Wave Race By The Beach

by Lonely Fanboy48

Team Rainbooms Vs. Team Shadowbolts

Back in the Castle of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle is reading one of her books by the Cutie Map. Then a sound came from the other side of the room which caused her right ear to perk up. When she turned around, she saw Sunset and Rainbow emerging from the portal.

“Sunset? Rainbow?” The princess took notice while stopping her reading.

“Twilight, Rainbow has something to say to you.” Sunset helping her friend to get on her hooves.

“There’s going to be another jet ski race but it’s by the beach with...rules that are questionable…” Rainbow showing the princess the flyer.

Twilight used her telekinesis to borrow the flyer from Rainbow. When she opened it, she couldn’t believe there’s another jet ski race coming next week. One of her favourite moments from the cruise last year was the wave race she participated in.

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer sat with the Princess Of Friendship around the Cutie Map. They wait for Twilight to make a response, but she spends almost a minute just to look at the flyer itself. She finally placed the flyer on the table with a look of concern.

“Rainbow.” Princess Twilight spoke which caught Rainbow’s attention. “Is the construction of the track the reason you didn’t offer me to be your partner again?”

Rainbow is stunned after the princess thinks ahead. “You actually thought I was going to ask you that?”

“Just by looking at the flyer, I assume it’s going to be bigger and badder.” Twilight showed the flyer to her friends.

“Yeah...when they say it’s going to be badder, I hope it’s not what I think.” Sunset making a concern expression.

“Don’t worry, no one is going to throw something at us although there’s going to be a lot of turning.” Rainbow replied. “Look, I just don’t want you to get hurt. You may enjoy last year’s race but next week, it’s going to be a bit extreme.” She then sighs to herself after her discussion.

“Rainbow wanted to do the right thing by picking a different partner. As much as you wanted to relive those moments in the past, next week is going to be a different story.” Sunset trying to be nice. “We know you don’t want special treatment when you're with us anymore, but a possible concussion is the last thing we want.”

Princess Twilight took her time to think of the situation of the race. As much she loves to ride in the ocean against others for fun, she worries about what the track is going to be like upon seeing it. And the fact her friends will do everything in their will to protect her, but she makes her final choice.

“Sunset, Rainbow Dash.” She got off her seat. “I know this is different from the encounters of Equestria Magic but it’s not going to scare me.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow wondered.

“I’m not an expert on races, but I’ve seen Rainbow Dash performing as a Wonderbolt and her races were far worse.”

“Yeah if she had the same life as I do.”

“If she isn’t afraid of heights.” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“My point is, I still like swimming and I’m sure the people running the race won’t have anyone get severely hurt.”

The princess used her telekinesis again to borrow the flyer from her friends. She checked if there’s something for the competitors to wear. “I can see we’re going to be wearing protective uniforms instead of swimsuits.”

“Well the employees from the cruise couldn’t afford uniforms, but the track wasn’t long anyway, so I guess this is a serious sport.” Sunset replied.

“When you see someone wearing a helmet to be part of the race itself, you know you should never underestimate serious sports like this one.” Rainbow commented.

“So, if this is going to be serious, not in a situational matter, I think I should be your partner.” The princess smiled.

“Okay but I really hope you know what the race is going to be like.” Rainbow acting unsure.

“No matter what happens next week, I’m prepared.”

After the conversation, Rainbow and Sunset head back to their world, while the Princess of Friendship is now aware she’s taking another visit next week. Although the race itself will be questionable upon seeing it.

After a full week, The Rainbooms picked up the Princess of Friendship and arrived at the Beach. Unlike the other times where the beach isn’t much crowded, there’s about a hundred people to either enjoy swimming on the other side or sitting on the sand to watch the race itself.

While the Rainbooms arrive and find a spot to relax and watch the jet ski race, Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash take the uniforms after they register. They head inside the restrooms so they can change along with the helmets that come with.

“Do you think Twilight is going to be safe?” Fluttershy asked while playing with the baby turtles she brought along.

“I’m sure she’ll be alright.” Applejack placing her hand on Fluttershy. “Granted she didn’t see the track itself, but she told me she can handle it.”

“I...still don’t know if this is a good idea.” Human Twilight commented. “I mean I do think she’s brave enough for this type of activity, but I’m concerned about who she’s competing with.”

“That is true.” Sunset replied after she set up her umbrella. “I talked to Flash Sentry a few days ago and he said that he and Sandalwood aren’t coming here to be part of the race.”

“I guess they don’t want to get themselves into such an aggressive competition.” Rarity commented.

“Hey, where’s Pinkie Pie?” Applejack looking in her surroundings. “Is she at the cupcake stand again?”

“Actually, she told me she wants to be part of this race when I texted her this morning.” Sunset showing her phone to her friends. “She didn’t tell me who her partner is going to be though.”

“Well then again, there’s seven teams along with two more races after this, so I guess everyone wants to be part of this.” Human Twilight looking at the other competitors with their uniforms by their side.

While Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash are taking their time in the restroom, one of the teams came out after they put on their uniforms. Unlike the competitors from the last race, this team wasn’t part of the cruise vacation last year. When they saw the Rainbooms at their spot on the beach, they knew they were going to be competitive once the race began.

“Do you wonder who Twilight and Rainbow are racing against?” Applejack asked.

“Not quite,” Sunset responded. “They didn’t tell us who’s competing in each race. Guess we'll just have to wait.”

“Don’t wait any longer or you'll get dumped in the sand!”

The Rainbooms all blinked upon hearing a voice they remember in the past. When they saw the girl responsible for the insult, they saw Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest in their uniforms.

“The Shadowbolts?” Human Twilight said.

“You’re part of the Jet Ski Race?” Fluttershy added.

“What’s wrong, you thought you're getting a clean sweep or something?” Lemon taunted.

“No.” Applejack responded. “But we didn’t expect to have rivals here.”

“Oh please, if we’re part of a competition that we always win, that’s all because you're not part of it.” Indigo placed her hand on her hip.

As Twilight and Rainbow head outside with their uniforms on, the alethic saw two of the Shadowbolts talking to her friends. Back at the Friendship Games, all before the crisis ensued, she never backed down from the competition even with the odds her school had.

“Isn’t that Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap?” Princess Twilight remembering her time on the beach years ago.

“They are, and I can tell we might be facing them during the race.” Rainbow crossing her arms.

Back at the spot of the Rainbooms, Sunset tries to cool things down with Indigo and Lemon. “Can you two please cool things down? The winner only gets money not a trophy or a medal.”

“So what? Even with that, we still rather take first place than last.” Indigo boasted.

“And if you think one of you is going to beat us, then that handicap is your one and only weakness.” Lemon added.

“They’re not part of the race! We are!” Rainbow shouted to get the attention from the Shadowbolts. Once they’ve turned around, they’re now aware that Canterlot High’s best athlecs is part of the race. But once they saw the Princess of Friendship along with their former student all in one place, they knew they didn’t see a clone too similar.

“Well, looks like someone just came out of the statue.” Indigo smirked. “Took long enough.”

The princess would be happy to see the Shadowbolts again, but just by looking at their uniforms, she knows this isn’t going to end well. “Well it’s nice to meet you two again, but not like this.” She scratched the back of her head.

“Uhh...Twilight.” Human Twilight spoke. “I think you shouldn’t underestimate the Shadowbolts.”

“Twilight, she already knows who they are.” Sunset whispered to Human Twilight.

“It’s not that it’s just-” Twilight gets cuts off while Lemon interferes.

“Sorry to be such a pusher to reality, but once we are part of the race, don’t think you're passing the finish line first.” Lemon pointing her finger at Rainbow.

“Oh no, here we go.” Princess Twilight thought while rolling her eyes.

“We still beat you in some of the rounds in the Friendship Games.” Rainbow moved Lemon’s finger out of the way. “Just you wait.”

Before the two teams got into their faces more, they heard a siren from the speakers. Once it stopped, the announcer made his first announcement. “Teams for race one, please head to the starting line. The race will begin in ten minutes.”

After hearing the announcement, five teams head to where the jet skis are located. This made Rainbow shoot a glare at Indigo and Lemon, while they did the same, but the Princess of Friendship felt concerned and she didn’t see the track itself yet. The Shadowbolts and Rainbooms follow the announcement while Rainbow takes Twilight’s wrist. As the final two teams head to the startling line with the skis on trailers, before being launched into the sea.

“I got a bad feeling about this.” Rarity placing her hand on her forehead.

“I got a feeling we’re going to see the race of the year.” Sunset acting rhetorical.