Best Friends for Life

by SuperWriter2329

Who Did It?

It was currently night time. Sitting alone in her living room in the dark really helps her to think about her next move. So far, she has not been careful enough to hide the fact that she is the one trying to get rid of Bon Bon in order to be Lyra's new girlfriend. To make matters worse, during Bon Bon's birthday party that she had attended last week, those six friends that had helped the two girlfriends to figure out the true culprit to their current predicament had been keeping an eye on her throughout the entire party. Luckily for her, she has managed to keep a low profile until the party was over. Thinking this over, she needs to start acting in order to stall them for more time. With three weeks left before Bon Bon had to be relocated, she had finally thought of a way for her to get those precious time: attacking somepony.

Thinking back yesterday, she saw Princess Twilight was in a hurry to leave her castle. She overheard something about making amends with her old friends in Canterlot, so she was out for the count. With that in mind, she has decided to eliminate their greatest and strongest ally of their group.


Lyra woke up felling a bit happier but sore than yesterday. It has been a week since her girlfriend's big birthday party back at Twilight's castle. Overall, she was truly happy with the results that turned out in the end. Being careful not to wake up Bon Bon, she slowly made her way to the shower to clean herself before preparing breakfast for the both of them, a simple daisy sandwich.

Moments later, she heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs, revealing Bon Bon with a tired look in her eyes. Looking at Lyra at the kitchen, she smiled and said, "Hey Lyra, good morning."

"Good morning to you to, Bon Bon. Wanna have some breakfast?" Lyra asked.

The earth pony nodded as she walked towards the dining area where the nice, simple breakfast was placed. As usual, it was really delicious as she said, "Oh Lyra, don't stop making this because this is really good."

"Hehe, thanks. It's the least I can do for you."

As Bon Bon savored through her sandwich, she then remembered something. She then turned to Lyra, asking, "Say Lyra, yesterday I saw Twilight was in such a hurry wanting to leave her castle with Spike on her back, carrying her luggage. What was that all about?"

The unicorn's ears perked up upon hearing the question. She turned to her girlfriend and said, "Well, I did get in touch with her briefly yesterday and..."



Lyra was wondering around the marketplace, wanting to buy groceries when she saw Twilight flying, who looked like she was in a hurry. Seeing this, she called, "Hey Twilight! Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Stopping in her tracks, the lavender alicorn looked down and saw Lyra, her childhood friend down at the streets of the marketplace. She then swooped down to greet her briefly. "Hey Lyra, I'm fine. It's just that I wanted to go to Canterlot to make amends with our other old friends."

Thinking back on who their friends are, Lyra, wanting to get confirmation, asked, "Oh, you mean Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Minuette and Moondancer, right?"

The princess chuckled and blushed with embarrassment, saying, "Yeah, them. Is that okay with you? That's because I might stay in Canterlot for a few days, at least so I might have to put this investigation on hold."

"Oh. Well, that's okay. Take all the time you need. After all, you still have me as a friend."

"Thanks, you're the best. See you later, Lyra!" was Twilight's last words before taking off into the skies for the tall buildings of Canterlot.

End flashback

"...and then she went off to Canterlot to make amends with our other childhood friends," Lyra finally finished the story.

"Oh, that's why she was in such a hurry yesterday. She won't be called the Princess of Friendship if she can't reconcile with her old friends, right?" Bon Bon asked.

"Yeah, you're probably right, Bonnie. I really should know better."

"Aww, don't say that. No matter what, you two will always be friends," the earth pony reassured.

Her girlfriend smiled as she said, "Thanks Bonnie. You're the best." The unicorn then hugged her before heading towards the front door. She then remembered something and looked back at Bon Bon. "Say Bon Bon, do you wanna have a little walk today? You know, to clear your head for a little bit?"

The secret agent pondered about it and then shook her head, saying, "Nah, I'm good. Plus, I really need a shower after this. You go on ahead, Lyra."

"Okay then. See you later!" was all Lyra said before heading outside for a short walk and a breath of fresh air.

After a few minutes of walking and getting some fresh air as well, Lyra felt even better than before. For the past two weeks, she had been dreading so much that she can't get a single night's rest. When she did go to sleep, she was constantly been having dreams about on the day of Bon Bon's relocation day, where she keeps on crying every single night. However, on the night of Bon Bon's birthday, the dream had stopped coming, but only for a night or two. And last night, she finally got a good night sleep when Princess Luna had appeared and assured her that everything will turn out better in the end.

Which is why she has a smile on her face when she walked on a random path from her house, not knowing that she was walking towards Sweet Apple Acres because she was so happy that she didn't see or hear what was going on around her. What she did notice, however, was a hooded figure about her size galloped on her direction. In fact, it looked like they were about to collide with each other! Luckily, the hooded figure screeched to a stop just a feet from where Lyra was standing frozen, unable to get her mind straight.

The two stayed like that for a while before Lyra managed to get her head cleared up, again. From the looks of the pony in front of her, she saw a horn protruding from the top of the hood, indicating that this pony was her fellow unicorn mare, because of the pony's size comparing to hers. However, that was all of the details she managed to capture before the mysterious pony sprang up and galloped away from her.

Looking back, Lyra was still contemplating over what had just happened for the past minute or so before getting up and started walking again, forgetting that the event had ever happened. She then saw Sweet Apple Acres at a distance and decided to visit Applejack for a while.

Little did she know that making this decision will get her one step closer on finding the true culprit on the attempt of Bon Bon's relocation...

The moment Lyra stepped into the Apple Family homestead, she was shocked to find a few furniture received minor damages. It looked like the house has just gotten attacked by a wild boar. Fortunately, everyone in the family, except for Applejack, was unharmed; Big Macintosh was still working in the west orchard when the commotion happened, Apple Bloom was with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for their usual Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting, and shockingly, Granny Smith was napping in her bedroom despite the commotion happening in the living room, which was near her room. Applejack only suffered a deep cut on her left foreleg, showing that she was the one who fought with someone else earlier.

The apple farmer was resting on the couch of the living room, wanting to rest up after such a long fight. Lyra saw her condition and said, "Oh my gosh! Are you alright, Applejack?"

Seeing the unicorn's concern over her, Applejack answered, "Oh sugarcube, this is nothin' at all. Ah have suffered a lot more than just a knife cut."

"Still though, who did this to you? As far as I know, trying to fight you would be like the worst decision anypony could've made."

"Yeah, the moment they decided ta fought me, they would feel like they will lose from the very first second. However, I'm a mite surprised that the pony could hold on fer longer than Ah thought they could last," the cowgirl explained.

"Applejack, do you mind telling me what happened?" the mint unicorn asked.

"Well, earlier today, Ah wanted to get some chores done before Ah went outside for some work at the orchard. Then..."


An hour ago...

Applejack, who has already woke up early in the morning, has finally got a nice breakfast spread for the rest of the family before she could get some work done by the orchard. Seconds later, the other Apple Family members, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith, have finally came from their rooms to enjoy the breakfast which consists of apple fritters, apple cobblers, hay fries and some orange juice. The smell alone managed to get everypony's mouths to water as the youngest Apple sibling said, "Wow Applejack, this is a really spread ya got here. Thanks!"

"Eeyup," the oldest of the siblings agreed with a nod.

"Yeah sonny, you really outdone yourself in this one," Granny Smith said.

The orange pony blushed as she said, "Aw shucks, this is nothin', fellas. Ah'm really pleased to do this for ya."

"Hey Applejack, can Ah go to the clubhouse after this? Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Ah had another meeting comin' up," Apple Bloom said.

Applejack rolled her eyes, saying, "Alright Apple Bloom, ya can go. But after ya clean up after yourself, okay?"

"Fine," the earth filly said. With that out of the way, the Apple family sat down at the dining table to enjoy the breakfast.

Half an hour later, once the dishes were set aside after getting them washed, everypony went about to do their respective activities. Applejack decided to stay for a while to use the bathroom to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth. Then, she went back up to her room to grab her stetson, which she had left behind to prepare breakfast earlier before finally went outside to do some work done around the farm. However, before she even made it to the front door, she froze. She didn't know why, but she felt like somepony was watching her from a distance.

Turning around, Applejack shouted, "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Suddenly, in a speed that nearly matched Rainbow Dash, an unknown figure leapt from a window by the kitchen to pounce on the apple farmer. Unfortunately, Applejack sensed the incoming attack and swerved out of the way just in time, causing the pony to crash into the living room couch. For a second, Applejack had a shocked look on her face because somepony was actually dumb enough to attack her, as she is the strongest pony in Equestria. However, she regained composure before lunging at the mysterious pony, only to stop in mid air. She was shocked at first, but soon relaxed after seeing a distinctive sign of a horn protruding from the top of the hood.

The pony, now identified by Applejack as a unicorn, threw the cowgirl across the room before making a break for the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife by their magical aura as a means to defend themselves. Then, the two fought it out for a while until a few more furniture became a minor victim to their assault. Every time, Applejack managed to dodge the incoming knife, despite the other pony's skills in magic. In the end unfortunately, the assailant's hood accidentally came off, giving Applejack a clear look on the pony's face.

Applejack was, in a word, stunned upon seeing her assailant. It was a pony she recognized seeing each other from time to time and she knew the face pretty well; pinkish face, violet mane, amethyst eyes.

It was none other than Amethyst Star.

"A-A-Amethyst?! That was you the whole time?!" Applejack stuttered, clearly not believing what she had just witnessed. She was so stunned that she didn't see the knife sailing in her direction from its place at the floor earlier. Before she could gain composure again, she felt something sharp in her left foreleg and screamed. She then saw the same knife Amethyst used that was now wedged into her leg, causing it to bleed profusely.

Deciding not to stay any longer, Amethyst covered her face again and trotted out of the farmhouse, hoping that she did not get seen by anypony else.

End flashback

Lyra could not believe her ears over what Applejack had told her for the past few minutes. She could not understand why Amethyst would do such a dumb decision of attacking Applejack, the strongest pony she ever known. She has got to have a motive on doing so. Unless...

Lyra's eyes widened on the realization of the whole situation. She then said to Applejack, "Applejack, maybe she is the one behind all of this!"

Applejack tilted her head in confusion. "Of what, sugarcube?" It then dawned on her on what she is trying to say. "No. You're not saying that she is the one who tried to get Bon Bon relocated, are ya?"

"I wish it's not the reason, but I really can't think of anything else other than that."

"Huh, that's somethin' you don't hear everyday."

"Yeah. So, what should we do now?"

Applejack thought about it before answering, "Hmm, Ah don't know yet. Ah think it's best if we let Twilight know about this. Oh, and yer girlfriend as well."

"Okay, I'll tell her about it. But are you sure you don't wanna get a checkup for you injured leg?" Lyra asked, pointing to Applejack's bandaged foreleg.

"It's okay, I've had worse cuts than this one right here, so ya don't need to worry about it none."

"Well, if you say so. I'm gonna go now. Are you sure you don't want me to do anything right now?"

"It's alright, Ah need a break from apple bucking anyways. By the way, why are ya here anyway?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, just wanted to check on you, that's all. Oh and I really wanted some of your apple pies, if you have any," Lyra answered.

"Just that? Sure, why not? Also, Ah didn't make any pies today, but if ya help me with it, I'll gladly gave ya a whole tin of it to take home fer Bon Bon to enjoy."

"Aww, thanks AJ! I appreciate it! Now come on, let's make those pies!" the unicorn said before running towards the kitchen. But then she realized that Applejack was currently injured, so she came back with an embarrassed look on her face. "Hehe, oops, sorry AJ, I forgot that you got injured. Here, let me give you a helping hoof." She then extended a foreleg so that the farmer can walk at least.

"Thanks, sugarcube. Ah really appreciate the help," Applejack said.

"It's okay. Now we can finally make those pies!" Lyra said with a little hint of enthusiasm in her voice. Applejack just chuckled at the unicorn's reaction.

However, hidden away in their minds, Applejack and Lyra could not help but wonder how in the world did Amethyst knew about Bon Bon's secret? Did she eavesdrop on them while they were talking about it? But more importantly, why did she decide to act now instead of just hiding in the shadows and then strike when the prey wasn't ready for such an attack? All of those questions might haunt them as they decided to let the whole thing go for a while. Hopefully when Twilight came back from her stay at Canterlot, she had all of the answers for it.