//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: New Advantages // Story: Megatron’s Revenge // by TheClownPrinceofCrime //------------------------------// IN CANTERLOT “I thank you for your friendly welcome, Princesses Celestia and Luna,” said Megatron. “I see that your loyal servants are of great company to my needs.” “I’m glad you see that... uh, Lord Megatron,” said Celestia. She looked behind him and noticed Starscream next to Rainbow Dash. She also noticed the Decepticon insignia on Megatron’s chest. “If I may ask, what is that strange cutie mark on your chest?” Megatron looked confused by the term. He stared back at Starscream and noticed him being very confused as well. “Cutie mark? What exactly is a cutie mark?” “It’s a mark that represents your talent and your overall personality. It’s what we call a cutie mark.” Celestia explained. “Our insignia is far from looking ‘cute’ but whatever.” Starscream muttered. “This represents our Decepticon cause. It’s what we call our faction’s insignia. We stand as a united group of warriors who believe in freedom, justice, and sacrifice for the... good of others. However, the tyrannical Autobots denounced us with that name to taint our character and reputation.” Megatron explained. “Despite their cruelty, I decided to use that name and use it for our good intentions.” “Wow,” said Luna. “Where do you come from? Who are those Autobots you speak of?” “We come from Cybertron a home world filled with peaceful and friendly Cybertronians which we used to be. However, a tyrant named Ultra Magnus divided us and swayed thousands of civilians into his false ideology of justice and righteousness. He created the Elite Guard and the Autobots who conquered our home and threatened anyone who stood with me. Thus, we have been expelled from our home.” Megatron sadly answered. Celestia and Luna began to have sympathy for the deceiver. Celestia flew up to his face, and put her hoof on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Megatron. You are more than welcome to stay here in Equestria if you so desire. We welcome any creature who wishes to become an inhabitant here.” “Disgusting offer,” Megatron thought. “But I have something... better.” “Actually, I was wondering if you ponies can assist me with something.” “Oh? What would that be?” Celestia asked. “You see, my Decepticon warriors are worried sick for me. In fact, they may be looking for me everywhere in my dimension. Plus, I must... save Cybertron from those wretched Autobot terrorists. They are surely enslaving everyone there to their cruel will.” Megatron said. “Yeah, enslaving them with their stupid patronizing sense of justice. That’s for sure.” Starscream thought. Celestia and Luna looked at each other for a moment until they faced Megatron back. “How many are they?” “Hundreds of them,” replied Megatron. “We Equestrians have a history of facing great threats from other places. We also stand by any creature who calls for our help. So if you want us to help you in reclaiming your home and help you defeat your enemies, we will gladly assist you in this.” Celestia proudly said. “Excellent,” said Megatron. “But we would have to create a spell in order to make a portal from our world to yours. It will take plenty of time for the spell to properly function.” Luna explained. “Take all the time you need, princesses. In order to succeed in our preparation for war, we must make no mistakes during this process.” Megatron grinned. “With this portal working, I can not only reunite with my troops but also have them and you ponies unite together to stand against a common enemy!” “So we’re gonna be kicking Autobot flank? Awesome! I bet none of them can catch me flying fast enough to knock them out!” Rainbow boasted. “Flank? What’s a flank?” Starscream asked with a puzzled look. “Umm, never mind,” said Rainbow, sheepishly smiling. “There’s no time to waste! The Autobots might be planning to takeover any planet they see fit!” Megatron urged. “Right. Luna, Twilight, we will need to learn a spell that can create a portal from our world to this Cybertron planet. We have much work to do.” Celestia instructed. Luna and Twilight nodded with determination. They entered through the castle doors to begin their preparation. Before the doors closed, Twilight peeked her head to say something. “In the meantime, you can hang out with my friends until we’re ready. See you all later!” Twilight smiled before she closed the doors. “My pleasure, Twilight,” Megatron grinned while his red optics glowed brightly. Little did he notice a grey pegasus colt with a black mane saw him grinning with a look of mischievousness from a distance. “Who is that guy? He looks like he’s up to no good,” said the colt. “Rumble, are you ready for our cooking session?” a stallion pegasus called. “Coming, Thunderlane!” Rumble replied. As he cast his last look of suspicion at Megatron, he flew off. “So, Megs, wanna ride us again? I really love your helicopter mode!” Spike eagerly asked. “I prefer to be called Megatron, little Spike. Do not call me... that,” Megatron sternly said. “Oh, sorry, Megatron. Can you ride us again? Pleeeeeaaassssse...” Spike again asked with puppy dog eyes. “Ughhh... this little pest gets on my circuitry. At least he’s not as irritating as Sari Sumdac who somehow shares Twilight’s same voice. I wonder if that’s her in pony form... no... no, there’s no way.” Megatron thought. Then he transformed to helicopter mode and allowed Starlight and Spike to enter inside. He ejected his hook to carry Starscream. He and Rainbow flew off to the sky to exit Canterlot. “Hey, Megatron, what is that large thing on your... uh... which you carry on your arm?” Rainbow asked. “That is called a fusion cannon. It is my most powerful weapon to destroy and dismantle my adversaries. It is also very effective especially when it blasts a victim—uh, an enemy at point blank range. Much useful.” Megatron proudly explained. “Wow! That’s cool! I wish I got one of those!” Rainbow shouted. “At least my null rays can shoot better,” said Starscream, smirking. “What was that?” Megatron growled. “Uh, I mean... y-your powerful cannon speaks of your greatness, oh, mighty Megatron!” Starscream stuttered. “Ahh, well, thank you,” said Megatron with sarcasm. “Hey, Megatron, I was thinking of something. How about we go visit some other kingdoms such as the Dragonlands, Yakyakistan, the Changeling hive, or maybe even Griffinstone!” Starlight suggested. “This world has other kingdoms? Changeling hive? Dragons? You mean to tell me that there are other creatures that are... not ponies?” Megatron asked, immediately intrigued. “Yep! They are great creatures! Which one do you want to go first?” Starlight asked. Megatron took a moment to think about it until he thought of an idea. “Actually, take me to ALL of these places. I would love to meet each of them.” “Besides, those other creatures can be useful for my ultimate plan. With these new advantages in my sight, little do you foolish organics realize that you are massively contributing to the war... for my grand favor.” IN SPACE The green beam continued to soar across the galaxies. After searching dozens of planets with close scrutiny, it finally detected an energy signature far away. The beam flew for a few extra miles until it spotted a colorful planet in a far distance. Glowing brightly with hope, it sped away to accomplish its purpose. Little did the beam notice that the red space ship followed its track.