Life Is Strange. Episode. 1. : Ȑ̵̞̹̗͒̑̆̈́̾̆ë̶̹̳̬̫́̌̈́͐m̵̜̣̫̲͕̄̅̿ĕ̵̖͕̞͙ḿ̶̧̺͈̫͕͊̾̓̌͠b̸̠̫̲̓̀̽̚e̷̗͒̐̊̀̕r̶̨̻̀͛͝ ̸̼̤̳̝̖̙̽̋̒̒͜M̷͙̫̐͛̚e̴̪͙̹̳̻̞̪͊̊͋̾́͒́

by Forgetful

Why Not?

"Wow, didn't figure you'd be a fan of cold leftovers?" Wallflower watched her guest hunched over at the kitchen table, those bright turquoise eyes locked dreamily on the plate of cold meatloaf, vegetables, and mashed potatoes.

"Home-cooked shit is the bomb, I've eaten so much takeout it all tastes like cardboard now." Sunset chewed a mouthful of meatloaf excitedly, lifting her spare hand to form a gun shape towards her head, pulling the trigger jokingly.

"Well, I could've still heated it up?" Wallflower delicately flung the door to her fridge open, searching for something Sunset could drink as a pale yellow hue basked over the darkened kitchen.

"No need, best stuff in life is cool." Sunset plucked a carrot off her plate with a dull silver fork.

"Let me guess, like you?" Wallflower grabbed a cold can of Cherry Soda from inside the icebox.

"Way to ruin my joke." Sunset smirked playfully as her new friend tossed the can, catching it from the air with one hand impressively.

"If I may ask, where did your mom go?" Wallflower spoke carefully with interest, the sharp click of the aluminum can opening echoed across the out of date room.

"She bolted with her boyfriend to Manhattan, he claimed that he had gotten invited to join a business venture with his brother." Sunset took a deep long drink from the soda, her eyes never leaving Wallflower.

"She just left you?" Wallflower found herself jumping up atop the kitchen counter to sit, the room blanketed in growing darkness that formed outside, the girl annoyed that the bulb above had blown right as she flicked it on for a guest.

"He never liked kids, besides mom said I was old enough to do fuck all." Sunset slowly stabbed her fork into the meatloaf below, eyes almost seeming to glow in the dark.

"Do you miss her?" Wallflower gazed down to her feet, averting her eyes from making contact.

"Yeah, I do." Sunset gave a simple reply, sliding a half-empty can of soda across the table.

"So what's your room like?" Sunset was quick to change the subject, dipping her finger into the potatoes on the plate, lifting it upward to her lips to lick it clean.

"This is it!" Wallflower skipped up a flight of old wooden steps leading into the attic, her arms lifted to show off a large open area covered in dozens of potted plants and various photos of flowers decorating the walls.

The pale blue moonlight pouring into the room from a massive circular window which hung dead center of the wall, Wallflower's bed nested underneath it in disarray covered with old clothes or magazines. 

"So you're a literal flower in the attic?" Sunset giggled at her own joke, climbing up into the room slowly as Wallflower clicked on a bright golden light.

"I enjoy wide-open spaces." Wallflower rushed towards her bed, tossing off the trash swiftly as her guest explored the room.

"Open is an understatement." Sunset walked over to a photo near the far right, Wallflower stood by herself surrounded by dozens of various flowers.

"That some kind of fancy vacation picture?" Sunset turned to face her hostess, hand-throwing a thumb back towards the photo.

"Actually, that's the Garden Club at school." Wallflower giggled as she took her seat upon the bed.

"Really!?" Sunset looked absolutely shocked, she never thought such a beautiful place could exist so close by.

"Mm-hmm, I'm sort of the only member." Wallflower bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

Sunset took a moment to admire the room around her, usually any attic, a place to be feared or forgotten by time. Yet Wallflower had molded this area into her own little paradise, everything popping to life with the wondrous scent of fresh flowers.

An enchanting place straight out of a fairytale.

"You've done all this?" Sunset seemed shocked, sitting each day in her piece of garbage compartment and this girl had nearly created a whole florist's department.

"Just in my spare time." Wallflower seemed visibly uncomfortable.

Sunset could only guess that her spare time was in constant supply. The look of loneliness in her eyes a mirror reflection of herself, Sunset carefully walking over to the corner of the bed and sitting down.

"So your parents are gone a lot?" Sunset stretched her slender arms outward lazily, keeping the moment casual as possible.

"They're busy, most of the time off on…" Wallflower searched her mind for the perfect words, ones that might not make her sound completely pathetic.

"Business ventures?" Sunset giggled with a knowing wink.

"It's absolutely fine, I have tons to keep me busy!" Wallflower turned her gaze upward to the window of her room, cheeks on fire from this current moment in time.

"I have shit to do too, but that doesn't excuse it's harder to do alone." Sunset popped her lips softly in a deflated manner, her eyes catching glimpse of an old Polaroid Snapshot camera on the nearby nightstand.

The fiery Redhead bouncing to her feet and snatching it up with a beaming smile of excitement, looking it over with awe and absolute glee at such an awesome little sight. "No effin' way!" She pointed the camera towards Wallflower taking a quick picture.

Wallflower gasped from the sudden flash of light, her gaze locked to the object in worry. "Be careful with that, it's a gift from somebody special!" She nearly flew off the bed, quick to gently tug the camera away from her guest.

"Oops, sorry.~ Just haven't seen one of those in freakin' forever!!" Sunset shrugged with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, I've taken each of these photos with this old girl." Wallflower hugged the camera, tilting her head to the walls surrounding them both.

"Dang, you're just trying to hint I'm lazy aren't you?" Sunset flashed a playful gaze to Wallflower with softly pursed lips.

Wallflower in complete horror, lifted one hand to cover her mouth, it was never her intention to belittle her only known acquaintance. "Omigosh, I would never…" She tried to apologize as Sunset simply burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Chill out, I'm just messing with you!" Sunset shook her head with a smile, reaching into her pocket to remove a beat-up scratched phone.

"Sorry, are you needing to call somebody?" Wallflower felt so embarrassed, every turn she took to impress this girl ended with one loser move after another.

The sudden melody of a rock ballad filled the quiet room with untold excitement, Sunset placing her phone on top of the nightstand on her own personal playlist. "You totally need to relax more, life isn't one big job!" She swayed her hips to the music, gyrating her upper body in perfect rhythm to the music.

"I don't dance…" Wallflower placed down her camera with a shaken tone of voice, trying her best to hide.

"Bullshit, everybody dances!" Sunset gently took the shy girl by the hand, pulling her over playfully as she guided her to sway in place.

"I look stupid." Wallflower tried to shake her hips but only succeeded in convulsing in place foolishly.

"Hahaha, you look sexy! ~ Shake that thing!!" Sunset laughed to the beat as Wallflower blushed a bright pink, both young girls soon in full swing to the melody dancing in their own unique flavor.

"Why are we dancing?" Wallflower tried her best to wiggle in place, unable to shake the feeling that she was messing it up.

"Why not?" Sunset giggled watching the shy girl dance more confidently in place, trying to perform a quick twirl only to trip and fall to the floor with a loud crash.

"Darn it!" Wallflower hid away her face instantly.

Sunset smirked as the song shifted to something new, a true vibe of positive energy filling the room with a newfound warmth. "Dude, stop feeling like you need to impress!" She danced over to a nearby dresser, spotting a permanent marker hidden under a few dirty shirts.

Swaying to the beat, Sunset stood humming to her favorite song on the phone. Hand tracing across the wall in a fiery flash, turquoise eyes glowing bright with a sudden sense of purpose to get this shy babe out into the world pronto.

"Because all you really need to do is…" Sunset spun around to Wallflower slapping the once empty white space of wall smugly.

"Just Go With It!"

Wallflower allowed the words to sink deeply into her heart, weakly flashing a tender smile she picked herself off the floor. It was a rare moment she didn't feel invisible or a sudden urge to hide away in a dark quiet place.

No, instead she grabbed Sunset by the hands.

With a reassuring squeeze, they both danced.

Because why not?