was quavering, putting a wing on her shoulder. Rainbow felt a fortifying glow of pride that it was her wing training that had helped the newly minted Alicorn do stuff like that.

Applejack was glaring, not at her. Dash wondered why it sort of felt like it. “Was she spoutin’ off her dad’s campaign stuff?”


“I knew it!” Applejack gripped the brim of her hat, the way she sometimes did when she was mad but not mad enough to throw, but still just so mad! “I knew one of ‘em’d try to talk us into somethin’!”

“You didn’t say yes didja?!” Pinkie blurted, eyes wide.

“Of course not!” Dash blinked, wings flaring in outrage, which accidentally broke the hug. “Gimme a break, like I’d go anywhere near…”

Near what? Somewhere with other creatures who could open it up? All the way up? Who could stay there pretty much every day?

Even the academy had in house limits, she reminded herself, for everypony’s good. Maybe that was an option then? There had to’ve been a Bolt who’s…everything just worked better in high gear. Soarin’ could seriously floor it and maintain his top speeds for whole days of training and was always the chilliest of the chill when he landed, maybe she could talk to him!

…which, despite the fact it had been nice to go out with that sweetie pie Fifth Gear, was a prospect with a lot of appeal.

A crash and strange light on the walls further down the corridor!

Rainbow was already accelerating as the confused exclamation was halfway out of Twilight’s mouth. She used half a barrel roll to take the bend without losing momentum or smacking into the wall, and man did it suck Spitfire wasn’t here to see her complete it to orient herself right side up as sheFire!

The Horseshoe Torch yelped, swerving into her own attempt to bank around him like a complete and total--


Impact, first each other then the floor!

Panic knifed through Dash even with the realisation Johnny had killed his flames instantly, crumbs of epidermis dissolving in the air above them and a feeling of standing too close to a space heater vibrating up and down her torso.

Two more things made her mad enough to bite through her own tongue: Johnny probably using the same collision avoidance technique she had because of flight school, and the fact she maybe realised this despite the fading pain because Silver was right about…about what she thought her deal was.

“Miss me…?” Johnny groaned, managing a weak grin.

“You smug!” Dash sprang to her hooves, ignoring the feeling of her brain still settling in her skull, danger completely forgotten. “What’s wrong with you?!”

Johnny blinked, trying to roll over to pick himself up. “You hit me…?”

“You swung right into my flight path! Twice! How did you even do that?! Agh, what am I saying?! If anypony could, of course it’d be you!

“Hey, you were the one doing like Mach one indoors!” Johnny snapped, then blinked through rubbing his forehead. “And looking like a million bits while doing so!”

“Seriously?! Y’know what, why am I surprised, you are such a--”

“Johnny?” called two voices at once: Crystal surfing into sight on one of her clouds, Rarity galloping up with the rest of the Elements. Lockjaw further confused things by bounding over, looking between Twilight and Crystal with unbridled but expectant joy.

“What’s going on?!” all three of the Torch’s exes said simultaneously, making his pupils shrink as they all looked at each other.

“Th’ great pony inna sky is punishin’ me…” groaned what they’d at first assumed was a gaudy red and blue rug at Lockjaw’s feet.

“Peter?!” Twilight cried, bounding over to take him by the shoulders. Her wings flared and she swung to a baffled Crystal. “…’s native city’s local vigilante, Spider-Pony!”

“What’s going on up there?” came Princess Celestia’s voice from somewhere off stage.

“Yeesh, colt!” Applejack boggled as she helped Twilight haul the Web-Slinger to his hooves. “Ya look like Apple Bloom’s community service record after that thing with the--”

Spidey’s lenses snapped wide open. “Escorpión!”

Applejack blinked. “Moths, actually.”

“No, where’s Escorpión?! Big guy! Big tail! Big moustache!”

“Right here!”

A bureau sailed out of a doorway, baring down on all of them. Lockjaw vanished in a burst of Kirby Krackle, the air flickering with Twilight’s magic as it hurtled through the space the dog had been occupying to dash itself to kindling against a force field.

Escorpión sprang back to dodge a retaliatory magic bolt, his moustache rattling furiously. He glared at Spider-Pony, assuming a similar arachnid crouch to his own, then took stock of the rest of the group.

Rainbow Dash and the ignited Horseshoe Torch hovered above them, the Pegasus’ hooves clenched in a boxer’s stance. Applejack pawed the carpet, eyes trying to keep track of that lashing tail. Twilight’s wings were flared, magic dancing warningly around her horn and flickering in her eyes. Crystal balanced on a cloud and flexed, surrounding herself with oscillating bands of static. Pinkie Pie balanced on Lockjaw’s back in an identical pose, even matching the dog’s snarl.

Rarity, currently going through one of her minimalist phases, simply conjured a mace can and raised a challenging eyebrow.

“Your own Stampede Six and a little dog too, eh?” the fencer sneered at Spidey. “Of course you couldn’t take me alone!”

“Says the guy who was just in the middle of a team up,” Spidey retorted. “¿Podríamos seguir con el español? La Antorcha es como el único hombre en Manehattan que no puede hablarlo, ¡lo asustará!”

“Why did you just point at me with your tail? Are you talking about me? You’re talking about me, aren’t you?!”

“Translate this!” Rainbow Dash snapped, wings blurring. “No siempre se trata de ti!

“Dash, wait!” Twilight began. She was talking to rippling, empty air.

A rainbow streak arched around Escorpión’s instinctive stab, ricocheted off the wall and drove a kick into the side of his head that sent him staggering back. Roaring over the rattle of his moustache, Grimidor retaliated by snagging the girl’s tail in his teeth and swinging her into the floor, then into the ceiling, and finally into Spider-Pony’s lunge towards him. They crashed into Applejack charging seconds behind.

“Back!” Escorpión snapped.

Crystal wrapped both forelegs around as much of Lockjaw’s neck as she could to bring him up short. The Torch froze in the act of forming a fireball as the barb of that tail stopped seconds from driving right between Applejack’s suddenly very focused eyes.

“Where am I?!“ Escorpión demanded. “Where did you all come from?!”

“You’re in Canterlot!” Rarity scowled. “And you and your tacky moustache can feel free to leave!"

“Canter?!” The fencer’s eyes almost punched through his mask lenses. “Princesses?! What kind of game is the Spider playing here?!”

He let out a high-pitched yelp as something yanked his tail back and spun, moustache rattling with wrath! It drooped as he spun to face brickwork and blue eyes.

“I got a game we can play,” the Thing said, one hoof holding the barb of Escorpión’s tail, keeping it wrapped around his foreleg.

He whipped up his other foreleg suddenly, presenting the pad of his hoof at the same time he yanked. Twilight winced as the swordpony slammed face first into it, so hard he bounced back, once, twice…

“Three strikes,” the Thing rumbled as Escorpión slid to the floor, his tail flopping on top of him, “yer out.”

Lockjaw barked, bounding up to paw at the triumphant superpony. Pinkie clung to his fork, narrowly avoiding collapsing onto the trio woozily getting to their hooves.

“Your improv troupe must be so proud!” Johnny smirked, floating over to keep the swivel eyed Grimidor covered. “No, seriously, what would you’ve done if the prompt was something more esoteric, like the deal with airship food?”

“Better than you!” Rainbow Dash snapped, finally on her hooves. “What’ve you even done tonight?!”

“Run security,” the Torch smirked back on autopilot, “you’re welcome.”

He belatedly realised he’d noticed the flash in her eyes because she shot up to his level that fast, forcing him to back up slightly. “Yeah, real great looking out there, guy with a tail that big getting right past you and all! Where was that when you actually turned to ram into me?!

Rarity blinked. “What?”

“Wait, that happened?” Spidey squinted.

“If you think about it that technically means we arrived at the same time, so--” Johnny mumbled.

“And if that wasn’t bad enough, you just floated there for the whole fight! Mr. Grim scores the winning hit and you’re busting his chops?!"

“A crowded corridor isn’t exactly the best place to throw actual fire--” Johnny hesitated, squinting at her face. “Have you been crying…?”

Dash felt her heart almost stop from searing, ice cold, unforgiving fury. She missed out on the hasty bow everyone gave Princess Celestia as she galloped out of a stairway. Who took one look at the situation and began moving towards Spider-Pony.

“Um,” the Web-Slinger said.

“Guards are coming,” Celesita said simply. “Questions. Spears. Very little time. Come with me, please.”

“Wh?” Spidey began desperately turning to Twilight. Celestia’s wings enveloped the vigilante and they both vanished in a golden burst of her magic. Lockjaw let out an impressed grunt.

“Right then,” Rarity sighed as Twilight stared at the empty space. She looked down at the pile of chitinous used laundry that was Escorpión. “Ooh, should we hoofcuff him? I’ve got cuffs!”

Everypony looked at her, except Rainbow Dash who was glaring furiously at the Horseshoe Torch. “What?”

“What?” Johnny insisted. “Look, I just wanna know what’s wro--”

“You think you can mess up and ask that question?” Rainbow Dash stabbed a hoof at his 4 logo, knocking him back a little more. “You think you can mess up my life and you get to ask that question?!”

“Your what?” Johnny boggled. “Is this about school? ‘Cause, heh, seriously, that parking space was not clearly labelled!”

“Oh dear,” Rarity murmured as Crystal winced. Lockjaw whined questioningly.

“There it is!” Dash threw her hooves to the ceiling. “Everything’s a joke to you! Pinkie does everything she can to make everypony feel awesome all day, and then there’s you! I saved your tail for almost a year and it was all just a big joke!”

“Wh--” Johnny looked between Crystal and the Thing, forced to flame off and land as she continued to back him up. “You were an awesome partner--”

“Partner implies I was part of something!” Dash shrugged off Applejack’s attempt to take her foreleg. “But who could ever be part of anything with your ego?!”

“Danii, I’m just--”

“Yeah, aren’t ya!” Dash snorted. Her eyes were now honestly watering. “Aren’t you just! Just always there! Just always got an excuse! Just always whatever you need to be to win! Just soooo worried now, all this time later after you flake your way back into my life!”

“It ain't you,” Applejack assured firmly, trying to get between them, “that silver filly said somethin’ or--”

“Oh, for once it is absolutely about him!” Dash yelled, almost rattling every piece of china in the vicinity. “You wanna know what’s wrong, babe?!

Johnny froze at the old pet name.

“What’s wrong is that, yeah, I had to put up with that...with her and you found a way to make me even angrier! What’s wrong is I have to put with you now because maybe, just maybe, Rarity could make something worthwhile outta you!”

“Um, hello.” Rarity blushed as Crystal’s gaze snapped to her, following Dash’s pointing hoof. “I’m, um, yes.”

“Kid!” the Thing insisted.

“Although since the princess sure as hay didn’t call youwhen Discord and Sombra came back” Dash’s voice was a dangerous whisper as she leaned practically nose to nose with the blinking Johnnycake. “meaning tonight isn’t the only night I basically did your whole job for you, just like the good old days, I guess what I’m really asking is what are you even for?

Dead silence.

Lockjaw whimpered as the temperature began to soar.

“Okay then,” Johnny said simply. His expression didn’t change even as he erupted into flames. “Fine. You don’t want to be friends? Then this was never gonna work.”

He turned to Rarity. “Hey. Thanks for trying.”

His expression softened into something as he shifted to Crystal. “I’m sorry you had to see this. Tonight was…it was still really good, but right now I gotta go burn up some stuff in the lower atmosphere.”

“Johnny--” Crystal began, but the sound of his furious contrail weaving towards the nearest window drowned her out. She sighed in frustration, forming another cloud and looking between all the present Elements. “Grim, I’ll talk to him.”

“Pretty sure you’re the only one that can, kiddo,” the Thing said. He nodded. “Take care.”

“It, uh…” Crystal rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, managing to lock eyes with a stunned Rainbow Dash. “It was nice to meet you all. I guess. See you next week, Twilight.”

She got out of there just in time for Shining Armour and a joint cavalcade of Castle guard and Dora Milaje to swarm in from every other doorway.

“What’s goin--” the captain began, then tripped over the prone Escorpión. His eyes went wide as his helmet clattered to Twilight’s hooves, narrowing as she tired and failed not to laugh. “What is going on?!”

“Oh, just another night in Canterlot!” trilled Princess Celestia, springing out of a secret passageway concealed in another bureau, carrying a swivel eyed Peter Trotter in one wing and certainly not hiding something in the other.

“Thank goodness you’re here, Captain,“ she continued as Lockjaw bounded up to her in delight, “to arrest this nefarious rogue that Princess Crystal little friend, yes, hello, yes auntie’s tail moves funny, caught sneaking about! Incidentally Twilight, guess who I secretly invited to make your stay less lonely!”

“hWgH--” said Peter Trotter, future regent of Equestria, “sO fAs’. hOw? aGh.”

“Yes, that’s Canterlot public transit for you,” Celestia beamed, letting him flop into Twilight’s hooves as the guard began levitating manticore restraints around Escorpión. “I’m quite proud. Why does this passage smell of burning?”

“He was seriously trying to be friends…?” Rainbow asked distantly.

“Well…” Rarity glanced at the embers vanishing around the corner and sighed. “He was.”


“Alrighty then,” Spike concluded, moving a finger down his scroll, “that iiiiis three yellow Thai curries, one seaweed and cucumber curry with extra masala

Rarity frowned as Applejack squinted in disgust. “Don’t judge me.”

cauliflower, chickpeas, and tofu special to share–”

Twilight smiled contentedly as Peter put a foreleg around her shoulders. They were wearing matching castle bathrobes, because of course they were.

Pinkie’s going for two tofu wraps--”

“Dashie’ll like it with her curry,” the party pony said with an almost heart-breaking smile. “Y’know, when she comes back.”

“Uh, yeah, of course,” Spike mumbled then hastily redoubled his interest in the scroll. “Two chicken jalfrezi for me, and back off Twilight ‘cause I’m the one picking all this up…”

“Fair enough, but you’re sleeping with the window open,” Twilight muttered, folding her forelegs.

“Aaaand extra rice an’ poppadums all ‘round! Anypony want any drinks while I’m out?”

Canterlot Sparkling shall more than satisfy me,” Rarity cooed, leading down to pet his fins like he’d planned, “but aren’t you just the sweetest thing to ask!”

“Reckon the minifridge’ll do us.” Applejack cocked her head to the glasses of apple juice and lemonade on their coasters. “Sure ya don’t want company?”

“Eh, it’s only down to Palace Shades, but thanks. Oop, reminds me! Pony Joe’s okay with everypony for dessert?”

The group gave a chorus of affirmatives, Pinkie bouncing on her tail for a final round of “Yes-yes-yes!”s.

“Maybe pick up some Joe’s ice cream too?” Fluttershy ventured. “You know. Because of the spices and, um…Rainbow.”

“No, somepony needed to say it, darling,” Rarity assured as the Pegasus tried to hide behind her fringe for daring to broach the subject. “A round of everything, Spike. She’ll need it.”

“Okay, but it’ll bump up the cost. Speaking of!” Spike spun around, jerking a thumb at the open mouth of his backpack. “Pony up!”

“Payday’s Friday,” Peter said hastily as the group began slipping the required bits and gems for their orders into Spike’s pack. One of the side pockets began to slowly inflate as built in enchantments shrank and teleported the cash for easier storage. “So I’ll be able to pay you back next weekend. Sorry, wasn’t exactly expecting to be here tonight.”

“It’s fine,” Twilight beamed, levitating a 20-bit voucher into Spike’s pack. “I just hope your saddlebag’ll still be where you left it. Manehattan pigeons can be vicious!”

Industrious,” Fluttershy mumbled to herself.

Peter shrugged. “Johnny promised to pick it up when he got back to the city, so...”

“An’ that don’t worry ya?” Applejack smirked, lounging next to Pinkie on the sofa.

“Speaking of,” Rarity tried carefully from a plusher version of her fainting couch, “any tips on how to deal with him when his head is, ah, that hot…?”

“Tell him what he’s gotta hear. He’ll either blow up because he doesn’t get it, or because he does and doesn’t want to admit it.” Peter glanced at Spider-Pony’s mask, crowning his folded and laundered costume on a chair. “You guys ever go through something like that with Rainbow?”

“Gotta familiar ring,” Applejack said as she frowned. “She’ll be shootin’ around somewhere ‘til she can’t put off dealin’ with it anymore. Problem is gettin’ her to tell me what it even is!”

“Us,” Twilight said, firmly but not challenging.

“Y’know what I mean!”

“Gotta familiar ring,” Peter agreed.

“She won’t have to,” Pinkie gabbled, zipping back and forth as she set up a projector and screen, and scrabbling to pick up the (too many) home reels tumbling from her jittery hooves. “Because she’s gonna come back and we’re gonna get this curry-movie party started and nopony’ll have to be mad at anypony!”

“I’ll, ah, I’ll get on that,” Spike mumbled, zipping up his backpack and trying not to race to the door too fast.

He swung it open and flinched as a hoof almost knocked on the top of his skull. “Whoa! Oh, hey Ms. Storm, Mr. Fantastic!”

“Spike! Sorry!” Sue guiltily pulled her hoof back. “Just wanted to see how you guys were doing.”

“You’re staying, Dr. Rivers?” Twilight asked, wandering up. “We thought you’d all be heading back to Manehattan.”

She looked at Peter, who was blushing and trying to keep out of sight. Reed and Sue were wearing the same robes they were.

“Johnny and Grim, yes,” Reed beamed. “But, well, it’s Canterlot and Sousaphone and I…well…”

“You want any curry?” Spike asked. Twilight wrestled with chiding him for missing a social cue even she could pick up and paternal pride at his offering.

“We thought we’d get room service, actually,” Sue chuckled. “I also wanted to apologise for Johnny.”

“Eh, Rainbow Dash shouldn’t have said what she did,” Peter pointed out. He shrugged as Rarity and Applejack rounded on him. “What? She shouldn’t!”

“She’s still not back?” Sue looked worried.

“Grim said he’d talk to her before he left,” Reed said gently, putting a foreleg around her shoulders. “You know what he’s like when he’s taken a shine to somepony. Enjoy your night, everypony. Peter, would you like a ride back into the city tomorrow? Only we’ll be leaving early.”

Something about how one of the world’s greatest geniuses was completely oblivious to the embarrassment of wearing the same robe made Peter tighten the belt of his. “Uh, sure.”

“Mostly we just thought we’d check in to see if you’ve decided who’s going where yet,” Reed continued cheerfully. “You’ll have to forgive the nosiness but it’s rare that we discover new places by invitation, and I for one am dashed curious!”

“Call it professional curiosity,” Sue added.

“I,” Rarity said, hoof to her chest and eyes closed like an anime character, “shall have the distinguished honour of educating Princess Shuri in Ponyville, with the Panther Prince’s blessing if not request!”

“You mean entertaining,” Sue ventured.


“Pretty sure I’m going to Attilan,” Twilight said, waving as Spike jogged down the stairs to try and bum a ride off the staff bus.

“You are?” Peter blinked. “The Unknowns’ city?”

“I mean, I hope I am! Crystal was really into the idea, but we’d need to get approval from the council and I didn’t see her sister before she had to get her dog and, y’know, go. She promised to keep in touch at least.”

“Oh, Medusa’s fine,” Sue assured. “We met her and Black Bolt in the hall when everything was wrapping up. She seemed…I don’t know. Eager.”

Applejack quirked an eyebrow. “That unusual?”

“No, but she was very…smiley.”

“Think she sniffed somethin’ while she was visitin’ the lil’ filly’s room?”

Twilight and Fluttershy blushed while Peter tried to suppress a burst of shocked laughter and Rarity glared. Applejack frowned back at her, confused, not realising she was unconsciously replacing the absent Rainbow wavelength in the group’s social radiation.

“Oh, that,” Sue said, waving an unconcerned hoof. “Snow gets everywhere, and she’s got all that hair…maybe she was just trying to make things up with Crystal.”

“Hope I’m not a bone of contention then,” Twilight mumbled.

“You’ll be anything but hon, trust me.” Sue winked. “So Shuri’s visiting Ponyville? That’ll be so good for her! Who’s taking her place?”

“Um…me, apparently,” Fluttershy said. “I hope it wouldn’t be any trouble if I asked you for some tips?”

“T’Challa’s probably prepared for virtually everything,” Reed said with a certain level of wry ruefulness.

“Oh. How nice.”

“That just leaves Aqualusia and Genosha then,” Peter concluded, looking around the room.

“I’ll speak to Dash,” Applejack said firmly.

“Which just leaves under the sea to me!” Pinkie beamed, using her fringe to whip out a snorkel from her hair. She joined in as River Reeds bust out laughing so hard Twilight backed up.

“And that’s goodnight from him,” Sue said, raising her voice and pulling her special somepony around by his horn. “Hope you enjoy the movie as much as Reed enjoyed that.”

“We’re just across the hall if you need anything,” Reed wheezed.

“So don’t need anything.” Sue smirked, leading him to their door.

Twilight waved distantly and telekinetically shut the door. She stared at the wood for a few seconds, reflecting on how that was one of the premier minds of her nation.

“Man.” Peter flopped back on the sofa, looking at his mask again. “The house of M itself. You guys get everywhere.

“Any tips?” Applejack asked before a sip of apple juice.

“Don’t go?”

“Sorry, gotta point to prove.”

“That’s my girl.” They all jumped at the voice. Rainbow Dash smirked from her perch on the drawing room balcony, Spike on her back and trying to smother a laugh with his paws over his mouth.

“Get in here so I can throw ya back out,” Applejack smirked, beckoning.

“Easy filly, we’ve got hostages.”

Dash sprang inside, waving the Pony Joe's boxes balanced in her hooves. Spike slipped off and opened his backpack to fill the room with the comforting odour of spice and vegetables, with the powdery underscore of rice and a strange flickering note none of the herbivores would recognise as his chicken jalfrezis.

“Are you feeling better?” Fluttershy tried after neatly tearing the cover off her own meal.

“So what’s the flick?” Dash flopped onto one of the Celestia’s foreleg sized arm rests without making eye contact.

Anchor Pony,” Spike and Peter said simultaneously.

“That’s not how ya spell Princess Bride,” Dash said breezily through a mouthful of rice and poppadum.

A beat and then a chorus of agreeing grunts as the group realised how that covered basically everypony’s needs. Anywhere, ever.

Fine, Applejack decided, hanging her Stetson on a free armrest as Twilight’s telekinesis slotted the reel into the projector and fast forwarded through the bit with the foal and the grandpa, she’d let Rainbow avoid the question for now. But if it took all night? That filly was going to admit she had something to prove too and that they were both gonna get it done on Genoshian soil.


Almost two hours later, in the main guest suite:

“I’m just saying,” Peter called from the bedroom and over the complimentary copy of the Canterlot Beacon, “he’s your brother, it wouldn’t be any trouble.”

“Th’s a’ ‘ood ‘int,” Twilight allowed through her toothbrush, then spat the mix of minty fresh and still warm spice into the faucet’s stream, “but Shining’s not an emissary of friendship now is he?”

“That what the foals are calling it these days?”

“It helps you get the gist,” Twilight giggled, telekinetically giving her face one last dab with a towel before turning the faucet off with her mouth. “Anyway, what’s more discreet? Lockjaw in the library with that tuning fork or an armoured C.E.U.P blimp trekking all the way to the secret Unknown capital in Tibet?”

“…did you just picture a blimp with Lockjaw’s face too?”

“…yeah,” Twilight admitted, then sprang into the bed, resting her head against Peter’s chest. “Thanks for letting us know he exists by the way, that wasn’t terrifying at all.”

“Discord,” Peter countered.

“That’s not fair!” She prodded his tummy.

“Neither is waking up in your body because he thinks that’s how relationship counselling works.” Peter nuzzled her as she levitated her book out of her saddlebag.

“Counselling,” Twilight scoffed, “like we ever need counselling.”

“Right? We’re the ultimate team up!”

They were both genre nerds who lived in a world where narrative causality was the same as background radiation. They had no excuse.

“Because we’re both so great solo,” Twilight smiled as she resumed her place, from memory because bookmarks in non-academic texts were for amateurs, “so while it’s sweet, could you please not worry about me, especially since I’ll be surrounded by an entire civilisation of super-powered creatures?”

“It’s just that it floats, y’know?” Peter said for the seventh time since the topic had come up. “And it’s in my side of the business. That’s like twice the guarantee it’s gonna crash.”

“You just mentioned when one of my rouges messed with both of us,” Twilight pointed out.

“Well, if you wanna be technical, he’s supposed to be your friend now.”

“He’s Fluttershy’s at least,” Twilight sighed. “But do you get where I’m coming from?”

“Yeah, of course.” Peter surprised her with an ear kiss. “Can’t help it. You’re great. Don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“It’s a diplomatic playdate, Peter,” Twilight chuckled for the seventh time since the topic had come up. “If Crystal hadn’t promised a swing by the Library of the Great Refuge I’d probably be bored stiff!”

Seriously. Just no excuse.

“Unknown lore, huh?” Peter raised an eyebrow. “Hmm. Now I’m even more jealous.”

“Have you never been to Attilan before?”

“Eh, not often. And not via the scenic route, y’know? But it’s a marvel of engineering! It’s like what we should be aiming for in the next century!”

“I know, right?! I mean…magi-tech turbines! Self-sustaining perpetual motion magi-tech turbines! I’d ask for blueprints but Princess Celestia just laughed and said that’s more touristy then diplomatic and I felt about three apples tall.”

“She didn’t mean it that way, hon.”

“I know.”

“Diplomatic?” Peter folded the paper away. “Is there anything Attilan needs from us?”

“Friendship?” Twilight ventured, turning a page. “I mean, we just met, but I got the feeling Crystal could use it. There’re all these places she wants to see in Equestria and it feels weird because I’ve been to most of them, y’know? Hay, she’s almost as into Canterlot as Rarity and it’s like, uh, neat, I’m from there?”

“You had fun taking me on that tour,” Peter smirked, wrapping his forelegs around her in the way they’d practised so as to flower her with maximum affection without disrupting her reading.

“Yeah, but that was you,” Twilight smiled. “Oh, hey, have you ever teamed up with her? You know, what with her and Johnny and…all.”

“Uh, couple times, yeah. She’s good! Made a Gloam Golem punch itself in the head instead of me.”



“That must be so fascinating! Being able to cycle through all the elements like that. Natural elements that is, not, y’know, our things.”

“Think she could give you some tips on how to mix your new magics?”

“Oh gosh, I didn’t even think of that, do you think I should ask? Would that be tacky?”

“Call it diplomacy!”

“Wise guy,” Twilight smirked and went in for a kiss. She coughed as they drew apart. “Mgh! Chickpeas…”

“Brushed twice,” Peter muttered, favouring his jaw as the clambered out of bed, “maybe I should floss…”

“Just don’t use your webbing if you do,” Twilight called, going back to her book.

“Bet if Crystal used her powers you’d be fine with that!” Peter called back as the bathroom light flicked back on.

“That’d take a lot of finesse!” Twilight waited for the running water and brushing to die away. “But I meant more have you ever just hung out with her?”


“Yeah! She and Johnny were together for a while from what I hear.”

“Well, this was all before he was in on the secret.” Peter checked his mole in the mirror to make sure there wasn’t any bruising from taking Grimidor’s tail to the face all those times. “There isn’t really any code of etiquette in the business, y’know? Like, in general, but there’s nothing in the Befrienders’ charter about when and when not to ask after your team up buddy’s special somepony. We’ve only really run into each other when something was so big it needed everypony. Which is how we met, if you’ll recall!”

“Hard to forget,” Twilight snickered. “If you’re still worried about us making these trips

“Little bit.”

then why don’t you come?” Twilight lounged back on the pillow, shrugging as Peter turned to look at her. “You could get to know Crystal better, take in the sights. Experienced diplomats take their significant others along on business all the time, so it wouldn’t be hard to convince Princess Celestia.”

“Tempting,” Peter smiled, turning back to the mirror. “Ah, I dunno. Making rent’s hard enough, I dunno if somepony with a thaumaturgical physics degree and an incomplete chemical engineering BA is the right choice for this kind of thing. Plus, enough ponies are in on the secret as is. I’d trust her with it, but…”

“But it’s your right to keep that circle small,” Twilight said as she nodded. “It was just a thought.”

“A kind one!” Peter assured. He paused in the doorway. “I’m just thinking, even with all that power if something, y’know, happened I’d immediately suit up, and that’d leave you with a ton of questions to answer, and if nothing happened I’d probably be a twitchy mess…”

“You’d be fine,” Twilight insisted. She hesitated. “Is this about Johnny?”

“What about Johnny?”

“Well, his ex plus…whatever that was with Rainbow in the hall equals…” Twilight waved her hooves around while spreading her wings. “Blaaaaagh, y’know?”

“That didn’t help, but, and we both appreciate how this sounds, they’re both adults.”


They held it for a beat before bursting out laughing. It guttered slightly as a reverberating noise made Peter clutch his stomach. “Uh oh, thaaaat was not a good idea after that much tofu and butter pecan, be right back!”

“Poor baby!” Twilight managed through the spontaneous snickering, going back to her book with shaking hooves. She gave it a while, waiting for the sound of running water. “Peter? You okay in there, dear?”

“Beat up Firelord one!” came the muffled reply. “Can handle this!”

“I’ll take your word for it!” Twilight turned another page. “And we have a week to sort out this whole Attilan…thing. No rush!”

“Hey, I’m happy for you. My little diplomat!”


“Nah, you’ll do great. Just…” Flushing, totally not meant to be cover at all, oh no.

Twilight raised an eyebrow without taking her eyes off We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea. “Yeeeeah?”

“Forget it.”


“Promise me you don’t have any plans to visit the Savage Land any time soon, okay?”

“Pffft. Savage Land,” Twilight snorted. “Remind me to tell you about junior year sometime.”

“Yeah?” Pete chuckled over the sound of the tap.

“Yeah!” Twilight shot back.

“So what happened in junior year?”

“Ever been to Thistle Street?”

“Theeeee…shopping district, right?”

“And you said you didn’t have the knack for diplomacy. Have you?”

“Not by choice. Isn’t that in Park Whatsits?”

“Park Basin?” Twilight rolled her eyes. “I love Princess Celesita, honey, but nopony calls it that.”

“Right, what is it again?”

“The Cauldron.”

“Oh yeah! What about it?”

“Been there. Done that. When I was, what, twelve?” Twilight flipped another page. “So yeah, Attilan should be a cakewalk.”

“If you say so,” Peter murmured absently as he reached for a towel.


On the “Counselling” portion of the conversation:

“Well…” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Mmm?” Dash rolled over, breaking her staring contest with the ceiling but not the languid pose on her bed. “Yeah?”


“You too.”

Dash went back to the ceiling.

Fluttershy got into bed but didn’t lay down.

“I’m fine.”

“Oh, that’s good.”


A beat.

I’m sorry I wasn’t there.

Another beat.

Dash sat up. Thought about it for a sec.

“You didn’t have to be.”

“No, I know, you’re the toughest pony I know…”

“Darn skippy!” Dash smirked.

“But I should’ve been…”

“Look. You’re the one who called the guards, yeah?”

“Um. Yes?”

“Then ya were there.” Dash laid back down. “G’night.”

“…good night,” Fluttershy smiled.

The door swung open, not slamming but with enough force that the air sensitive Pegasi were startled.

“Hey,” Applejack said, eyes locked on Rainbow Dash.

“What?” the speedster scowled.

“I’m goin’ to Genosha. As well.”

“Yeah?” Raised eyebrow.

“Yeah.” Hard eyes.

A beat as Fluttershy looked from one to the other.

“So…” Dash let it hang in the air.

We’re goin’ to Genosha. Yeah.”



A beat. A smirk slowly spread across Dash’s face. The gratitude was in her eyes and mostly grateful AJ had gone the tough pony route so this could be a cool smirk affair.



“It’s one in the morning, you guys,” Fluttershy said flatly.

“Oh,” they both said at once.

“Yeah…well…” Applejack coughed and adjusted her hat. “G’night.”

“You too,” both Pegasi said and rolled over as the workhorse closed the door and fled back to her and Rarity’s room.

A beat.

“Okay?” Fluttershy whispered in her flight camp after lights out voice.

One last beat.

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash smiled and pulled the blankets tighter around herself. “’S gonna be okay.”


“Oh, I’m going to Wakanda! Just so you know.”




“…I hope.”

“Can ya bring me back a cat suit? Or one of their crazy huge spears?!”


“Why not?!”

“…I’ll see what I can do.”






On “Diplomatic?”:

♪We are the Cartoon Heeee-rooooos, a-whoa-ooo, hmmm hmmm, last for-ev-AH!♪

♪Here comes Spider-Pony, a…nah nah…party…pony?♪

Pinkie Pie rolled over, squinting at the room’s other occupant reading Power Ponies by torch light. With the open window.

“Hey, Spike?”


“Do you know the bit in that song? With the words?”


“Eh, that’s okay. G’night!”

“G’night, Pinkie!”

♪How would Spike know-oh-ho-ooooh? He wasn’t even born then!♪

♪So glad he was though! Pure as the driven snow-ow-ooow!♪

♪Can party on his birth-a-day! Makin’ up lyrics is more fun any-way-hey-hey-eeeey!♪


On “Etiquette”:

and then she shall spread it, like a lilac scented virus,” Rarity was saying, making sure her pyjama ensemble was Just So in the mirror. “She shall make friends, oh yes. And they shall make friends. And they shall make friends.”

Applejack looked over from her bed, not missing a single grab of the tennis ball she’d been contemplatively tossing all night. “So ya figure you’ll have the next generation of queens wrapped around yer hoof iiiiin…?”

“Mmm, about nine months.” Rarity telekinetically slotted a last curler into place. “One must allow for socialising!”

“I guess. So what about all them guys like Magnate and Gloam and whatnot who won’t want ya to, y’know. Do that.”

“Oh, find a volcano, put a nice temple on top, and toss them in.”

Applejack caught the ball and thought about that for a second. “…could I call dibs on that?”

“I’d make you a little uniform.” Rarity pulled her mask on and felt her way into bed. “With apples made of fire.”

“That’d rock!”

“Indeed! Are you going to be alright?”

“Got stuff.” AJ resumed bouncing the ball. “But yeah.”

“Alright then. Good night, Jackie.”

“G’night, Ray-Ray.”

Rarity pulled the exact right amount of blanket into the exact right position and relaxed to the reliable rhythm of that ball landing in her oldest friend’s pad. Better than a metronome and meant Rainbow Dash probably was alright, because Jackie was thinking about it and not ripping load bearing beams out with her mouth.

In the next couple of seconds her dozing would be violently interrupted, and Applejack would miss the next grab and take the ball right between the eyes. And that would just be tonight.


On “Blaaaaagh”:

“I needed that,” Sue Storm said with feeling, flopping into the sheets.

“Well,” River Reeds chuckled as he levitated the spent ice cream tubs into the bin, “we tried everything else.”

“And I regret nothing.” Sue shook an exhausted but defiant hoof at the ceiling. “We should run security in Canterlot more often.”

“Just for the perks?” Reed climbed into bed next to her. “Because everyday with you is the greatest perk to existing I could possibly imagine.”

“River Reeds, you silver tongued devil!” She pulled him in for a kiss and relaxed the sound of his forelegs wrapping all the way around her. “You wouldn’t be compensating for a certain Imperious Rex, would you?”

“With you and Princess Luna talking about him?” So many ponies assumed Reed spent every second lost in calculation, oblivious to these things they called mortal E-mo-shee-eye-ans. They didn’t relish that glint in his eyes. Their loss. “Victor couldn’t plan a better revenge.”

“Well, given his track record…”

That made Reed snicker into her shoulder. Sue relished moments like this, too. Moments where the monsters and the dictators could be smothered by security and quips. It wasn’t like Reed’s good old college roomie wouldn’t exploded back into their lives sooner or later.

“What are you thinking about?” Reed asked.


“I’m sure Johnny will be fine, Sue.”

“Famous last words.” She lay her head against his chest. “He’s grown so much Reed, but whatever this is with Crystal…what if it’s all one big step back? And he was already trying so hard to talk to Rainbow Dash again…”

“And, ah, how do we feel about her right now?”

“They’re adults,” Sue sighed. “Things happen. I was so hoping they’d get along again, though! She’s grown too. Her friends have been good for her and that could be good for him. I know he’s got Peter watching his back, but he’s got his own responsibilities.”

“And wanting to respect Johnny's space and worrying about him at the exact same time is living up to yours.”

“You’re smarter than you look, doctor.”

“It’s mostly my corporate finance officer. I may have the horn but she’s the real wiz.”

“Grim told you to say that, didn’t he?”


Sue chuckled and resumed relaxing. “I’ve known at least four of these ponies since they were barely old enough to start shaving, River. I just want them to be alright. Not to be mean, but what does it say that Spider-Pony is probably the most stable one of the bunch right now?”

“That there’s hope for us all,” Reed soothed. “And if the lad’s anything like me it really is all down to his princess.”

Sue’s eyes glinted mischievously. “Don’t got a crown.”

“Don’t need one.”

Their kiss, and Rarity’s dozing, and Applejack’s tossing and Pinkie’s lyric composing and Princess Luna’s musing on how fine the ocean looked tonight was ruined by the sound of the bathroom door slamming open in the main suite and Peter Trotter yelling, “You went to the what when you were WHAT?!

To be Continued