Shadow Rising

by Shadow Hound

Chapter Seven: The Forgotten

On the far side of Ponyville stood an old building. The building was old and had seen better days, just like the stallion who owned it. The building belonged to an old unicorn stallion named Swindlehoof, who walked with help from a cane. The outside of the building had posters announcing the Great Master Argon. Inside, he got ready for another meeting.

Today was the day of his monthly club meeting and he needed to rush because his audience was already waiting. He used his magic to grab a comb. He looked in a floor mirror and started combing his dusty grey mane.

An earth pony in the corner looked behind a curtain to see about 35 pony’s in the audience. The old stallion finished off his look with a red cloak. The cloak was not just for the show. It also served the purpose of hiding his thin, gaunt, weakening frame from the audience. The red color also added some flair to his appearance. It was something he needed because his once caramel coat was turning a dusty brown. Argon grabbed the cloak with his hoof and threw it over his shoulders. He tossed his cane onto a small bed. He knew that for the audience, he couldn’t use it. Argon didn’t want to seem weak, so when he was on stage, he would ignore the pain and walk on his own.

He looked at a pony to his side. In a deep and gruff voice, he said, “Tell the audience that I am ready,” Argon instructed. He then opened the curtain. He bit his lower lip while trying to ignore the pain.

The pony to his side nodded and picked up a bowl. He headed through the curtain and started passing it around. A few members of the audience took notice and put a few bits into it.

Argon braced himself against a podium as he looked at the group of near 40 ponies. They all talked with each other. He spoke sternly, “Mares and Gentalcolts.”
Once he saw that they are all paying attention, he continued. “I regret to inform everyone that our club is once again under threat.”

Everypony in the room gasps.

“The taxes are due soon, and they keep going up. I am sorry to keep asking for more, but if we do not pay the taxes, this group is not going to have anywhere to meet.”

The audience gasped again. A small green filly in the front row screamed, “It’s not fair.”

“I know it is not fair.” Argon sighed, “The elite ponies are going to meet tomorrow for the Gala. A very fancy and expensive party that we paid for, but none of us can attend. Unfortunately, the sun is not the only thing that Celestia is raising.”

Argon stopped for a moment when the crowd giggled. “For the last few years the taxes have been going up. Prices have also been going up.” Argon slammed a hoof to the table. “We have been forgotten. We run Equestria with our sweat, and yet the elite are the only ponies that benefit from our hard work. I regret to say that things will not change until we have new leadership in Equestria.”

Argon kicked under the podium. Smoke started coming out of a hidden machine and the stage emitted a blue hue. A pony in the audience yelled out, “Hail, Luna!” The rest of the ponies in the crowd followed.

Argon sneered when he saw a few bits in the bowl. “Who has been raising the taxes?”

The crowd screamed, “Celestia!”

Argon screamed, “Who is going to be having a party in her castle tomorrow, and only the privileged get to go?”

The crowd started booing. A yellow pegasus in the audience yelled out, “Celestia did!”

Argon yelled, “Who locked up a 10-year-old into Tartarus?”

The crowd shouted, “Celestia!”

Argon said, “Who is the one who can stop Celestia?” He shut his eyes and said calmly. “Who is the better princess?”

A colt in the back yelled innocently, “Twilight Sparkle.”

Argon pointed and yelled, “You can’t trust Twilight. She is one of the elite. A waiter has told me she is planning the Gala this year.”

Argon spoke sharply, “Because of Twilight, Ponyville lost Golden Page, the old librarian of The Golden Oaks Library.

An old mare stood up in the front row with tears in her eyes. She said, “It is true. I was the librarian for the last 15 years. Celestia moved me out of Golden Oaks when Twilight came to Ponyville. It was like losing a part of myself.”

The crowd roared in anger at the sight of the old mare crying. The assistant helped her sit back down in a seat in the front row.

Argon continued, “The sun has failed us. We must look to the moon to save us. Give me your bits, and we can save Equestria together. ”

The ponies shouted, “hail, Luan.” Argon hid a smile when he noticed some more of his audience putting more bits into the bowl. He knew he was exciting the audience. Maybe today he can afford hay fries with his meal.

Argon said, “Do you want to follow the princess cold enough to lock her sister up for 1000 years?”

The ponies shouted, “Hail, Luna!”

Argon hit a hidden button inside the podium. An image of Luna appeared behind him.”


Argon looked into the dish to see 20 bits. He calmed himself and said. “This is the fate of Equestria. Do you want to lose everything that this club has worked for?”

He looked at the audience to see that they were all shaking their heads.

Argon said, “If everyone here gave up one cupcake a month, we could pay the rent and the taxes for two months. A cupcake is a luxury. It may taste good, but it only lasts for the moment. The change that we make will last forever. Which is more important to you, a cupcake, or this club which is like family?”

Just then, the light shut off. A thick purple smoke started to flood the stage. Argon moved away from the smoke and fell into the audience. The purple smoke formed into the shape of Luna, but it had red, glowing, piercing, orbs where eyes should have been.

All the ponies started putting money into the bowl.

Argon said under his voice, “What are you?”

The cloud went up to Argon’s face and formed giant white teeth. “I am every princess's nightmare, one of the few things that can stop a princess.”

Nightmare Cloud watched all the ponies process what she was saying.

She continued, “I need you to do something.”

Argon held out the bowl. His hoof visibly shook.

Nightmare scoffed and giggled. After that, she knocked the bowl from Argon’s hooves as she declared, “I don’t care about your bits.” Argon sighed in relief.

Nightmare Cloud asked, “Tell me something. You keep talking about change. How are you going to make the world change?”

A small mare in the front responded, “We pass out flyers, and we put posters out at times when the guards can’t see us.”

Nightmare laughed, “What if I told you that you could create real change? All you need to do is everything I tell you to.”

The group looked at the cloud on the stage. Argon spoke, “What can we do?”

The cloud answered, “first, I need a body. I can’t fight Celestia in this form.”

A mare in the front walked up to her and bowed. “I will do anything for you, Luna. I can be your vessel.”

The cloud looked gleeful, “Oh, my little pony, you're so cute.” The cloud rubbed her on the top of the head. “Luna is overrated. I am better than her in every way.” The cloud stopped and rubbed her chin. “I have a body in mind that I can use.” The mare looked upset. “I need your help. Do what I say, and Celestia will fall. I will be the new Queen!”

Argon raised a hoof, “And what am I suppose to do?”

The cloud grinned with a toothy smile, “You will be remembered as the one who saved Equestria.” She cleared her throat. “With all of your help, the night will last forever!”

Argon clapped his hooves. Soon after, the room filled with the sound of ponies cheering. With everyone distracted, no pony noticed a stallion in a cloak slipping out the back door.

The cloaked figure walked out into the middle of the street. The pony looked around the road to see that nopony was in sight. The stallion removed the cloak. His dark chocolate coat started to get wet from a drizzle that had started. He looked at his pocket watch. The chain rattled in the cold night. Cronos straightened his mustache. “I have not got much time. The timelines are merging. It appears that they are leading to an inevitable conclusion. I must try to stop the worst future from happening.” Cronos opened a portal and walked through it.


The sun beat down on the castle of the Twin Sisters. Shadow felt like he was in an oven. This was one of the drawbacks of spending time in the old castle. He noticed a bright light shining down on his face. Shadow rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Shadow looked around. The red sun gave an eerie glow to the castle.

Shadow yawned. “Is it morning already?”

He jumped when he didn’t get a response.

Shadow waited for his eyes to adjust. He looked around to see that his pack was gone. He checked each of the makeshift beds and found no sign of where they had gone. He noticed that their blankets were torn and tattered.

Shadow flew around the castle. He looked around the castle for any sign as to what happened. Shadow didn’t find his pack. However, he noticed a purple cloud coming from behind Luna’s old throne. Shadow flew down to investigate. He landed at the top of the stairs. Marks on the floor showed where the sisters' thrones once stood. The purple gas was coming out of the wall behind where the sisters once sat. Shadow looked up to see the banner of his mother stood above the gas. Shadow knew of the hidden door. He was told to use the passage only in an emergency once a thousand years prior.

Thoughts raced through Shadow's mind. What was this purple gas? What was it showing him?

Shadow felt the floor for the switch to the door. After a few minutes of searching, Shadow heard a click. As a result, one of the bricks gave away. It fell deep into the floor. After that, the brick wall began to swing back. Shadow looked down the opening.

Shadow walked through the door and to the top of the stairs. He jumped when the door closed behind him.

Well, he thought to himself, I guess there is only one way to go.

Shadow continued down the stairs. As he proceeded, he used his magic to ignite his horn with a glow.

Shadow slowly walked down the stairs so he wouldn’t fall. When he got to the bottom, he noticed a little pony in the corner of the room. Shadow tried to make out her features as much as he could. Her skin looked sickly and grey. Her figure was unnaturally thin. He could not tell what color her eyes where they looked sunken.

Shadow walked up to the little filly. The little pony looked weak and shook at the sound of his footsteps. Softly he said. “Are you hurt?”

The filly spoke in a mousy voice, “Please turn off the light. Don’t hurt me.”

Shadow did what she asked him to do. He turned off his magic, so his horn stopped glowing. Shadow asked, “Why would I hurt you?”

The filly answered, “The monsters attacked.”

Shadow growled, “They were not monsters, they were my pack.”

The filly gasped, “How do you know I was talking about them? Maybe I was talking about the ponies that attacked them.”

Shadow said, “If the ponies hurt my pack, I would have protected them.”

The filly asked, “The same way you protected Bright Mac and Pear Butter?”

Shadow backed up. “How did you know that?”

The filly said, “I know all about you, Romulus.”

The pony said, “Too bad the puppies didn’t know about this passage. Then they would have escaped.”

Shadow looked around, “This passage has to be over a thousand years old. The ceiling could have fallen and blocked the way out.”

The filly said in a taunting tone, “Do you know how to open the door?”

Shadow said, “I could blow this door off its hinges.”

The pony filly grinned a toothy smile. Pearl white teeth nearly glowed in the dark, “Where is the fun in that?” she asked with subtle sinister amusement.

The filly galloped down the passage past some cobwebs. Shadow felt an urge. He didn’t know why, but he wanted.… No…. he needed to follow her.

The passage was bigger than it needed to be. The tunnel was made so if the castle was under attack, the princesses could escape. Shadow looked around. He noticed that his surroundings were thick enough to bring the wagon through. However, someone would need to clear the debris. There was a chance that debris could get caught in the wooden spokes and stop the cart from moving. The air was turned thick. As a result, Shadow found it hard to breathe. The trip through the tunnel was barely manageable. After what felt like hours, they reached an opening.

The little filly stood in the dark but pointed out of the tunnel. Shadow looked. The light peered through the opening. Vines and roots hung in front of the opening like fangs on a dragon, but the escape passage was still very functional. Shadow looked at the little filly who was still in the dark.

Shadow held out a paw as he said, “Come with me so we can leave together.”

The little filly began to giggle. “You don’t want that. Tee-hee.”

Shadow asked, “Why not?”

The little filly walked out of the dark and into the light. When the sun touched her body, it turned frail and old. Shadow recognized her as the old mare from the post office. She said in a very raspy voice. “Because the light shows me how I really am.”

Shadow looked at the forest beyond the opening, “Why show it to me?”

The mare answered, “So you can protect your pack.”
Shadow stated, “I am an alicorn prince. I can stop most creatures.”

The old mare smiled, “Some things you can’t win a fight against.”

Shadow stated, “Wouldn’t I need their help?”

The old mare spoke, “Some threats not even they can help you with.”

Shadow looked at the mare and asked, “And who could?”

The old mare’s eyes started to glow red. The old pony took a few steps forward. Her body turned into a thick purple cloud. The cloud flowed like water and wrapped around Shadow’s body. It looked Shadow in the eyes and said, “All you need to do is say yes.”

The cloud went down Shadow’s throat. He started to cough as the mist filled his lungs. He coughed and gagged. Shadow's eyes watered as he struggled to breathe.

Then suddenly, it all stopped.

Shadow opened his eyes. In doing so, he noticed that the mare was gone. He looked around and saw the opening. It was the tunnel from his dream. Was it a dream Shadow couldn’t tell anymore. Shadow looked out the cave and saw the forest.

Silently he said to himself, “Ah horse apples.” When he realized that this was the only way out of the tunnel, not knowing what else to do, he ran into the forest.


Servo looked around the central area of the castle. Plastic wrappers and trash were thrown all over the floor. The Lycans, entirely oblivious to the mess they made, slept in a pile in the middle of the area. Frustrated, Servo kicked an empty bean can.

Servo sighed. “Look at this mess.”

He looked at the pile of sleeping Lycans as he added, “Would it kill any of them to clean up after they eat?”

He looked at the pack and noticed that Shadow was missing. Servo looked around for the prince. He looked at what was left of the second floor to see Eclipse staring out a broken window. In a panic, he climbed a vine so he could talk with her.

Servo quietly asked. “What are you doing up here?”

Eclipse smiled. “We don’t get sunsets in the Lycan Empire. I don’t know why, but I just wanted to see it.”

Servo looked confused as he asked, “You like the sun?”

Eclipse looked at him. “Well, darling, we like most what we don’t have.”

Servo asked, “Do you know what happened to Shadow?”

Eclipse answered, “I saw him leave his bed a few hours ago. It was a little strange. He was talking to himself.”

Servo panicked, “Did you see where he went?”

Eclipse giggled, “I am not here to babysit him.”

Servo said, “You’re no help.”

Eclipse sneered, “Why worry? Most likely, he is going down memory lane. He could have grown up here. That is if Celestia didn’t go crazy and try to kill his mother.”

Servo said, “And if we can’t find him.”

Eclipse said, “I am sure he will show up.”

Just then, they heard the castle door move. Servo jumped down to investigate. Shadow slipped in through the partially open door.

Servo ran over. “And where have you been?”

Shadow said sarcastically, “Out exploring.”

Servo asked, “Why are you not transformed? What if somepony saw you?”

Shadow answered, “I am not worried. My fur is dark for a reason.” He struck a pose. “I blend into the shadows.”
Shadow was not wrong in this. All Lycans could hide easily because of their dark fur color. Shadow’s fur was dark blue so he could hide very easily.

Eclipse wiped a cobweb off of his back as she asked, “How did you get so dirty?”

Shadow grinned, “That is what I was doing. I found a tunnel big enough to fit the wagon through.” Shadow flew over to where the thrones once sat. “I hope we don’t have to use it, but if we need to, you can escape from the castle through the tunnel.”

Servo said, “Why didn’t you go back through the tunnel if it was so great?”

Shadow hit one of the bricks. A passageway opened up. “I couldn’t find a way to open the door from the inside.”

Eclipse stated, “Good heavens! It must have taken you a few hours to walk around the whole castle, darling!

Shadow sighed, “Yeah, maybe.”

Servo responded, “When did you sleep?”

Shadow sighed. “Lately, I have not been sleeping. I keep seeing things.”

Servo, “What do you mean?”

Shadow walked inside the castle. “I can’t talk. I need to get ready for the Gala.”

Servo spoke, “I still wish that you would think about not going.”

Shadow said, “I still wish that you would not question my choices, so now we are even.”

Servo stomped his claws. “I wish you would do something useful.”

Shadow responded, “I wish you wouldn’t nag me.”

The Lycans woke up from the noise. They started opening their eyes.
Shirwolf started covering his ears. Triage got up and started checking Shirwolf's bandages.
Blaze let out a big yawn. She turned over and faced Whittwolf, “Is it that time already?”
Whittwolf looked over to her, “Time for us to watch them argue sounds like it.”

Shadow said, “For the last time, I am not going out just to play. If I can get that book on Crystal Hearts, I might be able to fix the heart that protects the Lycan Empire.”

Whittwolf cleared his throat and yelled so loud some birds flew out of the nearby trees, “WHO IS IN CHARGE?”

Servo and Shadow both jumped. They turned to look at Whittwolf.

Shirwolf and Triage looked at each other, then at the group arguing. They got up and walked over to the group.

Servo crossed his arms, “Shadow is.”

Whittwolf said, “Then why are you acting like you are?”

Servo said, “Because I am here to take care of Shadow.”

Triage spoke, “Is he safe?”

Servo said, “Yeah, but for how long?”

Triage said, “Then you need not worry. He is older than you by like nine hundred years.”

Servo fell to his knees and begged Shadow, “Could you at least sell some metal?”

Eclipse rolled her eyes. “Darling, what did we just say?”

Whittwolf said, “He has a point.”

Everyone looked scorned at Whittwolf.

Whittwolf sighed and stated his thoughts calmly, “If Shadow takes some metal, we can get it done today.”

Shirwolf chimed in, “He doesn’t need too. I can sell some. I have been mostly sitting on my butt anyway.”

Triage stood in front of Shirwolf, “You can’t. You have two cracked ribs.” She tried to get him to sit back down. “If you are not careful, you could break them.”

Shirwolf groaned. “I just don’t like everyone else doing all the work.”

Triage walked over to Shadow. “I can’t help. I need to stay here with Shirwolf.”

Servo shrugged, “I can’t go because dragons are not common in Ponyville.”

Eclipse giggled. “I can go, and on my way back, I can pick up these darling earrings that I saw. I would look so perfect in them.”

The group all groaned at the same time.

Eclipse retorted, “What the Lycan Empire doesn’t use bits, so we have to spend them on something.”

Everyone looked at her.

Shirwolf said, “We were supposed to buy supplies. You know the things we need.”

Eclipse said, “It may not be supplies, but I needed these.”

She hovered out a collection of buttons. They were silver with the image of a moon on them.

Eclipse smiled, “I saw them on sale yesterday, and I had to have them.”

She hovered them out near Shadow, “See?”

Shadow frowned, “You could have spent it on something we need, like food.”

Eclipse blushed, “I bought them thinking of you. They remind me of your cutie mark.”

Shadow looked at his cutie mark. It was a yellow crescent moon with a small star behind it. Usually, most Lycans didn’t have cutie marks. His father had one, but he lost it when he became a Lycan. Shadow was surprised when he got his about 20 years ago. It was the same day he lost his best friend, Bright Mac.

Lycans still had unique talents, but they did not get a cutie mark. The only other exception was when they transformed using magic. An example is Blaze ironically gained the cutie mark of a fireball. Triage of a bandaid. Whittwolf strangely got one of a hammer.

Shadow looked at the button. It had an image of a Crescent moon on it. Shadow smiled. He knew he was defeated. He couldn’t stay mad at her, even if she did this only to save her hide.

Shadow sighed, “I guess I can see your point.”

She hovered it near him. “It is yours if you want it.”

He held out his bag. She put them in it. “Thank you, Eclipse.”

He then teleported his bag away.

Servo pointed to a stack of metal. Shadow grumbled.

Eclipse spoke up. “So, how about if I sell the metal for Shadow?”

Everyone looked at Shadow. He knew what they wanted him to do.

Shadow groaned, “Eclipse, I am going to sell the third group of metal.”

Everyone sighed in relief.

Eclipse started to sulk. Shadow pat her on the back. “I need someone to get that escape tunnel looking as good as new. I want it to look beautiful.”

Eclipse said, “I will do my best.”

Servo grunted, “And while you’re at it, you can clean up these cans.”

Eclipse sneered at Servo, “We’ll see.”

Shadow teleported his bag back and hovered the metal into it. Shadow then teleported his bag away again.

Servo held out a stack of paper and gave it to Shadow. Shadow growled at Servo. Shadow glanced at it. “Really?”

Servo told him, “It is the prices of the metal in case you forget. Also, possible places that might buy some metal.”

He hovered the list near Blaze. In response, she giggled. She pulled out a match and lit it on fire. The paper slowly turned black and crumbled to ash, then the ashes blew away.

Eclipse snickered as Servo held what remained of the ashes.

Servo screamed, “Hey, how are you going to remember the price of iron bars? What about iron Plates? What if the price went up this year?”

Shadow responded, “Yeah, I don’t need that. I have been selling iron since before you hatched. I glanced at it.”

Shadow then used his magic to swing open the main doors. They creaked as they moved.

Servo yelled out, “don’t forget most ponies are not use to seeing Lycans!”

Whittwolf yelled, “All right, dad! did you pack a lunch too?”

They all held their pearls and transformed into ponies.

Blaze's fur turned a light red. Her hair turned into an orange mane with a yellow stripe. A cutie mark appeared on her flank. Whittwolf’s grey fur turned into a much lighter grey. Shadow chose to use his magic instead. His bones creaked, and his fur color stayed the same. His wings disappeared, something he did to hide the fact that he was an Alicorn. Finally, his paws turned into hooves, and his snout turned into a pony nose.

Whittwolf commented, “Why don’t you use a pearl piece like the rest of us?”

Shadow grinned, “Because I don’t have too.”

Whittwolf shrugged and looked at Blaze. “I bet I can sell my metal before you sell yours.”

Blaze grinned, “You're on.”

Whittwolf drew a line with his hooves in the dirt. All three of them put their hooves just behind the line. Whittwolf spoke, “Come on everyone or eh.. I guess now it is everypony. Let's see who can sell their iron first.”

Blaze stood on the left side of Whittwolf. Shadow stood on the right side.
All three of them shared glances at each other while they heard Whittwolf count.
Everyone dug into the ground.
Everyone bent down, ready to run.
Everyone got ready and dug their hooves into the ground. The three of them looked at each other. They waited for Whittwolf to say it.
Whittwolf smiled and then said with confidence.

Like a flash of lightning, all three ponies ran from the castle.

Shadow quickly got in front of Whittwolf. Whittwolf ran faster and started to push Shadow forward. Shadow laughed until he felt his rear legs slip. Shadow moved to the side of Whittwolf so he didn’t trip. Shadow wanted to stay to the right of the path, so he pushed Whittwolf towards a bush.

Blaze didn’t want to be left out. Blaze laughed at the two then she started to push Shadow into Whittwolf.

Whittwolf laughed. Suddenly he shifted his weight and drifted toward Shadow. They both clashed and pushed into each other. Blaze pushed against Shadow. Shadow smiled and jumped over Whittwolf. Whittwolf laughed when he saw the crossroad ahead. He suddenly understood why Shadow wanted to be on the right side of the path. When they got to the intersection, each Lycan ran down a different road. Blaze went down the left path. Whittwolf went straight. Shadow to the right, past a sign labeled Sweet Apple Acres. The sign blew as he ran past it.

Eclipse sighed as she watched her friends laugh until she could no longer see them.

Shirwolf pat her on the back. “It is ok. We can have our fun.”

Servo said, “Come on, Eclipse. You better start cleaning up.”

Shirwolf whispered to Eclipse, “Let’s lock him in the escape tunnel and hope he runs away.”

Eclipse hugged Shirwolf. Eclipse said, “Maybe I can sneak out later and get the earings they were darling.”

Shirwolf smiled, “I am sure they were.”


Shadow ran down the path. He slowed down when he started to see more apple trees. He stopped at the top of the hill. He looked down to see that Applejack was moving boxes of apples. Shadow grinned ear to ear. Quietly he walked up behind her and then used his magic to pick up the box that was on her back. He gently placed the box on the ground near a stack of other apple boxes. “Let me help you with that.”

Applejack looked at him. Applejack giggled and wiped the sweat from her brow. “Showoff.”

Applejack looked at him. “Big Mac told me that he was going to deliver these apples for me so I can go to the Gala.”

Shadow grinned and used his magic to pick up all the apples and placed them into a cart. Shadow jumped when he heard a familiar voice.


He turned around to see that Big Mac was standing there. Shadow put on a fake smile as he began to sweat. “Hi Big Mac. We haven't seen each other in a while. Good to see you.”

Big mac looked at Applejack and calmly said, “Can you go check on Applebloom for me?”

Applejack looked confused, “She is with her friends.”

Big Mac snorted, “Then go check on Granny for me.”

Applejack sulked toward the house. She walked up to Big Mac. She quietly whispered in his ear, “Please be nice and civil. It wasn’t his fault what happened.” Big Mac waited until Applejack went into the house.

When he saw the door shut, Big Mac yelled, “What are you doing here? Do you remember what Granny Smith told you?”

Shadow calmly said, “We are just friends.”

Big Mac responded, “Just like you were friends with my parents!”

Shadow responded, “If I could undo what happened..”

Big Mac started to cry, “Some friend you are. You’re nothing but an M…”

Shadow snapped back, “Say it,” Shadow yelled. “What were you going to say? Monster?” Shadow got into big Mac’s face. Their noses pressed against each other. “You think I am a big Monster? Listen! I was friends with your parents before you were born.”

Big Mac started to back up. “I was going to say Mutt.”
Shadow banged a hoof to his chest, “I am so sorry about what happened to your parents. If I knew that they were going to walk into a pack of timberwolves, I would have gone with them. I would have torn every timberwolf into splinters if it would bring back your parents, but it wouldn’t.”

Big Mac started to cry tears flowed down his face, “You didn’t even bring them back. We could have buried them together under their tree.”

A tear flowed down Shadow’s face, “There wasn’t anything to bring back. You don’t want to see what I found.”

Big Mac calmed himself. “Applejack is a grown mare now. It wouldn’t be right for me to tell her who she can and can’t be around.”

Shadow, “Thank you.”

Big Mac grabbed Shadow by the shoulders and slammed him into the barn. The wood cracked under the weight of both stallions. Shadow's eyes grew wide. Big Mac growled into his ears, “I don’t like you. I don’t care if you are an alicorn. I will do anything to protect my family.”

Shadow nodded.

Big Mac continued. “This doesn’t change anything. If you hurt Applejack, I will find you. I will buck you up. You will break.”

Big Mac snorted and got off of Shadow, “Do you understand me?”

Shadow dusted the splinter from his fur coat. “I think I do.”

Applejack opened the door to the house. “Granny is fine. She is just resting.”

Big Mac looked at Applejack and smiled. “Thanks.”

Applejack looked at them both, “Are you two ok?”

Big mac put an arm around Shadow and squeezed. “Yup.”

Shadow found it hard to breathe but he managed to mutter a “We’re fine.”

Applejack ran up to Shadow, “Then let's go into Ponyville and have some fun.”

Shadow looked back at Big Mac and nervously said, “But not too much fun.”

Big Mac stood in front of a tree and bucked it with his back legs. The tree split into two and fell. Big Mac clenched his teeth and looked at Shadow, “Yup.”

Applejack trotted down the path towards Ponyville. Shadow followed several feet behind her.

Applejack looked back and asked, “Where is your first delivery?”

Shadow responded, “To a stallion named Billet Forge.”

Applejack said, “I know who that is. I can show you where to find’em.”

Shadow sighed. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay and help your brother?”

Applejack smiled, “Yup!”