Discursive Formations: My Way Home is Through You

by The Red Parade

My Way Home is Through You (Extended Edition)

An early morning fog had rolled into the city, draping everything in a dreary gray light. Lightning Dust frowned, staring out of her barracks window. She could barely make out the forms of ponies as they stumbled through the fog, making their way around the base.

With a disgruntled sigh, Lightning turned away from the mirror. She went over to her bunk and considered just going back to sleep before deciding that she wasn’t tired. Instead, she went over to her desk and sat down.

The desk was neat and organized, with a cup of pencils, a stack of papers, and one framed photograph. The picture showed six ponies sitting at a bar, mugs raised in the air. Lightning saw herself seated on the right edge, her arctic blue coat and her periwinkle mane slightly dulled from the photograph’s age.

Next to her sat an elegant yellow earth pony with a cobalt blue mane, mischief in her eyes and a smile on her maw. Looking at her now, though, Lightning only felt sorrow. It had been seven years since Octavia died.

Lightning’s hoof absently went to the pendant around her neck. She set the photograph back in its original position and sighed, rubbing her face with her hooves. Lightning missed her. She missed the worlds they’d create when they talked, and the life Octavia breathed into the world. Everything seemed so gray without her in it.

What was left for her? Lightning had accomplished a lot in her life. She became the top flyer of the Wonderbolts and even became a Bearer of Harmony. She had saved Amareica from certain doom more times than she could count, and she stared death itself right in the eye. 

So what was there left to do? Lightning’s eyes went to the photograph again and she frowned. She missed her wife. Maybe she should go visit Octavia’s grave. As Lightning stood up, however, the base’s public address system crackled to life. “All active Wonderbolts, report for briefing. All active Wonderbolts, report for briefing.”

Lightning sighed again, heading for the door. Octavia would have to wait. Fate had other plans.

“Hey, Dusty!”

Lightning Dust looked up to see Blossomforth trotting towards her. “What do you think this is about?”

“No clue,” Lightning responded. “Hopefully just another drill or something.” Even as she said the words, something stirred in her stomach.

“No way it’s a drill,” Cloud Kicker replied, sliding into the empty seat on Lightning’s right. “I’ve been hearing explosions and sirens all morning. Whatever’s happening is serious.”
Before Lightning could ask another question, the briefing room door suddenly slammed open. “Look alive, Wonderbolts!” shouted their captain. The Wonderbolts all stood and saluted.

“At ease,” replied Captain Daring Do. She trotted over to the front of the room, taking a stand behind the podium. Her gravelly voice soon filled the room. “Alright fillies, listen up. We’ve got a situation. Ponylife, as we know, has a habit of bucking up whatever the hell it is they’re trying to do. Today is no exception.”

An uneasy silence fell over the room. The Manning-Leaf Ponylife Foundation had a reputation for endangering the world with their experiments and inventions. 

“Apparently, they tried their hoof at reanimation,” Daring continued. 

Eyebrows shot up around the room. “Reanimation?” asked Blossomforth. “That sounds like something out of a Spitfire Maverick novel. Who’d they try to bring back?”

An uneasy silence filled the room as the captain hesitated. Daring made eye contact with Lightning before she continued. “...They tried to bring back Octavia Melody.”

Lightning’s world stopped. A memory tore through her mind. Rain drenching her coat as she clutched the lifeless body of her wife. Her scream ripping through the skies as she begged Octavia to come back. 

Lightning blinked and realized the entire room was staring at her. “What… how?”

“I don’t know the details,” Daring confessed, “but President Celestia thought that it was a good idea at the time. But something happened. She has... powers now. I’ve been told that this Octavia is a reality bender.”

Eyebrows shot up around the room. “But Octavia was an earth pony,” Cloud Kicker said. “How’d she get powers?”

Daring sighed. “Something about fusing her body with the magical powers of the Elements. I’m still getting intel as we speak, but we need to stop her.” She pushed a button and the screen behind her lit up, showing a live feed from the local news.

The camera showed the MLP Institute building burning, as scientists and ponies ran out the doors. The ground shook violently, knocking the camerapony to the ground. There was a deafening roar, and a beam of yellow magic suddenly shot out through a window.

“We’re all hooves on deck right now,” Daring continued. “Our objective is to make entry from the rooftop and work our way down while ground teams move in from the first floor. We’re deploying with White Lightning and the Stormchasers. The facility is huge, so we need to move quickly and efficiently.”

The room was silent. Lightning Dust leaned back in her chair, her head spinning. She absently played with her necklace “Ma’am, what’s… what’s our objective exactly?”

Daring shuffled on her hooves nervously. “... eliminate the target, whatever the cost.”

Lightning shot to her hooves. “What?!”

“Dust, listen. This isn’t your wife. It’s some magical being made out of pure energy and God knows what else,” Daring said forcefully. “Trust me, I’d bench you if I could, but we need all hooves on deck. This thing is going to wipe out our world if we don’t stop it.” Her gaze softened a bit. “I know this is hard for you, but you need to stick to the mission.”

After a few seconds, Lightning nodded slowly. “Yes ma’am.” 

Daring nodded. “Alright, everypony suit up. We’re wheels up in ten. Fall out!” Daring barked. The Wonderbolts stood and filed out of the room, nervously chattering amongst themselves.. Lightning felt something horrible churning in her stomach. She felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, you alright?”

“Fine, Ma’am,” Lightning said automatically.

Daring scoffed. “Yeah, and I’m a world-renowned best-selling author. If you want to sit this out--”

“No. I need to do this.” The necklace suddenly felt a whole lot heavier. “For her. For Octavia.” 

Daring nodded. “Alright. Just remember that I’ve got your back, no matter what happens.”

“Yeah. Me too, Cap.”

Through the helicopter window, Lightning Dust could see the city. The fog had mostly dissipated by now. Fires had broken out in the streets, and black smoke spiraled into the sky. The Ponylife complex itself lay in the heart of the city, its walls crumbling and its windows shattered. A ring of red and blue lights surrounded it, and Lightning could make out tiny forms fleeing the building. 

She felt someone punch her on the shoulder. Cloud Kicker gave her a confident smile and nod, which Lightning returned.

“On approach to the site,” came Cherry Berry’s voice over the radio.

“Alright gentleponies, remember the objective,” Daring shouted. “Neutralize the threat, whatever the cost. Keep your wits about you, the Magic Department’s reporting minor changes to reality already.”

Lightning glanced down at the rifle in her hooves. She turned it over, making sure everything was working fine. The gun felt heavier than it did yesterday. As she looked out the window at the complex again, the world outside suddenly shook. A massive yellow ring of magic shot out from the building, throwing aside vehicles and ponies.

“Incoming!” The helicopter suddenly shook violently as the ring struck it. An alarm started ringing. “I lost the rotor! Bail, bail, bail!” shouted Cherry Berry.

The Wonderbolts leapt to action, Cloud Kicker forcing open the doorway. “Go, go, go!” The pegasi lept from the doomed chopper, spreading their wings and taking to the air.

“Mayday, mayday, mayday! I can’t-- she won’t--”

The helicopter exploded, sending bits of metal and shrapnel flying out in every direction. The pegasi outside recoiled, cringing at the screams of their companions. A few pegasi too close to the helo spiraled towards the earth, some dead before they hit the ground.

“Shit!” Daring cursed. “Head count, who didn’t make it?”

“We lost Raindrops, Sassaflash, Strawberry, Flitter, and Cloudchaser, ma’am,” reported Cloud Kicker.

“Cherry Berry too,” added Blossomforth sadly. “She never stood a chance.” 

Lightning’s eyes widened as she looked around. Only herself, Daring, Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth remained out of their team.

Daring frowned and pressed a hoof to her earpiece. “Whitey, you there?”

There was no response. 

“Command, this Wonderbolt Team Lead. I just lost half my team on approach, I don’t know if we can take the facility.”

“Roger that, Team Lead. The Storm Chaser helo went down by St. Faust’s Cathedral, regroup with them and proceed to the objective.”

Daring winced. “Right. Let’s get a move on then.” The four pegasi dived down towards the cathedral, the screams and explosions growing louder as they approached.

The earth shook as another wave of energy exploded from the Institute. “Evade, evade, evade!”

Lightning Dust scowled, diving underneath the yellow beam of magic. The rays singed her feathers as it passed over her head. Lightning glanced at the burning building. Was her wife really responsible for this?

“Get groundside, now!” Daring commanded. The team continued their descent, the cathedral coming into view. The twisted wreckage of a helicopter was embedded into the building, with a few forms moving around on the cathedral steps.

As they landed, Lightning Dust quickly identified the Storm Chaser’s captain. White Lightning was kneeling over the body of another pegasus, slamming her hooves into his chest. “One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four,” White Lightning muttered.

Daring went over and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Whitey… he’s gone.”

White Lightning’s movements slowed, and she lowered her head. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hoof and stood up. “Damn it...” 

From behind the wreckage, two more ponies appeared, one leaning on the other for support.

White Lightning turned to Daring. “I’m down to Angel Wings and Rumble,” she reported. “Guessing you guys got hit hard too.”

The pegasi all flinched as another explosion shook the ground. Dust and debris fell off of the cathedral. “Command wants us to continue.”

“Then let’s go get her and put her down,” White Lightning declared, her face hardening. A flash of anger shot through Lightning’s system. She stepped forwards to challenge her, but Daring held out a foreleg. 

“The mission, Dust,” she growled.

Lightning scowled but nodded. The survivors spread their wings and took off towards the building. As they flew, Lightning’s heart sank at the devastation and horror that enveloped the city. How could Octavia be responsible for all of this?

It’s not her, she thought. It can’t be. I have to stop her. 

“Command, this is Dropkick, roads are blocked, we can’t push through to the objective,” said a voice over the radio.

Daring frowned. “Great. Looks like we’re on our own.”

There was another roar, and a sphere of energy shot out from the facility, heading towards the pegasi at breakneck speed. “EVADE!”

Lightning flapped her wings as hard as she could, managing to just barely clear the ring. A scream behind her told her that someone wasn’t fast enough. Looking back, Lightning watched as Rumble fell to the ground, smoke steaming from his body.


Daring grabbed White Lightning before she could dive after him. “Mourn later! We need to move, now!”

The team quickly landed on the rooftop without any further incidents. As her hooves made contact with the roof, Lightning felt a shiver run down her spine. She had faced down demons and monsters before, but this… this was something else. 

Cloud Kicker bucked open the roof access door, and the team made their way inside.

Lightning’s eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness as they descended the stairwell. “Overwatch, Wonderbolt Lead, we’ve linked up with Storm Chaser and have entered the building,” Daring reported. “We’ve taken heavy casualties and need immediate reinforcement.”

“Copy that,” came the response. “We have more units en route. Begin clearing the building.”

As Lightning Dust pushed open the third floor’s door, her eyes widened. The hallway was thrown into disarray, with papers and equipment littering the floors around them. “Guns up,” Daring whispered. “Start clearing these rooms.”

White Lightning and Angel Wings went down straight down the hallway, while Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker went right, leaving Daring and Lightning to take the left side. “Give me two,” Daring commanded. Lightning slapped her twice on the back. 

Daring pushed it open and proceeded, holding up her rifle with her right foreleg. Lightning followed her, careful not to point the muzzle at her captain.

The room they entered was some sort of laboratory. A purple pony in a white lab coat lay face down on the floor. Their body was burnt badly, smoke trailing out of a blackened hole in their back. Daring stepped over him, sweeping the room with her gun and her eyes. Lightning held her breath, heart pounding in her ears. What would she do if she found her? Half of her wanted to see her again, the other half hoped she wouldn’t find her.

The floor beneath them shook again, followed by a loud crash from one of the rooms. “Contact!” came Cloud Kicker’s voice. “Con--” The air was suddenly alive with a crackling static that made Lightning’s mane tingle.

“CLOUD!” screamed Blossomforth. The crackling was then drowned out by a burst of gunfire.

Daring ran towards the door, cursing. “Cloud? Cloud? Blossom, you there?” They burst through the door, appearing in the main hallway. The lights above them flickered as the building shook again.

White Lightning and Angel Wings were already there, guns aimed at the door. Angel Wings reached out to open the door. As soon as her hoof made contact, there was a bright flash of light that made everyone recoil. Her scream pierced the air as her body hit the ground.

Lightning’s ear twitched as she heard a familiar voice. “No! Stay away! Please!” 

Daring knocked the door open with her rifle, Lightning and Whitey following close behind. Lightning saw Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker lying on the ground, smoke steaming from their bodies. 

A yellow mare was cowering in the corner, sobbing. She twitched, and another blast of energy shot out right at them. The blast singed Lightning’s wing but hit White Lightning square in the chest, sending her flying backwards. 

Lightning didn’t register the pain. Instead, she locked her eyes on the mare. It was her. Octavia. 

Sparks of yellow magic shot out of her body sporadically. Each impact left a black mark on the surface it hit. “I don’t want to hurt anyone!” sobbed the mare. “Just make it stop! Please! Anyone! Make it stop!”

Daring frowned, rearing up on her two hind legs. She brought the gun up to her face, lining up the mare’s head with her sights. Lightning hesitated. “Lightning, what are you doing? She’s in pain! If we don’t stop her, she could destroy all of Amareica,” Daring hissed.

“I know, I know,” Lightning said. “But I can’t! She’s my wife!”

“Then just cover me,” Daring said. “I’ll take the shot.”

Lightning nodded as she gripped her rifle tighter. She watched as Octavia collapsed to her knees, head in her hooves as she sobbed. Her ear suddenly twitched, and she looked up. Her brilliant blue eyes met Lightning’s for a moment. “Lightning--”

The gunshot reverberated down the hallway. The sound was followed by the thud of a body hitting the floor. This wasn’t Lightning’s first time killing. But this one, this one was different. The tears streamed down her face almost instantly. She tossed her rifle aside as she came to terms with what she had done. She stared at the body before taking a deep, shuddering breath.

“L-lightning? W-why?”

Lightning turned away from Daring’s body to look at Octavia. “Because… because she was going to kill you,” Lightning whispered. “I can’t let that happen.” She stepped over the lifeless body of her captain and walked towards her.

“No! Don’t come any closer!” Octavia begged. “I don’t want to hurt you!”

A spark of magic shot out from her chest, narrowly missing Lightning. But she still pressed forwards. And when she was close enough, she embraced her wife in a hug. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“You-you should have killed me,” sobbed Octavia. “I’m a danger to everyone.”

“No,” Lightning replied. She took Octavia’s hoof in her own. “We can fix this.”

Octavia looked past her, at the bodies in the room. “But, how?”

Lightning moved to hug her again when suddenly a gunshot rang out. Her shoulder burned in pain and she fell to the ground. Turning, she saw White Lightning sitting up, pistol in her hoof. Her white coat was burned black, and hatred shone in her eyes. “Traitor!”

“NO!” Octavia screamed. A bolt of energy blasted from her body, hitting White Lightning again. She screamed, clutching her body as it burned. 

“Tavi,” coughed Lightning. “It’s… It’s okay. We’re okay.” She tried to smile as Octavia hugged her, even as her body burned from the energy and blood poured out of her wound.

Her radio crackled to life. “Dropkick, be advised, no response from entry teams. Presume they’re dead. Begin your barrage.”

Octavia gasped in fear. Lightning shook her head, grabbing her foreleg. “Octavia, no. Don’t worry. No matter… no matter what happens, we’ll be together again. That’s… that’s all that matters.”

The mare’s eyes shone with worry, but she nodded. Another spark of magic flew from her body, singing the ceiling, but Lightning didn’t flinch. Octavia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. From within, a warm blue ball of energy began to form. The ball began expanding outwards, until it surrounded Octavia completely.

Lightning’s ear twitched as she heard a high pitched noise growing closer by the second. But she didn’t care. Octavia looked up in surprise. Lightning smiled.

The world exploded.

Lightning Dust shot up cold sweat. She rubbed her eyes frantically, trying to get her bearings. Looking around, she realized that she was sitting inside of a train car. The couple across from her gave her an odd look.

The pegasus took a deep breath and offered them a smile. “Sorry. Bad dream.”

“No worries,” replied the stallion. 

The second pony, a pegasus, raised an eyebrow. “Hey… do I know you?”

Lightning Dust blinked. “Uh… no? Don’t think so, anyways.”

“Sorry. It’s just… we look exactly alike!”

Looking her over, Lightning realized that this was true. The only difference was the colors of their manes. “Huh. That’s weird.”

The pony nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I’ve heard of this before, but never seen it! Maybe we’re long lost sisters!” She extended a hoof. “I’m Sassaflash!”

“Emerald Gem,” Lightning Dust responded automatically. “And I doubt it.”

“This is amazing, Caramel,” Sassaflash exclaimed. “It’s like destiny or something! Wow, this is wild!”

Lightning smirked at her enthusiasm. “Yeah. Destiny.” She glanced out at the desert landscape as it flew past her window. “Let’s call it destiny.” 

Lightning pushed open the wooden door, sighing contently as the warmth of the house chilled her freezing body. She shrugged off her jacket and hung it on the rack before heading into the kitchen.

“Honey? I’m home.”

Octavia stuck her head through the door and smiled. She still looked beautiful, although she wore a red bandana with a green shirt now. “How was Ponyville? Did you find her?”

Lightning’s smile weakened. “Hey Tavi. Yeah. I found them.”

“Emerald, dear, remember that my name is Fiddle now. But tell me about it!” Octavia declared, gesturing to the couch.

“Well, this world’s Octavia is a cellist,” Lightning started as she sat down. “Pretty good from what I’ve gathered.”

“And this world’s Lightning Dust?”

Lightning took a deep breath. “Well… this world’s Lightning Dust is a horrible pony.”

Octavia gasped. “Oh no! What happened?”

“Apparently she got kicked out of the Wonderbolts for improper behavior. Then she formed her own stunt group where she strapped a foal to a rocket.” She scoffed. “I can’t believe it. You get a perfect, respectable double, and I get a sorry excuse of a pony.”

Looking up, Lightning suddenly regretted her words. Octavia bit her lip nervously. “Dear, I’m so sorry to hear that. I… I suppose this is all my fault, isn’t it?”

“Hey now,” Lightning said, taking her hoof. “Don’t say that.”

“But you loved being a Wonderbolt!” Octavia protested. She pulled her hoof away from Lightning’s and rubbed it against her chest. “You had everything in our world! You had the fame, money, you were a Bearer, and now you have nothing.” She hesitated. “Maybe if I--”

Lightning shook her head. “No. Don’t bother. Our homeworld is gone now. No way to get it back. Besides, I still have you. And that’s all that matters.”

Octavia smiled slightly. They sat in silence for a bit before she spoke again. “Lightning, do you miss it? Our home, I mean. The home we lost.”

“I didn’t lose my home,” Lightning replied. “Tavi, my way home is through you.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow at that. “Lightning…” She sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Lightning closed her eyes and leaned her head against Octavia’s shoulder before sighing contently. 

Unseen by her, Octavia raised a hoof and glanced at it. A tiny ball of blue magic formed. No, she chided herself. She’s happy. Don’t take that away from her. The ball fizzled out and Octavia lowered her hoof.

Meanwhile, Lightning smiled. For a second she missed Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker. She missed being a Wonderbolt and a hero, and she missed the technology her home world had to offer. But only for a second. Her head may have been elsewhere, but her heart was home. 

“Can't find my way home

But it's through you and I know

What I'll do

Just to get back in her arms”
