Take No Prismers

by Tangerine Blast

So Sweet

For the next few days this became Tempest’s new normal. Rainbow would meet her in the Apple Orchard before the sun graced the horizon and Tempest would have a new set of exercises and tasks for Rainbow to accomplish. They would work, talk, and spar for a few grueling hours until Tempest called it a day. Then the two would head their separate ways, pleasantly exhausted and prepared for the next day to do it all again.

It wasn’t until the end of the fifth morning that something changed in their routine.

“Oh man, that was some workout,” Rainbow said with a stretch and a crack of her neck, “who knew a jaw could ache so much even without getting socked, huh?”

Tempest held back a snort of laughter as she too stretched the kinks from her body. Just because she was the teacher didn’t mean she could slip up on her own training. And Rainbow always insisted Tempest match her step by step in every exercise. “I did mouth and neck exercises a lot when I first left Equestria. You’d be surprised how much you need to bite or manipulate a weapon with your mouth.”

Rainbow didn’t stifle her own chuckle. “I believe it. Some of those guys out past Equestria looked super tough. Don’t think even my wicked fast hooves could take them down.”

Tempest nodded in agreement and, when no immediate followup came, assumed that was the end of their discussion for the day. She turned back towards Ponyville to head home when Rainbow landed in front of her, succeeding in catching her attention.

“Hey, we both worked really hard today… and all week. We deserve a reward.” Rainbow said, causing Tempest to raise her brow in interest, “What do you think about a quick trip to Sugarcube Corner for a bite to eat?”

Once Rainbow got to the last word Tempest’s expression dropped and she didn’t hesitate to shoulder past Rainbow to continue on her way. “No.”

“Aw, come on,” Dash whined, trotting after Tempest. She didn’t sound particularly surprised by the response. But disappointment dripped off of her voice and the sound almost made Tempest turn around. “Why not? I’m starved, aren’t you?”

I have other things I need to attend to,” Tempest responded curtly, not slowing down even as the Pegasus rose up to be at eye level as she followed.

Rainbow snorted. “No you don’t. All you do after our training is go back to Twilight’s Castle, brood, and not come out for the rest of the day.”

Tempest glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. While she kept a steady gait towards town she didn’t bother to speed up, knowing Dash would be able to keep pace with her no matter how fast she ran. “How do you know what I do every day?”

Rainbow froze. Only the steady beating of her wings keeping her suspended and the bright blush crawling up her face giving any indication she still lived. 

Tempest smirked, confused but amused by the reaction, as she left Dash behind her.

“Wha-buh-hey!” Rainbow called after a few seconds, racing to catch back up, “Don’t change the subject! Why don’t you wanna hang out with me?”

That caused Tempest to hesitate. She paused in her march and turned her full attention to the pony following her. “‘Hang out?’”

“Yeah.” Rainbow crossed her hooves and rolled her eyes. “You know, chillax, knock about, pal around, hobnob? Get to know each other more?”

“I don’t think half of those things mean what you think they do.”

“We’ve been spending every day together for, like, the past week,” Rainbow continued, throwing her hooves up in frustration, “I thought it’d be cool if we just hung too.”

Oh. Now everything had become clear. One of the Princess of Friendship’s friends wanted to get to know her better. Likely that was where the invitation was stemming from… “Alright.”

“Wha- Really?” Rainbow’s face lit up with disbelief and delight, “Just like that?”

Tempest shrugged, trying to appear more casual. “If you wanted to get to know me better you could have just said so. I’m trying to be a good Equestrian citizen and that means being on good terms with others.”

“Sweet!” Dash cheered, doing a gleeful loop in the air, “Maybe after we go to Sugarcube Corner I can show you around the whole town. Ponyville isn’t even, like, a quarter as boring as it first looks.”

Tempest nodded silently to Rainbow’s ramblings as she followed the native through the Ponyville streets. Even though it hadn’t officially begun, Tempest found she was enjoying the ‘hang out’ already. The stroll was letting her tired muscles breathe a bit and the passion that Rainbow put into her every word was actually quite riveting. Faster than Tempest would have liked, Rainbow stopped talking and gestured to the large pink building they were heading towards.

“Well, here it is! Best place to get pastries in all of Equestria.”

She darted in not a second later and Tempest had no choice but to follow.

The second she walked through those doors, the scent of pastries and other baked goods assaulted Tempest’s nose and her stomach instantly started to grumble. The candy covered decorations, the fresh pies cooling on the counter, even the gentle din of ponies chatting over milkshakes forcefully reminded her that she hadn’t eaten for a good few hours and had spent those said hours running around and training intensely.

She politely told her stomach to shut up and followed Rainbow to the counter, where she was busy being hugged to death by her friend.

“Dashie! I’m so glad to see you! How have you been? How was training?”

“When was the last time you’ve seen each other?” Tempest asked Rainbow as she untangled herself from the excited Earth Pony. With a reaction like that Tempest thought the only appropriate response would be ‘years’.

Dash chuckled and gave Pinkie an affectionate pat on the head. “Yesterday. Same time. I’ve been coming here after every training session.”

Pinkie seemed to just notice the large Unicorn behind Rainbow and gasped so hard some of the cupcakes next to her wobbled. “Fizzlepop! You came too?!?”

Tempest’s ears flicked back just a bit at the name and she couldn’t stop the slight scowl crossing her face. “Refer to me as Tempest. And, yes, Rainbow invited me to come so here I am.”

“Aww,” Pinkie whined, her posture drooping just a bit, “But Fizzlepop is such a super duper name. Why can’t I call you that?”

“Jeez, Pinkamena, I dunno,” Rainbow spoke up, gently elbowing her friend’s side, “It sure is weird that someone wouldn’t want to be called their real name.”

Pinkie blushed deeply and let out a little chuckle. “Ooooh. Oh, right. Uh, anyway! What can I get you, Tempest? I know Dashie’ll just get her usually usual chocolate surprise cupcake.”

“Nothing for me,” Tempest replied curtly, making sure her tone left no room for argument, “I’m not very hungry.”

Rainbow, of course, didn’t pick up on the warning in Tempest’s voice and barked out a laugh. “You don’t gotta be hungry to want some SugarCube Corner food, trust me. She’ll take the same as me, Pinks.”

Before Tempest could protest Pinkie had already zipped away into the back of the shop and Rainbow was trotting away towards a side booth. It seemed her fate was sealed.

Tempest followed Dash to a table and sat down across from her without a word. There was silence between the two for a few seconds as Dash settled into her seat. However, ‘settled’ might not be the best word. In the short time Tempest had known her it seemed as if the Pegasus never sat still. Even now she was fidgeting and twitching and glancing around, eyeing the pastries around her like a foal eager for sweets.

“You know you don’t gotta look so nervous,” Rainbow spoke up, cocking her head at Tempest, “We’re just in public, not a military march.”

It took Tempest a few moments to understand what she was talking about. In all accounts Rainbow’s twitching seemed more nervous than the silent stillness Tempest was sitting in.

But then she realized that was exactly the point. Rainbow was completely comfortable here. Comfortable enough to be slouching on her bench with her tail hanging out next to the table, uncaring of the image she was presenting to others. Tempest was sitting straight and stiff. Her posture perfect and her tail wrapped neatly around her hind legs, pulled up onto the bench, like a small shield.

Tempest let herself relax. She softened her shoulder blades and let her legs and tail dangle off of the bench in a softer position, one harder to quickly rise from.

“Sorry,” she said, finding she meant it. Rainbow had invited her into a place obviously dear to her, it was rude to be so on guard and intimidating. She leaned her head back against the headrest just to drive in the point she was trying to get comfortable. “It’s habit. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

Rainbow chuckled and shook her head. “Offend me? Dude, I’m not gonna get offended if you’re nervous. Ponyville’s practically a forign country to you and I’m pretty sure you haven’t made any other friends besides me. I just don’t want you to feel you have to keep up the strong military persona.” 

Tempest hummed and turned away, her eyes scanning the few other ponies in the restaurant. “It isn’t necessarily an act. I don’t expect an attack to jump out at me in this quaint little town, no, but I’m used to always being on guard and ready for anything.”

“And looking intimidating for your subordinates.” Dash nodded knowingly. “I getcha. Spitfire, my captain, does the exact same thing. It’s a chore to get her to stop yelling at everything she sees when she’s ‘in the zone.’”

Tempest snorted, amused at the idea of a small Pegasus shouting like a drill sergeant. “If you’re similar to her in any way then I don’t believe you at all.”

“Aw, hey what’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow asked in mock offense, “I can be loud and authoritative if I want.” She stuck out her tongue at Tempest. “You’re just lucky. You’ve only seen me at my nicest.”

“Hmm, I’m sure. Almost blowing me up was very nice.”

Rainbow pouted in a way that made her look like a kitten caught messing up a jump. “I apologized for that! Jeez, a girl can’t do one cool thing these days, huh?”

Tempest chuckled at the display and shook her head. “Despite that little set back, I have to say you’re actually doing better with the exercises than I expected.”

“Well, I have a great teacher,” Dash said with a wink. 

Tempest raised a brow, a genuine smile somehow finding its way onto her face.

“Here you go, guys!” Pinkie Pie popped up from seemingly underneath the table, making Tempest snap her head in her direction. “Two chocolate surprises fresh out of the oven. And I got some cider for drinks.”

Rainbow instantly sat up. “Cider? From your own stash, right? What’s the occasion?” 

Pinkie giggled and placed their order on the table. “Fizz-uh… Tempest’s first time at Sugarcube Corner, of course!” She turned to Tempest with an exaggerated pout. “You’ve been in Ponyville for weeks but you’ve never tried out the best bakery this side of Cloudsdale.”

Tempest didn’t know much about Equestrian geography but she was pretty sure… “Doesn’t Cloudsdale move?”

Pinkie winked at her. “Exactly. So why haven’t you stopped by? I was starting to think I’d done something wrong.”

Tempest frowned and turned away to glare at her cupcake, pushing it away from herself. “I don’t enjoy dining in public.”

This, apparently, wasn’t the answer Pinkie was looking for. She glanced nervously at Rainbow who shrugged at her from across the table.  

“Eh, don’t worry about her, Pinks. She’s probably just used to gross military food. I’m sure she’ll love coming here once she tries your stuff.”

That seemed to perk the Earth Pony up. “Okie dokie! I’ll leave you two to enjoy. I got more hungry customers to feed.”

Tempest watched her bounce away. Tempest was pretty sure Pinkie Pie was the poster child for Equestrian relations for she was the exact stereotype every creature thought of when the word ‘pony’ came to mind. Happy, soft, small, loud, almost naive enough to be considered cute but mostly just pitiful. Like a newborn duckling separated from its mother. 

She didn’t really know why Rainbow and Pinkie were such good friends. While the Pegasus did share some stereotypical traits of an Equestrian, Tempest found her so different from any other pony she had ever met. 

Sure, Rainbow was happy, sometimes annoyingly so, but the joy seemed to come from trust in her own skills and passion more than blissful ignorance. That’s why she had come to Tempest for help. Rainbow actively sought out ways to improve and protect herself, even if there wasn’t any obvious need to. 

Unlike other ponies, Rainbow was strong and smart and paid enough attention to see her own weaknesses in those areas.

“Oh heck yeah this looks great!” 

Tempest was snapped out of her thoughts by Rainbow almost drooling over her cupcake. 

The Pegasus hadn’t started to eat yet and glanced up at Tempest with unmatchable enthusiasm. “Listen, you haven’t tried food ‘till you’ve had one of these bad boys.”

Tempest nodded noncommittally and gave Rainbow an awkward smile.

That seemed to be all the permission she needed before scooping the cupcake up in one fluid movement of the hoof and taking a large bite out of it.

Tempest ears tilted back as Rainbow messily smeared chocolate frosting on her face. The pony didn’t seem to care at all that she was matting her fur with the cupcake or spilling crumbs all over the table. She simply ate with gusto as if she had been starving for hours.

Tempest’s stomach complained again, reminding her that the sentiment wasn’t entirely unshared after the day they just had. 

“And the cider!” Dash cried excitedly after she had finally come up for air, “I am not kidding when I say this stuff is the best in the world.” She slipped her hoof through the handle of the mug and, unlike the cupcake, gulped down the drink with slow delight, relishing every sip.

Tempest watched her carefully, taking in every detail as Dash maneuvered her cup with one hoof. The mugs here in Equestria were different from those Tempest had usually seen. While cups she was used to were small and smooth so a claw or hand could easily wrap around it, this one was large and obviously intended for hooves. There was a handle on the side just big enough for a pony to squeeze their hoof through but small enough that the mug would sit snug and not slide off.

Tempest had honestly never seen something so simply convenient. Maybe she had encountered one as a filly but the town she had grown up in was almost exclusively Unicorns and she doubted her family would go out of their way to gain hooves-only utensils. It was… nice, to see another pony eat and drink with no fear of spilling or making a fool of themselves.

Dash was still drinking and no one else in the cafe was paying the two any attention. Steeling herself, Tempest slipped her hoof through the handle of her own mug and brought the drink to her face.

She heard Rainbow snort and cough a bit on her drink. “You okay there, Tempest?”

Tempest quickly brought her hoof down after just a single sip, not even tasting the cider in her rush, and locked eyes with the pony across from her. “What?”

Rainbow stifled a giggle as she whipped cider off her muzzle. “Nothing, nothing, you just kinda look like a robot. The cider’s not gonna bite ya.” 

Tempested debated getting annoyed with the tease but she couldn’t stop the easy smile from coming to her face. “What if your friend poisoned it, hmm? Can never be too careful.”

“Oh heck I hope not,” Rainbow eyed her drink critically as Tempest’s brow furrowed and she suspiciously glanced towards the kitchen. 

“...that was supposed to be a joke, Rainbow.”

“Huh?” Dash glanced back up and, noticing Tempest’s now tense shoulders and hard gaze, understanding dawned in her eyes, “Ah shoot, you meant actually poisoned? Relax, that’ll never happen. Pinkie just has a habit of spiking my drink when I’m not paying attention.”

This did not, in fact, help Tempest to relax. “She drugs you without your permission?” That seemed so… malicious for these ponies. Or maybe it was just overly stupid.

“What?” Dash squawked, “Dude, no. We prank each other all the time, it’s no big deal. And it’s not like I’m drinking enough to get drunk.”

“Hmm,” Tempest muttered, she wasn’t convinced at the harmlessness of these so called ‘pranks’ but she allowed herself to slip back into a relaxed state, “Alcohol can slow down your physical training.”

Rainbow snorted good naturally and, deeming her drink safe, took another sip. “You’re telling me. You won’t believe all I had to give up once I got serious about joining the Wonderbolts.”

Tempest nodded slowly. She found herself wanting to pry. Wanting to learn more about who Rainbow Dash was and what got her there. Instead, she turned her attention back to the mug still snug on her hoof and the frothy liquid within. “Should I be weary of mine being contaminated?”

Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively. “Nah, Pinkie doesn’t know you well enough to prank you. She makes sure to never do anything that might actually upset anyone.” She sighed, almost wistfully, and leaned back in her seat. “Not me though. I have no clue where those lines are.”

“Yes, I think I can relate to that.” Tempest took a swig from her drink, enjoying that the mug didn’t feel like it would tumble from her hooves at any moment. As soon as she took a sip, however, her eyes widened in shock and she tilted the mug back as far as it would go without spilling cider all down her face.

Rainbow Dash started cackling across the table from her but Tempest couldn’t find it in herself to care. The drink was the best thing she had tasted in… years, if not decades. She knew Earth Pony food was some of the greatest in the word but this… this was something else.

“Guessing this is the first time having Apple Family Cider, huh?” A new voice asked from behind Tempest.

Tempest turned around, licking the last drops off her muzzle, to see another one of Princess Twilight’s friends… Applesomething standing next to her.

“Oh, hey AJ,” Rainbow greeted. AJ… Applejuice? Applejam? Applejackass? “I was just showing Tempest how great your stuff is.”

So this… ‘AJ’ was the pony that made the cider. She certainly looked like a farm mare. Her stetson hat was the most obvious but there was also her muscular physique, the way she smelled of fruit and dirt, and the small layer of sweat stuck to her coat, as if she had been working hard just before arriving.

 Tempest nodded politely at her. “The cider is delicious.”

“Heck yeah it is!” Rainbow puffed out her chest proudly, as if she was the one who had made it. “Applejack’s cider is the best in the whole world.”

Well, at least Tempest was close.

Applejack chuckled, but Tempest got the impression it wasn’t entirely as bashful as the farm mare wanted her to believe. “Aw, shucks, I’m flattered Rainbow, but I’m sure Tempest here has tasted somethin’ better in all her travels.”

Tempest shook her head. “Honestly, I have to give Equestria credit for having the best food. Earth Ponies are incredible cooks.”

“And she’s saying that before she’s even tried Pinkie’s stuff,” Rainbow added, leaning over the table towards Applejack as if saying something private. Though she made no attempt to lower her voice. “So you know the competition isn’t that tough.”

Applejack smirk. “Well, ah don’t know about that. Ah think Apple Family Cider could beat her cakes any day.”

“No way!” Pinkie shrieked, causing Tempest’s ears to fold back. Tempest hadn’t seen her return from the back of the store but now she was hopping up and down right next to Rainbow Dash. “Cider’s good but it’s got no substance. You can’t get a good fully belly on just a drink!”

“It ain’t healthy ta just eat cupcakes and sugar all day neither,” Applejack fired back, causing Pinkie to gasp in shock as if she had just said something completely blasphemous.

“How dare you, Applejack, if you can’t live off of sugar then you just aren’t trying hard enough.”

Tempest rolled her eyes and turned away from the conversation and back to her cupcake. The argument was obviously just for the entertainment of the two and had no actual point. How to eat the little pastry Dash had praised so highly, without getting it all over Tempest’s fur, was another matter entirely.

If it was anything like the cider she wasn’t going to let something like embarrassment keep her from it.

“Gotta agree with Pinkie on this one, AJ,” Rainbow interjected the debate, “As much as I love your cider, at least with cupcakes you got some carbs to back you up.”

As Pinkie cheered in victory, Applejack narrowed her eyes at Rainbow but a playful smirk danced on her lips. “Ah see. That must be why you’re at the back of the line every year. Maybe you’d like ta donate your cup ta somepony more appreciative next summer.”

Tempest bent down, a bit awkwardly with how tall she was compared to these tables, and took an incredibly small bite off the tip of the spiraling frosting. It was incredibly sweet and rich, overwhelming her mouth with flavors of chocolate and strawberry and the grainy texture of pure sugar.

It was good, she wasn’t going to deny that. The flavors all blended well together and had enough contrast to even out the intensity of each sensation. Still, it was a little too much for her. Too much sweetness, too much bitterness, too much tart, too much everything. She almost missed when she could down a few prepared military lunches and be filled enough for the rest of the day.

Dash squawked and tried to verbally back peddle. “That’s not what I mean! It’s still the best cider in the world! It’s just not as filling, but that means I can have even more.” When Applejack didn’t let up her squint, Rainbow pivoted in her seat to smile awkwardly at Tempest. “Uh, Tempest, what do you think? Back me up here.” 

“Either way, you aren’t getting enough protein. Going to a full vegetarian lifestyle is difficult no matter what your main dish is.”  

Tempest instantly regretted saying that. She had only been half listening to the conversation between the three friends and had really only meant to answer Rainbow’s question. But now all three of them were staring at her with the Earth Ponies looking confused and slightly concerned. Tempest knew most of Equestria didn’t even entertain the idea of a non-vegetarian diet and would certainly see her as a strage monster even more than they already did just for bringing it up. 

“Tell me about it,” Rainbow spoke up with a groan just as Tempest was contemplating fleeing the country. Again. “I miss the days of just being able to dive into any random river and catch a fish. Now I gotta have a licence? And use a pole? Lame.”

Applejack rolled her eyes while Pinkie giggled, the tension leaving the room almost immediately. “Sugarcube, that’s always been the legal way ta do it. You were just a delinquent.”

“You eat fish?” Tempest asked, genuinely shocked. She obviously knew ponies could digest fish and a low amount of other meat, after all she had practically lived on the stuff when she was out in the wild. Even still, the idea of an Equestrian just doing it casually never even occurred to her. 

Rainbow shrugged. “Sure. Like you said, it’s a good source of protein and sometimes you need energy right then and there.”

“A few ponies in town eat fish, actually!” Pinkie pipped up, “I know at least Fluttershy and Rarity do.”

“Fluttershy don’t eat it, Pinkie,” Applejack corrected, “she just feeds it to her critters that do. But she would be a good pony to go to if you wanna buy any.”

Tempest gently shook her head in disbelief. “Well, it seems I know even less about Equestria than  I thought I did.”

“Then let’s show you it!” Dash said, excitedly rising from the booth with a flap of her wings, “You’ve barely left Twilight’s castle. You said you’d let me show you around Ponyville, right?”

Tempest hesitated. She wasn’t… opposed to the idea of looking around the small town a bit more and she found Rainbow Dash’s company agreeable enough that she wasn’t in any rush to leave it. But if the other two were coming as well…

“Awww,” Pinkie whined, snapping Tempest out of her thoughts, “I wanted to give the official Ponyville tour, Dashie. But I don’t get off work until the end of the day.”

“You still have her Welcome to Ponyville party,” Rainbow reassured her friend, “And you’ve been super busy helping Twilight with the festival clean up. We don’t want to make Tempest wait even longer.”

That seemed to placate the pink pony. “You’re right! I have to focus on making the party the best one Ponyville’s ever seen!”

“Y’all have fun with that,” Applejack said with a tilt of her hat, “Ah just came here for some breakfast before ah get back to my chores. Zap apple season’s almost here and we got a lot to do to prepare if’n they come.”

“Sweet!” Rainbow said with a grin, “I'll be first in line to get some of that jam. Hunt me down if you need any help with anything.”

Applejack chuckled. “Ah sure will, you can count on that. Have a good time you two.”

And with a few quick goodbyes the two Earth Ponies trotted off, leaving Tempest and Rainbow alone again. 

Dash grinned at her with excitement better suited to a foal going to an amusement park. “You ready? Finish up your cupcake and let’s get this show on the road.”

Tempest chuckled and took another tiny bite of her pastry. “You’re acting like I’ve already agreed to this.”

It was almost adorable how quickly Rainbow’s face fell. “What? Do you not want to? Come on, I promise to only show you the most awesome places!”

Tempest shook her head with a smirk as she rose from the table. “Stop trying to beg, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’ll come. You never know when a simple walk could turn into a training opportunity.”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed at the challenge. “Ooooh, you’re gonna try to get a surprise attack on the ol’ Dash? Well, be prepared to be disappointed when I kick your butt yet again.” 

“I seem to remember a lot more butt kicking coming from me in our sessions,” Tempest replied, heading toward the door.

“Wait, aren’t you going to finish your cupcake?”

Tempest tilted her head as Dash lifted up the cupcake like she was presenting a first place award. “No. You can have it.”

Rainbow’s face screwed up in confusion. “But you just ate a little bit of frosting? You didn’t even try the cake itself yet!”

Tempest shrugged, hoping Rainbow Dash wouldn’t push it further. “Like I said, I’m not very hungry.”

“But you gotta at least try it,” the Pegasus insisted, flying over to Tempest’s side and shoving the cupcake an inch away from her muzzle. “Come on, just have a bite.”

Tempest was acutely aware that they were now making a scene. Most eyes in the store were turned towards them, fascinated to see the odd interaction play out. 

Tempest was not used to creatures openly gawking at her and found she did not enjoy it. 

Staring back defiantly at the ponies around her, Tempest leaned forward and let Rainbow Dash feed her a large bite of cake and frosting.

The taste was heavenly. The soft, spongy, cake perfectly balanced the gritty frosting. It was like biting into a cloud. A cloud that melted in her mouth in a swirl of complementary flavors. She couldn’t point out a specific one but they all tasted divine.

She didn’t even realize she had closed her eyes to savor the experience until she heard Rainbow snickering in her ear. “See, told you you’d like it.”

Opening her eyes, Tempest swallowed quickly and looked away so she and Dash couldn’t make eye contact. Schooling her features into a more steady expression then pure bliss she turned back with a shrug. “It’s… alright. You can have the rest.”

Rainbow blinked dumbly for a moment and Tempest was worried the Pegasus would refuse to believe her. Her fears were banished, however, when the Pegasus shrugged nonchalantly and popped the treat into her mouth. “Shuit yurshelf. Let’s get this show on the road. I have some personal training spots I know you’re going to love.”

Tempest couldn’t stop the smile from crawling back onto her face as she followed her friend out to Ponyville proper.