//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - Treasure Hunters Pt.1 // Story: Honest Hearts // by YuCheng Huang //------------------------------// Meanwhile, at Three Marys, the White Legs' main camp in Zion. Bunch of tribals were enjoying their feast around the camp fire until they heard someone yelling "Chief! Chief!" "Who dares to interrupt my feast?" A man with a deathclaw skull helmet said as he saw a tribal ran towards him. Everyone except the chief were shocked because the tribal was full of bruises, and his head was stained with blood "Chief...I..." the tribal knelt down and was almost out of breath from the running. "I don't mean to interrupt... but I have something to report." "Out with it." the chief said. "Our caravan raid was a failure, an outsider eradicated our entire raid team, and I was able to come back because I only got knocked out by two mysterious creatures." the tribal reported. "What? You couldn't even kill an outsider!" the chief was furious. "The White Legs don't tolerate weakness. Give me a reason, why I shouldn't kill you right now?" the chief put on his white Power Fist. The tribal started to panic, he closed his eyes, tears dripping, "No, no, this will not happen again, I promise. A...After I recover, I will find the outsider and present his head to you!" he pleaded. The chief knelt next to him, putting his empty hand on his shoulder, "I sure you will." he said with a smug smile. Upon hearing this the tribal was relieved and opened his eyes to thanks for the chief's forgiveness, "Tha-" Before he could even finish a word, he got a powerful upper cut from the chief and his head was detached from his body. The head flew over the crowd, and dropped like a coconut fell from a tree. "You should have died during the raid." the chief said with a cold tone. The chief raised his voice "Like I said, the White Legs don't tolerate weaklings. To prove to Caesar's Legion that The White Legs is strong, we will destroyed the New Canaanites, not even an outsider or the burnt man will stop us. All hail the White Legs!" The crowd fist bumped the air, "Hail White Legs! Hail Salt-Upon-Wounds!" they cheered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the intersection to the Dead Horse's Camp near the welcoming booth, Tom was checking the quest list on his Pip-boy. "So, we need to find a compass, 2 walkie-talkies, 5 specific lunch boxes, and some medical supplies." Tom said. "Hey, Chalk." he called. "What can I tell you?" Chalk replied. "You know this place better than us. where should we start looking, here." - Tom showed Chalk his Pip-boy map - "Do you know how to navigate with a map?" "Sure, I do. Let me check your map." - Chalk looked at Tom's map - "Lots of Back When places to choose from, but for the things we need, best to start with the really closed up places. Three I know of," - Chalk started pointing several locations on Tom's map - "a building down by the river called a "Fishing Lodge," the old ranger station in the northwest, and the general store right by it." - Chalk pointed at a location that was really close to theirs - "Closer to home, might be something you can salvage from the place where the little ones fell, just west of the Eastern Virgin." On their way to the first destination, Tom and the ponies were still a little confused by what Chalk talked about, "What's this 'place where the little ones fell'?" Tom asked and the ponies just nodded simultaneously. "In the river, there's a twisted pile of metal and glass, all full of bones. Joshua says they were scouts, but they looked awful small to me." Chalk explained. "Oh..." was the only thing the other three could replied. "Well, there it is." - Chalk pointed at the half-split vehicle - "See this? This is why your own two feet are better than any cart, whether it's pulled by critters or goes on its own. Up close, just liked what Chalk said, tons of human skeletons, most of them were smaller than Tom and Chalk. "Oh, dear..." Fluttershy mourned. Applejack took off her stetson and put it in front of her chest, "They didn't deserve this..." she said. Tom followed up, "Chalk, please give us a minute." he asked. Chalk knew what was going on, so he just nodded. After a minute of mourning, Tom and Applejack put on their hat, but Fluttershy still sobbing by a child's skeleton. Applejack came next to her to comfort her, "It's alright," - Applejack patted on Fluttershy's back - "take your time, sugarcube." Tom walked towards the crashed bus, and searching for what they needed. Then he saw it, a broken compass in a child skeleton's grasp, "I'm sorry," - Tom took the compass - "but we need to borrow this." Tom started inspecting the broken compass, "Hmm, I think I can fix this." and began tinkering with the little gadget. Few moments later, "And...here we go." the compass was good as new. Turned to his friends, "You okay there, Fluttershy?" he asked. Fluttershy wiped her tears, "Yeah...I'm fine. Thanks for asking." she said as Applejack helped her standing up. "I'm glad to hear that." - Tom gave Fluttershy a warm smile and raised his volume - "So, ready to head out?" "Right behind you." said Chalk. "Lead the way." said Applejack. Fluttershy nodded, and gave a final pity look at the crashed bus as they left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the intersection, "Well, next stop, the Fishing Lodge." Tom said as they went on a slope and in front of them, a giant ant mound. "Look sharp, lots of giant ants around here. We call'em picnic-killers. Don't really know what that means. Something from Back When, I guess." - Chalk pointed to a camp ground - "That way." "Well, picnic is an activity when ya hang out with your family or friends in a park, eating snacks, playing games." Applejack said. "Sounds nice." Chalk said. "Oh no..." something came through Fluttershy's mind. The others stopped and looked at Fluttershy, "What's wrong, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. "No...before we came here, I was preparing a picnic with my animal friends." - Fluttershy looked very concerned - "I hope Angel can take good care of them. Do you think he'll be okay? He is just a bunny you know." Fluttershy started to panic. Applejack put her foreleg around Fluttershy's shoulder, "Ah know Angel, and so do you. Ah know he's a capable bunny." she said. "You're right, but we have gone for so lo-" Fluttershy was interrupted as Tom poked her on the back. "Ugh...We shouldn't have stay in front of the giant ant mound for too long, or el-" before Tom could finish his sentence, they all noticed the ant mound was shaking. "Oh, shit. Ponies, stay behind us, and back of slowly... Those things can snap you in half with ease." Tom pulled out his magnum as 3 giant ants came out of the ant mound. Chalk took out his .45 pistol as well, and pointed at the ants. "Wait, let me talk to them first." she said. "Maybe they will let us go?" "Talk to insects? I thought you only talk animals? Wait...are insects animals?" Tom asked. "Yes, they are, and let's why I'm willing to try." Fluttershy said and flew in front of the ants while the others still backing up. The ants tried to bite Fluttershy but quickly she dodged it, "Wait, I'm here to talk!" Fluttershy said. "Talk? You're on our turf, what do you have to talk, food?" The ant in the front said. "[Animal Friends 50%] We're just passing by, maybe you can pretend we're not here and let us go?" Fluttershy said with a pleading tone. "[Succeed] Fine, the Queen is fed, so I'll let you go for once, next time you won't be this lucky. Leave." The ants then turned back and returned to there nest. Fluttershy then flew back to her friends. "Woah, that was incredible." Tom said. "Phew, that was a close one." Chalk said. "Are ya alright, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. "I'm fine, but not the outcome I was expected. Those ants were aggressive, fortunately, their queen is fed, so they spare our live for this time." Fluttershy said. "Next time we won't be this lucky..." "Don't worry, I will do what I must when thing goes dirty." Tom raised his revolver. "And so do I." Chalk said confidently. "I hope we don't." Fluttershy sighed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few minutes of walking, they reached a T-junction, two wooden bridges to the right, and a downhill to the left. "We'll turn left over here." Chalk said. "What's across those bridges?" Applejack asked. "That's Pine Creek up there. Supposedly it's one of only two ways out of Zion Valley. Of course, without a map, good luck surviving. Oh, and lots of Green Geckos and even Yao-Guais often linger there, never had the guts to go there." Chalk said. Few steps later, Chalk raised his hand, motioned everyone to stop. "What's wrong, Chalk?" Applejack asked. "Shh... I heard something." Chalk said quietly. They all heard clicking sound and it was getting louder and faster. Tom and Chalk took out their gun, they were prepared. Tom feel something wrong from behind, he turned his back to see three green creature rushing towards them, "Look out, Giant Mantises!" he shouted, and opened fire. "Applejack, Fluttershy, stay behind us!" and so the ponies did. The mantises were larger than the ponies, almost taller than the humans. Their legs were as sharp as knife, and could easily snap any of its prey in half. Despite that, they were still vulnerable to bullets. Tom turned on V.A.T.S, it still took three shots in the head to kill the mantis. Fluttershy tried to intervene, but only to find out that those mantises were feral, there's no means to talk there way out. Did I mention that the mantises were agile as heck? The remaining mantises dodged some of their bullets and closed their distances. Seeing the mantises have come in short combat range, and his magazine ran out of bullets. Chalk changed to his war club and swung at the giant bug with full strength, its skull was crushed as a result. With the last mantis standing, seeing its fallen comrade, it became berserk, focusing its attack on Chalk. Chalk managed to dodge and block some of the attack, but still got some minor cuts from the mantis. The mantis's strike was too fierce, he was unable to strike back. "Hang in there, Chalk!" Tom loaded his revolver with hollow point rounds. Hollow points could deal significant damage to unarmored foes like the mantises, but extremely useless against the opposites. He tried to shoot at the bug, but it was moving so fast that he found it hard to hit. He turned on V.A.T.S, to only found his AP wasn't enough to fire a single shot, "Damn it!" he muttered. Applejack noticed the problem, and couldn't stand to watch Chalk getting more harm from the mantis. She relentlessly charge at the mantis and gave a strong head butt at the mantis's torso, pushing it back, and gave it a powerful buck, staggered it. It gave Chalk a breathing moment, and Tom took the shot. One hollow point to the head, and it popped like a balloon. "Chalk! Are ya alright?" Applejack asked checking his wounds. "Thanks to you, it's just some flesh wounds." Chalk was still panting. "Whew! That was intense..." he sat down and started adding healing powder to his wounds. Tom went to check on Fluttershy, only to find her curled beside him shivering, "Hey, you alright?" "I'm fine..." Fluttershy replied. Tom could hear the disappointment in her voice, "Anything wrong?" "I saw their eyes, they were soulless. I knew there was no chance talking them down." Fluttershy got up to her hooves. "But still, I'm fine." "Okay, now we know we can't straight up walking towards any animals, especially insects." Tom and Fluttershy walked towards Chalk and Applejack, "That was a hell of a strike, Applejack." Tom complimented. Applejack blushed, "After doing those farm works for so many years, I don't think kicking back a mantis would be a problem." Tom then turned to Chalk who was still treating himself, "You need a hand?" he asked. "Oh, no, no. I'm okay." Chalk politely rejected Tom's offer. "These mantises are tough, just like the green monster man." Tom was shocked upon hearing the word, "Hold up, what do you mean 'green monster man'?" "The are like man, but green, they're fast and scary, and often come with spitter plants." Chalk explained with disgust. "They aren't native to Zion, wonder where they come form?" "Oh my god. There are Spore Creatures in Zion?" Tom exclaimed. "Oh, that's not good." "Spore Creatures? What in tarnation are those?" Applejack asked. Tom started to have a horrible flashback, "I was doing a mercenary job for the NCR, they sent me to retrieve some data and find a missing scientist in a loacl vault, Vault 22. When I first arrive, I was stunned by the view, it was like a jungle in the middle of a desert. The vault was invested with Mantises, Spore Plants and Spore Carriers. After explored it for a while, I checked some of the terminal, and discovered that Vault 22 was testing new plants, crops, fertilizers...etc. But then found out that one of the fungus turned out to be like a virus, it killed it's host from the inside and took control of their bodies, they became the Spore Carrier. Sooner or later, the thing spread, and the vault was abandoned." "Did you find the missing person?" Chalk asked. "Yes, I did. After I found the scientist, she told me to burnt all the potential fungus, almost got blown up by the explosion, but I still did it. And the dangerous data was destroyed, it's not worth the caps." Tom said. "That's good of ya, Tom. By the way, Vault 22? Ya mean there are more of these 'Vault'? " Applejack asked. "Thanks, and yes, these vaults seems to be built by Vault-Tec. I explored uhh... 6 vaults in the Mojave, Vault 3, 11, 19, 21, 22 and 34." Tom said. "All except Vault 19 and 21 were bad experiences." "If...if Vault 22 was do...doing plant oriented experiments, what...what about the others?" Fluttershy was still thrilled by the presence of Spore Creatures in Zion. "It's a long story, maybe I'll tell you what I learned later." Tom said."Back to the Spore Creatures in Zion. The last time I visited Vault 22, I'm sure if there's no survivors, but if they are Spore Carriers here in Zion..." "There must be survivors, and they came to Zion!" Applejack said. "Oh man, things are getting a little trickier." Tom was a bit frustrated - "Chalk, listen closely, if those things are here in Zion. The Dead Horses and the Sorrows are in great danger." Tom said. Chalk nodded, "I'll talk to Joshua about this, what do we do now?" "If possible, try to avoid any Spore Creatures for now. We'll deal with the White Legs first." Tom said. "Let's move out." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The team arrived at a wooden cabin with white handprints on it, "Here we are, the Zion Fishing Lodge." Chalk said. "We don't know what's in there, let me take a look." Tom walked to the door, opened it a little bit, took quick peek, and closed it. "Geckos." he said as he looked towards Fluttershy."Take a look by yourself, see if you can talk them down. If you can't, run. We'll take care of them." Fluttershy nodded, and sneakily peek into the cabin. Sure enough, there were a few geckos in there, big and small, then she closed the door. She not only had butterflies on her flank but also in her stomach, she looked at the others hid the cabin which Chalk gave her a thumbs up, Tom gave her a confident nod, "You can do it, Fluttershy." Applejack whispered. Fluttershy took a deep breath, "Here goes..." and knocked on the door. "Umm, excuse me..." A moment later, the door opened. Stood in front of Fluttershy, was a giant gecko, which had a bright golden skin, staring at her with its big round eyes. "May I help you?" it spoke with a high and rather gentle tone. "Umm...uhh..." was the only thing Fluttershy could say. "Don't worry. You seem nice enough. I won't bite, unless I had to." the gecko said. "Oh...sorry, me and my friends needs to search this house for something, will it bothers you if we do that?" Fluttershy asked. "Fine, just don't cause any trouble." the gecko said, went back doing his thing. "Thank you!" Fluttershy let out a relieved sigh, and walked to the trio, "He let us in, as long as we don't cause any trouble." "Yeehaw! You did it, Fluttershy!" Applejack cheered. "Good job, Fluttershy." said both Tom and Chalk. "Now, let's find ourselves 2 walkie-talkies." Inside the cabin, they tried their best not to disturb any geckos. All except Fluttershy felt uncomfortable for being stared by several geckos, their eyes were just...yikes. Tom found a hunting shotgun behind the counter and a cabinet that was locked, he took the shotgun and holstered on his back, "The walkie-talkies have to be in this locked cabinet, do you guys find anything that can unlock this thing?" "No." said Chalk who was searching the dining tables. "No luck." said Applejack searching the fireplace. "I think I found something..." said Fluttershy searching in the restroom. "There it is! A key!" "Excellent, give it to me, I'll unlock it." Tom said as Fluttershy handed over the key. He unlocked the cabinet, and found indeed, 2 walkie-talkies. "We got what we needed, let's head out." said Tom. Before headed out, Fluttershy expressed her gratitude to the head gecko, "Thank you again for not hurting us." The gecko simply just nodded and Fluttershy opened the door to met up with others. "The General Store and the Ranger Station are where we need to go now." said Tom. "Lucky for us, the Ranger Station is next to the General Store, so it should be easy. Let me show you." Chalk marked the two locations on Tom's Pip-Boy. "And there is a campground and a bridge over there." he pointed the location west of the fishing lodge. "It's almost sunset. We can rest there." "Fantastic!" Tom putting down his Pip-boy. "Let's head out."