//------------------------------// // Part I - Chapter 04 - More than a b**ch // Story: Three's a crowd // by Gowak //------------------------------// Sunset loved driving. Having to focus on the cars and roads allowed her to put her mind at ease, to forget about anything else. Once she was behind the wheel, she was an object in motion and would keep going forward until she had reached her destination.  Sadly, not even her driving-induced zen was a match for her anxious thoughts. While it had gone very well in the end, talking to Twilight had made her realise how much she had fucked up so far. And she was pretty sure Adagio would let her know how many more mistakes she had basked in. Despite these worries, however, Sunset was eager to see her siren. Even when they were not together, Adagio was a constant presence at her side, always one phone call or text away. Even when they could not or would not talk to each other, she always seemed to be somewhere in Sunset’s mind, teasing her by just being there. The ideation of a bare-skin hug. Sunset sometimes wondered if the former Dazzling had not kept some of her powers and used it to bewitch her… and she always realised that she did not care. When they argued, however, the presence grew as cold as Adagio’s mood. All of a sudden she was alone and passive-aggressively reminded of it. Let’s hope I didn’t fuck things up too much this time, Sunset thought bitterly. She arrived at Sweet Apple Acres right before midnight but even so she was not surprised to see Applejack up and waiting for her. “Sup’,” Sunset let out tiredly through the window as she parked the car. “Sup’,” Applejack answered in kind. “Looks like everything went well.” Sunset left the car and stretched a bit before she threw the keys to her friend. “How do you know?” “You’ve got that goofy, lovey-dovey grin on your face,” Applejack mocked while expertly catching the keys. “It’s not goofy,” Sunset retorted grumpily. The farmer grinned knowingly. “If you say so” was marked all over her face. Sunset tried to pout, to no avail. She was just too happy to pretend. And Applejack’s smile was extremely contagious. Today had been a good day, good enough to make her optimistic about the morrow.  ✶𝄞☀𝄞✶ Sunset munched on her toast absent-mindedly, barely registering what the human tornado formerly known as Applejack was telling her. It was six in the morning. Six. And Applejack had been up for an hour. How she could be up and about before seven no matter how late she went to sleep still baffled Sunset. She sometimes wondered if the Apple family had somehow developed a special kind of apples filled with a cocktail of experimental drugs. If that was the case, however, Sunset was immune to it. She took another bite of her toast and apple marmalade slowly dripped from the bitten area to fall limply on the plate underneath. She had not slept enough, not even remotely. She had had no trouble sleeping per se; falling asleep in the first place had been a challenge, however. Sunset had been lying awake for way too long, thinking about what she would say to Adagio and how the conversation would be going. Even now, multiple scenarios were playing in the background of her thoughts. But no matter how tired she was, she could not stay asleep while her friend was so busy. It felt impolite. “Will you be okay, Sunset?” Applejack inquired as she slowed down at last. “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about me,” she said with a tired smile and a dismissive hand wave. “I survived worse.” “Sorry for waking you up,” she said while putting some coffee in Sunset’s mug, “I tried to be quiet but…” “Not your fault,” Sunset let out, between two sips of the hot, bitter ambrosia. “It’s my horse genes acting up.” Applejack stopped for a second, opened her mouth but seemed to reconsider. After a few seconds, she finally asked, “So what’s your plan for today?”  “Aria is driving me to Sonata’s family’s house later today. I have to talk with Dagi… There’s a lot to discuss.” “She knows you’re here?” Sunset nodded. “Yeah, I told her last night. I hope you don’t mind?” “Nah, it’s alright,” Applejack said dismissing the concern. “You think it’ll go well?” Sunset pensively played with her mug, making the coffee turn in it. “Honestly? I’m not sure. She sounded very pissed off when I called, but she might want me to stew in my mistakes a bit…“ “Heh, you knew what you were going into when you started dating her,” Applejack said, finally sitting down to eat her breakfast. “Yeah,” Sunset admitted sheepishly. “She’s kind of a whole deal package. She’s worth it though.” Applejack pondered it while she put some marmalade on her toasts. “Yeah… I guess she appeals to bitchy Sunset, the same way Twi appeals to your kinder side.” “Dagi is more than that you know? A bitch, I mean.” “Yeah, I know, I’m just teasing.” Applejack hungrily bit into her crisp slice of bread and helped it go down with half a cup of coffee, seemingly unfazed by the heat. “Though she seems to work very hard to let people think that’s all she is.” “Yeah,” Sunset admitted. “That’s how she's dealt with the world so far… it’s hard to let go of a façade you took decades to build.” “Sure sounds like it.” “Deep down, though?” Sunset continued pensively, “she’s still that siren that got exiled a thousand years ago. Lost, pissed off, and lonely.” Applejack simply nodded. “It doesn’t excuse her past misdeeds, but she’s more than just a bitch.” “Reminds me of someone, somehow,” Applejack taunted. “Pegasi of a feather and so on,” the former unicorn retorted wryly. “Come on, you know we say ‘birds’ here.” “Pegasi is fancier. Also, she and I are both ponies. More or less. It feels appropriate.” “If you say so,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes. Mindless Debauchery’s Lock Me Up erupted all of a sudden, disturbing the relative peace of the house. Sunset scrambled around, looking for her phone, panic and sleep-deprivation making her clumsy as Aria’s favourite song dared her to shut it up. She managed to catch it before the second verse and picked up the call hurriedly. “Aria?” “Did I wake you up?” “You wish! Wait a minute… Did you call me just to wake me up early?” “Maybe. I didn’t want to wait while you got ready.” “You bi–“ “See you in ten minutes,” Aria interrupted before hanging up. Sunset stood there in silence for a moment, her phone uselessly pressed against her ear. “Aria’s coming,” she finally stated. Applejack shrugged. “You said it yourself. Adagio’s a package deal.” She certainly was, and Sonata and Aria were part of this package. Sunset was still unsure of the exact relation between the sirens, but they were inseparable. And while getting close to Sonata had been easy, learning to know Aria and befriend her had been incredibly frustrating at first, but all in all she was glad she had. Even now. Aria arrived precisely ten minutes later. She drove her car decisively in front of the Apples’ house and stopped right in front of the door. Applejack and Aria stared at each other without a word then nodded in silent agreement. “I see you, you see me, we’re not friends, we’re not enemies,” they seemed to convey. “See you around, A.J.,” Sunset said, suddenly hugging Applejack. “Thanks for everything.” “Good luck and success, Sunset,” Applejack answered while reciprocating the unexpected burst of affection. “I’ll need it,” Sunset whispered as she finally let her friend go.  Without any further delay, Sunset went into the car.  “Took your sweet ass time,” Aria greeted. “Glad to see you too,” Sunset impassively retorted as she attached her seatbelt. They drove out of the farm without speaking a word. Sunset did not try to engage in conversation with her driver. Aria would talk when she felt like it. Any attempt to force her out of her silence would be fruitless or worse.  She, fortunately, did not have to wait for long. “Sonata told me you’re in trouble with Adagio.” “Depends what you mean by trouble. We argued and I’m trying to make things better.” “Ain’t nothing little when you deal with Ada. You’re in big troubles.” Sunset felt her anxiety spike all of a sudden. Her veneer of confidence cracked as she let out a worried “Really?” “Nah, I’m just pulling your leg.” “You’re a bitch, you know that?”  Aria smiled as Sunset sulked into her seat. The former unicorn didn’t pay too much mind to it, however. That was how almost all her discussions with Aria went. She would get a rise out of her and then start to talk casually as if nothing had happened. “So what’s happened exactly?” Aria said, right on cue. “You and Ada got a few arguments but rarely to the point she’d go to see the children.”  “I fucked up and accidentally invited her to my date with Twilight.” Aria let out a long, admirative whistle. “Wow. And I thought I was bad with that whole dating stuff. How did you manage that?” “It’s complicated…” “Right, keep your self-sabotage tricks to yourself. I’ll find my own.” “Speaking of disaster, how’s Rainbow?” “We broke up.” “Oh…” Sunset finally let out as she removed her foot from her mouth. “Yup.” “What happened?” “It’s complicated.” Many questions danced in Sunset’s mind. She picked one at random. “Do you still plan on climbing the K2 together or…” “Yup.” “How’s she taking it?” Aria paused. Sunset immediately realised her mistake. Aria was not good at reading people. It was not that she did not care. She simply did not know how to do it the way other people instinctively did. Maybe the question had been in her mind all along. Perhaps Sunset had just conjured it. It didn’t matter in the end: the answer would still be frustratingly out of reach for Aria. “How are you taking it?” Sunset asked, trying to distract her friend. “We didn’t make sense. It was better that we broke up.” Aria paused. Sunset patiently waited for more. “But I miss her…” Sunset nodded. “It will be fine. You and Rainbow are still friends, and if it makes more sense for you to break up, then it will only make your bond stronger.” “If you say so,” Aria let out unconvincingly.  Silence rose again in the car. Sunset could not help but wonder if she had managed to comfort Aria properly. She had always been the hardest to reach of all the sirens, despite everyone’s best efforts. “Hey,” Aria let out, interrupting Sunset’s introspection. “Adagio’s not used to dating people either. Take good care of her okay?” “I will.” “Good. Or I’ll break both your knees.” “But I need them!” “Then you know what to do.” Sometimes I wonder, she thought wistfully. ✶𝄞☀𝄞✶ Sonata and her daughter didn't live in in a regular household. They shared it with at least six other families who called it their home and three or four lived it on a quasi-permanent basis. Ever since the siren had lost her powers, she had spent more and more time with her daughter and grandchildren, pretending to be a distant aunt not to freak everyone out. This life fit her well. Contrarily to her sisters, she had had no trouble getting used to mortality and normalcy. She was already living her life day to days before the battle of the band. Without the burden of manipulation, she was simply an exuberantly happy woman. And she was satisfied with that. “Sunny!” Sonata said, jumping in the arms of Sunset as soon as she left the car. “I missed you! Why don’t you ever come to visit?” “Sorry,” Sunset said sheepishly. “It’s a bit far away, and I don’t have a car yet…” “Oh… I guess that’s a good reason.” She acknowledged while tapping her chin pensively. “Well, you’re here now! Come in! The children will be super happy to see you!” She turned toward Aria, a wide, hopeful grin on her face. “Aria! Will you stay a bit today? I’ve made your favourite!” Aria pondered about it for a few seconds before answering. “I guess I can stay a bit. But tell your army of spawns to keep away from me.” “Yay!” As always when she came in, Sunset marvelled at how huge the house was. She intellectually knew it was a given if it was to shelter that many people. But still… it was impressive. They met several of the other family members as they passed. All of them greeted the newcomers happily and exchanged pleasantries with Sonata. The lively siren was visibly beloved in the household. Finally, after some time, they reached a small living room in which two kids were playing. “Antaria! Sunny!” a bubbly, juvenile voice called as soon as they entered. Sunset watched in awe as a small child ran clumsily toward her.  “Firefly‽” She knew that this fiery blond hair and green skin could only belong to one of Sonata’s grandchildren yet she could barely believe it. The last time she had seen her, she was still a baby who had yet to master the delicate art of crawling. She picked up the child and raised them above her head to their absolute delight. “Oh my… You’ve grown up so much!”  “Hey,” Aria simply said, raising her hand in greeting. Sunset put the child down and stared at her incredulously. “Last time I saw you you were just a baby… How big are you now?” “One,” she articulated, raising one, proud finger to illustrate. “Do they always grow that fast?” she asked Sonata with awe.   “Even faster than you realise,” Sonata whispered, her smile wavering slightly. “But you get used to it.” “Hi, Sunset! Hello, aunt Aria,” the other child said. This kid had grown too since the last time Sunset had seen her. Not as much as her sibling, however, to Sunset’s relief. Full Wish was probably in her early teens now and you could see the hints of the adult she would one day become. Even more than before, she looked a lot like her grandmother. She had the same eyes and their skins shared very similar hues. The deep blue stripes in her braided, corn-yellow hair added to the resemblance even more. However, it was her smile that was the most strikingly similar. She and Sonata had the same roguish side-grin, full of joyful innocence.  “Hey, Wish,” Sunset greeted in return. “Been a while! How are you?” “I’m fine. Aunt Adagio has made my hair.” She turned toward Aria with an expectant look on her face. “You like it?” Aria nodded approvingly. “Not bad.” Full Wish beamed at the compliment. “Flow’s not here today?” Aria asked, looking around for the last grandchild. “He’s in his room,” Full Wish answered immediately. “He said he was busy and he would come down later.” Aria simply nodded. Sunset, however, wasn’t paying attention to the rest of the family’s whereabouts. “Is Adagio still here?” “Yes! She’s in her room, but she said she doesn’t want to be disturbed.” “I’m just going to say hi,” Sunset absentmindedly said. “It should be fine.” Sonata smiled understandingly at Sunset and Aria gave her an encouraging thumb up, but she barely noticed. Sunset followed her muscle memory toward Adagio’s room. Pass the living room, up to the first floor, after the children’s room, right to the attic. There it was. The door was closed, but the ladder was out. She climbed and knocked. “Dagi? It’s me. Can I come in?” There were no answers. Sunset slightly pushed the trapdoor and it moved without any resistance. She pushed further and went in. The room was dimly illuminated as the sunlight barely passed the closed curtain. It took a few seconds for Sunset’s eyes to adapt. Adagio’s lair was small and crowded but still managed to look cosy. She looked around, trying to find her lover. The sound of still water being disturbed made her turn. There she was. Naked in a bathtub, her head hanging on the edge, facing away from Sunset. She stared for what felt like an eternity. There she was. “What’s the point of asking if you can come in if you do it anyway?” the siren asked, not moving from her exposed position. “Sorry, I–” There were so many ways she had envisioned this conversation, so many things she wanted to say... none of them seemed appropriate anymore. “I wanted to see you.” “I got the idea,” she said, raising her head and finally looking at Sunset. “What do you want?” “I want to apologise and to talk about what happened in the park.” Adagio left the bathtub in one elegant motion. She didn’t try to hide her nudity, quite the contrary: she basked in it with grace and pride. If anything, Sunset almost felt like she was the naked one in the room. Adagio took a towel in her cupboard and started drying herself. “Yeah, I don’t want to do that.” “But–” “Listen,” she said, throwing the towel on the ground and stepping toward Sunset. “Since you screwed up our date, I have spent my days with children, forced to be nice and polite. I couldn’t even vent my frustration at work because I’m on paid leave and my next shift is next week. I had no news for two whole days and you weren’t home either. If you wanted to talk so much, why didn’t you do it immediately?” “I’m sorry… I–” “I don’t care,” Adagio sentenced while coming closer. Sunset could feel her heat, smell the mix of perfume and soap emanating from her. She could almost touch her. She just had to move her hand to feel her smooth skin under her fingers. “I’ve been lonely for three days now!”  Before Sunset could apologise again, Adagio leaned in. It was sudden, needy, predatory. Her lips captured Sunset immediately followed by small teasing bites. Sunset quickly came back to her sense and pressed the siren against her. The kiss deepened, got more intense, involving more than just their lips, but their tongue, mouth, hands and soon whole body.  “Three fucking days… ” Adagio let out breathlessly. “Sorry,” Sunset breathed back. “I don’t care.” Adagio’s hands were slowly crawling under Sunset’s shirt, sending jolts of tingly pleasure through her skin. “Fuck me or fuck off.” Sunset almost hesitated. Almost. The siren’s gaze gave off a sense of danger and she was powerless before it. Adagio was the hunter and Sunset, her prey. “First one…” she whispered. “Good girl.” ✶𝄞☀𝄞✶ Sunset let out a sigh of delight. She felt good. Really good. It was hard to be worried with Adagio in her arms. They had been cuddling under the sheets for an hour now, yet they showed no sign of lassitude. The siren purred a song as she caressed her hair, interrupting herself from time to time to kiss whatever part of Sunset took her fancy. Everything was good.  Sunset preemptively felt guilty for having to ruin it. “Dagi?” “Hm?”  “Could we talk? About what happened in the park?” Adagio froze in her arms. She could feel her frustration rising a notch. “Way to ruin the mood,” she grumbled. “I know, but we have to talk about it…” “No, we don’t.” “Come on Dagi…” she said as she caressed her hair soothingly. “Something was wrong that day. Something is wrong in our relationship. Something I didn’t notice. You told me so yourself…”  “Urgh.” The siren turned away from her using her hair as a barrier between Sunset and her. “Why couldn’t I pick someone less reasonable?” “Because you love me. And I have a nice ass.” The joke hit and Sunset could feel Adagio relax slightly in her arms. “Smartass.” “That too.” They lay in silence for a bit. Sunset tried to find a way to help her lover open up to her. “I’ve thought a lot about what happened, you know? I never stopped thinking about it. I’ve been thinking about you, me, Twilight… And I realised that…” She hesitated. It was still hard for her to admit it to herself, let alone to Adagio. “Well, I realised that I was a bit… well, I don’t know how to say it. I was so sure I was screwing you over that I didn’t pay attention to you or what was happening to us. ” “Yeah.” Adagio mocked, rolling her eyes. “You tend to do that. It’s cute sometimes, but you stay stuck in that saviour mode and it can get kinda annoying.” “Damn… Was I the only one who didn’t notice I was doing that?”  Adagio turned back toward Sunset, looking incredulous. “Wait… you really weren’t aware of that?” “No! I had to”– She hesitated for an instant. Mentioning princess Luna was a sure way to derail the conversation, potentially into very awkward territories. She needed to be careful about it –“talk to Applejack about it and make weird dreams.” “You are the most intelligent dumbass I ever met,” Adagio teased laughing at her girlfriend’s obliviousness. “Listen. I don’t need saving from any white knight nor that you’d sabotage yourself for my sake. I can get that at any time with a little cleavage. Besides, I’m the alpha mess here. I don’t need any competition,” she affirmed. Sunset facepalmed, playing along with her lover’s gentle teasing. That was good. The tension had partially dissipated, which meant there was an opportunity to discuss the issue. “You know, I learned some things during these days. I talked to Twilight, and I realised that she was worried about our relationship and that she was afraid I would grow tired of her. It was obvious, yet I didn’t pay attention because I was too busy doing whatever the fuck I was doing so far. And this made me realise that I probably did the same to you. You told me you had a problem that I didn’t notice… And I still don’t know what it is. And I would like to know?” Adagio cowered in her arms. “Why?” “Because I care about you. I care about us. I love you, Dagi. Isn’t that obvious?” Adagio didn’t answer. And Sunset wasn’t sure if she should add more. Before any of them could have a chance to break the silence, a series of knocks made them jump, quickly followed by the noise of the trapdoor opening. Sonata’s head emerged all of a sudden and smiled brightly at them. “Sorry to interrupt!” She paused, looking at the two naked women. “Unless you’ve already finished, in which case, hope you had fun! We’re having a movie night tonight! With pizza! I was wondering if you wanted in?” “Hey!” Sunset answered awkwardly. “Uh… Well–”  “Sorry, Sony,” Adagio said calmly, “we’re going to the beach tonight.” “Uh, yeah!” Sunset followed. “The beach.” “Oh!” Sonata gasped enthusiastically. “Good idea! We’ll keep you some pizza then!” Sonata left and closed the door, only to reopen it and pop out again. “Oh and don’t worry Sunset! They’re vegan!” She did the same again to add, “And don’t forget to stay hydrated!” “Are you done?” Adagio asked patiently. Sonata tapped her chin before answering. “I think I am.” “Then leave us a bit of privacy, please?” “Of course!” she said, disappearing for good this time. The two women looked at the trap door suspiciously for a time, unsure whether or not their host was truly done. Once Sunset was sure they were alone again, she turned Adagio. “The beach?” “It’s been a while since we went there.” “It has,” she said, nodding slowly. It had been more than a year. That night they had broken up and come back together. Both had happened at that very same place. This was more than a beach, it was an integral part of their relationship. Sunset wasn’t sure whether it was a good thing this time. ✶𝄞☀𝄞✶ The beach was a secluded place, hidden from sight and attention by tight, tortuous roads and a sinister reputation. Sunset was pretty sure the last part was entirely due to the sirens’ influence over the ages which they had never confirmed nor denied. Sunset was glad for it however, for it meant they would not be disturbed. This place had a special meaning for the sirens and for Sunset and Adagio specifically. There was magic here. Not the same kind as the Everfree, but something powerful and ancient connection to the three exiles in some unknown way.  They walked its narrow paths hand in hand, communicating only when necessary and mostly by small gestures rather than words. By the time they arrived, the sun was already below the horizon. Its light was slowly being eclipsed by the moon and stars. No artificial light shone on the place but rather than make it dark and threatening it added to its eerie, magical ambience. This was a place out of time, untouched by civilisation, a place of isolation and reflection: a nature-made temple. Adagio didn’t lose herself in contemplation as Sunset did. She let go of her hand and went to the water, getting undressed as she went. Sunset followed from afar, unsure whether she should join. It had been like that every other time they had come here. She could feel the ritualistic meaning of going to this place but had no clue on her exact place in it. So she sat in the sand, her feet bathing in the salty water.  Adagio plunged under the waves and started swimming. No, swimming was the wrong word. She was dancing with the tide and currents. Sunset admired her graceful moves with a hint of sadness. She knew the sirens loved the ocean. It was easy to grasp why, but Adagio needed it to an extent the other two didn’t. Under the moonlight, it was as if she had returned to her original body: a gracile, serpentine form barely emerging to catch some air before it dived again. Seeing it reminded Sunset how much Adagio had lost when she had been exiled, not only in this world but in a body made to live on land. And how much more she had lost since they had met.  After some time, Adagio finally stopped and turned toward Sunset. Sunset took it as an invitation to join her. She put her clothes into a pile and slowly walked into the water. It was freezing, but she bore with it and kept walking toward her lover. By the time she finally reached Adagio, she was shivering, but her lover’s warmth immediately made her feel better.  They clung to each other, enjoying their proximity and the soothing sound of the sea. Adagio felt so small now in her arms. It was as if her armour of confident bitchiness melted into the brine, leaving only the woman behind. “I am jealous,” Adagio simply said, her voice barely rising above the ambient noise. “What?” “I am jealous. Of her. Magical Girl.” “Why?” Adagio let out a bitter laugh. It was soft, quiet and sad. “Why indeed… She’s the spitting image of the other Twilight, which means she’s not only beautiful, she’s a constant reminder of the powers I lost. And you’re dating her.” “She’s not Twilight,” Sunset said instinctively, before realising how futile that line of argument was. Adagio knew that. She was not stupid. But it didn’t change the optic of her relationship. Twilight and Princess Twilight looked alike and they shared enough traits to know there was a link between them. It didn’t matter that she was not the princess. She was too much like her. “Every time I see the two of you together I see how much you make sense together in ways we don’t. She knows more about this world and ours than I do, for fuck sake… Every time you speak about her, about your projects, your plans for the future, I’m reminded of how fucked up I am.” Adagio crossed her arms as if to protect herself. “And now you two have magical powers. And I’m still deprived of mine. It’s as if life was telling me to go fuck myself. It hurts.” Sunset hugged Adagio tighter. “I’m sorry. I should have–” She caught herself before she said it. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have listened…” “I’m not the kind of girl you present to your parents. I’m not the kind of girl that a girl like you keeps around them.” She let out a pathetic laugh. “Twilight is.” “I don’t care,” Sunset answered. “Adagio, you can be a bitch and you’re done some pretty messed up things in your past. I already knew all that when we started dating. I know that now. I haven’t forgotten who you were and I know who you are. I balanced it out and I thought you were worth it then and I still do. I love you. I meant it the first time we came here, and I mean it just as much if not more now. I love you Adagio. I want to build a life with Twilight and you. Maybe adopt a child or two, grow old together and wonder how you keep growing more beautiful as time passes. I know it’s selfish of me but I want to stay with you for as long as possible.” Adagio pressed her arms against Sunset’s. “I love you too.” They stood there for a while, enjoying each other’s presence before the water finally proved too cold. “Let’s go home,” Sunset proposed. “Yeah,” Adagio replied. They left the water, dried themselves and left the beach in silence. Sunset wasn't sure what to make of the night, but as they were walking, Adagio’s hand found hers, fingers tangling together.  Sunset smiled. They loved each other, and things would work out. They had some problems, but she could fix them. All that she needed was right in her hand.