//------------------------------// // The Interrogation Begins // Story: Best Friends for Life // by SuperWriter2329 //------------------------------// Three days later... Rarity and Pinkie Pie had decided to meet up at Sugar Cube Corner for a little bit of breakfast together before heading off to interrogate the first suspect of the day. After having to complete a total of six dresses for the past three days, Rarity really needed a break from all that sewing. Luckily, she didn't have any clients for the day, so she was able to finally being able to do this with Pinkie. From what they have gathered from Twilight, all four possible suspects are unicorn mares, where one of them is possibly jealous of Lyra and Bon Bon. Just a few blocks east from the town hall, Rarity and Pinkie had finally arrived at the house. After knocking on the door, they waited for a few seconds before a pony answered it. She had a brown coat, a red mane and tail, almost a similar shade to Apple Bloom's, and gorgeous green eyes. For a cutie mark, she had two cherries stemmed together. When she get a good look at her visitors, her eyes were wide in shock, as she knew who the two ponies were. "Um, Rarity, Pinkie? What are you two doing here early in the morning?" the brown pony asked. "Well darling, we are looking for a pony named Cherry Spices. Are we talking to her right now?" said Rarity. The pony, now identified as Cherry Spices, gave a nod. "Yeah, I'm Cherry Spices, but you can call me Cherry." "Okay then, Cherry. Mind if we come in?" "Oh yeah, come on in! I just finished making breakfast myself," said Cherry, inviting her and Pinkie inside her house. The layout of the house is like any other house in Ponyville; a living room with a worn out couch by the front and a kitchen and dining area by the back with a staircase leading to the second floor, separating the two rooms apart. Rarity and Pinkie had seated by the couch when the brown unicorn said, "Uh, do you guys need anything? Like an apple or something?" "Why, thank you for the hospitality, but Pinkie and I already had our fills at Sugar Cube Corner so no thanks," said the fashionista. "Oh, okay then," Cherry said before walking up and sitting across from them. "So, what do you guys want?" "Nothing really. I just wanted to ask you some questions regarding the newspaper that came out three days ago." "Really, just that? Sure, why not?" said the brown pony before continuing. "What about it anyways?" "Well, we were wondering if you had also read an article about Bon Bon being a secret agent in that same paper as well," said Rarity. Cherry thought about it and remembered that very same article that she had read days ago. "Yeah, I did read it. Well, I never would have thought that she would be an agent of some sorts. And she was hiding in Ponyville, no less! Am I right?" "To be honest, you are correct up until a certain point. However, that very article is causing a lot of distress on her and Lyra as of late," the generous unicorn said. The brown unicorn's expression went from pure happy to concern as she asked, "Um, I'm afraid to ask but what did happen between them?" "Well, to put it briefly, Bon Bon had to be relocated to someplace else because of her cover being blown thanks to that same article," explained Rarity. "Wait, what?! That article has caused that much distress on her?!" shouted Cherry. As she and Rarity are talking about the article, Pinkie, who was tasked with looking for any signs of nervousness while the suspects were being questioned, looked thoughtfully at Cherry. She tried to find any signs at all, but she found none. No sweats, no rapid eye movements, nothing that could make her a possible main suspect. She then glanced at Rarity, who briefly glanced back, and slightly shook her head, a sign that says "she's not the one we're looking for". The fashion designer then said, "Yes, I'm afraid that was true, darling. Believe me, I wish it was a joke, but it's not. We even had reasons to believe that this pony was jealous of them as well." "Oh dear, I feel terrible for them! She and Lyra looked so perfect together! I even saw them having lunch together just last week! Who in Equestria would do something like this to them?! And why would he or she do it if they knew they would be jealous of them?" asked the brown unicorn, clearly upset by this sudden news. "No, I'm afraid not, darling. I thought you knew about it." "What? You think that I would do this? No, never! Not in a million years!" denying Cherry. A raised eyebrow from Rarity however, causes her to wilt slightly. "Well, I had to admit, I was a bit jealous, but I would never do this! Even if I'm extremely jealous to them!" "Yes, my apologies. I didn't mean to make you upset," said the fashionista. "It's okay, Rarity. I know you didn't mean to. So, did you find anypony who might have done this?" "As of now, not quite. But we do know that the pony who did this was a unicorn mare, based on an eye witness, who happens to be the editor-in-chief of this certain paper." This however, caused the brown pony to reach her forehead with her hoof to feel her horn. "But now that we also knew that it can't be you since you also disapprove of the news I gave you earlier," implied Rarity. "Oh," was all Cherry said. She then put her hoof back down. "Do not worry, darling. I promise you that we will find the guilty party for doing this kind of hatred act. For now, Pinkie and I need to go someplace else. I must say, thank you for your time, Cherry," said the fashion designer. "No problem at all, Rarity. Happy to help. Oh, and also, do you mind telling Lyra and Bon Bon that I'm really sorry for this to happen to them? I really don't want them to feel discouraged." "Sure thing, Cherry. I well tell them if I have the chance. Well, if you excuse me, my friend and I will head out for now. Come along, Pinkie!" exclaimed the generous unicorn. Pinkie, who has been surprisingly quiet for the entire time, perked up from her seat. "Okay Rarity, I'll be right out!" was all she said before disappearing through the front door, leaving the owner with her thoughts alone. "Poor Lyra and Bon Bon. They look so cute when they are together. Who in their right mind would wanted to break that strong bond?" wondered Cherry. "Hopefully whoever did this better get ready soon or they will be in hot water after this," Suddenly, she remembered something. "Shoot, my breakfast!" She then went to the dining area to find that her breakfast has unfortunately gone cold. "Aww... Oh well, I can always reheat it." Cherry went off to do so. Pinkie and Rarity then went off to two more houses, one that was just three blocks away from Cherry's house and the other was on the other side of town, which belonged to Electric Sky and Sea Swirl respectively. Electric had a light yellow coat, with a two-tone blue mane and tail with blue eyes as well. For a cutie mark, she has three light bulbs. Sea, on the other hoof, has a lilac coat, an iris colored mane and tail with a light glaucous streak in the middle, and gorgeous raspberry rose eyes. For a cutie mark, she has two different colored dolphins encircling each other. And like Cherry, both mares are unicorns. When they were greeted by the two friends, both are equally shocked to see them and in different waking conditions as well; Electric had just woken up when Pinkie and Rarity arrived, whereas Sea was just about to do the dishes after finishing her breakfast. Needless to say, both of them knew who their visitors are and invited them inside. When the questions began, both of them had their eyes wide in shock when they were told that Bon Bon had to be relocated because of her blown up cover as a secret agent. Of course, they even have different other reactions as well; sadness for Electric and anger for Sea. Rarity even had to console poor Electric, who had started crying for such a predicament to happen to Lyra and Bon Bon. After she had calmed down, she had decided to get some water before they continue. When they were asked if they knew about it, both strongly denied that they have anything to do with it. Pinkie was able to see through them that they were actually telling the truth, also showing no signs of nervousness from both of them. As soon as they were done, both of the unicorn mares also wanted them to give Lyra and Bon Bon their regards as well. After leaving Sea Swirl's house, Pinkie and Rarity had decided to make a quick stop at Sugar Cube Corner to re-energize after interrogating three different ponies. About ten minutes later, they head off to the last house of the day, which belonged to Amethyst Star. On their way, Rarity asked Pinkie, "So then, I take it that you knew Amethyst's house as well?" "Duh, of course I do! In fact, her house is right near Twilight's castle!" exclaimed Pinkie. She was right though. Amethyst was one of the few ponies lucky enough to live near the Castle of Friendship, which appeared right after Tirek was defeated and re-imprisoned back in Tartarus. As soon as they arrived on Amethyst's house, Rarity knocked on the door. Moments later, the pony came out. Amethyst is actually very pretty in terms of color coding of her body. She had a purplish coat, about one or two shades lighter than Twilight's, a violet mane and tail with a floral lavender streak and sparkling amethyst eyes. Three brilliant-cut diamonds made up as her cutie mark, making her living up to her name even more. From the appearance of her body, it appears that she might have just woken up from doing housework, because it looks like it hadn't been washed for days. She then rubbed her eyes before looking to see who her visitors are. Upon catching a glimpse of white and pink standing in front of her, her eyes shot up in response. "Oh my! Pinkie, Rarity, what are you guys doing here?" asked Amethyst. "Not much. We just wanted to ask you some questions but it seems like you might have been in a war with dust bunnies," judged Rarity. Looking back at herself, the purple pony chuckled and blushed. "Yeah, I was just cleaning up the attic of my house, that's why I got really dusty." "That's okay, darling, I understand. Mind if we come in?" "Oh sure, why not? Get yourselves comfortable. I just need to clean myself. Be back in a few minutes!" said the unicorn before heading upstairs to get herself cleaned. As soon as they have settled down on the couch at the living room, Pinkie said to Rarity, "Hey Rarity, did you notice anything odd about Amethyst just now?" "Well, I can see that she has become more cheerful since Cranky and Matilda's wedding, but other than that, I didn't see anything odd," said Rarity. "Nothing. It's just that she had become so much cheerful that it seems faked and forced. I think I need to get a closer look while you question her, okay?" asked the party pony. The fashionista nodded just as Amethyst came down the stairs, looking even more refreshed than before. "Ah, much better! Feels good having a nice bath after a balanced meal." She then made her way towards the living room, where Pinkie and Rarity are waiting for her. After settling down, she asked Rarity, "So, what did you wanna ask me about?" The fashion designer cleared her throat before started speaking. "Well, I was wondering if you knew about the news article about Bon Bon being a secret agent." "Uh, yeah, I did read about it. Why?" "Actually, we had reasons to believe that the news was a fake in order to kick her out of Ponyville." "Hold on, what?! How did that happen?" "You see, a few days ago, some agents that worked with the same agency as Bon Bon had asked her to get relocated because somepony other than Lyra, her girlfriend, knew about her secret identity. They even did this because of jealousy towards them," explained Rarity. Amethyst's eyes twitched a bit upon hearing "jealous" being said. Rarity failed to notice it, but not Pinkie. She even saw signs of nervousness being displayed without her knowing; the sweating, the rapid eye movements, sudden body shifts, everything that could make a pony look suspicious without even realizing it. Pinkie glanced at Rarity, who briefly glanced back, and gave a tiny nod before pointing her head towards Amethyst, a sign that says "we found the guilty pony". Looking back, Rarity continued, "Do you knew anything about it, dear Amethyst?" "Uh, n-no! I didn't know who you are talking about! I-if you're talking about the guilty pony, then I knew nothing about it!" Amethyst said, stammering for a bit. The two friends glanced again. They have definitely found the main suspect. However, they can't just accuse her without anything that can make her to spill the beans, so the fashionista just said, "Well then, it's okay if you don't know about it. We were just wondering, that's all." Breathing a sigh of relief, the purple unicorn said, "Oh, okay then! I really thought you were gonna accuse me or something!" "Oh, you have no idea," thought Pinkie and Rarity simultaneously. "I suppose that's all the questions we have for you. Have a nice day! Come along, Pinkie," said the generous unicorn. "Right back at ya, Rarity!" said the pink earth pony before following her friend after Amethyst says goodbye to them. The two walked away from Amethyst's house a bit before stopping to talk. "To be honest, Amethyst is creeping me out back there," said Pinkie. "I know, right? It was as if she knew about the article but denying it," said Rarity. "And her eyes twitched a bit when you said "jealous" to her. She's even sweating a lot, her pupils wandering all over the place and she keeps shifting her body. Those are the signs that told me that she is the main suspect." "While all that is true, we can't just downright accuse her without anything that can make her being truthful whether or not she's the one that knew Bon Bon's secret, darling. We need more evidence." Pinkie thought about it before nodded. "Well, maybe you're right. Why don't we talk to Twilight about it after we had lunch? Sounds good?" "Yes, actually. I had to admit, I am getting really hungry. Why don't we head off to Sugar Cube Corner for lunch?" asked the fashionista. "Sure thing, Rarity! Don't worry about money, it's all on me," said the party pony. "Oh, Pinkie, thanks for the hospitality! Come along then," implied Rarity before she and Pinkie headed off for lunch after a really long day of asking questions and walking all over the place. Perhaps a little break was all they needed before they went to tell their dear friend Twilight about what they have gathered so far. And maybe they might be able to crack this mystery once and for all. Little did they know that an unknown pony was watching their every move shortly after their departure from Amethyst's house, lurking in the shadows before retreating towards their house for the next move.