The Genius Named Starswirl

by WinterTwister

Starswirl's Student.

Journal entry #14
November 5th, Year 1542

I was visited today while I was deeply reading a few reference books on magical physics by a young colt. He pleaded for me to teach him with great enthusiasm, but I declined and he left, disappointed.


"Philomena, could you grab me the third and seventh book on the top shelf in the third row?" Starswirl asked as he started reading a book he already had.

The phoenix soared up to retrieve the books and set them next to Starswirl's already open book and then landed on his shoulder, waiting for her next command.

"Thank you very much." Starswirl pulled the two books open with his magic and lined them up and started flipping the pages. He would resonate his head between two books at once as if each eye could read a different page.


A loud knock came from the door and Starswirl was torn away from his concentration; annoyed he left his desk to answer it.

Philomena took flight as Starswirl stood up with his bells jingling.

Starswirl opened the door to see a colt with a determined look on his face, a small amount of snow covered the back of his lavender coat along with his red hair, which contained purple highlights.

The colt bowed and spoke. "Hello sir, I am Clover Sparkle." He faced Starswirl, his eyes now sincere along with his determination. "I would love nothing else, but to be your apprentice."

Starswirl had never expected to be asked a question of this caliber. He sighed and replied. "It's cold out there, feel free to come in and we can talk."

Clover stepped in and closed the door behind him, shaking with anticipation.

Starswirl lead Clover to his desk and motioned Clover to sit in one of the chairs he had kept in case he had guests.

Starswirl started browsing one of his books as he talked. "Now, what is your question again?"

Clover cleared his throat. "Sir, I would wish for you to take me as your apprentice."

Starswirl laid the book down, giving Clover his full attention. "And why is that?"

"The university has nothing to teach me, each day I drag along through the classes they plan carefully, so they say, and I want to learn more. Please sir, I want to learn from one of the greatest minds in Equestria." Clover had both of his hooves on the desk, staring intently at Starswirl.

Starswirl pulled out his pipe and lit it. "You say I have a great mind?"

Clover nodded fierce fully. "Yes sir. In your short time in Canterlot you've more than proved this."

Starswirl took a deep breath through his pipe, and then released the smoke from his lungs with his words. "My mind is no different than any other pony. I am but someone who finished the puzzle that others only start."

"And your completion of those 'puzzles' are what show your higher intelligence.' Clover argued.

"Only because, they had the means to start it." Starswirl replied.

"What about yourself thought of the aminomorphic spell? That was true genius and it was all your idea!"

"I only created what is needed or necessary, anypony could have done it, I was just the first."

"You see what is wanted, most are deaf to the cries of others and you reply with an answer that nopony else could conceive."

Starswirl raised an eyebrow. "You certainly are a clever pony, Clover."

Clover bowed his head. "Thank you sir."

"But I cannot teach you."

Clover's head snapped back up. "But sir! You are the only one who can teach me!"

"Do not call me sir, you may call me Starswirl. You must stay within your normal routine of school, most would be grateful to have your position in the classes you attend daily. I was never accepted into the University of Magic myself."

"Starswirl is there anything I could possibly do for you to reconsider?"

Starswirl took another short drag of his pipe. "I'm sorry; Clover, but I would not make a sufficient teacher."

Clover hung his head in disappointment.

Starswirl cleared his throat. "You are a very clever young colt, with a sharp mind, but it does not matter how good of a mind you have, if you do not put hard work in your thinking, your mind will become blunt."

"Yes si- Starswirl."

"Philomena, could you show Clover to the door?" Starswirl flipped open his books again and continued to read all three of them.

The phoenix and Clover left Starswirl to continue his reading.


I do feel as if that colt was a very intelligent individual and I have no doubt his future is bright, I only hope I did not negatively affect him.

Journal entry #15
November 6th Year 1542

More praise from several researchers for my aminomorphic spell. At least they are not congratulating me on my janitor spells... As I put in entry before I must try harder to create spells to block out the humility I have put myself through. 'Legendary, Masterful, A bright mind' They tell me, true ignorance, although enjoyed slightly but I disagree. If one thing in my life has offended me, it is to call me a master. Masters have no flaws in their work, I am a stallion of many flaws and it rips at my conscious that they try to attach that title to my name. I will endure their unintentional insults for now; but one day I may lose my patience.

Journal entry #16
November 7th Year 1542

Today I had a conversation with another researcher while walking through the courtyards of Canterlot. The topic, Utopia. I had no intention of joining him in the subject but he insisted that Utopia was possible and I could not stop my anger from getting the best of me.


"Good evening Starswirl, out for some fresh air for once?" The pony had appeared next to Starswirl out of nowhere.

Starswirl chuckled. "Yes, even I enjoy the sunlight once in a while, Yale." Starswirl called Cherr Yale, just Yale as if they were close friends, some could argue that they were but he considered Cherr Yale more of an acquaintance than anything.

"I had finished reading a book on the topic of Utopia, it’s a wonderful read, I could send you a copy if you would love to read it."

"No thank you."

"Oh? Why’s that I thought you loved reading."

"I do not believe in Utopia, it will never exist."

"Why wouldn't you want true harmony and perfection?"

Starswirl stopped walking. "Because, there is nothing close to perfection, the day perfection is found in this world I would not continue to drive myself forward."

"So you’re a pessimist?"

"Far from it. Talking of Utopia is an essence of ignorance and laziness."

"So you never wish to become the best possible?"

"The best that one can be by his own accord yes, if it were to be given to me I would rather sit down and do nothing than use perfection."

"Perhaps it might not be within your grasp, Starswirl the Bearded, but it is within the grasp of willing minds that are not too soon to block a good idea."

Something inside of Starswirl snapped. "You say my mind is not willing? You spend the day repeating to students about something already written and you call that flexible?! I spend my time pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and setting pathways for others to follow and in their own way also pursue the thoughts of achieving higher intelligence. Continue your ignorance of 'Utopia', if anything were to be called utopia it would be the word, improvement." Starswirl left the stallion dazed at his rant.


I regret snapping at the fellow researcher, but one should not look to the past with hesitation, only a reference tab.

Journal entry #17
November 14th, Year 1542

Princess Celestia requested my presence today and I quickly answered the call, she had a favor to ask of me.


Starswirl walked through the heavily guarded hallway with a hastened stride to meet Princess Celestia. The guards had opened the door immediately for Starswirl, expecting him.

Starswirl slowly walked in front of Celestia's throne and bowed. "Yes your majesty?"

"Hello, Starswirl, my most trusted researcher, how are you?" Celestia arose from her throne.

"I am well, your highness."

"I have a favor to ask of you."

"Anything, your highness."

"There is a student from the University of Magic who demanded a mastery test, not only did he pass but he achieved a perfect score and with anger asked for a higher test." Celestia used her magic to grab a scroll and a quill and started writing down. "I am transferring him to your teaching so that he may expand his knowledge and one day also become a researcher as yourself." Celestia levitated the decree to Starswirl and he read it, it was official.

"I will try my best, your highness."

"I know you will, he should even be able to help you in your own studies, I'm sure of it."

Starswirl bowed and left the room with the scroll in his mouth.


She asked me to be a teacher to a student who had more than proved his intelligence, and I have a good idea on who that certain student is. I must now prepare a room for Clover.