Beyond Equestria

by Hazard System Max


Flurry was quiet. She wasn’t normally like that, but she had never before encountered something as fascinating as what she was seeing. She was so certain that she had just fallen asleep- but this was the most amazing dream she had ever had.

She was seeing the stars- not the ones her “great aunt” Luna had created, (As if she believed that such a being was merely her Aunt? Please. Definitely her grandmother.), not the ball of fire her definite Aunty Celestia had relinquished control of.

These were pure magic, untouched by others. It was magical in ways no one, save her Aunt Twilight, could hope to show her.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” 

The voice, a young male voice, startled her more than she would care to admit. Flurry swirled around, her wings flapping hard, her eyes wide- before they widened even more. The sight before her was the strangest thing she had ever seen in her life.

A crimson red pony with a deep blue mane and tail, and his left eye the same red, his right the same blue, floated in the space before her- but he didn’t take a single form. One moment, he was a unicorn, the next he was a pegasi. He was an earth pony, an alicorn, a crystal pony, an umbra. Flurry’s mind was… in surprisingly good shape despite the sight.

“What in Celestia’s name are you?!” She demanded as her eyes narrowed, and her horn lit up. The figure before her, now an Earth Pony, simply grinned, and showed her his Cutie Mark: An overlapping three-dimensional triangle with a ladder in the center.

“You’ll find out that waaaaaaay later,” he said, turning to float on his side. “For now, lets talk, Snow! Just breathe.” He grinned at her at this point.

Somehow, despite the suspicion that awoke when she first saw him, his voice somehow… calmed Flurry down. However, she still gave him a dirty look. “My name is Flurry Heart, Princess Flurry Heart of Equestria. Not. Snow.” She emphasized her full title.

The pony, at this point, was a changeling, but he still had a look in his eyes that told Flurry he was no enemy. A warmth of humor, of joy.

The figure smiled widely, and snickered a bit. “Well, Flurry,” he said, now in the form of a yak, “I just so happen to be a being you will be quite well involved with in the coming days. Due to your innate connection with the Crystal Heart, you have abilities you’ve not yet discovered.”

Flurry’s jaw dropped at that. “Wait, wait, wait” she shook her fore-hoofs. “I can see the future?!”

The being in front of her, now a kirin, squinted his eyes, and tilted his head, mulling over her words. “Yes and no.” he began his explanation. “Best way to say it, you can see and interact with beings you’ll meet, and have strong relationships with. The ones closest to your heart.”

Flurry’s pink face flushed a deep crimson. “Are you saying… t-t-that you.. A-and me?” she stammered.

The being, now a griffon, smiled, not unkindly, and shrugged his shoulders slightly. “I guess that’s for you to find out, Flurry. But don’t worry,” he said, now a zebra, “you’ll see me soon.”

Flurry breathed in and out, groaning her frustration at his cryptic responses. She shut her eyes, and exhaled hotly. When she opened her eyes, the being, once again a unicorn stood before her, his horn glowing a powerful purple hue.

“But first, I’m gonna need you to wake up.”

There was a bright flash...

And everything went black.

...FLURRY? Flurry, honey?” A familiar voice rang in her ears. The young mare opened her eyes to look at her father. “Sweetheart, it’s time to wake up,” he said, brushing part of her mane from her face.

He smiled, ruffled her mane, and stepped back as she rose from her bed. Flurry yawned, and stretched her hooves, sighing contentedly. She smacked her lips, and giggled.

“Morning, Daddy!” Flurry smiled at Shining, the still imposing prince she knew as her father. Slowly, she began to get out of bed, and do the stretching exercises that he had taught her. Flurry had no interest to join the Royal guard, but she did like to keep herself fit.

Her father simply chuckled in good nature. His daughter's nature after waking up was always lax, but he knew just how to get her in gear. "I think that somepony is going to be late for breakfast, if she doesn't hurry!"

That got definitely Flurry in gear. She gasped as if her father had told her someone was dying. Gone was her slow, patient workout. She did the rest of it at a pace that would have left any other pony unable to move for life, swiftly brushed her coat, mane and teeth, and wiped herself with a wet towel. She kissed her father on the cheek, and briskly trotted to the dining hall.

Shining chuckled again, and smiled broadly as he watched his daughter go. "Works every time."

Flurry soon found herself in front of the dining hall, and two of the guards opened the large doors for her. She thanked them, and headed to her seat, where a stack of steaming Prench toast, a cup of syrup, orange juice and milk laid. She sat down, but before she dug in, she looked to the seat to the left at head of the table. She smiled warmly as she looked at, in her opinion, one of the most beautiful mares in all of Equestria- the one she admired (second) most.

"Good Morning, Mom!" Flurry greeted her mother happily.

Cadence, who had been reading city reports, looked up, and smiled at her daughter. "Good morning, my little Heart," she said, her voice soothing Flurry, shaking the last cobwebs from her brain, "how are you today?"

Flurry giggled, and was bout to answer, before the doors opened again, claiming both mare's attention as Shining Armor made his way in. "Sorry, sorry!" he said, making his way into the seat next to Cadence. "Somepony just ditched me on her way here," he teased.

The tips of Flurry'ears turned red, and the filly scoffed, turning her head away indignantly. "Hey, breakfast, Daddy. It waits for nopony."

Shining Armor laughed at his daughter's response, and decided to let it go. "Well, just be careful today ladies. Looks like the snow is coming!"

At his words, Flurry's head tilted, and her face scrunched up. Her parent's looked at each other, then at her. "Uhh, you OK there, sweetheart?" Her father asked her.

Flurry shook her head. "Yeah, yeah, sorry," she said, waving her hoof. "Just... had a weird dream."

With that, she began to enthusiastically eat, as her parent's looked at each other, suddenly concerned.