The Chronicles of Soft and Dawn

by StormDancer

Dust on the Wind River

From the prompt: PROMPT

Slowly plodding through yet another sand caked desert, Soft Touch muttered softly as her companion, Dawn, trotted merrily along, seemingly without a care in the world.

In the 115 degree, cloudless, heat.

"Dawn, if you don't cut that out, I'm going to club you with your own shadow."

Smirking, Dawn grinned even wider. "That so, Soft? And just how are you planning to do that? You look beat and I bet you don't have enough water left in you to spit."

Soft grimaced. There was more truth to that than she wanted to admit, but dangit if she was going to give that smug air conditioned unicorn the satisfaction. So, with entirely too much effort, she sucked in a lungful of air and made an exaggerated hocking sound before turning to lob a loogie at the prancing little thief beside her.

... and promptly ended up hacking on the overly dry air.

Dawn, trying his best not to break into raucous laughter, swung in close to push his chill side up against her swelteringly hot one, careful to avoid the buckles that secured her own bags, and helped to steady her after her coughing fit.

"You know, Soft, I could cast the same charm on you and make this a lot easier," he murmured as she swallowed dryly.

"You know I hate that stuff, Dawn. Ain't happening."

"Yheah, I know Soft but, come on... you're miserable and this desert's not looking like it's going to open up into another settlement for a long time. It's not good for you to be going this long, and you're already past a lather. I'm getting worried for you."

Soft cringed. It was one thing to avoid magic, the stuff was simply unnatural in her mind, but it really was quite hot and the lack of shade had been sapping her nearly limitless reserves of spite fueled resistance for the last several hours. And his cool, almost chill, coat ~did~ feel remarkably good at the moment...

Soft was right about to give in when she suddenly stopped and flicked an ear at the distant sound of hooves.

Turning, the pair scanned the horizon until a trailing cloud of dust caught their attention.

Four black stallions, in full tack, raced across the scorched earth, pulling a dusty black carriage, straps and canvas flapping in the desert air. Atop the carriage, two humans in dirt colored vests held the reins while rapidly glancing around.

For a moment, Soft and Dawn marveled at the spectacle before Soft's exquisite eyesight picked out three more plumes darting along behind the carriage.

"They're being chased," she said, gesturing slightly to the left as Dawn focused and watched. "Looks like three more humans or elves. Whatever they are, the ones chasing'em aren't wearing much. Nice looking stallions though."

"Oh?" Dawn glanced over to Soft, "Anyone we know?"

Soft smirked at the slight hint of jealousy in Dawn's voice, "Nah. Looks like some of the natives. A pretty white, a pinto, and one of those shiny charcoal ones with the little flare on his nose."

Dawn nodded and simply watched as the seven horses continued their run, the riders and coachmen hollering and hooting to each other while loud cracks and tiny puffs of smoke bloomed here and there.

As they passed, Dawn caught the gaze of one of the horses being ridden, the sleek pinto with its nearly naked rider. There was another loud crack and the rider toppled off, causing the pinto to veer to the left to avoid the carriage.

As the remaining noisome parade raced past, the pinto circled around back to check on his fallen rider before trotting over with a shimmering skin of sweat.

To Dawn's chagrin, he noticed Soft eyeing the pinto appreciatively.

"So, hey.... quite the race you got going on there," Dawn said as the pinto drew up.

"Yheah. Lot of fun when they play fair, but you know how it is."

Soft and Dawn glanced at each other before shrugging.

The pinto smiled a bit before squinting at Dawn. "So, I gotta ask. How are you not sweating."

Dawn, his grin returning, flipped his hat up with a little puff of air, revealing his horn. "Maaaaaaagic."

Soft, with a brief roll of her eyes, just continued to unabashedly check the pinto out.

The pinto grinned at Dawn and nodded his head appreciatively. "Mind slinging a touch of that my way? I mean, it's not too bad out today, but I have been running for about half an hour.... so, you know..."

Dawn nodded and cast a quick charm, the pinto's coat taking a dull sheen for a moment before he sighed in relief.

"Thanks bud. I gotta get running again, but if you're around the area, look me up. There's a nice little valley not too far from here, got a river that rolls through it too, if you're thirsty."

Dawn nodded his thanks before the pinto turned and started to trot off with a pleasant roll of his shoulders.

"So, think we should check out that valley, Soft?"

Soft's reply was a snort and a muttered curse that caused Dawn to glance at her in confusion.


"I said it ain't fair."

Dawn blinked. "Um.... what isn't fair?"

Soft grumbled again before turning away in a huff.

"Soft, really, I can't hear what you're saying and whatever it is I did to piss you off, I'm sorry."

Just more muttering.

"Soft, come on, what did you say?"

Soft finally spun around and gestured angrily at the merrily prancing pinto, whose hocks jiggled just enough to make her blush.

"I said that little cock-suck was makin' eyes at you the whole time and it ain't fair!"

Dawn blinked before smirking. "And why isn't it fair, Soft?"

With a huff, Soft Touch glared at the retreating pinto's flanks. "Because I KNOW I could bounce a bit off that rear and he didn't even look at me."

The rest of the afternoon was a mix of joking and hobbling as Dawn was reminded that teasing a mare led to bucking, and rarely of the fun kind.