//------------------------------// // 2- Remember // Story: A Different Shadow of Himself // by ThatWritingDragon //------------------------------// He didn't know why or how he arrived in this world and he didn't bother to care. All he knew was that something was missing and he just had to find it, it was like an important part of him was gone and that was something he needed to rectify. There was just something calling for him in Canterlot and he just needed to see who or what it is. And he did! What he found was... simply beautiful. As if a switch was flicked, memories of silky alabaster fur, soft smiles and captivating eyes were rushing right at him and he remembered everything.  From their first meeting to their dates to even their first kisses. It was mesmerizing but with good, comes the bad and he didn't like it, not one bit. He remembered the painful longing, the lonely nights where he laid awake as he waited for them to meet once more and the agony of seeing her leave knowing that she wouldn't come back. He sighed, his eyes trailing to the Canterlot Castle. He wondered if she remembered him, he hoped that she did but he couldn't stop the small nagging voice in his head that kept on saying that she had already forgotten their time together, he yearned for the fact that that wasn't the case. While normally he would've told her just who he is and he would've done so if it weren't for the fact that there was another Sombra in the world he was in. A Sombra that once ruled with an iron hoof and an evil grin and he didn't know what to do. If he were to announce the fact that he is indeed Sombra -albeit one from a different world-, then how would she react? Would she think that he was the Dark Tyrant first? Or her long long star-crossed lover from another world? He didn't know and that scared him. His brow furrowed and he sighed, romance was something he didn't usually dabble in and he was sure that it clearly showed with his priorities. He needed to be different from this world's Sombra, he needed to show that despite the fact that they were once the same pony, they were clearly different. His grip pickaxe tightened and he started to march his way inside the Crystal Caves. His eyes focused and he started to do his job with even more vigour as he reminded himself of his goal. He had to prove himself first and until then, he wouldn't dare confess.  Umbrum was the name he used nowadays. It was a bit lazy -considering the fact that it had the same meaning as his former one- that he would admit but he panicked! Flare just found him casually wandering around and asked for his name, he couldn't use Sombra because... well it would be suspicious! After all, what kind of parent named their foal after a tyrannous king!? Not one sensible one that's who! 'Umbrum' sighed and he wondered -it was all he could do- what would Celestia think of him right now. He grimaced as he placed the pickaxe he was using on the ground. He was sure that she would be disappointed that he was in such a sorry state, probably going to chastise him for keeping who he is from her. A small smile grew from his tired expression and he picked up the pickaxe and continued work as he reminisced. She would definitely scold him for what he was currently doing, saying that he didn't need to prove himself to anyone and that his plan was foolish since she loved him for who he is, not what he is.  That was his Celestia always there to chide him whenever he was about to do something that was clearing idiotic. Not that anything he did was idiotic... it was just rather odd in another pony's perspective. Case in point, Tia's. His brow furrowed and he sighed, but she wasn't here now and she could never be unless he proved himself. He heard the news of her sister and while he may be familiar with his world's Luna, he wasn't familiar with this one. Something he'd needed to change if he were to reconcile with Celestia once more. Sombra Umbrum brought up his mental step by step plan as he tried to see what he needed to do before he was allowed to even meet Celestia. Step 1: Get a stable job (It would be embarrassing to Celestia if she would be seen with somepony unrespectable and he wouldn't dare do that to her, she doesn't deserve that) -Side note: The better the job, the better (However it is not highly advised) Step 2: Be a respectable pony in the eyes of the public (See main reason on step 1) Step 3: Prove that he is even worthy to be Tia's consort and get their blessings  (See the list of ponies below) -Tia's loved ones, from her student to her family. If they are more, find out who and where. Step 4: ??? A meeting between him and Celly. Step 5: Profit Try to go from there (What if she forgot about us?) ... What if she moved on? Now that was the golden question of the hour. Sombra roughly exhaled, he didn't want to even think of the possibility but if she did. He grimaced and shook his head, then he wouldn't blame her. It just proved his point, that there was someone out there who proved themself to be worthier and that was something that he needed to change.  Unless she was happy with them of course, then he would back off because it was her decision but until such information was proven to be fact then... then he would fight! Love is war after all, and war is something that he always won. Why else was his Equestria flourished under his rule? Not through simple smiles and honeyed words that's what! It certainly helped and contributed to the end goal but that isn't the point. He rolled his neck and started to work even harder than before, his end goal in mind. He was sure that he would be sore but it didn't matter, it was just a simple pebble in the road to his goal. The pain would be annoying but it would be worth it, he knew that it would, after all, Celestia was always worth it. Always.