I Am Not Sombra

by Boopy Doopy

(3-3) Princess Luna Tells Me A Story

I had nothing to do but stare out the window of this bedroom until, around late afternoon, my solitude was interrupted again, this time by Princess Luna quickly making her way in with a tray of hot food.
“I apologize,” she told me, looking like she had just woken up. “I meant only to sleep for a few hours. I truly did not mean to forget about you.”
"It's fine," I told her, rolling my eyes as she set the tray down on the dresser. "It's my fault anyway, even though spawning here into this body was completely out of my control."
"Trust me when I say," she started, "that we will be looking into your problem beginning tonight."
"If Celestia lets you," I muttered. "Even Fluttershy, who's supposed to be on my side, thought it would be a good idea to go to her before trying to help me."
"I have already spoken to Fluttershy about the matter. As well, as I've told her, ponies seem to forget that Equestria is a diarchy. However, I would appreciate it if you kept the things I have told you alone private."
"I can't do that," I told her quickly and honestly. She raised an eyebrow at that, and I continued. "If what you tell me gives me a better chance of leaving here by telling someone else, then I'm going to tell them."
She thought about my response for a second, then decided, "It is an understandable reaction… very well. For now, though, I will let you eat in peace before your food gets cold."
"Wait," I started before she could turn to leave. "Tell me why Celestia and Cadance hate me so much."
"For Cadance, it is the simple subjugation that Sombra brought under the crystal ponies. He forced them into slavery to dig up the umbrum, and then made the empire vanish for a thousand years. As well, he sought to hurt her immediate family, including her daughter. However, I am certain that once she learns the truth about you, that hate will dissipate."
"And Celestia?" I asked.
"That one is a bit of a story."
"I have time," I told her. "It's not like there's much else for me to do."
"As you wish. Just know that this is likely only part of the story of her hate. As well, much of what you will be told was relayed by Sombra's childhood friend, Radiant Hope."
I quickly tried to think of if I heard that name before in the series, but came up empty. So I hopped away from the window and back onto the bed, making myself comfortable to listen to what she had to say.
“The story begins with Princess Amore, who was a deep friend to Celestia. My sister had known her since childhood, and she became the princess of the Crystal Empire before even Celestia and I became the rulers of Equestria. She was her best friend, and there were few ponies Celestia cared more for than her.
“Before she became princess, however, the Crystal Empire was ruled over by umbrum, shadow ponies, who burned the homes and crushed the hopes of the crystal ponies. However, Princess Amore used the Crystal Heart to drive them away and lock them in a prison underground, the entrance to their cage being in the Frozen North. A short while after this, her crystal guards found Sombra in the wasteland, and brought him back to the Crystal Empire. Despite knowing what he was, Princess Amore took him in with an open heart, sure that he had the potential to change his destiny. He was taken in and knew few words, but he did find a friend in a certain mare. From what she told, she and him were best friends, and she was his only friend.
“She and him had an intense desire to see the Crystal Faire. The mare described it to him as the most magical and beautiful event in all of the world, and the Crystal Heart as the most beautiful object in the Crystal Empire, and the two made plans to watch the event. One day, however, before the Faire, they went to see the Crystal Heart. It is said that, when one looks at its reflection, they are able to see their destiny. While the mare saw herself as a princess in her reflection, Sombra, however, according to Princess Amore, saw himself as a shadow pony. She described him as afraid of what he saw, and told him that he had the power to change his destiny. Despite this, however, he and Radiant hope set out to see the Crystal Faire.
“However, Sombra was an umbrum, and every year, during the Crystal Faire, the Crystal Heart burned him, making him writhe in pain, until one year, he began to break apart and die because of it. However, the mare saved him, getting her cutie mark in the process, and shortly after that, Celestia and I offered to tutor her. However, hearing the news, Sombra ran away and stole the Crystal Heart. He was likely filled with hate and fear for it because of how much pain it caused him, as well as the prospect of him being alone without his friend and becoming the shadow pony he saw in his reflection.
“Princess Amore confronted him, offering him a chance to return the Crystal Heart, revealing in the process that she knew of the pain it caused him. Filled with rage, he attacked her and turned her to stone. The mare watched the scene unfold, and Sombra, telling her his plan to rule the Crystal Empire, offered her to rule by his side. However, she declined, and offered to him to save her, and even to run away before she told Celestia and I of his actions. Despite this, after declaring to the mare that he was a monster and would enslave the Crystal Empire for what they had done, he killed Princess Amore. As well, before we imprisoned him in ice, he placed a curse on the Crystal Empire, causing it to vanish.”
With that, the blue mare finished her story. I had to admit, that story was a bit… scary. Knowing that Sombra killed Celestia’s friend put me on edge once again. It was a bit more understandable why just the sight of me made her seeth. But still…
“It seems like there’s something missing,” I commented. “If all of that’s true, then Celestia shouldn’t hate me because she can see that I’m not him. Even if Sombra did those things, how I look shouldn’t have that much bearing on how she feels. Actually, knowing her, she should have sympathy for me, and maybe even Sombra.”
Luna sighed. “As I said before,” she told me, “that was likely only part of the story. I do have a theory as to what else is causing her to act in this way, but I will not be discussing rumors about my sister. In any case, your food is getting cold, and you should eat. Sombra’s body does not look healthy.”