Silverstream and the Surprise Adoption

by Lemon Lime Light


My name is Gallus. I’m a sixteen year old Griffon. I’m from Griffonstone, and I don’t know who my parents are. Or were. The extremely pessimistic side of me tells me that they’re still alive, but just want nothing to do with me. I have been described as a pessimist by mostly everyone who knew me. But when you grow up in Griffonstone, that’s called a different thing: not being an easily swindled seed brain. Regardless of what you call it though, that’s still a good way to describe me.
Which makes why I’m on this train with Silverstream, the physical embodiment of optimism, all the more confusing to me. I’m going with her to her home country of Mount Aris because she invited me to come and spend fall break with her. I’m probably her polar opposite and yet she chose me.
It’s not like I don’t know why she chose me though. She couldn’t have been more obvious with how secretive she’s being about it. She keeps talking about how I’m going to love her family and Mount Aris. She keeps putting extra emphasis on how great it all is and how well I’ll get along with everycreature. It was near impossible for me to not figure out what her motives were here.
And I think she’s making a huge mistake. I’m not worth loving. She could do so much better than me. But now she’s bringing me back home so she can get her family’s approval for us to date.
Do I love her back? I never really thought of that. I mean, if I had to choose a favorite out of my friends, then yeah, it would totally be her. Smolder and I see eye to eye the most, but she ends up reminding me of myself sometimes. Sandbar is chill and has always been there for me, but I find his innocence to be too much sometimes. I don’t think he really understands what it's like outside of Equestria. Ocellus I feel an overwhelming urge to protect. And Yona, I like her, but sometimes she’s a little too headstrong and blunt for me.
But Silverstream, her happiness is infectious. I thought she would get on my nerves with her optimism and positivity, but I can’t help but smile whenever I’m around her. And I want to be around her all the time. She sees so much in me that I can’t help but start to believe in what she sees myself.
I don’t ever believe it for long, though. There’s nothing to see in me. All Griffons suck. Save for Spike’s girlfriend Gabby, who is the exception that proves the rule, there is not a single good Griffon in the world. They’re all selfish, backstabbing, lowlife, worthless jerks. Me included. I know there’s nothing good about me. I don’t know what Silverstream sees in me, but it would be better if she didn’t. That way she’ll be less crushed when she finds out the truth.
“Gallus?” Silverstream snapped me out of my thoughts. Oh right, I’m still not used to the fact that creatures actually want to talk to me now. “Are you listening?”
“Huh? Oh sorry, I was um, busy looking out the window? What were you saying again?”
“I was asking if you were excited to go to Mount Aris.” Even though I clearly wasn’t listening to her, Silverstream seemed to instantly understand I wasn't doing it on purpose and not be mad. Why did she have to be so perfect?
“Well, I mean it’s not Griffonstone, so that’s a huge plus already. I’d rather go to anywhere than Griffonstone. But it and Seaquestria are a whole nother country. The only other country I’ve been to is Equestria. And out of the all the surrounding countries, I think I’d rather go to Mount Aris than anywhere else.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well let’s see. The Dragonlands are nothing but molton rock and lava. Not appealing unless you’re a dragon.” That wasn’t my only problem with the Dragonlands. Smolder made it clear that most Dragons were bigger assholes than even Griffons. Of course I didn’t say that to Silverstream.
“The Changeling Hive sounds overcrowed enough already.” It also just sounded gross. Ocellus is one of my best friends, but the idea of a place that is designed by insect like creatures makes me shutter just thinking about it. Of course, I didn’t tell to Silverstream either.
“And I don’t like cold places either. So Yakyakistan doesn’t appeal to me much either.” It’s also a country full of Yaks. I have a Yak best friend, and even I know that sounds terrible. See what I mean here? I’m just a pessimist. I don’t know what Silverstream sees in me.
“But Mount Aris sounds pretty nice actually,” I looked more directly at Silverstream as I spoke. “I mean, sure it’s got that whole, previously conquered and ruined thing going on for it, but it sounds like you all got that pretty fixed up. It’s on a mountain, which is nice for fliers like us. And it’s right on the ocean. I don’t think I’ve actually ever been to a beach before. I mean, a real beach. Not just the shore of a lake or river or something like that.”
“Oh my gosh,” Silverstream gasped. “You’ve never been to the beach before?! Well I have to fix that as soon as you get there! Or, not as soon as you get there, because I want to show you the mountain first. But when I go to show you Seaquestria, you bet your feathery tush I’m going to let you have all the fun you want at the beach first.”
“You’re going to show me Seaquestria?” I raised an eyebrow as an amused smirk. I wonder how long it’ll take for her to realize what was wrong with that sentence.
“Of course! It’s my home just as much as Mount Aris is!”
“Don’t you maybe see a problem with that?” Come on Silverstream, I know you’re not dumb.
“Nope! I mean, unless you’re scared of the ocean or something?”
Gah why did her naivety have to be so adorable?! “I mean, I’ve never been so I don’t know. But sure, I’ll come see it with you.” I didn’t have the heart to remind her that not everycreature can change into a Seapony like her.
When we arrived at Mount Aries, Silverstream didn’t even wait for the train to stop. She couldn’t contain her excitement at being home. She flew up and snatched our bags from the luggage compartments before flying towards the door so fast that they weren’t even open yet. I was much calmer, but still had to push my way through the crowd of mainly Hippogriffs that had actually waited for the train to come to a complete stop before they got up.
I thought that Silverstream was literally going to pry the doors as they were opening. Remind me never to get between her and her family. The second there was enough space for her and the bags to squeeze through, Silverstream was out the door. I was half scared that I would get lost. But then I remembered that if I did, she would likely just tear through the entire crowds looking for me.
By the time I did find Silverstream, she was already with her family. I recognized them from the Family Appreciation Day thing a few months ago. She was giving her dad a huge hug. He was tall. I already thought that Silverstream was tall, but her dad was even bigger than her! Or maybe I’m just short? To make me even more insecure about my height her brother was also slightly taller than her, and thus, still taller than me.
She let go of her father and immediately went to hugging her brother. The look on their faces told me that they were used to this and liked it. You had to develop that mentality if you were around Silverstream for any extended period of time. All of our friends had, including me.
If you would have told me a few years ago that I would not only be hugged daily by somecreature, but also look forward to those daily hugs, I would have called you a seed brain. But now Silverstream embracing me is probably one of the highlights of my days. She was just so warm. It makes me feel like, for once in my life, someone actually cares about me. I’m glad she’s my friend, more than anycreature else.
Which is why I know for a fact that letting her love me will be a mistake. I don’t even know if I could love her back with everything my life has been. But I do know one thing: I’d just end up hurting her if she put in that effort.
After she got done giving her family their mandatory greeting hugs, Silverstream looked over her shoulders and instantly spotted me in the crowd. In seconds, she parted the sea of Hippogriffs to get to me and pull me back to them.
“Gallus, this is my dad,” She brought me up close so that I felt like I had no choice but to shake his claw.
“Nice to meet you, sir, I’m Gallus,” Normally when I met a new adult, I tried to make it clear that I’m not going to instantly submit to their authority. But, since this was the parent of someone I cared about, I showed him respect. Besides, he seemed like a nice bird.
“Nice to meet you too. You can just call me Sky Beak,” The warm smile on his beak went against the really firm clawshake he was giving me. I found it hard not to look intimidated.
“And this is my brother Terramar!” Silverstream grabbed my claw and moved it over to Terramar’s. She grabbed her brother’s and made us both shake talons.
“Heh, Silverstream’s told me a lot about you,” He had a nervous sort of smile to him. Probably because his sister was rushing us into introductions. He was slightly taller than Silverstream, and about an inch taller than me. And, he kind of looked handsome too.
“I’ve heard a lot about you from Silverstream too.”
“Gallus is just the best!” Silverstream began to talk about me as soon as I finished my sentence. “He is one of my most loyal and dependable friends! He has the highest grades out of any of us in Loyalty Classes! So we all were ever close, you would know he’d always be there for us!”
“Is that right?” Sky Beak raised his eyebrow. Terramar let go of my talon and eyed me a little funny. Then he cast that look at Silverstream. Oh Grover, could she have been any more obvious about it? But, hearing that she loved me because of those reasons made my heart jump. 
I’m not sure what I expected a Hippogriff’s house to look like, but I was sort of disappointed when it turned out to be, rather normal. Just a normal house like you’d see in Equestria or Griffonstone. Ok, in Griffonstone the houses were a lot more run down and trashy because nobody bothered to pay anybody else to fix them. But this is what they would have looked should any have.
“Well this is where I live when I’m not at school,” Silverstream excitedly said as she brought both of our bags inside. “I wish I could say I grew up here, but I didn’t, of course! I’ve only lived here for about three years now. You’ll see where I grew up when we go to my mom’s house in Seaquestria tomorrow.”
I gave a small grin. “Sure I will. Wait…” I paused. “Your mom’s house? This isn’t where your mom lives?”
“Nope! She lives back in Seaquestria. I guess I live there sometimes. Terramar goes back and forth all the time.” Silverstream looked around, made sure no one was within ear shot, and then leaned in. “But between you and me, I like living on Mount Aris and being a Hippogriff better.”
Her parents don’t live with each other, and she goes back and forth between their houses? This is just that thing that was the plot of that book we needed to read for class. What was it called? Being divorced? When parents aren’t married anymore. I really hope her parents aren’t divorced. The character in that book didn’t seem to like it.
“Are you um, ok with that?” I nervously asked.
“Yep! I mean I totally get it. I was so scared to come on land the first time. I almost didn’t! So I understand why some griffs don’t want to leave the ocean.” Silverstream started taking me upstairs while we talked. “Do I wish I could see her more often? Like at school? Of course! But if I want to see her, I can always just go to Seaquestria.”
Ok, if her parents are that divorced thing, then she isn’t letting it get to her. Or if she is, she isn’t showing it. Either way, that was her positive attitude showing again. And she’s so strong for that. I don’t think I could handle that. I’d probably blame myself for it happening.
“And this is my room,” Silverstream said as we got to the room at the end of the hallway. She opened the door to show me a room that was painted with entirely pinks and bright blues. Her bed matched, with a whole assortment of fluffy looking pillows. A lot of plush stuffed animals littered the bed and floor around the room.
“I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere so, bright.” That was all I could really think to say. It really was so bright and colorful.
“I know, isn’t it great?!” Bright and colorful seemed to be Silverstream’s favorite thing. “I love my room! It’s one of the things I miss the most whenever I’m away from home. Well that and fish. Oh and my family! But my room is up there too!”
“Must be nice having a room of your own,” I say bluntly.
This made Silverstream stop dead and her tracks and drop both of our bags to the floor. “What?! You’ve never had a bedroom before?!”
“Well, no. I just kind of bummed the attic of off whoever I could pay in Griffonstead.” My life has not ever been a pleasant one. I don’t think I ever slept outside, but earning bits was something I did need to do constantly if I wanted to keep somebird’s roof over my head. “And my dorm at school isn’t really mine either so…WHOAAAAH!”
I was grabbed right out of my sentence by the talons of Silverstream. She plopped me right down on her fluffy bead and looked me straight in the eye. I couldn’t tell what emotion she had on her face. Which was a far departure from her normally making her emotions crystal clear.
“Well that’s not going to fly anymore,” She told me. “From now on, my room is your room! So you just get comfy and enjoy it. I promise you you’re going to love sleeping in my room with me!”
I honestly had no idea what she meant by it. How could I could enjoy a room? What could there be to love about sleeping…with…
No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no! Too fast! This is going too fast for me! I’m not ready for this yet! I did not expect this to happen today and am not prepared for anything that entails! Abandon ship!
“That um, sounds great!” I nervously sweat. I grabbed my bag as fast as I could from the floor. I needed to get out of there. I quickly backed up towards the door. “But well um, there’s just one problem. The uh,” My eyes darted all over the room. Come on you seed brain, say something. Say something that won’t hurt her feelings. “The window! Yeah the window! It’s a problem!”
“The window?” Silverstream cocked her head to her side.
“Yeah the window, heheh. It’s uh…on the right wall! And I can’t do it while there’s a window on the right wall. SLEEPING! I mean I can’t do sleeping while there’s a window on the right wall. Cause uh, the moonlight. The moonlight always comes in from the right side and gets on my eyes. So I think I’ll be better off sleeping in the room across the hall. Goodnight!”
I shut the door as fast as I could and went to the room across the hall before Silverstream had two seconds to see from my lies. That could have gone better in so many different ways. Hopefully I didn’t sound like a total jerk there and hurt her feelings.
“Well good evening.” I turned around when I heard the voice of the owner of the room I just entered from behind me. I saw Terramar, sitting on his bed, casually reading a book. His room was much tamer and much more dully colored compared to his sister’s.
“Oh uh, hey Terramar,” I nervously rubbed the back of my head. I had just barged into his room. “Do you mind if I sleep here tonight? If not, it’s cool, I’ll go down to the couch.”
“Let me guess,” Terramar smirked slightly. “My sister was a bit too much to handle.?”
“Yeah,” I sigh. “She was coming on way too strong for me.” Of course I wasn’t going to tell him just how his sister had made me flee her room. I wasn’t sure about family, but I was sure that’s not the kind of thing you wanted to hear about another member.
“Knock yourself out,” Terramar raised an eyebrow. “Though I can’t help but feel like this was intentional on her part.”
“Oh you have no idea,” I sighed as I pulled my bed roll out from my bag and started making it out. This was turning out to be one of the most awkward and confusing situations I had ever found myself in. It was clear that Silverstream loved me. And at the moment, I wasn’t sure whether or not I loved her back or was ever ready for that.
But one thing was for certain. Silverstream was going to make sure that I felt so loved.