//------------------------------// // 1- Introducing: Umbrum // Story: A Different Shadow of Himself // by ThatWritingDragon //------------------------------// "Umbrum! My favourite customer! I see that you haven't died yet!" The gruff barking laughter of his seller made said Umbrum smirk slightly in amusement as he entered the rather heated shop. Umbrum was a bit taller than the average stallion with a light bulkier build, his light grey fur shined slightly with sweat as the stallion dropped two buckets full of beautiful crystals on the table with a large THUD! The seller -a unicorn mare that looks right at home at the forge he entered- let out a low whistle at the sight as she pushed up her steampunk-looking goggles. She grinned as she grew closer, her hoof already with one crystal as she analyzed it with a keen eye. A few moments of comfortable silence passed with Umbrum sitting on his haunches, a hoof running through his matted dark blue streaked mane. His lips tilted upwards when he heard her let out a small hum of appreciation after some time, it showcased that he did another good job for the week and he couldn't stop the small surge of pride that grew on his chest. She seemed to have noticed him smiling with how she huffed and tossed the crystal back to the bucket which landed with a light Ting! "You did a good job today... for a colt" She grinned as she went back to the backroom that would lead to her forge, her magic enveloping the buckets as they levitated after her and soon the familiar roar of the fire was heard along with the banging of metal. She was probably checking how much she'll need to pay him. He kept on smiling, while most would think that the blacksmith was mocking him. The stallion knew better, it was just the mare's rather odd way of expressing herself and he got used to it after the first few weeks of working with her. He let out a small yawn, his eyes drooped slightly along with his form but he quickly caught himself. He was still technically on the job and it would be unprofessional to be dozing off midway, that would be rude and unprofessional. Two things he didn't want to be and do. "Oi! Earthy boi! You doing alright there?" The loud shoot of his seller as she peeked out of her forge snapped him to attention and Umbrum couldn't help but shake his head. "I'm doin' alright, just-" He yawned midway, something the mare caught with how she narrowed her eyes "-Just... tired" he finished, his hoof rubbing his eye as a weak attempt to stay awake. His ear flicked and he couldn't stop the confusion he felt when he heard the roaring of fire immediately die down. Did she already finish her fuel? That was quick. Umbrum noted that he'll need to go get her some coal during his next shift. His eyes turned to the mirror near the door and he stared, what looked back at him was... himself but it was different. The one in the mirror looked much more refined with his slicked-back mane held by a silver circlet and fancy robes. Umbrum stared wistfully at the mirror and in a blink, the sophisticated reflection disappeared, leaving behind his rather dirty and un-sophisticated to stare back at him. "Hey! Don't go dozing off in here! This ain't yer' house!" her large bark caught him and Umbrum let out a sheepish laugh. "Sorry! Just... sleepy." The stallion shook his head and stood up. His eyes looked outside and he winced when he realised just how late it is. "I'll just need my bits then I'll get out of your mane" Umbrum heard her click her tongue as she finally exited her forge, a pouch -filled with what he would assume is his bits- floating after her. She had a slightly disapproving look on her face as she neared him. "Thanks Flare..." He yawned once more before giving the mare a questioning look. "Besides, why would you need two more buckets of crystals anyway? I thought the last bundle I've given would satisfy you for a few more weeks atleast" - "Besides, why would you need two more buckets of crystals anyway? I thought the last bundle I've given would satisfy you for a few more weeks atleast" She heard her favourite customer called Umbrum say. While that was true, a recent order needed more than she had on stock. Flare rubbed her chin with a hoof, a questioning look on her face as she wondered if she should tell him or not. After some time of her being in deep contemplation, she sighed before answering. "You know that i work with the military right?" With his nod, she continued "Ex-Captain Shining Armor commissioned a few sets of amulets with the crystals for his sister" Umbrum looked a bit confused and she elaborated "You know... The newest Princess?" When she saw him turned even more confused she sighed as she tried to see how to jog this colt's memory, she perked up when she found one solution. "Princess Celestia's Student...?" She couldn't stop the light snort that escaped her when she saw the already dozing off Umbrum snap to attention almost immediately when Princess Celestia's name was spoken. She knew that the stallion had a bit of an infatuation with the solar diarch but to this extent? It was slightly... sad in a way, especially since she knew that he wouldn't stand a chance amongst the large groups of royal consorts that were also after the alabaster alicorn. She knew why he was working hard, he wanted enough money to prove that he was even worth the Princess' time. Something she kept on saying was unnecessary but the colt didn't listen, she mentally rolled her eyes. She knew that colts were stubborn but Umbrum was on a whole other leave without being a flankhole, something she thought wasn't possible but it seemed that she was proven wrong. 'Listen if you wanted to be her consort then all you have to do is get your flank to the castle and ask! You know that she doesn't need the money! She's the princess!' She remembered herself barking at the stubborn stallion that one day she asked. 'She... deserves a noble colt, not this.' Umbrum answered, a conflicted expression on his face as he gestured to himself. A glimmer of sadness in his green eyes and she couldn't stop the sigh from escaping her mouth. 'She deserves a company from a prestigious background, something i am working on' he continued softly. Flare would've pressed the issue but she stopped when she saw a shift in his eyes, she just clicked her tongue and continued her work. They didn't talk about it for the rest of the day. "Ah.. i see, thank you for disclosing this information to me." Umbrum rolled his head, it cracked with his movement and he gave her his usual smile as he took the bag of bits and he placed them inside his worn saddlebags. Flare narrowed her eyes at the state it was in, it looked like it was greatly taken care off but it clearly hadn't seen better days. She rolled her eyes, she would've offered to make him one but the humble colt would vehemently refuse like the noble flankhole he is. 'You don't need to waste your materials on me! See, this still works. Thank you for the offer though!' She rolled her eyes as the colt exited the shop with a hearty "See you next time Flare!" with her responding with a rough "Do that after a good nights rest!" Her brow furrowed when he left the premise, she knew that he wouldn't heed her order/advice, atleast at first. He was stubborn like that, It was annoying but it made Umbrum... Umbrum. She sighed once more as she made her way back to the forge, her magic already reigniting the flames and she began to work. She just hoped that his stubbornness wouldn't lead to his heartbreak.