a garden of friends.

by Midlight

Chapter 4

Roseluck arrives.

Rose kissed Clover goodbye at the gate as he headed off to work.

As she did she spotted Lily returning home from dropping her son at school.

She waved at her friend and neighbor.lily smiled in return waving as well.

Rose would have loved to walk her child to school.

Being neighbors, Lily and herself could have walked with each other.

But Rose had one problem. She was barren. Which meant she wouldn't be seeing one of her own foals any day soon. And probably never. Rose sighed. She slowly made her way back to her home, to make a couple cookies before heading next door.

Rose walked up the familiar pathway of her friend: Lily Valley's house.

All around her were bushes of flowers and tall shading trees. Much like her own front garden, the flowers were simply everywhere, but for Rose, they were Roses. Not lilies.

Rose had a saddle bag, one side filled with cookies and a bouquet of freshly picked, white, Roses in the other. Rose was often giving away roses. Unlike her two best friend's, her garden had never been trampled or dug up by foals, which meant she had more than enough roses to give to anyone she met. In a way she was jealous of her friends.

As she approached the door, she took a deep breath, the scent of lilies filling her nostrils.

As soon as she knocked on the pink, wooden, door it was opened.

"Rose! Do come in, the back garden is already."

Lily wrapped her arms around Rose's pale yellow shoulders and roped her friend into a hug.

"Good morning, Lily. I have been looking forward to this tuesday."

Rose smiled as she entered her friends home.

It smelled of many things. Flowers [of course], food, books, carpet and children.

The first room was a living room, which was connected, by a big open section, to the dining room then kitchen.

The room had more sofa's then needed but Lily didn't often go to the furniture store without returning with some type of unneeded piece.

There were countless amounts of flower pots filled with both Lilies, Daisies and Roses, roses she had given her in the past. On the wall to the Rose’s left was the door that lent to the bedrooms.

The room had changed since Rose was here last but probably because of Melody Hills' running indoors.

Rose followed Lily through the living room and the dining room to the back door.

Opening, Lily stepped back to let her friend exit first.

Once Rose was outside again, the same Lilies sent came to her senses.

Lily's garden was filled with trees and lilies, much like the front yard, but also ponds and animals. Lily's backyard was big, Huge even. There was a gisebo, even a BBQ area with fairy lights.

In mostly every tree there was a treehouse or fort built around it.

In the middle of it all was a seating area. Three chairs were set up around a lovely white table.

On the table were three teacups and a pot of tea.

Rose took out her cookies and put them on a plate, by the tea pot.

"Oh, how lovely!" Lily smiled at the cookies, not waiting to try one.


Rose looked around, taking in the wonder of her friend's garden.

Despite having a reless Colt, a superstitious husband and another Baby on the way, Lily always seemed to have time to keep her garden in tip top shape.

"I do love it here."

Lily blushed a little. Her friends always said that.

"I really do. I could sit out here forever if i hadn't anything else to do."

Rose aproshed a little bunny but it ran away from her.

"Ah, well. It's nothing compared to your garden."

"Oh, my garden stinks. Literally." Rose and Lily giggled, remembering the time a skunk made it home in Rose's back garden.

Rose noticed that one of them was missing.

"Where's Daisy?"