All about that B-ASS

by WinterFang


A few weeks later, Vinyl was mindlessly watching TV not really paying attention to what was on. The morning after Vinyl got a much larger posterior, Octavia had managed to bring Princess Twilight Sparkle to see if she could help. Twilight was able to tell what caused Vinyl's ass to suddenly grow, but unaware if a cure even existed. Since then, Vinyl had cancelled all prior engagements due to her rump had basically imprisoned her.

"I'm back, Vinyl" Said Octavia as enter the house.

"Hey. How did everything go?" asked Vinyl turning her head to get better look at her roommate.

"It was she feared. Princess Twilight looked up the potion and it doesn't have an antidote." replied the cellist walking into the living room.

Vinyl felt the last droplets of hope leave her at that. Seeing the downtrodden look on Vinyl's face, Octavia went over and gave her friend a comforting hug. Vinyl didn't respond right away, but hug back after realizing that she the most amazing friend she could ever ask for.

"Thanks Octavia. I needed that." Said Vinyl.

"Anytime Vinyl. I'll always be here if you need me. Now, I bet you're starting to get hungry. I'll go fix us a quick lunch so that we watch one of those cheesy romance shows you like so much." Said Octavia getting up.

Vinyl nodded turning back to the TV to find the right channel and completing missing Octavia's new necklace.