//------------------------------// // The Meme-ening // Story: Shelter-in-Vlog // by Antiquarian //------------------------------// What… is… up, YouTube? It is Sunset Shimmer coming to you live from isolation. The walls are closing in, my patience is wearing thin, and the only thing keeping me from starting a prank war with Twilight is my crippling fear that she will go full mad scientist on me. Today we’re going to be looking at some more memes because you junkies all liked your dopamine fix last time and I’m an enabler. But before we take the plunge into cheap laughs and my boredom-fueled attempts at standup, I’ve got a couple bits of housekeeping. First, I heard some of you had problems with the video quality last time – memes uploading badly and not displaying properly. Meaning that I, your trusted purveyor of laughs, have failed to deliver on my promises of hilarity. For this grave sin, I can only say: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. In the future I’ll try to be better about making sure they upload properly but, in case I miss something, I’ll link the memes in multiple ways and post the links in the description. Second, I mentioned Twilight’s deep dive into philosophy last video. Well, that dive has gone so deep that she’s now looking to drag some of you under the surface with her, down into the depths of wisdom like some sort of scholarly siren. *muffled outrage* Speak up, Twilight. The mic can’t pick up your melodrama from the other room. How am I the melodramatic one? You’re the one saying I’m going to drown people in knowledge! Well, how would you characterize it? I’m going to provide practical tips about applied philosophy in the hopes that people may find something truly edifying in the midst of this enforced downtime. After all, if we can’t change our circumstances, we can at least improve how we deal with them. That good thinky job, friend. You do smart thing. Me talk memes now. Oh, please! You’re as much an intellectual as I am! Me not know what ant-lick-tool mean. Me talk memes now. Ugh! You’re impossible! And you make it too easy. *unintelligible annoyance* Would it make you feel better if I promised to post links to your videos when they come out? … slightly. Good. Twi friend happy now. Me talk memes. *disgruntled muttering* Heh heh! I am so going to pay for that later. But, that’s future Sunset Shimmer’s problem! Let’s get this meme train a-rollin’! Choo Choo! And we’re starting off strong with some good old Star Wars humor. I’m actually pretty impressed with this meme. Solid shot of Darth Dad from the best Star Wars movie, undertones of dark humor without being overbearing, enough bullet points to make the joke without having so many that it becomes tired, and keeping a good black-and-white motif with background and lettering that match the Sith-Ski-Trip-to-Hoth picture. My only real complaint is that it could stand to have a closing phrase to bring it home. As it stands, it just sorta drops off. I don’t know. Small thing and maybe it’s just me. Still, 7 out of 10, would chuckle again. Keeping with the movie theme, next up is Spider Man. Heh heh. Yeah, it’s all fun and games until something reminds you of your mortality, isn’t it. Sidebar that has nothing to do with Crappybeervirus: can we all take a moment to appreciate that Tom Holland is the best cinematic Peter Parker? And I say that even though I didn’t like Far From Home that much. It wasn’t bad, I just didn’t think it was on Homecoming’s level. I didn’t really like Endgame either. But, that’s just my opinion. Don’t start a… civil war in the comments section. Eh? Eh? Get it… ’cause it’s… it’s a civil war… like the Marvel movie of the same name that… … I’ll show myself out. *chair scraping* Wait, I can’t go anywhere… *reverse chair scraping* I guess you’re stuck with me! Next meme! Hah! Awesome! I wonder if that would hold up in court? I mean if you had the right— … wait… … I think I know that guy on the left… Is that AJ’s Uncle Crabapple? Hold on, I need to make a quick text… … While I’m making you wait, kind of a cool story I heard from one of my friends: apparently, there’s a distillery that’s making hand sanitizer and giving it out for free. So that’s neat. Anyway, next meme! … Okay, I could talk about how that’s kinda meta, given the content I’m producing here, but I’m more distracted by the fact that the metronome isn’t centered on the screen. … I’m gonna move on before Twilight wanders in and has an OCD fit. *laughs* Okay, gambling for toilet paper and hand-sanitizer. That’s pretty good. You know, looking at this, I’m not sure if it’s staged or not. Like, it’s probably staged, but I could honestly see it going either way. Ah, well, it’s funny regardless. Couple more and we’ll call it a day. *chuckles* Okay, so the hyperlink to this one looks like it's gonna give me problems, so I'll just read the text to be safe. It's a picture of a roll of toilet paper and it says, "If you need 144 rolls of toilet paper for a 14 day quarantine, you probably should've been seeing a doctor long before COVID-19." Yeah, one my history profs has Crohn’s, so he actually needs toilet paper in bulk, and in one of his emails he said, “If any o’ ya’ll are the sons o’ guns buying up all the toilet paper every time I hit the stores, and I catch you doing it, I’ll fail you so hard even your science grades will drop.” I don’t think he was kidding. Either way folks, please don’t clear out the shelves. Other people need stuff too. The country doesn’t have food shortages, or toilet paper shortages, or shortages of most basic household items. We just have people creating artificial scarcity by panicking. Soap-box moment over. Last meme! Okay, that’s pretty funny. I can’t say I’ve experienced this very often, primarily because Twilight is an awesome chef who finds cooking relaxing. That and I’m the sort of person who feels zero shame about her best friend cooking most nights. Maybe that makes me a bad person but, hey, I help with the groceries and it beats ramen cups. However, there was one night where Twilight was too dog-tired to cook and she reeeeeaally wanted lasagna. And the last time I tried to make pasta I almost burnt the kitchen down. So we ordered out. When the guy got here it turned into this weird prisoner-exchange-simulator. Twilight yelled “That’s far enough!” when he got within ten feet of the door, ordered him to open the box and “show her the goods,” then to “leave the box on the ground and back away slowly.” At which point she paid him on Paypal and sent him on his way. I’ll be honest, I’m kinda disappointed she didn’t just yeet a roll of $5s at his head, but that probably wouldn’t have been very sanitary. Anyway, friends, that’s it for today. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe. Slap that notification bell so you never miss an upload and let me know what else you’d like to see. Stay sane and stay healthy! We meme again soon!