Red Strings, White Chains

by Undome Tinwe

Stolen Moments

"...and after your dinner with the Duke of Trottingham, you need to make an appearance at the Sunset Soirée being hosted by Lady Golden Wish in honour of your engagement — just a quick hello-and-goodbye, no need to stay — before we have the meeting with the delegation from Saddle Arabia. And you still need to approve the budget for increased security at the wedding after the incident with the Dragonlord."

"So, just another ordinary day, then?" Celestia's lips quirked up in a resigned smile as she trotted briskly down the hallway.

"Quite." Raven Inkwell's expression never changed, her professionalism shining through even in the face of all the insanity that had beset them. "Prince Blueblood has also requested another audience with you at his earliest convenience."

"His earliest convenience?" Celestia asked as they reached the restricted part of the Castle and she allowed her posture to sag slightly now that she was out of public view.

"Those are the words he used." It really was a gift how Raven was able to inject so much disdain in her tone without ever losing her detached air.

"I see. Well, I'm sure you can find a time that will fit his very busy schedule. Perhaps before one of my meetings with Luna so I have somepony to... commiserate with, afterwards." Celestia grimaced. Blueblood was one of the few subjects she still preferred to vent to her sister about rather than her fiancée. It was a weakness in their relationship that they would have to address one day. "And please make sure the budget gets delivered to my desk by tonight. You know how forgetful Silver Heart can be."

"Of course, Princess." Raven made another note on her clipboard, her pace never slowing down. The mare had walking on three legs down to an art form.

Celestia took another look at her personal assistant, and noticed the lean muscles of her legs shifting as they trotted towards the private meeting rooms. Ever since Celestia's engagement to Rarity had been announced, Raven had lost quite a bit of weight and developed a more toned physique. It was good to see the mare's physical health improving, but Celestia regretted the circumstances that had led to it.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused," she said. The two of them were long past propriety, and Celestia had no qualms about being frank towards Raven. "A thousand years with no Royal Weddings, and suddenly you have to wrestle with two of them in your tenure."

That made Raven pause. "Princess," she said, staring Celestia right in the eyes. "Do you remember the day I first came to work for you?"

"Of course," Celestia replied. "You were very... dedicated to doing your profession proud. I admired the passion and conviction with which you swore your oath to the Crown."

"And do you remember what you told me after I pledged to give up my life in service of Equestria?"

"I was rather taken aback at the severity of your pledge, but I believe I told you that Equestria was its ponies, and that only by living a happy and fulfilling life could you truly serve the nation." Celestia paused. "I suppose this is where you tell me that I need to do the same?"

"That's also a very good point, but I was actually thinking of what you said about not wanting a servant, but a friend." Raven smiled, a rare display of emotion that was as beautiful as it was genuine. "I'm your friend, Princess, and friends enjoy seeing their friends happy. Helping you navigate the chaos of this wedding is stressful, yes, but it's also one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.

"You are more than Equestria's ruler. You are beloved throughout the land, and seeing you happy makes all of us happy, makes all of us feel like we finally have a chance to pay back the thousands of years of service you have given us. So please, don't trouble yourself with how much trouble you're causing me — but if you could speak to the Diamond Dog ambassador about not trying to tunnel through the floors to get to a meeting faster, it would be appreciated."

"I'll convey your wishes next time I see Rufus," Celestia replied automatically, her mind whirling with Raven's heartfelt words. "And... thank you, my friend. For being a good friend, and for serving Equestria alongside me all these years."

Raven's cheeks were flushed, reflecting the heat Celestia was feeling herself. "Truly, it was my pleasure," she muttered back before schooling her features behind a blank mask once again. "Now, your next meeting is with Princess Twilight Sparkle, to discuss the logistics of the wedding." Raven flipped through her clipboard. "Hmm... odd, but there doesn't seem to be an agenda for today. Perhaps it got lost in the mail?"

"No matter," Celestia replied. "I'm certain Twilight will have an extra copy or three for me to peruse."

They reached the meeting room, and Raven returned her clipboard to her saddlebag. "Enjoy your meeting, Princess," she said politely. "I'll make sure Silver Heart has the budget ready."

"Thank you, Raven." There was nothing more that needed to be said. Raven left, and Celestia pushed open the door, preparing herself for another round of excruciating planning. As much as she enjoyed the company of her former student, Twilight could be... exacting at the best of times. And this wedding had pushed her organizational instincts into overdrive.

Instead of facing an anxious alicorn, however, Celestia was greeted by the sight of the only pony she would rather have been meeting with.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty." Rarity gave a curtsy that was just high enough to be teasing rather than obsequious. "I'm afraid there's been a slight change of plans. Your former student thought it would be best if instead of discussing seating arrangements with you for the third time, you and I should get some practice in for our wedding night."

As Rarity smouldered her way to Celestia, it took all of the princess' willpower to maintain the flat expression on her face. "Twilight absolutely did not say that."

Rarity pouted as she stopped swaying her hips. "Actually, she did say those exact words." A giggle escaped from her lips. "Apparently, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie have been coaching her in the art of bawdy jesting."

"Oh my." Celestia had to press a hoof over her own muzzle to hide her smile. "That must have been quite the sight to bear witness to."

"She turned the most delightful shade of crimson after she realized what she was fully implying." Rarity wrapped her hooves around Celestia, slowly stroking her withers as she whispered the next words in her ear. "I still hope to elicit that same colour from you one day, my love."

"You are getting there, my little diamond. And I rue the day you finally reduce me to such a state." Celestia gently nuzzled Rarity. "I suppose Twilight still isn't able to accept the fact that I am a mare with the needs and desires of one?"

"She's stopped flinching whenever we kiss, so I would say that we're making progress." Rarity punctuated the statement with a quick peck on Celestia's cheek. "But I'm afraid you will always be many things to her, all of which make those types of thoughts... discomforting, to say the least."

Celestia sighed. "I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it. I did help raise her, after all." Now it was her turn to kiss Rarity, with significantly more passion — and tongue. "So, she arranged a little tryst for us, then?"

"Indeed." They slowly moved their way over to one of the plush couches, their hooves never ceasing in roaming each others' bodies. "I'm afraid I've been rather melancholy for the past week, ever since our last meeting. I never thought that getting engaged to you would result in us having less time to spend together."

"It's been difficult for me as well," Celestia admitted. "But I take comfort in knowing that we'll soon be seeing each other much more often."

"True." Rarity began tracing patterns across Celestia's barrel, a sure sign of her unease. "I'm beginning to pack my things for the move, with Sweetie's... assistance. It will be marvelous to live under the same roof as you, even if we cannot yet share the same bed officially. And I've almost finished finalizing the sale of Carousel, so that will free up much of my schedule."

Before Celestia could say anything, Rarity held up a hoof to silence her. "I don't wish to speak of it right now," she said. "There will be time enough for me to make peace with my decision in the weeks to come. For now, I simply wish to enjoy a secret liaison with my paramour."

"As you wish, dear." It still tugged at Celestia's heart when she thought of what Rarity would be giving up to marry her, but she had learned in her long life not to dwell on regrets, and to instead live in the present. "I've missed you so much," she said, pressing her lips against Rarity's mane and breathing in the clean, pure scent of her.

"I've missed you too." Rarity leaned into Celestia's caress, and for a few moments, they simply enjoyed the shared warmth of their love. Then, Rarity spoke. "I do wish that I didn't have to take away your time with Twilight to have this little rendezvous, though."

"As much as I enjoy my time with her, I can't say I'm too disappointed that my fiancée was here to greet me instead." The reminder that they didn't have all afternoon spurred Celestia on as she began to slowly nuzzle Rarity's neck.

To her surprise and concern, Rarity didn't nuzzle her back, but stiffened instead, turning away from Celestia. Celestia pulled back, giving her some space. "What's wrong, my love?"

Rarity shook her head. "It's nothing, really. I just can't stop thinking about how much Twilight loves spending time with you. This really does feel like a stolen moment we have together, taken from somepony we both hold dear in our hearts."

It still surprised Celestia how often her thoughts seemed to be in sync with her lover's. She placed a hoof under Rarity's chin and tilted her head so that she could see Celestia's smile. "You have such a compassionate and generous heart." Overwhelmed by the emotions filling her, she pressed a kiss against Rarity's lips. "It is truly humbling, at times.

"But Twilight is a grown mare, one who loves us both as much as we love her. We should never take that love for granted, but neither should we deny her the chance to express it. As I've been reminded today, our friends are happy to help us, and when the time comes for them, there is no question as to whether we will be there to help them in turn."

The tension flooded away from Rarity, and she leaned back into Celestia in a gesture that the princess had come to treasure, an expression of trust and contentment that she knew was rare for the seamstress. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I suppose, as the Element of Generosity, it's important for me to be gracious in receiving as well as giving." The smile that crossed her lips warmed Celestia's heart with how satisfied it was. "These moments aren't stolen, are they? They're gifts given to us by those we love."

"In my many years, I've found time to be the greatest gift of all." Celestia banished the dark thoughts before they could form. As an immortal, it was important for her to live in the present. "We should cherish this moment, and ensure that Twilight Sparkle will regret asking you what we did in her absence."

Her words had the desired effect as Rarity shot Celestia a glare with no heat. "You're terrible, Your Majesty!" she chided, pushing her away. "What would your subjects say if they knew you said such things behind closed doors?"

"If what Luna has told me of their dreams is any indication, a petition would likely be started to have our bedroom included in the palace tours."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "You're incorrigible." Sprawling herself against Celestia, she cupped her muzzle with a hoof. "Did I really come all the way from Ponyville just to listen to your crude remarks about our love life?"

"If you wish, my love, we could find better uses for our lips." Celestia held back, waiting for Rarity to make the next move. The anticipation was delicious, and she savoured every moment of it as she watched the fires of lust burn in Rarity's eyes.

"I suppose it falls to me to silence you, Your Majesty." With that, Rarity leaned forwards, and all thoughts of duty and plans faded away as Celestia lost herself in her lover's embrace. For now, all that mattered was making the most out of this moment that they had not stolen from their friend, but received as a gift.

And tomorrow, Celestia would find a way to repay Twilight's generosity, and so would Harmony continue to flourish throughout Equestria, given life by the ponies who shared in her bounty.