//------------------------------// // Fountains, Swimming Pools, and Mud Puddles // Story: Rainbow's Dress // by The Dark Wolf //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash was going for a walk in the park with Fluttershy. Fluttershy was wearing her original dress, a white tank top and green skirt halfway to her knees. Rainbow Dash was wearing the black dress Rarity had made for her. The last few days she'd dress athletically, whether or not she was hanging out with Fluttershy. But today she felt like wearing this dress with her. Fluttershy felt each had its own attractiveness to it. Not that she didn't love Rainbow Dash whatever she was wearing. "You know, this dress isn't bad," said Rainbow Dash. "I do kind of like the way the fabric feels. It's so... soft. And it doesn't do anything to slow down my athletic activities!" "It is really pretty," said Fluttershy. "How fast do you think you can run to that tree and back?" "I'll do it right now!" Rainbow ran as fast as she could without her geode. She loved the wind in her hair as usual, and there was something about running in the dress as well. Athletic shorts were her first choice of course, but she couldn't say she didn't like how this felt. After reaching the tree, she returned to Fluttershy. "Way to go," said Fluttershy. She loved watching Rainbow run. She wasn't nearly as athletic as her but it was fun to see what she could do. Rainbow sat down on the edge of a nearby fountain. Fluttershy sat down next to her. "So, what do you want to do for the next few hours before I go to Pinkie's house?" Rainbow asked. "Whatever you feel like," said Fluttershy, leaning her head against Rainbow. Rainbow liked this, and put her arm around Fluttershy. Then Indigo Zap zoomed by on her bike. Fluttershy was startled, and with a little squeal, she fell backwards into the fountain with a SPLASH! Rainbow turned towards her. "Are you all right, Fluttershy?" Fluttershy sat up. She was soaking wet, but her heartbeat slowed down to its normal pace and she caught her breath. "I'm fine." "Mind if I join you?" Rainbow stepped into the fountain and sat down next to Fluttershy. "Ahhh, the water feels so refreshing." Fluttershy giggled and splashed Rainbow playfully. Rainbow responded by splashing Fluttershy with a huge wave of water that would have soaked her through if she'd been completely dry. They had fun playing in the fountain for a bit before they stopped and sat side by side. "Here's an idea, how about we go swimming?" Fluttershy asked. "That sounds like a great idea." They stood up and stepped out of the fountain, dripping wet. Fluttershy thought Rainbow looked cute in a wet dress like that. The water was dripping off of it and parts of it clung to her legs. "Even though I'm already wet, I'll go get my swimsuit for the pool," Fluttershy said. At the beach she would wear a wetsuit, with a pair of short, spandex, athletic green shorts and a matching sports bra underneath. Lately she'd just wear this athletic outfit to the pool. It wasn't a swimsuit exactly, but was close enough for her, besides, as her wetsuit was not a drysuit they'd get wet under it anyway. Plus she knew Rainbow liked it. "I'll go with you," said Rainbow. "Then let's go straight to the pool." Fluttershy giggled. As they walked to Fluttershy's house, the summer heat dried them. After Fluttershy picked up her "swimsuit", which she changed into already, they were soon feeling hot again as they walked to the swimming pool. They just had to walk through the change rooms and into the shower room. They stood under the shower head together, soaking Rainbow's dress again in seconds. Then they entered the pool area and jumped in together. They swam around for a bit, enjoying how refreshing it was, before Rainbow Dash started jumping off the diving board. Fluttershy didn't like doing this very much so she just stayed to the side and watched Rainbow Dash jump, dive, cannonball, and belly flop multiple times, making a big splash each time she hit the water. After Rainbow did a sort of somersault in midair as she jumped off the diving board again, she swam over to Fluttershy. "Want to go on the waterslide now?" "Yes," said Fluttershy. She loved roller coasters and so the waterslide was fun to her. "I must say, you do know how to wear a wet dress with style," came a familiar voice. They turned to see Rarity swimming up to them. "Hi Rarity," said Rainbow Dash. "Fancy meeting you here." "Quite so," said Rarity. "I had been meaning to show you my new line of swimsuits." She climbed out of the water, revealing a purple dress similar to the one Rainbow was wearing, though made of swimsuit material rather than the soft fabric that made Rainbow's dress. "Eh, it's all right," said Rainbow Dash. Rarity knew from experience this was the closest Rainbow would ever come to complimenting her fashion. "Why thank you, Dashie. It must be more than all right, seeing as how you're wearing the dress that inspired it again." Rainbow blushed a little. "I'm only wearing this cause Fluttershy likes it. It's not like I think it's fun to wear girly dresses or anything." "If you say so." Rarity winked. Try as she might, Rainbow couldn't hide things like this from her. Rainbow and Fluttershy stuck around long enough to see Rarity do a graceful swan dive off the diving board before they climbed out of the water and up the stairs to the waterslide. "You go first," said Fluttershy. "I'll be right behind you." "Sure," said Rainbow Dash. They reached the top, and Rainbow Dash went down the waterslide. She lay in a position to go as fast as possible, landing in the water at the bottom with a huge SPLASH! She quickly swam to the side, and soon Fluttershy splashed into the water. After going down the slide a few more times, they returned to swimming around, until soon it was time for Rainbow to go hang out with Pinkie. Rainbow walked Fluttershy home, and by the time they reached Fluttershy's house, they were completely dry. "That was really fun," said Fluttershy. "You bet it was," said Rainbow. "I can't wait to do it again sometime." "Have fun with Pinkie, Dashie." "I will. See you around, Fluttershy." ... Rainbow and Pinkie had a fun gaming session before they decided to take a break for some snacks. Pinkie got ice cream cones and a few cans of soda, and they walked outside to Pinkie's backyard. Rainbow didn't bother asking why there was now a big section of mud in the middle of her yard. She was Pinkie Pie, after all. "Cotton candy ice cream is so delicious!" said Pinkie, who was wearing the same summer outfit as she was when Rainbow first wore the dress at her backyard party. "It sure is," said Rainbow Dash. She finished her cone, and she and Pinkie each drank a can of soda. She reached for another can, and Pinkie playfully used her geode to make it explode, showering Rainbow's entire front half in soda. Rainbow laughed. "Good one, Pinkie!" Pinkie giggled and drank her second soda. Rainbow walked to the edge of the mud. "That's not gonna still be there next backyard party, is it?" "I can remove it before then if you like." "Actually, it might be fun having that in my next soccer game with Applejack." "Cannonball!" Pinkie suddenly jumped into the mud, splattering Rainbow's dress. If this happened to Rarity she would likely freak out. But Rainbow just grinned and jumped into the mud, splashing Pinkie and covering what few parts of her were still clean. Pinkie giggled and splashed Rainbow back. Their mud splash battle turned into mud wrestling. They rolled around in the mud for a bit before Rainbow got Pinkie laying facedown, sat on her butt, and grabbed a hold of her leg. This was one of her favorite moves, which she had used on Rarity, though a little more gently, as she had said she would. "You win, Dashie!" said Pinkie. Rainbow got off Pinkie and sat down beside her in the mud. Pinkie also sat up. They were covered in mud from head to toe, you couldn't even tell the color of their hair, skin, or outfits. Although Pinkie hadn't stood a chance against Rainbow, she had a lot of fun all the same. "How about we clean up now?" Pinkie said. "I wouldn't mind staying like this, but sure." They stood up, and Pinkie turned on the hose. She pointed it at Rainbow Dash and sprayed her full force. It only took a few seconds to rinse all the mud off Rainbow and her dress. For the third time today her dress was completely soaked. "My turn now!" Pinkie handed the hose to Rainbow Dash, who rinsed her off. They sat on the patio and relaxed, and once the sun had dried them, they went back inside to play another game.