//------------------------------// // No, really, what just happened? // Story: What Just Happened? // by Draxonos135 //------------------------------// Other-Questrian Twilight Sparkle was hiding behind some bushes, watching a peculiar person of interest with a pair of binoculars. The person in question? Sonata Dusk. The scatterbrained member of the sirens, and according to several people, probably the nicest one of them. Of course, Twilight wasn't gonna be satisfied with just statements: she needed proof. Proof that, above all else, Sonata Dusk was legitimately nice, not just wearing a facade to make people do her bidding. Twilight had enough experience with those kind of people to tell the difference. She put her binoculars down and checked her watch. As much as she wanted to spy on Sonata all day-which, by the way, she didn't-there was something much more important she- Wait, where did she go? Twilight put down her binoculars for barely a second, maybe three. How could she have lost track of an interdimensional magical creature so easily?! "Boo!" Twilight flinched and screamed, jumping back as Sonata laughed out loud, wiping away a tear as she chirped: "Aria was right! Scaring humans is much more fun than torturing them!" As the siren kept laughing, Twilight was desperately trying to remain calm. How long did she know she was spying on her?! "W-Whatever you have planned, I'm not going to let you do it!" Twilight stated, trying to come off as confident. "I have... things! And I'm not afraid to use them!" "Things?! Oh my Grogar, not things! Anything but things!" Sonata fake cried, only to quickly and flatly add, "You don't have anything, do you?" Twilight pouted and shook her head. "Listen, Sweetie, I get it: you're one of those nerdy people who think everything needs a logical explanation, and you want to try make sense as to why everybody thinks I'm the nice one, right?" Twilight wasn't sure what was scarier: that Sonata sounded more sophisticated than she expected, or the fact she had discovered her intentions with pinpoint accuracy. "I know what people say about me, alright?" Sonata rolled her eyes. "How I'm nicer than Aria or Adagio, or how my apparent airheadedness makes me charming." "But, you're not acting like an airhead right now," Twilight pointed out. "Because I'm not, okay!?" Sonata snapped. "Yes, I'm a little slow compared to Adagio and Aria, and yes, I've had the hardest time adapting to the change of dimensions, but I'm not stupid! I'm just below average!" "Whoa, um, well, no offense, but I didn't come here to be your counselor," Twilight took a deep breath. "There's actually something I need your help with." "No you don't." "No I don't." Twilight sighed. "Truth be told, I'm just worried you might do something that could cause chaos through the city!" Sonata hummed. "Well, I do have a couple ways to do that: I could eat people's negative energy with the gem I no longer have, or entice them with the singing voice that I currently utterly lack, or even do something as simple as trick them into pitying me with the sympathy they don't hold to my sisters!" "Okay, Sunset warned me one of you was sarcastic, but I didn't think it'd be you." "First of all, Adagio and especially Aria are a hundred times worse than me," Sonata stated. "Second of all, we're certainly not sisters." Twilight blinked. "I... never implied I wanted to ask you that." "But you certainly thought about it once: everybody who has ever seen us together has had that thought," Sonata scratched her chin. "Though now that I bring that up, I didn't see you anywhere at all when Adagio, Aria, and I executed our plan." "Oh, I wasn't part of Canterlot High when that happened," Twilight grimaced. "I was studying in Crystal Prep Academy at the time." Sonata raised an eyebrow. "Is this Crystal Prep Academy... not the greatest place to study at?" "Well-" Twilight quickly shushed herself, and narrowed her eyes. "Oh no, you're not gonna trick me! I'll admit you're kinda cute-" "Kinda?!" Sonata snapped. "-But It's gonna take more than a pretty face to make me talk!" "Girl, I repeat, I can't do any of the emotion-sucking my sisters and I could do before," Sonata put her hand on her hip. "If you got something to say that could cease my curiosity-which you caused by the way-you can talk and I'll keep my lips sealed." "And how do I know I can trust you?" "'Cause if you don't I'll call the police and paint you as a voyeur." Crap, guess Twilight had no choice. "Fine, but I'm not going to go into detail." One betrayal of her statement later, Twilight was resting her head on Sonata's lap, crying her heart out as the siren rubbed her head. "And then Sugarcoat had the audacity to tell me that no matter what I wore for Prom, I would never look cute! I mean, I wasn't planning to go anyway, but that was just mean!" "And definitely not true; if you change your hair and maybe drop the glasses, you'd be drop dead gorgeous," Sonata remarked. "Speaking of which, what's up with the glasses?" "They help me see better," Twilight answered. ”I'm not helpless without them, but wearing them does make a difference." "Can I try them?" Twilight's brain was telling her not to trust the ancient interdimensional cretaure with her glasses, but for some reason, she did just that. Sonata put on the glasses... and she had to search her surroundings until she spotted Twilight, identified as a purple blob. "So? How is it?" "The world looks as foggy as my memories of the last thousand years," Sonata handed back the glasses. "I think I'm gonna let you keep them for now." Twilight put the glasses back on, and it was only then that she realized what she was doing. She shot up, caught her breath, and calmed down in short order, all while Sonata looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Well, Sonata, this was... certainly something," Twilight remarked. "Thanks for hearing me out and all that, but uh, I should go." "I should go too," Sonata said, standing up. "I gotta cook dinner for Adagio and Aria today." "Whoa, you can cook?" "Yup, but that'll have to be for another day. For now, goodbye." And so, Sonata and Twilight bid farewell to each other. And once Sonata was out of view, Twilight couldn't help but ask: "What just happened?"