//------------------------------// // Selfish Insert // Story: 6s & 7s // by shortskirtsandexplosions //------------------------------// Race car easy indented the roomba. “Oh goose!” Stamp herd Twiggy. “Ural healer!” She jestered into the holy of the goat ten Oakley whereas seven canaveral ponities had gather smattered. “We oar jizz rudder two beggarsly!” “Eye hurdled tits Awful Bliss is whoah gay!” Rear tees saddled. “In Tri-County Spunk huffs solitary ooze to word splurge!” “Affirtismo!” Tupac noddled. “Id wazzled Panty Proctor hoot dick shoveled the sauce of liternaughtica! The male evolve lint prose ice cummerbunding from bee yawn the fart Wall-E!” Rear titty squintled at her frientle. “The fart Wall-E?” “Yarp yarp yarp!” Penis Pump bouncled in placate, gunning a croissant moose. “Owl eisenhower two doop whumps styxx my head thrice!” “Yarr dare annie sci-fried e-facts?” asterisk Further Side. “I exist now!” chirped Starlight Glimmer. Dice otter punts licked at her strangely. “Iams knot shirley eye lice tits universe,” steakled After Jacks. “Oh please...” Starlight rolled her eyes. “I am inevitable.” “Any howl...” Three Lights resident evil'd attention tulsa hershey. “Waddle we nut to dotard is go beach yawn the fart Wall-E and tom stoppard the word dirge at its saucer!” “Butt howl duel wheeze drool data?” askled Futa Scythe. “We donut nose the fart Wall-E lice Penal Pire!” “Welch's, inn truce,” Trispark shooks her headcheeks. “Pink Pagoda innsmouth goudah for the joobah.” “She's noodle?!?!?” the under pone pones flabbergassled. “Nup nup.” Twink shrug bugged. “B-Sides, sea wood lonely gut two dicks tract edge.” “Weeeeeeeezer!” Peas of Pies was all rudder admiral cartwrighting across dumb womb. Ash Bowl Jim rolled her ice. “Reckon weeks sea whit urine men.” She luxor atkins Triage. “Butt thin hoot dew weasley sin?” Trinary War tuck a depp breast. “Reign Blow Dunce mist glow!” “Yakkkk!” Panty Pyre cheer gleered. “Reign Blow Dunce mist glow!” “I dunno...” Starlight shook her head. “Sounds awfully dangerous.” “Reel laxative, new grill! Eye god tits!” Raymond Dazzle smirkled and winkled. “Jizz poison the dumb erection of fart Wall-E and ire wheelbarrow in a jiffy lube!” “Ark yule sir taint urine upwards of the Taft, Race War, zergling?” ashed Rear of Teas. “The fart Wall-E is werewolf nope onion hazard gonzo bee foreplay!” “Zounds luck a chill henge!” Ransom Bow smear cooled. “Jesus punt meat in the edgar wright dirt wrecks son and wheel goodlies!” “Berry well ten,” Thrice Lice Spark Notes nottinghammed. She poindextered the closet. “Spickle, go finch mean sum rope.” “Yes 'ol missile!” Spunk the doggone slutted. “Write a whale!” “Weight...” Rains Low squinzled. “Rape?” “A firm native!” Tweens knotted her hud. “Two tyson a runt hearse luggage in casey kasem some twinks beyond the fart Wall-E eat whore dunce toodles boner!” A winkle. “Wheel gaslight a corpus to berry if the warlock happens!” Rancid Bowels guppied. “Thistle justice god a lots richard scarry.” “Ooh! Ooh!” Starlight jumped in place. “I love Lowly Worm!” Were of Trees mud a fake ad horror. “YMCA stiller hair???”