A hedonists mages adventure

by Sets

Old Acquaintance

'Hump Hump You know they never tell you how far is Pony Ville is from Canterlot in the show I have been walking for hours and still no sign of it.'' Alpha monologued as he was walking to Pony Ville in disguise.He had the same form that he used in Canterlot.

''Fucking Finally.'' he said as he saw the town.

''Well enough time should have passed for nightmare moon to have been defeated at least i hope so.'' he muttured.

''Well time to the castle ASAP i don`t want to meet the pink menace.'' he said as he made himself invisible.

''That should last for at least an hour.'' he said.

Meanwhile in the library
''My Pinkie Sense is tingling there is a new pony in town i have to meet him.'' said Pinkie Pie in a excited voice.

''Why do i have a bad feeling OH FUCK.'' he said after seeing the pink menance.

''Where are you? Oh are we playing hide and seek.I love playing it i will find YOU'' she said.

''Well no time to lose.'' he said as he was gathering the KI in his body.

''Flash Step.'' as soon as he said it he was going at speed even rainbow dash would be jealous about and crashed in a tree in the everfree.

''At least i am where i want to be.I can already feel the chaos here refiling my power'' he said.

''Time to go to the castle.'' he said as he was using a flight spell to look for the castle.

''There it is.'' he said as he saw it to his east.

''Celly and Lulu shouldn`t be able to trace my magic here so time use that.'' he said.

''Turn Ethereal.'' he said as his whole body turned non-corporeal.

''This should protect me from about anything in this forest.don`t want to waste too much power.I have an important task to do.'' he said.

After several minutes of travel he finally arrived at the castle.

''Finally.Time to get to work where is it.''he said as he was looking for something.

''Found it.'' he said as he found what he was looking for Nightmare Moon remnants.

''Time to get to work then.'' he said as he focused his KI and Mana to gather the remnants of Nightmare Moon and trying to revive her.Slowly but surely the remnants were forming a humanoid silhouette and she was coming back.

''NOnooo.''Nightmare Moon said as the last thing she remembered was being blasted by the elements of harmony.

''What how i am still alive.Did I win?.'' she asked being confused.

''What is up with my cloth why are they so lewd?.'' she asked blushing in embarrassment.

''So you can speak in modern equestrian also you look so cute when blushing'' he said.

''You how you were supposed to be sealed.''she asked in a dark tone.

''So were you.'' he replied.

''My case is different i was sealed by the elements.How did you get out your seal was powered by the elements OH.'' she said as her eyes widen in realisation of his escape.

''Yup thanks to you i am free.'' he said.

''I am not letting you roam free in equestria again.'' she said as she was preparing to fight.

''I would n`t do that if i was you you have just being revived your power is currently very low and besides i don`t want to fight.'' he said.

''Why i was one of the one who sealed you away.How could you not want to fight me?.'' she asked.

''I think your thousand years of banishment is more than enough of a retribution for me.'' he said.

''So what do you want to do with me.I doubt you revived me out of the goodness of your heart.'' she said.

''I want you to join me.'' he said.

''What.'' she said.

''Why would i want to join me?.'' she replied.

''Well for one if you don`t you will probably still stick to your dumb plan of eternal night.'' he said.

''My plan is not stupid.I will get the respect i deserve. Celestia will pay for what she did to me.''she said.

''Well for one bringing eternal night would cause the the plans to not grow well and eventually freeze the world resulting in the death of your beloved ponies.'' he said

''Besides if you wanted respect you should have brought in eternal day.You only truly appreciate things once they are gone.The ponies would have begged you to grace you with your night after not being able to sleep well and suffering from severe sun burn.'' he said.

Nightmare Moon was dumbfounded after hearing the holes in her plan and seeing a better plan she could have used.

''Celestia suffured just as much as you.'' he said.

''How.'' she asked.

''Its show time.'' he said as he used illusion magic to show nightmare moon the song.

''No you are lying.You could n`t were sealed during that time'' she said with tears in her eyes from the eyes.

''Being sealed does n`t mean i can`t sense the world around.You have a wonderful voice yourself. I will not be overshadowed.Mine is not the lesser light.'' he said.

''You heard that.'' she said.

''Yes i would that 8/10 personally.'' he said.

''Everyday for a thousand years she was suffering from the guilt and regret of banishing your.There wasn`t a day that she ddidn`t think about you.'' he said.

''No No NO this can`t be true.'' she said breaking down in tears.

''It is true.Here have tissues.'' he said as he conjured them.

''Thanks.'' she said as she was wiping out her tears.

''So what now.I can`t return to celestia after what i done.I nearly killed her and risked killing my subjects.''she said.

''Well you don`t need to return you and luna are seperate beings now.'' he said.

''What.'' she said dumbfounded.

''Yeah the elements seperated you from luna.I just gathered up the fragments and gave you a body.Besides you know that the elemts can`t kill people right.''he said.

''What am I then.If i am not luna.'' she asked being confused.

''You are you no need to be confused about it.''he said.

''I still haven`t decided to go to you.I need some time to think.''she said trying to process the information.

''Ok but do you really want to go back to canterlot.You have to deal with the nobles again and let me tell you the current nobles make you wish to deal with the old ones and you will have to deal with paperwork and worst of all POLITICS.'' he said.

''Ok then its decided i want to come with you.'' she said. ''I don`t want to deal with nobles again sorry sis but they are far too annoying." she muttered.

'''OK.'' he said. "Harem member obtained.'' he thought happily.